Chapter 8: Get Well Soon
Conan groaned quietly, prying his eyes open, squinting against the harsh white above him.
'Kid...?' He wondered, but alas, upon closer inspection he realized that the whites invading his field of vision were not the soft whites of Kaitou Kid's garments, but instead were the stark, sterile whites of a hospital.
He tried to sit up a little, but instantly changed his mind as a sharp pain pierced his side, reminding him that he'd been shot. He'd been shot before, yes, but usually just grazes. Granted, it hadn't always been grazes and this likely wouldn't be the last time he'd suffer a piercing bullet, but still, a genuine bullet had struck him and stuck there in his body. No doubt they'd removed it by now: He'd probably been out of it for a few days already and had probably undergone extensive surgery.
Conan looked to his right, noticing two things. The first was a small remote directly next to his right hand that he used to lift the top half of the bed, thus aiding him in sitting somewhat up-right without causing too much pain. The second thing he saw was his glasses. He smirked and reached out, picking them up off the bedside table.
'Should I?' He wondered. During the short period of time he and Kaitou Kid had been in contact with each other and Conan hadn't been passed out, Conan had slipped the tracker into Kid's clothing. The tracker that came with his glasses was the only device he'd had, so he'd used it to the best of his abilities, but did he really want to look and see where Kid was?
'This is assuming that he even still has the tracker on him,' Conan thought. 'He could easily have gotten rid of it already, it might have come loose and fallen off while he flew, or maybe he's sitting in handcuffs in some jail cell already.' Now that was a thought. Had Kid been apprehended? Conan vaguely remembered Kid applying pressure to the wound: If he'd stuck around until the medics, and subsequently police, showed up, it was entirely possible that Kid had been arrested. In fact, Conan was now sure that this was the most likely outcome, since he knew that Kaitou would have stayed with him and tried to save him up until the very moment the medics were standing at his side, and besides that, Kid hadn't exactly had time to prepare a get-away plan; when he woke up that morning there was no way he could have known what the day's events would hold.
Conan switched the device on, deciding that he'd just use it to check and see if the tracker showed up at the police station, or somewhere near the hotel or on the hotel's rooftop, which is where it would be if it had been quickly dropped. If it ended up being somewhere else completely random and was still, in fact, on Kid while he traversed in civilian clothes than Conan would simply turn it back off and wouldn't try to deduce who he was or where he might live based on the information. 'Kid deserves a little leniency right about now,' Conan thought.
Conan put on his glasses and looked at the little radar on his screen. What he saw certainly wasn't what he'd expected.
'He's here?' Conan wondered. 'At the hospital? Was he hurt after I passed out?!' He would have to be seriously injured if he was still in the hospital, since Conan knew that it had to have been at least a few day since he himself had been admitted. 'Was he shot also...?' Conan sighed in relief when he realized that the dot on his little radar was moving far too much for Kaitou to be in a single room. Rather, it appeared that he was walking through the halls, and if the quickening thrum of beeps was anything to go by, Conan would say that he was approaching this very room.
Sure enough, the beeping of his glasses soon sped up into a near constant hum of sound and Conan quickly shut them off, realizing that Kaitou had to be right outside his door. After a few seconds, the door finally swung open, revealing a male nurse dressed in blue scrubs who wheeled in a cart with various medicines, needles, and tools on it.
"I hope you don't plan on sticking me with any of those needles, Kaitou Kid," Conan commented as the door was shut. The nurse chuckled softly and pulled down his mask, revealing a confident smirk.
"You're more on-point than one logically should be after three days of being comatose, Meitantei."
"You're not even really in disguise," Conan retorted. "You only have a scrub hat, surgical mask, and fake pair of glasses on. I can tell from here that they don't have the horizontal line across the lenses that almost all prescription glasses do."
Kid chuckled, approaching Conan's bed side. "And I suppose this wouldn't have anything to do with how you knew I was here?" He held up a small disk: The tracking device. Conan didn't respond. "I thought so. Decided I'd hang onto it until you woke up so I could return it to you." He placed it gently on the bedside table.
"….Thank you." Kaitou tensed. He sent a side-long glance in Conan's direction, the Detective looking straight forward. Kid knew that he was thanking him for far more than just returning the little tracking device.
Kaitou chuckled humorlessly. "Don't thank me." He turned away, unable to meet the Little Detective's gaze. "It's my fault you're here to begin with. She was one of my fans and-"
"Don't give me that crap." Kid looked back over his shoulder at Conan.
"My, my~! Little boys shouldn't cuss, you know!" He lightly teased, smiling a small, somewhat sad, smile.
"And you shouldn't lie, Kaitou-san," Conan responded, catching Kid off-guard. "You know this wasn't your fault already. You just want to hear me say it."
Kid chuckled genuinely. "Hmm, perhaps you're right, Meitantei." He sat on Conan's bed, leaning back leisurely.
Conan smiled and pretended to huff. "Well, I'm not going to say it."
"I think you've said enough already," Kid smiled, conveying a silent "Thank you."
"Good. You're spoiled enough as it is, I'd say." Conan laughed. "You're welcome."
"Me, spoiled? What about you, having your girlfriend dote on you like a kid every day? And me, coming here to visit you constantly since you've been admitted? There's a dozen-or-two people waiting to see you, you know."
Conan nodded. "I suspect that the police are among them, and the Inspectors. Probably want my statement." Kid nodded and smirked.
"You didn't deny that she's your girlfriend." Conan blushed and pretended not to hear the thief.
"S-so, uhh... W-when can I receive visitors? I assume that I'm not allowed to receive any yet and that you simply snuck in anyway. Have they been told my condition?"
Kid nodded. "Correct and yes. I personally told them, while disguised as the doctor of course, once the doctors knew that you'd probably be alright. You gave us quite a scare, you know. You died twice."
"Yeah, twice." Conan mumbled under his breath.
"I wonder... if any of the medication could change me back into Shinichi..." Kid looked at him.
"Well, Kudo-san, if it can then it didn't. I made sure to watch over everything: At no point did I hear of you undergoing a drastic change such as reverting back to your old self. Not even your heart stopping changed you back."
Conan hummed. "Well, at least I don't have to worry about anyone here discovering my secret." Kid nodded and stood.
"Well, I should really be going. By now Inspector Megure and Inspector Nakamori have heard that you're awake and they'll be demanding to see you immediately." Kid picked up a needle and bottle of medicine from the little cart. "I do have to give you your sedative though, otherwise they'll know I was here. I was the 'nurse' sent to give you your medication when they saw you'd woken up on the monitors." Conan looked alarmed.
"What? No way! I'm not letting you inject me!"
"Relax." Kaitou rolled his eyes. "I'm just going to put it in the IV drip." He proceeded to do exactly that. "You couldn't stop me if you wanted to. It's either this or you tell them that I came in dressed as a nurse and they send a new one in to inject you, and probably move you to another room and put the room on lockdown, with guards and everything..." Conan grimaced.
"Yeah, I get it-" Kid ploughed on anyway.
"...Not to mention they'll ask questions about why I was in here and what we talked about; why you didn't press the page button to call for assistance," he pointed down at the remote on Conan's left side as he tossed the needle into the biohazardous waste basket.
"Well, there is the option of just waiting until they're scheduled to give you another dose, but that'll be hours from now and you'll be in a lot of pain. I've already done it so just suck it up. I'm well-researched on exactly what you need to be given, and I've been the one giving you your medication for the past two days anyway."
"You've pretended to be my nurse that entire time?!" Conan asked, startled.
"Yup!" Kid pulled his surgical mask back up over his mouth. He strode towards the door but paused half-way there. "Wait, I almost forgot!" He turned back around and pulled a package out of the inner side of his scrubs. "Here, I got you a present!"
"What? You didn't have to- wait!" Kid ignored him, tossing the object onto Conan's bed before hastily departing. Conan sighed and, once he was sure Kid had really gone, smiled.
He lifted the red box that had been tossed onto his bed: It was roughly the size of a stack of plain white printer paper, being about eleven inches long, eight inches wide, and four inches deep. Conan lifted the lid.
'Pajamas?' He questioned, noting the neatly folded pair of silver silk pajamas that fit perfectly in the box. 'Nice ones, too.' When he'd first been shrunken, Old Man Mouri had bought the cheapest pair of five-dollar light-green pajamas he could find, nothing like the silk cloth within this red box. ' I suppose I did need another pair, now that my old ones are bloody and have a bullet hole through them... Where does he get the money for these things if he never keeps any of the jewels he steals?' Conan tried not to let that be a clue as to Kid's true identity. He pushed it to the back of his mind.
Conan noticed one other thing in the box; a card the same size as a playing card, completely blank and white on one side and with writing on the other. It read "Get well soon, Little Detective. Playing games is no fun without a proper opponent!" And at the bottom it was signed in the usual manner, as being sent by "The Phantom Thief Kid," with a black little heart before the name and a quirky little depiction of a monocled, top-hatted smiley-face in the corner.
~ 終わり ~
A/N: Thanks to everyone who has read! I hope you all enjoyed it! And if you did enjoy it, maybe drop me a review, yeah? ^^
That's it, this story is completed, HOWEVER! Please look at my poll on my profile and vote on which Detective Conan/Case Closed/Magic Kaito/Magic Kaito 1412 story idea I should do next! I have several ideas, but I don't know which one I want to write first. Let me know, your input is MUCH APPRECIATED! THANK YOU! ^^