Hey there party people... Again! To the rewritten version of the Fate/Stay Pokemon, thanks to my new beta-reader! The other chapters will be ready shortly!

Somewhere, in an endless expanse of greys, browns and whites, filled with thousands of creatures of differing shapes, 7 stood out amongst the rest. Seven bodies, appearing for any onlooker as if humans lied unconcious in the vast abyss.

A redheaded boy stirred and awoke, glancing around through golden lidded eyes, and shocked awake at his surroundings, "Ugghh... W-What happened?" murmured Shirou, only to spring up as memories returned. Memories of a fight with a mad priest, the destruction of a "sacred" cup, and a battle with an ancient king, if only he could remember further…

"…S-Shirou?" a voice interrupts his remniscence, calling attention to the woman rising from sleep besides him. Looking at his blond companion in relief.

"Saber, thank goodness you're alright..." He said as he softly embraced her.

"You too" His blushing companion said returning his embrace.

"Are you two done with your little moment?" A gruff voice interrupts, a tanned man wearing crimson garb. The couple stumble back at the realisation of the presence of the Knight of the Bow, standing besides the purple haired Gorgon,

"Archer? Rider? W-What are you two doing here?" Shirou questioned, trying to distract the cynical Counter Gaurdian.

"We were on our way to join you two to confront Gilgamesh." Rider said, a puzzled expression on her face. "But then..."

"...We ended up here." Archer finished for her, more quizical then expected of the stoic man. "But what happened in between, is pretty much one big blank."

Saber's expression turned serious as she looked around. "Pray tell... where exactly is 'here'?"

"...Is this the afterlife?" The red-headed Magus asked wondering whether the Mesopotamian ruler had done them in.

"If it is the afterlife, I'm extremely disappointed." Interrupted the quiping voice of Rin Tohsaka, The raven-haired magus while holding onto her unconcious plumb-haired sister. Accompanied by his white haired sister Illyasviel Von Einzbern.

"Besides, I don't think we're dead, Oniichan." The little albino inserted, "We weren't even with you guys fighting Gilgamesh." Her brother nodded in response, remembering how they'd stayed behind at the Emiya estate after using a... tantric ritual to empower the blonde swordsman to deal with the arrogant king, it did prop the question of how they were here as well.

Only for his thoughts to be, once again, interrupted. By a giggling sound this time.

It was the gem magus who figured out the origin first, "Look!" she exclaimed, pointing towards the black shapes above.

The many shapes floating around all apeared differing, yet suprisingly similar, all were black, consisting of a single eye and some antenna jotting out of their bodies at the sides. Some antennae were straight, others curved, some even split into two.

Reflexively the group brought themselves into preperation for potential combat, but it proved needless as the shapes didn't apear hostile. Upon further inspection the shapes seemed greeting and playfull,

As Sakura Matou stirred awake in Rin's grasp, her first sight was a floating cyclopic eye, "Nown?" It asked cutely.

"W-What is that?! W-Where are we?!" Sakura yelped, while hiding behind her sister.

"Answer to both questions: no idea." The little albino inserted. Smiling at one of the things circling around her. "But they're kinda cute~!" she finished.

"Creepy is more like it." Archer muttered, thinking about his past, he knew he forgot much over the centuries of endless slaughter, but he was decently certain he'd have remembered such strange creatures if he'd ever encountered them. The thought of being in an unkown location, surrounded by thousands of unkown beings with unknown abilities distrubed him.

As the Counter Gaurdian wondered what to do five of the creatures broke off from the swarm, floating high above the group in clear sight to all seven. As the group stood in silence, wondering what it meant and what was happening it shamed him that his younger self was the first to make a key observation:

"They're letters!" Exclaimed Shirou as the others turned to him to look at him funny. "These creatures are shaped like letters!"

And Archer agreed, uppon closer inspection they did indeed seem shaped like somewhat similar to the latin alphabet.

The first had an eye in the center, and two apendages jutting out horizontally, both splitting into vertical lines up and down, the apandages clearly formed an H.
The second had a small limb jutting out tot he left, one jutting out on top bending right, one straight on the right, and one on the bottom bending right as well, it seemed to be an E.
The third and fourth seemed identical, they had a diagonal apandage in the upper left, and a second appandage on the bottom,bending right, it was strangly thicker after the bend then it was before and looked like an L more then any other letter.
And the last of the five had a singular appendage coming out below its body, splitting into a perfect circle around its eye. it had to be and O.


"They're greeting us?" Saber stated in surprise.

"I guess they're friendly after all." Sakura said meekly.

"But what are they? They're not familiars or Phantasmal Beasts" Archer's master insists. "The amount of prana these things have individually may be low. Pathetically low at that. But it feels so different; almost raw."

"Hmmm..." The blindfolded woman hummed.

"Is something wrong, Rider?" Sakura asked her servant.

"This may sound insane, but a minuscule part of they're already small amount of prana feels like something I haven't felt in years: divine energy." Medusa said cringing.

Everyone stood in stunned silence for a bit, only for it to be brought to an end by the smallest amoungst them. "Are you saying these things are gods?!" Illya said.

The former Gorgon shook her head, cringing at the idea that such an entity might be involved, her experiences with deities had never been pleasant. "No, but they were probably made by a God. Which is why they have a small amount of divinity in them despite not being gods themselves. For what purpose they serve I can't say."

"Well that's all fine and dandy. But how is this going to get us out of here exactly?" Archer pointed out.

"Well... since these creatures are sentient and can communicate to an extent, a little diplomacy wouldn't hurt." Saber said deciding to take a chance. "Pardon me!" She shouted up to the letter creatures.

"Nown?" One creature, shaped like an "A", floated down to her; saying what she assumed to be a 'Yes?'.

"I appreciate your hospitality but can you please lead me and my comrades to an exit?" She asked, demonstrating her B ranked Charisma.

The creatures talked amongst themselves for a moment, leaving the companions unaware wether this was a good thing or not, before turning back to the King of Knights bobbing up and down cheerfully. "Unown! Unown!"

To everyones utter suprise the creatures somehow opened up a portal, which was unexpected as such magic would require more mana then any of these creatures seemed to have, then some of the little beings pushed the companions up towards it."Looks like we have our way out!" Shirou said smiling closer.

Saber was the first of the group to go through the portal, and before doing so the Knight turned tot he little cluster of letter smiling at them and said "Thank you.", before taking the leap. One by one they all went through the portal but not before Illya and Sakura wave goodbye to them. The Magi and Servants simply thought they were going home.

But the creatures, ironically called Unown, had another place in mind. The world of Pokemon.

I never thought I would do something like this but I think it's for the better.

Like this rewrite? Anything you wanna ask me? Comment below and let me know! See ya!