Note I don't own Harry Potter, all rights go to J.K. Rowling.

Harry was in Diagon Alley with The Weasleys and Hermione when Lucius Malfoy came in and started making fun of the them with Draco.

"Associating with Muggles." Lucius then put Ginny's book back in her cauldron and said "And I thought your family could sink no lower. I'll see you at work"

"Yeah that's great, wait what was that?" asked Harry.

"What was what?"

"What was that you put in Ginny's cauldron behind her second hand book Mr. Malfoy?"

"I have no idea what your talking about!" Lucius said Nerviosly

"Ron I have a really bad feeling about this what is this book that he slipped into Ginny's cauldron?" asked Harry.

"Silly boy it's just a diary, I must've accidently put it in to her cauldron by mistake." said Lucius

"Mr. Malfoy this diary belongs to Tom Riddle, just who is Tom Riddle, and why did you sneak it into Ginny's cauldron?"

"Silly boy, I have done nothing wrong, and besides Tom Riddle is friend." said Lucius

"Oh yeah and how will I know that if I write in this diary it won't write back" snapped Harry. He then wrote in the diary, it wrote back." you Bastard, you tried to put a diary that was enchanted to write back into Ginny's cauldron even though it belongs to someone."

"Oh it does belong to someone," said Garrick Ollivander walking in " and his name is Tom Marvolo Riddle, also known as LORD VOLDEMORT, or how we say it He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named." everyone gasped.

"You Bastard" said Arthur


"Wait you don't understand, It just accidently slipped in the cauldron I swear" said Lucius as the Aurors were pulling him away.

" Yeah, yeah tell it to the Minister" said one of the Aurors. "Cause your ass is going to Azkaban for the following charges, associating with You-Know-Who, Being a death eater, and smuggling an item of his back to Hogwarts on an innocent Girl."

"How do you know I was a death eater?"asked Lucius

"I didn't, until now." snapped the Auror.


"You'll pay for this Potter, Just you wait." snapped Malfoy.


At the Burrow they were celebrating on Harry saving Ginny's life.

"Well Harry i'd like to thank you, Had you not intervened, I would've been a pawn of You-Know-Who." said Ginny.

"It was nothing really." blushed Harry.


Dumbledore managed to use the diary to find the Chamber of secrets kill the basilisk with Gryffindor's sword, and have a victory cup cake. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny had a pretty normal year at Hogwarts and nothing bad happened aside from Draco being a douche to Harry. The Malfoy's lost their dignity after Lucius was oute death eater and was sentenced to life in Azkaban. He didn't get out until 1995. Harry and Ginny would grow alot closer and become good friends and eventually got together. After Harry's years at Hogwarts he defeated Voldemort and lived a normal life with Ginny.

The End!