Oh, here's one I forgot about and just found again!

The prompt was in the form of this ask, and I simply continued it:

Vader could not help but think just how tiny his son looked. Laying on a hill, the bright red blood staining the green grass. The boy's new lightsaber limp in his prosthetic hand. A small moan escaped his son as he approached and knelt at Luke's side. Cautiously brushing over his son's chest in attempt to find the entry wound. Someone had attacked Luke with a vibroblade. That was the only thing that could do this much damage and cause this much pain. " Be still," the dark lord murmured.

The amount of blood soaking Luke's jacket was worrying, but Vader relaxed slightly when he located the wound. It was not deep. The vibroblade had skidded along Luke's ribs, the bone structure doing its job of protecting Luke's heart and lungs. The wound was superficial only, though he had lost more blood than was probably safe, especially considering his lack of lucidity, though that could probably be partially attributed to pain.

Vader pressed his hand against the wound, and Luke groaned but didn't otherwise react. The slash was long, slightly longer than Vader's hand, and cut diagonally across Luke's chest, starting higher on his left side and stretching down towards his right hip. His attacker was left handed, or Luke had turned into the blow instead of away from it.

"Luke, can you hear me?" Vader asked. He brushed Luke's hair away from his eyes, and his son didn't flinch at his touch. Panic gnawed at Vader's insides even as a small part of him rejoiced at the reality of having Luke in front of him without their lightsabers crossed between them. His hand drifted to Luke's neck, seeking a pulse. He found it quickly, even with the lack of good sensory input from his prosthetics and through the leather of his gloves. His heart was still beating strongly, then.

"Stay with me, Luke," he said as he removed his hand from his son's chest in order to scoop him up into his arms. He was so light , fragile enough that Vader feared he would break him if he held him too tightly.

Luke's lightsaber clattered to the ground at Vader's feet as he stood up, and he pulled it to him with the Force, unwilling to leave his son's first lightsaber behind. He would have to examine it later, when Luke was out of danger.

Vader shifted his grip on Luke so he could clip it to his belt, careful not to aggravate the wound. It was bleeding only sluggishly, which made Vader wonder how long Luke had been laying there to have lost as much blood as he had, and why he had been left alive. His attacker must have been startled off somehow or else they would have finished the job. Luke was clearly in no condition to fight back, and a wound like this, starting so close to Luke's heart, could not be mistaken for anything other than a lethal attempt.

Vader's shuttle was just down the hill, as close as he had been able to get it, having followed his son's haphazardly shielded presence in the Force and the Force's own urgings. That he was even in the system at all was the work of the Force, a tug on his awareness that had made him drop out of hyperspace several systems away from his destination, only to immediately feel his son's distressed presence.

Now Vader silently thanked the Force as he settled Luke onto the fold-out medbed in the passenger apartment of the shuttle. He had no use for it himself, but had found over the years that it came in handy, so he hadn't had it removed from his personalized shuttle. He still had a standard medkit on board for the same reason, and he mentally begged Luke's forgiveness as he ripped the boy's shirt open to expose the wound. The cut was clean, a neat slice across his chest, and Vader carefully applied bacta patches along its length.

Luke stirred just as Vader was finishing with the last patch.

"Luke?" Vader asked. He brushed the back of his hand against Luke's cheek, trying not to get blood on his son's face. "Are you alright?"

"Father?" Luke murmured as his eyes fluttered open. Vader caught his breath, or tried to, but the respirator didn't allow it. That was not the response he had been expecting from Luke when he saw Darth Vader hovering over him, and something in his chest warmed at being addressed as "Father" by Luke. After the boy's violent denial at Bespin, Vader had been convinced that he would never accept the truth.

"I am right here, Luke. You are safe."

Luke slipped back into unconsciousness, though this time Vader recognized the feel of a Jedi healing trance. The boy had learned so much! But his training was still woefully incomplete, and as much as Vader was pleased that he would be able to finish teaching his son, he knew it would be safer for Luke if he was already fully trained.

Vader watched Luke for a moment more, unworried now that the bleeding had been staunched and Luke was healing himself, before strapping Luke into the bunk for the short flight up to the Executor . He did not want any potential turbulence knocking Luke to the floor.

Luke's second waking was not as peaceful as his first. Because of the trance, he had not been sedated before being lowered into the bacta tank, the trance itself serving as a form of sedation, and Vader did not want to risk pulling Luke away from the Force like that. It wasn't usually harmful, the sedation gradual enough that it was like falling asleep while meditating, something Vader had done countless times as a padawan, but Luke had been so deeply immersed that he hadn't wanted to interrupt him. That and the trance would help heal the wound faster than bacta alone could.

But several hours later, hours Vader had spent hovering in his private wing of the medbay to the distress of his medical staff, Luke surfaced from his healing trance rapidly enough that Vader hadn't realized in time to remove him from the tank before he woke fully. Luke opened his eyes and froze as he met Vader's gaze through the transparisteel of the tank. He immediately began thrashing against his harness, hands scrabbling at the slick interior of the tank's walls.

"Get him out!" Vader ordered, reaching along their bond to try to soothe Luke's mind or even settle him back into unconsciousness. But Luke had thrown up his shields against him and refused to be lulled.

Technicians and medics swarmed the tank and controls, draining the bacta and lifting Luke from the tank. The moment his head breached the surface of the liquid, Luke yanked the breath mask and tube from his face, gasping in desperate lungfuls of air.

"Breathe, Luke," Vader said, "slowly. Calm down, you are safe."

A medic handed Luke a towel, which he promptly wrapped around himself, obscuring the mostly-healed gash across his chest. He stumbled back when Vader took a step towards him, so Vader stopped.

"Clear the room." Vader sensed reluctance from his chief medic to leave without having checked Luke over after his violent extraction from the tank, but none of them dared defy his command. Moments later, he was alone with his son.

"I intend you no harm," Vader said, finally breaking the heavy silence.

"What happened?" Luke asked, his voice low. He was still dripping and would need a shower to wash the bacta residue off him.

Vader tilted his head, confused. "I was expecting you to tell me. I followed the Force's prompting and found you injured and unconscious.

Luke frowned, clutching the towel a little tighter around himself. He was wearing a pair of medical-issue shorts, but was apparently uncomfortable standing shirtless in front of Vader. Understandable, that, but Vader did need to see the wound.

"I don't remember much," he admitted, then tensed when Vader held a hand out to him.

"I will not harm you. Come here."

Luke shook his head, sliding back another step away from him.

"Let me look at your injury. You came out of the tank too soon. I need to make sure you are healed enough to be awake."

"I can figure that one out on my own, thank you," Luke said, glaring. "I have been injured before, you know."

Vader crossed his arms, broadcasting his displeasure over their bond, regardless of the fact that Luke had closed his end down tightly. "I am aware. Your file is full of injuries, all of them with notes stating that you failed to carry through with the full healing regimen required for a complete recovery."

"How do you… how do you have my medical file?" Luke demanded, indignant and incredulous.

"Medical file, psychiatric file, mission debriefs, intelligence reports, anything your Rebellion has on you, I have access to." A rather large network of spies had been required to obtain him that access, but it was worth both the manpower and the time. Vader had a much better understanding of his child than he would have otherwise, although nothing could ever compare to real experience. Experience he was now, finally , in a position to get.

Luke scowled. "Invasion of privacy, much? Why waste your spies on me ? If you've got as many in the Alliance as that would take, why not have them report on actually relevant, important things?" He dropped his gaze to his bare feet, drawing nonsense squiggles in the bacta with his toe.

Vader did not respond for a long moment, shocked at Luke's low opinion of his own worth.

"Do you truly doubt your importance to me?" he asked quietly. He risked taking a step closer, and when Luke didn't move, he took several more until he was close enough to slide his fingers under Luke's chin and tilt his face up to meet his gaze. There was moisture running down his cheeks and it wasn't bacta residue. Vader wiped the tears away with his thumb.

"I have moved the Galaxy to find you. You know that. How could you doubt your value?"

"You cut my hand off," Luke murmured helplessly. Vader winced beneath his mask, guilt stirring in his stomach as it always did when he thought of how their confrontation had ended. He had come so close to losing Luke forever.

"A regrettable mistake, the result of my losing control. It will not happen again," Vader promised. He released Luke's chin to brush his dripping hair away from his face.

"You can't promise that you won't lose control again," Luke protested. "If you had control over that, you wouldn't have lost it in the first place."

Vader stared at Luke for a moment before genuine mirth rose within him, a foreign sensation over the last twenty years. He bit back the laughter, unsure how or even if his vocoder could translate that, and settled for a snort instead.

"If you do not provoke me, I will have no reason to lose control."

"I shouldn't have to worry about 'provoking' my own father," Luke retorted, then paled as he realized what he'd just said. He staggered back a step, trying to put distance between them, but Vader caught his arms. Apparently Luke did not remember waking in the shuttle and addressing him by that title then as well.

"Luke, you do not need to run. I will not harm you again. Ever," he swore, infusing his vow with the Force, making it unbreakable. "If I do, I will let you go and will not attempt to find you again." It tore at his heart to promise that, but it would give him something to cling to if his temper ever rose with his son.

Luke regarded him curiously, most of his fear evaporating in the face of that unexpected bargain. "I suppose you would not appreciate me trying to provoke you."

"No," Vader growled. "If you intentionally push me with the goal of securing your release, I will not honor it."

Luke made a face but agreed. "Fair enough."

Cautiously, Vader released his son's arms. When Luke did not retreat again, Vader rested a hand gently on Luke's back, guiding him towards the nearest bed.

"Let me see your wound," he said as soon as Luke had sat down on the edge of the bed. Luke crossed his arms over his chest, frowning up at Vader.

Vader sighed. "There is no need to be so defensive. I have already seen you when I bandaged it for the trip to the Executor ."

Luke grimaced, but he reluctantly untangled his arms and unwrapped the towel. Vader kept his distance and gave a cursory glance at Luke's chest. The slash was now nothing more than a pale line stretching across his chest. It would likely leave a thin scar, but it would not cause Luke any lingering problems. Vader nodded, satisfied.

"It has mended well. You are skilled at Force healing."

Luke ducked his head as he wrapped the towel around himself again. "Not really, I just -"

"Do not belittle your abilities. There were few Jedi even amongst the Council who could sink that deeply into a healing trance, and you with so little training." For a moment, Vader wondered if the large amount of training had been the problem. Luke reached for the Force instinctively and allowed himself to be guided by it, rather than depending on set ways of interacting with it. The Jedi had limited themselves by their own dogma. Luke had no such limitations, even though Vader could easily see that Luke had received more training between Cymoon and Bespin. He would question his son on the identity of his teacher later, once he was more comfortable here.

Luke shivered, though he tried to suppress it, and Vader shook his head at himself.

He held his hand out to Luke again. "Come. We will talk after you have showered and dressed."

Luke stood, ignoring Vader's hand, and Vader had to admit that he would have been surprised if Luke had so easily accepted his touch. That didn't stop the small bite of disappointment, but, now that he had the boy, he would have plenty of time to earn Luke's trust and, Force willing, affection.