DISCLAIMER: I don't know why this is necessary, you all know that I don't own Naruto. Sorry to everyone hoping I was actually Kishi-sensei. Actually no, I don't apologize. Deal with it. Also, I'm not making any money off of this. This isn't Fifty Shades of Sharingan. Now I wish I made that the title of this story. Actually no I don't, I didn't read that book and have no plans to.

A/N: If you don't want to read the AN at least read the bold because it's relevant.

This takes places in an AU where a 20 year old Kakashi goes back in time, unintentionally fixes everything and gets Madara's undivided attention. Izuna lives, and Konoha is formed.

So basically, I went looking for some MadaKaka and couldn't find any. Then I started thinking about how that would work, and came up with a couple of possibilities that I shared over on tumblr (so did kunoichi-ume, padlocked-quintus, and letliv3 when she heard about the newest crack ship). You can check it out on my tumblr (purple-possibilities) by searching for the tag #MadaKaka. Or go onto my side blog ivegotpurple where I reblog the stuff I write that gets posted to this account. If you want more background information on why Kakashi is in the past with Madara, you will find it on tumblr (I made a tiny url for it if you want to get straight to the post, but if you don't trust those then you can search through my tumblr for it. It's:

tinyurl dot com forward slash hysp5vs

it the hysp5vs that's important). All this stuff is already on tumblr, but I thought I'd put it up on FF and AO3 to try and get people in on the MadaKaka ship (since it pretty much does not exist, and it totally should).

This was prompted by a comment left by letliv3 over on tumblr. It was attached to a picture of a wounded Madara. It reads:

Imagine Kakashi ending up in the past, with Madara and Hashirama and the gang. Kakashi's gotten everyone to get along/ Konoha has been formed and he and Madara are becoming closer. But one day Madara gets ambushed while he's already weak, maybe coming back from a mission. Kakashi can sense the battle from where he's at, because he's so in tune with Madara's chakra. Kakashi rushes to Madara's side in order to help, and to defend one of the people Kakashi considers to be a kindred spirit. Propelling himself from rooftop and tree branch, Kakashi eventually comes upon Madara, injured and backed into a corner. Madara sees Kakashi, and starts to chuckle in the faces of the many enemies that came after him. Leaning his head back, Madara smiles. One of the few shinobi that he trusts the most came to his aide. Seeing the fury in Kakashi's eye reminds him of his own fury when someone came after his family. The enemies around the Uchiha shift nervously, unsure of if their enemy has been holding back or if he's lost his mind, unaware of the deadly shinobi that has joined them.




I Know I Have Nothing To Fear (When I'm With You)

The enemy ninja start disappearing one by one. They can't see Madara moving, but somehow the idea that someone else is there doesn't cross their minds. One gets brave, tries to attack Madara directly, only to end up with an arm though his chest, smelling of sulphur and hair standing on end. That's when they see Kakashi, covered in their comrades' blood, Sharingan swirling in one eye, the other—his own, dark as coal—far more terrifying. Madara, for once, is happy to just stand there and watch Kakashi work.

The remaining enemy shinobi are frozen in shock. They have heard of this shinobi only in passing, the Senju with the Sharingan eye. They thought it was a myth. While relations have never been better between the Senju and Uchiha, the idea that the latter would willingly give up one of their precious eyes is laughable; that's the only way anyone could imagine the Uchiha letting the transplantee live.

"Nice of you to drop by," Madara says, hand pressing against a particularly deep wound in his chest. He is standing straighter than before, as if Kakashi's presence alone gives him access to a well of strength he wasn't aware was left over. "You're a bit late to the party, however."

Hearing Madara's voice loosens the tension in Kakashi's shoulders a fraction, but only Madara seems to have noticed. The enemy are frozen as Kakashi casually shucks the body off his right arm, blood dripping down his fingers. "Maa," Kakashi begins, tone dripping nonchalance, "an old witch threatened to curse my family if I didn't help her collect a few things for one of her spells."

"A—a witch?" One of the enemy shinobi stutters as his brethren pale.

Madara's expression is a cross of amusement and exasperation, but no one notices, too focused on Kakashi. "Ah yes, the old biddy that lives in the cave above the monument. What did she want this time?"

Kakashi smiles, both eyes crinkling into happy crescents. This is somehow more terrifying. "Nothing too hard to find. Just the hearts of four men who've stood against me."

The four remaining enemy shinobi start shaking. One pisses himself, but they can't seem to move—and not because a Nara is nearby.

"Well by all means"—Madara motons with his free hand carelessly towards his assailants—"collect."