Author's Notes:

One minor tweak here over the original fest piece.


They did it. Using the marriage spell as a guide for understanding how fidelity spells interlaced with other types of magic, Draco and Hermione were able to craft a new and original spell to break said charms.

When they tried it on his Dark Mark a few weeks after their reconciliation, it had the effect of silencing the Mark's influence upon Draco permanently, cutting Voldemort off from having any access whatsoever to his inner thoughts and the ability to summon him at will. Unfortunately, the side effect was that Voldemort knew of the loss, so that meant that Draco was now effectively an official Order defector.

That mattered little to them, however, as they tirelessly worked towards finding new ways to alter the Dark Mark to the Order's advantage, utilizing their work on Fidelity Charms as a guide.

—That, and they relentlessly worked towards wearing the springs out on the bed they shared (much to Potter and Weasley's chagrin), flying together again and again towards their own personal version of Heaven.


Author's Final Notes:

And so we come to the end of this tale, keeping in mind that there was an 8K cap on words for it (and I didn't want to alter it so drastically from that with revision 2.0).

I hope you enjoyed it! Please review and let me know.