Author's Ideas: Huaaaa it's done.

ii. i vow to you

The words she'd wished she could say to N ran circles around her head for the few moments she could stop thinking about the battle between N and Ghetsis.

Then you have to live as well. As long as you can, please, promise me.

Hilda sighed, playing with the curls in her hair. The white hospital gown clung to her pallid skin, covering the ugly gash cascading down her arm.

The door creaked open, and Hilda looked up. The silver-haired man that had found her stepped inside, closing the door behind him.

"The nurses informed me you were awake. I just wanted to make sure you were alright."

"Thank you, but I'm fine." Hilda murmured, clasping her hands together on her lap.

The man nodded. "If you need anything, don't be afraid to ask anything of me. I'm Steven Stone, Champion of Hoenn. Say, do you have a Pokégear?"

Hilda cocked her head in confusion.


"What's your name?" Steven asked, diverting the topic.

"Hilda. Hilda, of Unova."

"I see. Welcome to Hoenn, Miss Hilda."

~ / . / . / ~

She no longer slept the happy, refreshing sleep she used to contend. She tossed and turned, never on the verge of sleep. She couldn't count how many days she'd gone without sleep. Days, weeks, maybe months. She never bothered.

The first time Hilda fell asleep was because she collapsed in the middle of a hike through Mt. Pyre. She'd made it to out of the mountain before the world started to swirl around her. She fell to her knees and blackness crashed over her.

All she dreamt of was Reshiram's distant cry, and a horrified scream that was played one too many times - her own scream.

She awoke in a cottage with an elderly couple, the Elite Four member Phoebe's grandparents. They asked her about herself and if she'd been okay since they'd found her unconscious.

After responding that yes, she was from Unova, and no, she was fine, and that it was just exhaustion, she stumbled out of the cottage. Steven stood outside, looking mildly annoyed, and Hilda sighed.


"Before you say anything, you know what I've been through. So you can't really say anything."

"Yes, but I was never this bad."

"Steven, you know that May is alive. Last time I saw N, he was battling to the death with his father. Who knows if he survived?" Her words were bitter.

The Hoenn champion stepped closer, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry. That was thoughtless of me."

Hilda shook her head. "It's fine. I just…" Hilda took a deep breath, turning her face so Steven couldn't see her.

Steven's hand curled into her hair, touching her neck gently. Hilda slapped his hand away, closing her eyes.

"Just because you miss May, it doesn't mean you can touch me. Please stop."

Steven withdrew his hand immediately, guilt awash on his face. "I'm sorry."

Hilda sighed. "Just make sure you don't do it again."

~ / . / . / ~

N spent his time fending off Team Plasma. They were so persistent on getting him, they'd track him to the ends of the earth.

Thankfully, Reshiram didn't seem to mind the little song-and-dance routine they upheld with the evil team. Well, some of the evil team.

N had just finished cleaning out the Plasma grunts of his new hiding spot, sighing. The door burst open, and Klingklang prepared a Flash Cannon, ready to fire at a moment's notice.

Instead, an elderly man stepped through the doorframe, accompanied by a ginger man with a pale blue suit in his hands.

"Sage Rood…" N murmured before lowering his gaze, pulling his cap lower.

"My Lord N, please lift your gaze. I'm not here under Team Plasma's control."

N looked upwards, a placid expression on his face.

He broke into a smile.

"I thought so. You never did seem to agree with Ghetsis' ideas…"

N waved at Klingklang, and the Flash Cannon vanished into a shower of sparkles.

The Sage bowed. "I'm glad you could understand. My Lord N, I come here bearing you a request."

N nodded for Rood to continue.

"Lately, Team Plasma has been thinking about reforming. They deem themselves Neo-Plasma, and are determined to continue their ministrations from about two years ago. Myself, alongside some members of Team Plasma, have left Team Plasma. We must ask you to lend us your assistance."

"Sage Rood…"

"Anthea and Concordia… they wish to see you so, My Lord N. As do those who believe in you."

"Sage Rood… thank you, but I… I'll be gone for a little bit. I have to go find someone."

The sage watched N lower his gaze and disappear from the room. Reshiram zoomed away, a small blur of white against the perfect blue sky.

"Lady Hilda…" Rood murmured, "Lord N really does love her, doesn't he?"

The man by his side stayed silent.

~ / . / . / ~

"Hilda… you're really going?"

Hilda smiled bitterly. "Yes, I suppose so. I don't want to, I'm worried about my mom, and…"

Steven nodded, already understanding the context under her words. "I understand. I hope we can meet again in the near future."

She bowed. "Thank you for everything. I… please, don't refuse my repayment." Hilda held out a Pokéball, offering it to Steven. The man took it hesitantly, recognizing the Pokémon inside.

"This is… your Swanna. Are you sure?" He asked.

"Of course. I trust you to take good care of her. Besides… she's always been a little adventurous. I think she'll do well to stay here in Hoenn with you."

"Thank you, but… how do you intend to get back to Unova?"

"I have my ways. And… one final thing."

She fished out her badge holder, showing the eight Unova badges to the man. "I'm Hilda White, Champion of Unova. Next time we meet, let's have a battle."

Releasing Zekrom, she leapt onto the dragon, soaring away into the sky.

~ / . / . / ~

At some point, he found himself en route to the Lostlorn Forest. He laughed aloud, realizing how fond he was of the forest. Reshiram glanced at him, and N smiled, instructing Reshiram towards the forest.

They landed softly atop the bridge over the slim river, N dismounting with ease. With practiced steps, he strode through the tall grass towards the clearing. He stopped in shock.

On the steps of the RV in which the wild Zoroark had lived was a small bundle of black fur, set with glistening blue eyes.

A Zorua.

Reshiram and N both made an inhuman noise that could only be compared to a squawk before rushing towards the small Pokémon. Zorua seemed startled at the sight, but N coaxed it with smooth, quick talk.

"Don't be afraid, Zorua. We're here to help. Will you let us help you?"

N waited before kneeling in front of it, stroking its head.

"Where's your mother?"

Silence from the Zorua, and N smiled bitterly.

"I'm sorry… I shouldn't have brought that up. I won't talk about it if you don't want to."

The Zorua nuzzled into N's touch, and N's bitter smile grew joyful.

"Say, Zorua… would you like to come with us? I have the perfect place for you to stay, and… there's someone I want you to meet."

~ / . / . / ~

The wind beat at Hilda's hair, and she lowered her cap, covering her eyes from the cold air.

She hadn't really expected to return to Unova this way.

By "this way", she meant an impassive person who was really just a mess without N.

Surely her mother was worried. Cheren and Bianca… how were they? And N… N…

So lost in her thoughts was she that Hilda never noticed the beating of wings behind her, and the shadows fluttering over her head.

There was a shriek, a growl, and Hilda was tackled off Zekrom by a familiar Hydreigon.

A flash of pink, and Zekrom was also gone. A smooth stone landed on her torso, and Hilda fumbled for it, realizing with dread that Zekrom was sealed. She reached for her belt, half-expecting Swanna's Pokéball to be in its place on her waist-

Swanna was in Hoenn.

Hilda could only give up.

She fell, her hand outstretched. The wind beat around her, and her back arched beneath her. Zekrom was but a black stone in her hand.

Hilda stretched her fingers out towards the sun, wrapping a fist around the light. The air was moist, and it was almost time.

"I forgive you… for everything… N…" Hilda whispered.

With an earsplitting crash, she fell onto the shores of Undella Bay.

The last thing she heard was the deep click of the Dark Stone rolling out of her reach.

The last thing she saw was an elderly man's hand on the Dark Stone, and a chillingly familiar cackle.

All she could feel was darkness, the cold, and N's arms, wrapped around her as if he'd been there the entire time.

~ / . / . / ~

Reshiram let out a screech, and N jumped in shock.

"Reshiram." N scolded lightly, returning to his deed of stroking Zorua's fur.

Reshiram cried out again, and he stopped, his hand resting on Zorua's flank.

"I see…" N murmured. "Zekrom has fallen. So she must also…"

Reshiram dipped its head, nudging N's shoulder.

"I'm fine, Reshiram…" Yet, his eyes glinted with a sheen of certain wetness. Reshiram let out a gruff mumble under its breath, and N shook his head.

"No, we've no time for pleasantries. Reshiram, we must go."

Reshiram growled, and N sighed.

"With Neo-Plasma's return, and Zekrom gone… I don't have much of a choice. I must put a stop to my fa- no. Ghetsis' plans."

N made to stand up, but the Zorua in his lap stopped him, glancing up at the man, an innocent look in its eyes.

He picked it up, laying it gently on the bench before climbing onto Reshiram.

The Dark-type whimpered, and N smiled bitterly at it. "I have to go, Zorua." It cried out again, and N looked away, his eyes downcast. "I'm not...coming back."

Zorua pawed at Reshiram's clawed feet, and the dragon growled at it.

N pulled the cap over his eyes and Reshiram soared away, leaving Zorua to cry and plead until the elderly Sage found it early next morning, curled on the bench beside the ex-Plasma household, left all alone.