I press my forehead against the cool window, watching the rain come down, drops hitting the window with audible plinks. The courtyard is soaked, mud covering the ground. I sighed, leaning back. Rainy afternoons- the bane of my existence. I blankly stare at my reflection in the dreary window.

I have straight, shoulder length, red hair and gray eyes, a heart-shaped face, and freckles. My most remarkable feature is on my right hand- my Brand.

I suppose I should explain myself, shouldn't I? My name is Marth. Marth the 3rd, princess of the kingdom of Ylisse. You've probably heard of my namesake. If you haven't, you probably live under a rock. Or in some other kingdom. I don't know. Marth, the Hero-King, and all that. Well, his bloodline is still going strong, the most recent descendants being my brother Tristian and me. Tristian is the oldest, and in line for the throne. He's 16. I'm 14.

I have a passion for the fine arts- specifically, song and dance. I'm not so great with most school subjects, though I do have a fondness for history. Unfortunately, it takes me forever to read any history book I come across. It's embarrassing, really. There's so much to be learned from the past! I'm most intrigued by my own family history, but I generally enjoy most topics.

I sigh again, bored. I do technically have something I could be doing - my math homework. My tutor keeps telling me how behind I am... But, being the reasonable person I am, I am going to procrastinate. I stand up, stretching. Perhaps I could go attempt to read my newest history book - it's about the reign of Exalt Chrom. Such a fascinating period in time...I begin walking towards my room, which is where I think I left my book. I walk down a long corridor, and pause briefly. Should I do my work? I really don't want to... I shake my head and continue walking, up a flight of stairs, and enter my room.

I sit down on my bed, pulling my book close. I open it, and begin to read. Mouthing the words, I trace each line with my finger slowly. This book uses plenty of flowery language- it's hard to understand, and makes reading slow. But when I can understand it, it's so vivid in my mind...I can almost feel the sun on my back and hear the footsteps as the army marches. I yawn slightly. I wish it was sunny right now. If it was, I could be out with my best friend, Sunne, in the courtyard or something. I admit, as a princess, I'm not exactly let out much. But Sunne has been my friend for years. She's a taguel, and is pretty cool, in addition to being pretty smart. She's awesome.

Ugh, there I am getting distracted again! This is probably the reason I struggle so much with reading...I can't focus for anything! I resume reading, occasionally brushing a lock of red hair out of my face. After a bit, I find my attention wavering again. The rain is making me sleepy... I find myself slowly giving in the drowsiness, drifting to sleep.

When I next wake, I find I am no longer in my bed. Or even inside, for that matter. Bright sunlight falls over me, and I'm in a field. I stand up, dazed. I must be dreaming...what is it called, when you're aware you're dreaming? Oh, yes...Lucid dreaming.

I begin walking, curious as to where this dream will take me. The grass sways in a gentle wind, looking amber in the light. It must be near evening, as the sun is near the west. Everything is so peaceful...I keep walking, brushing some grass off my jeans. There's absolutely no one around me, and I don't hear any noise from roads or cars. I come to the end of the field after about five minutes, and look around. I don't recognize this place, but it looks like something straight out of a scenic calendar. I see a pine forest ahead, and start heading there. I breathe in the rich, pine scent. This sure is a vivid dream...and it's all so peaceful.

I walk through the forest, my shoes making indents in the muddy ground. Sunlight filters through the branches, casting shadows over the foliage. This is so vivid for a dream, even a lucid one. I can feel everything. A slight wind lifts my hair, but it's not enough to sway the large branches overhead. Sunne would love this place. She's the outdoorsy type- the kind of person you'd find on camping trips and on miles-long hikes. I continue my wanderings for a while more, wondering if I'll wake before reaching the end of the forest.

Just as I'm wondering that, I can see the end in sight. Pushing through some ferns, I exit the woods. The sun is very low in the sky, almost night now. I can see the faintest glimmer of stars in the sky. I never can see stars normally, living in Ylisstol. The city lights stop that, with the palace being in the heart of the city. I look around at my surroundings now. A small town is on the horizon, and not a modern one, by the looks of it. It looks rustic, like something out of a history book. A history book...I was reading one when I fell asleep. That would explain this small, quaint atmosphere, perhaps. I start to head for the town when I hear something behind me. A moment later, a cold thing touches my neck. Whatever it is, it's sharp. Can you die in a dream? I really don't want to find out.

"Well, whadda we 'ave 'ere?" A cold voice sounds behind me. I stand, petrified. Looks like this dream has just turned into a nightmare...

"We gots a little girl!" Another voice laughs. "But whats is she wearing?"

I turn my head ever so slightly to see who's threatening me. A scruffy man, in rags, is the only one I can see. He seems to be the second to speak. He has a ragged, black beard, and a heavily scarred face. He's holding an axe. I can't see the one holding the cold metal to my neck.

"I dunno, Girol...but we could still make good gold from her. The slave trade's boomin'." The one I can't see answers.

"You, girl! Start walkin'!" The one I can see, apparently named Girol, orders. I begin to walk, shaking. Should I try running? As if reading my mind, he answers, "And don't you try nuffin', girl! I've got an axe that could slice your pretty neck right open!"

We walk in stony silence for a bit. Wake up, I tell myself. Wake up. WAKE UP. But it's no use. I don't wake up.

I'm about to abandon hope when I hear a shout from the distance.

"Unhand her at once!"

Hey, guys! EBC here with a new story, Trial By Fire! I know I've been gone a long time, but I hope you guys like this. Tell me your thoughts so far in the reviews! Questions, comments, suggestions? Do tell! I'm really nervous about this, and I really hope people like it! I know this chapter is short, but it'll get longer, I promise.