Our last update of 2017! I started posting this Jan 3 and oh boy have we come a long way!

I closed the armory door after myself, leaning casually as I could on my less burnt side and waited. Arthur wanted to talk about something though I had very little idea what I could guess though; the fire came to mind easily. There was also the small matter of poison in Arthur's drink as well. The new laws that he was working on. I supposed he could even want to talk about my injuries as well though that seemed the least likely.

Whatever it was I knew Arthur would get around to it sooner rather than later, he was never the most patient man and I just didn't feel like trying to drag it out of him before the King was good and ready. No matter what I'd been telling Mordred and the knights my back hurt, my lungs still burned though only dully, my whole left side though was just a mess of pain. It hurt so much I'd even forgone my usual jacket, even it's slight weight irritated my burns. I'd even been tempted to ditch my shirt but that would just be improper.

Beginning to daydream about returning to Mordred's chambers and removing the irritating shirt I jumped slightly when Arthur's voice finally broke the silence of the Armory.

"There's a traitor in our midst." Arthur's voice was cool and controlled, he spoke as if stating the great hall held so many tables.

Even if the King seemed calm I knew Arthur better than that though. He was worried about something. Glancing at his hands I saw his elbows resting on his knees, his fingers hanging and laced together so tightly his knuckles were going white.

At last Arthur got to the point; "Until he or she is found you're not to walk around the castle alone."

Surprised I looked at my King, "Why?"I asked, racking my brain I tried to come up with reason for Arthur's decision, the only reason I could think of was my injury.

"Because I am your King!" Arthur replied angrily, I could see the tension as he flexed his laced together hands. "You are my servant and you shall do as commanded."

Shrugging off the wall I stared down at Arthur where he sat on one of the Armory's many benches. "Very. Well. My. King." I hissed out each word. There was a reason for Arthur's new command, probably misplaced worry for my safety. It just pissed me off. Bitterly I turned fully intending to leave when Arthur's voice stopped me.

"Merlin please," he sighed sounding suddenly tired. "I need you to listen to me on this, please Merlin, just listen to me."

Turning back I crossed my arms, then immediately uncrossed them as it irritated my burns. "Explain."

Groaning Arthur ran his hands through his hair. "I can't,"


Another groan, this one even more dramatic than the first. One hand still in his hair Arthur looked at me. He sighed scrubbed his face with both hands and then waved to the seat across from him.

Pouting I sat. I also would have crossed my arms again but that would be a horrible and painful idea so I settled for crossing one knee over the other instead and looking very impatient. Arthur just rolled his eyes at me and tried not to smile.

"It's been proposed that the poison was added before the fire, that is wasn't supposed to be as a distraction, that the fire was just an accident." Arthur began not looking directly at me. "Many of the council then began debating that if that were the case who could have done so. Who had access to my horse, tack, food. . . ." purposefully Arthur trailed off.

Pieces fell into place. "And my name came up."

With an exhausted sigh Arthur nodded. Suddenly, furiously, Arthur slammed one fist against the bench he sat upon. "How can they even think you of all people might be involved? It's ridiculous! I've told them as much too but. . ." Arthur was scowling and snarling now. Whatever the council members had been saying had royally pissed Arthur off.

'Mordred, come here,' I called silently as I nodded my understanding and stood up.

Mordred didn't answer, he didn't have to though I knew he'd do as I asked of him without question. The boy probably had entirely too much faith in me.

"Where are you going?" Arthur demanded sounding very perplex and I opened the Armory door.

"Waving for Mordred to come," I answered calmly. "If they actually think I'm trying to kill you we shouldn't be alone anymore."

Outside Mordred had already parted company with the other knights, somehow he must have gotten dragged into training, that or he'd just decided to join the knights himself, it was Mordred, he seemed to actually enjoy training.

Hold the door open with one hand I turned back to Arthur, he looking thoroughly confused.

"I thought you didn't trust Mordred," He said obviously trying very hard to figure out what he'd missed.

Nodding I scolded myself, because of course that would be a red flag, I should have gone for Gwaine, or Leon! Leon would have been the best choice. Instead I shrugged, "He's growing on me." I offered even though we both knew it was weak. What could I say though? We both have magic, he has a crush on me, and I might even- nope. I shut that trail of thinking right down.

Lucky Mordred popped his head it before Arthur could question me any further.

After a brief explanation Mordred was fuming.

The young knight then went on a very long, very aggressive rant detailing all of my shining qualities and verbally tore down each member of the council. He knew a surprising amount of court gossip. I suspected Gwaine but quite a few knights could be rather gossipy after training. The whole time I silently tried to plead with Mordred, asking -almost begging him- to calm down and shut up. Arthur on the other hand agreed with almost every point Mordred made. They eventually decided that the whole council was full of useless idiots and that while I could do better as a servant I was a true and brave man even if I had a habit of stupidly charging into places I shouldn't. It was embarrassing.

"It can't just be me all the time." Mordred was saying, we'd finally gotten off the topic and moved onto important things. Like how to keep my good name clear.

"Yes I figured as much as well," Arthur nodded, both him and Mordred pacing the Armory as I sat and watched. "My first thought was Gwaine but no, the council hates him, they'd say the two of them were working together."

"Percy, maybe Leon?" Mordred suggested. "The council loves them, even if Percy is common born."

Arthur snapped excitedly, "Perfect! Plus Leon's been a knight since before I was King, if he doesn't see Merlin plotting against me they'll have to believe him!"

Sitting back I almost crossed my arms again before I remembered that it was a bad idea. I was thoroughly enjoying being talked about as if I wasn't there.

"Each of us should switch everyday, that way no one misses too much training," Mordred said, "Meet Merlin inside of Gaius' chambers, don't let him leave our sight again until he's back in Gaius' chambers."

Trying not to pout like a child I spoke up, "He is right here!"

Arthur just waved me off.

Annoyed I crossed my arms over my chest before hissing in pain and uncrossing them. By the time the three of us finally left the Armory the knight's had finished training. It was also agreed the Leon, Percy, Mordred, and another knight; Sir Gaheris, a younger handsome knight who gave Gwaine a run for his money when it came to great hair.

Grumbling I lead the way back to Mordred's chamber, not exactly keen to be passed of to Gaius so he could act like a mother hen over me. The only good thing would be my freedom from cleaning up after Arthur. A depressing thought as I was only free because the council thought I was going to try killing Arthur. Apparently I'd have to find the traitor myself, and soon, all while under the watchful eye of three different knights.

Just bloody prefect.

If you liked this you can check SolarMaga on archive of our own.

Thank you to all of you who follow and the people who added this to favorites. Thanks again to my reviewers and oh boy were there a lot of you this time! Sapphire's Ink ( Glad you enjoyed :D), TheTrueTree (Hope this lived up to your expectations :3 ), Mersan123 (Alway love to see you leaving comments! And yes Dear Percy I always have fun with him, to me he has a lot of potential to work with.) and dizzydaisy37 ( ) You guys, thank you all so much! I'm so glad to be sharing this piece of fanfiction with you and I'm so glad to know you're all enjoying read it as much as I am writing it. Next chapter, I'm thinking we're due for some more smut, you guys?

Anyways, Happy Holidays to all of you whatever you celebrate and I wish you all the best come 2018! Hopefully I hear from you all again next year with my next chapter, until then, as always, favorite, comment, review, follow, but most of all, stay warm and have fun!

This is Solariaa wishing you all happy New Year I'll catch you nerd on the other side.