A/N: Hey guys, was able to get this chapter out surprisingly quick. Before we get into it, I have a few announcements.

For those of you asking if I'm going to do an Alicization story for Ren and the others, the answer is maybe. With how the arc goes, the first half of Alicization would be really hard to get Wyvern's Inferno to fit in. So if I do end up doing an Alicization story, it will likely be dealing with the second half where I can fit my OCs in MUCH easier, based on what's going to happen.

Next up, I am taking a small hiatus from this fic. There are two reasons for this. First off, I want to get out the next Lost Story, so I need to set aside time for that. Second, after the next Lost Story is done, I plan on possibly doing a "movie fic" for Ren and co. This one will not be like the Ordinal Scale section of Lost Stories, but will instead be its own original story of what I would do for a movie for Wyvern's Inferno had this ever become its own anime.

Lastly, involving the movie fic I just spoke of, I wanted to hear everyone's opinion on something. Would you like this movie fic to involve Luna or not? If it does, it will obviously be an AU, separate from the canon story of Wyvern's Inferno. If not, it will be canon. Let me know via review or PM which you guys would like to see. Note that Luna's involvement or not will not affect the story itself in any major way. Luna will simply be included in the cast in the setting of the AU where she did not "die" in the Jormungandr event in blazing Revolution.

With all that out of the way, let's get on with the chapter, and the finale of this arc.

The Gateway of Yggdrasil was silent as Rin and Lilly stood across from Fenrir. Behind the wolf-like girl, Luna was chained and helpless. The two sisters saw her suffering, as if she was in pain. Their anger from that was only intensified by the smirk on Fenrir's lips.

"You ready, Lilly?" Rin said.

"Yeah." Lilly said, drawing her blade. "Let's do this."

"How cute. The two of you think you have a chance against me." Fenrir taunted. "What utter foolishness."

"Let's see if you're still saying that after we're through with you." Rin said. She kicked off the ground and sped at Fenrir, followed by Lilly. "Now why don't you be a good dog and play dead!"

Fenrir let out a small giggle as she snapped her fingers. "Kill them, Nidhogg."

From the corner of their vision, Rin Lilly caught sight of a sudden figure zooming at them. Both of them leaped away as the new adversary crashed down where they had just been standing. Looking at the creature, they saw a large dragon with red-violet scales and bat-like wings for arms. It let out a roar as it looked at the two girls.

"What's this? Too scared to fight us on your own?" Rin asked.

"Don't misunderstand." Fenrir explained. "I simply cannot be bothered to deal with the two of your right now." She turned around and walked towards Luna. "I have a ritual to perform."

"Hey! Get back here!" Lilly shouted. She attempted to go after Fenrir, but another roar from the dragon Nidhogg told her that wasn't happening until they dealt with it. "Damnit."

"Get ready. Here it comes." Rin said.

Nidhogg flapped its wings and came flying at the two girls. Rin and Lilly split up, trying to divide its attention.

Lilly quickly summoned her familiar to her side. "Nikko! Fireball attack!" Obeying its master, the small dragon sent a blast of fire at Nidhogg. The Cait Sith also followed up with a barrage of fire bullets from her Elemental Pistol. The long range attack hit Nidhogg, gaining its aggro. The beast glared at them, as it began flying towards Lilly and Nikko.

"Now Rin!" Lilly shouted.

"Right!" Coming in from above, Rin slammed her fist down on the dragon's back. It roared in pain as its HP fell. The female Salamander grinned. "How do you like that, you dumb lizard?!"

Luna watched the fight going on. "Rin… Lilly…"

"Heh, what fools." Fenrir said. "As if that would be enough to defeat Nidhogg."

Recovering from the impact of Rin's punch, Nidhogg roared as it violently thrashed about. Rin attempted to distance herself from the dragon, but its tail came and slammed against her, sending her crashing along the ground of the floating temple. It then lunged at her, slamming one of its claws against Rin, pinning the girl to the ground as her HP fell.

"See? There's no way they can win." Fenrir said, turning her attention back to Luna. "Now then, let's begin."

Luna trembled in fear as the stone pillars around them began to glow. Violet streaks of electricity ran along the chains, converging on her. "Ahhhhhhhhhh!"

Luna's screams of pain caught Rin and Lilly's attention as they glanced over and gasped. "Luna!"

Give in, child. Let me take control. Then, the pain will end.

"No…" Luna grunted, refusing to do as the voice in her head told her. "I'll… never give in…"

It will happen regardless. You cannot endure forever. Eventually, you will be unable to keep me contained. We are one and the same.

"You're wrong…" Luna choked out.

Seeing the young Imp in pain, Rin struggled to get Nidhogg off of her. But the force of the beast pressing down on her was too great. She called out to Lilly. "Go to Luna! This thing can't Stop you if its holding me down!"

Lilly didn't like the idea of leaving Rin in the situation she was in, but she knew that her priority needed to be saving Luna right now. She took off towards the altar where Fenrir and Luna were.

Rin smirked as she looked up at Nidhogg. "What now? Can't deal with both of us at once, can you?" She was quickly proven wrong however, when Nidhogg tightened its grip and lifted her up. It flew at Lilly while holding onto Rin. As it closed in, the dragon threw Rin directly at her sister. Lilly saw it coming too late as Rin collided into her and the two crashed into the ground, moaning in pain. Nidhogg then breathed a stream of fire at the two girls, which they quickly flew away from at the last second.

"Damnit. This thing's tough." Rin grunted.

"What do we do?" Lilly asked aloud. She racked her brain for a plan, but was coming up empty. They needed to defeat Nidhogg fast, but the way things were going this fight would take too long.

Rin saw the dragon prepare to rush them again. "Damnit, here it comes!"

Suddenly, Lilly noticed her familiar nudge against her. "What is it, Nikko?" The dragon chirped at her, as if trying to say something. Lilly soon realized what it was trying to tell her. 'That's right… I still have that.'

"Rin, think you can keep ugly here busy for about ten seconds?" Lilly asked. "I have an idea."

Rin nodded her head. "You got it, sis." She took off flying at Nidhogg to keep the beast distracted. "Alright, you stupid monster! Bring it on!"

As Rin held Nidhogg's attention. Lilly and her familiar glanced each other and nodded simultaneously. She had been keeping this move hidden, knowing it was something only to be used in a desperate situation. But situations rarely got more desperate than this.

'I really hope this works.' Lilly thought. Nikko flew up and hovered right above its master. Lilly closed her eyes and began reciting a spell. 'Stay in perfect synch with Nikko. Master and familiar, with the same heart and mind.'

As Lilly finished reciting the spell both her body and Nikko's began to glow. The shining light caught the attention of Rin and Nidhogg. "Lilly…"

"What's she doing?" Fenrir questioned with narrowed eyes.

As the light began to die down, Nikko was no longer above Lilly. The Cait Sith girl was also changed. Her usual Cait Sith wings and tail were replaced by yellow dragon wings and a tail, just like her familiar's. A golden aura surrounded her.

"Holy cow!" Rin exclaimed. "Where have you been hiding this move, sis?!"

'I can feel it. Nikko's energy, flowing through me. So much power.' Lilly thought to herself. She glared down at Nidhogg. "Alright. Get ready for my Perfect Synchronization!"

Flying even faster than before, Lilly zoomed at Nidhogg. The dragon attempted to swipe its claw at her, but Lilly quickly dodged the attack and got in close to the dragon's exposed chest. She held her hand out.

"Take this!" Lilly shouted. Out of nowhere, a powerful stream of fire shot out from the Cait Sith's palm, blasting Nidhogg away.

Rin was left speechless at her sister's sudden increase in power. "Lilly… How did you do this?! You've got so much power now!"

Lilly looked over at her sister. "It's a special high level Cait Sith spell called Perfect Synchronization. It allows a player and their familiar to become one temporarily. The Cait Sith leader approached me a month or so after the incident with Team Demise. She said she wanted to thank me for my help in stopping their plan, as well as congratulate me for how I did in the Annual Tournament. So she taught me this spell.

"You sneaky little rat. Keeping this hidden from me." Rin grinned. "Alright. We can totally take this dragon down now."

Flames came out from Lilly's hands as she blasted Nidhogg down below with as much power as she could muster. The dragon roared in pain as it bathed in Lilly's flames.

Fenrir noticed Nidhogg beginning to lose ground. "Tch, I can't believe they're giving Nidhogg this much trouble." She called out to the dragon. "Nidhogg! Kill them both! Unleash your full power and destroy them!"

From the multitude of flames, Nidhogg's eyes turned red as it glared at Rin and Lilly through the fire. It roared as it flew out from the flames and sped at Rin and Lilly.

"No way!" Lilly gasped.

Nidhogg roared as it flew at Rin and Lilly. It maneuvered its body and got behind the two of them. Before either of the girls could react, Nidhogg swung its tail at them, sending both Rin and Lilly crashing into the ground. As they tried to get up, Nidhogg spewed out a violet mist from its mouth. It quickly engulfed Rin and Lilly, and the two girls soon found it difficult to breathe.

"What's… going on?" Rin choked out as she coughed.

Lilly looked at her HUD, noticing an icon next to her health bar. "It's a poison status… I can't… breathe…."

Fenrir smirked as she saw the two sisters completely helpless. "This is what happens when you try to go against destiny. Now suffer." Using magic, she sent a stream of electricity at the two girls. Rin and Lilly both cried out in pain, unable to do anything. They were completely at Fenrir's mercy.

Luna widened her eyes in horror as she listened to her sisters screaming. "Please! Stop it! Don't hurt them!"

"You just sit back there and stay quiet. You should be more focussed on trying to hold back Jormungandr." Fenrir told her.


Luna's shout caused Fenrir to glance back at the young Imp. "Hm?"

"I'll become Jormungandr." Luna said. "I'll do it, so please… stop hurting them…"

Fenrir's lips curved upwards. "Very well. If it means you'll stop resisting, then that's fine with me." She ceased her attack on the two sisters and called out to Nidhogg. "That's enough. Leave them be."

Obeying Fenrir, Nidhogg stopped its poison breath and descended to Fenrir's side. The mist around Rin and Lilly soon dispersed, but they were both too weak to stand. They had both reached their limit. Even Lilly's Perfect Synchronization had been deactivated, her familiar lying on the ground near her.

Leaving the two nuisances to lie down in defeat, Fenrir brought her full attention back to Luna. She grinned madly. Finally her goal was going to be achieved. "Now awaken. Demonic serpent that devours worlds. Wake up, Jormungandr!"

Black energy came out from Fenrir's palms and began to engulf Luna's body. Luna felt pain rush throughout her body as she screamed in pain. "AHHHHHHHHHHH!"

The sound of Luna's screaming managed to bring Rin and Lilly out of their daze. They slowly managed to get to their feet, though neither of them were able to move much.

"Damnit.. We have to stop this…" Rin grunted.

Lilly took aim with her Elemental Pistol, still having a few bullets leftover. She snapped her fingers several times, unleashing every last ounce of ammo she had at Fenrir from behind. The wolf-like girl noticed the attack coming her way at the last moment and quickly brought up a barrier of magic to defend herself.

"So… you still want to fight." Fenrir said. "That little fairy was willing to sacrifice herself to save you two just now. Are you really going to trample on her decision?"

"We could never accept something like that." Lilly said with a glare. "If it's for Luna, we'll endure any level of suffering."

"That's what it means to be a family, you worthless mutt." Rin told her, pointing at Fenrir. "Something you wouldn't understand."

"Who gives a damn about something as worthless as that?!" Fenrir shouted. "Family?! Bonds?! Do you really expect me to lose to such trivial things?!"

"It's because you don't get it that you'll lose." Rin said. "We won't accept Luna sacrificing herself for us. She's our sister and we're not about to let her turn into some monster."

Fenrir growled as she looked at the two girls. "Fine! If you have a death wish, then so be it! Nidhogg, kill them! Tear them limb from limb!"

The dragon roared as it prepared to attack Rin and Lilly. It lunged at the two of them, but before it could reach them, a blast of magic came and hit it. Nidhogg suddenly found part of its body frozen to the ground. Immediately after, a new figure came in and slammed into the dragon. The rest of its HP was taken out and the beast shattered into fragments.

"What?!" Fenrir gasped. "Who did that?!"

"Heh, sorry we're late." the figure that killed Nidhogg said. They turned around, revealing it to be Strea. "That demon girl gave us more trouble than we expected."

"Strea?!" Rin and Lilly exclaimed.

"It's not just me." Strea grinned, pointing behind Rin and Lilly. The two girls turned around and saw Yui and the rest of their friends rushing over.

Naoki waved to the Hiryo sisters. "Hey you two. You didn't miss us too much, did you?"

Fenrir growled in frustration. "Impudent little fairies…"

"It's over, Fenrir." Yui said. "Now let Luna go. Or we'll force you to."

"To think Hel would lose to the likes of you." Fenrir said. "It seems I underestimated you all. Very well then." The look in her eyes changed, going from that of a girl to one of a ferocious predator. "I'll just have to kill you all myself!"

Fenrir let out a howl as the wind kicked up around her. Everyone was blown back, unable to endure to force. The girl's form began to change. The blue fur she had on her ears and tail spread across her entire body. She then began to grow in size and change form. Soon the young looking girl was gone and replaced by a giant blue wolf on four legs. Sharpened claws and fangs were bared as Fenrir glared at the fairies.

"Seems she's finally gotten serious." Yui said.

"I will not allow you to destroy everything I have worked for!" Fenrir spoke. "I will kill you all! And then Jormungandr will awaken and help us destroy all of the worlds!"

"You really need to use those ears of yours." Lilly said. "We've already told you. That's not going to happen."

"I've heard enough. Now die."

Fenrir lunged at the group, but Naoki and Strea took the lead and held the wolf back. Yui then leaped in with her two swords and slashed Fenrir, forcing her to fall back. Yui and the others soon led Fenrir away from the alter, both sides being fully caught up in the fight.

Sayaka quickly began reciting a healing spell for Rin and Lilly. "Hang on. I'll have you healed up soon."

"Thanks Sayaka." Lilly said as she and her sister guzzled down a health potion to further speed up the recovery. Once their HP was fully restored, she was about to go help the others fight Fenrir until Rin grabbed her by the arm. "What?"

"Lilly, let's let Yui and the others deal with Fenrir for now." Rin suggested. "While they're keeping her distracted, we can go free Luna."


"Lilly, right now we can get to Luna. Remember why we're here." Rin told her sister.

Lilly didn't like the idea of leaving their friends to face Fenrir on their own. But she couldn't deny that rin was right. Their main focus needed to be on saving Luna.

"Get going you two." Sayaka told them. "Leave Fenrir to us."

Rin and Lilly both nodded as they rushed to the altar. Once they reached it, they saw a black sphere where Luna was. Though they could barely make her out inside, both of them could clearly hear the screams of pain from the agony Luna was in. Rin looked to the chains and attempted to remove them, but the second she touched the chains, an electric shock forced her to remove her hold.

"Luna!" Lilly shouted to her sister. She hated seeing her in so much pain. "She must be doing everything she can to hold back Jormungandr."

"You have to fight it, Luna!" Rin told her. "You're not Jormungandr anymore!"

"That's right!" Lilly added. "You've moved past that! You're your own person now!"

'I'm not… Jormungandr…' Luna thought, hearing the words of her sisters. She wanted to believe it was true. She wanted to believe it more than anything. But in the end, she knew that wasn't the case. 'Jormungandr… is a part of me.'

Suddenly, Luna's screaming stopped. She became completely silent. Rin and Lilly looked at each other worriedly, fearing the worst.

"Luna!" they both shouted, trying to reach their sister. "Luna!"

'Where am I?'

Luna suddenly found herself in an empty space, filled with nothing but darkness. Nothingness stretched out for what seemed like forever in every direction. She was all alone.

"Rin? Lilly? Where are you?" Luna asked.

They cannot hear you.

Luna gasped as a new figure slowly began to manifest in front of her. It slowly formed the shape of a snake. The one that she had been terrified of all this time.


The time for games is over. Give up your body to me.

Luna shook her head. "No! I won't do it!"

Foolish girl! You are weak! I am the demonic snake of legend! How can you possibly think you can win against me?! Against my anger and hatred from being sealed away for so long, you are nothing!

Despite the snake roaring at her, Luna stood firm. "Even still, I won't let you win! You won't beat me!"

Beat me?! You ARE me! Let go of those foolish human ties you hold onto! You were meant to become one with me and destroy everything! It is the reason you were born! The reason both of us were born!

"The reason… we were born…" Luna said. She frowned. She couldn't fully deny that. When she was first created as an AI, it was for an event in ALO. She was never supposed to survive past that. But she had. Because of the combined efforts of her mother and father, and all of their friends.

That's right. We are one and the same. Now give in and accept your destiny. Become one with me and-

"So what if we were born for destruction?" Luna said, cutting off the snake.

What nonsense are you talking about now?

"It's not nonsense." Luna said. "What we were born for doesn't matter. What matters it that we're alive. That gives us the freedom to choose what we become." She looked Jormungandr dead in the eye. "So I choose not to become a being of destruction. If I did, it would make Mama, Papa, and everyone else sad. I don't want them to feel sad."

So what? You expect me to just accept that and disappear?

Luna shook her head. "No. Just like me, you also have a right to live your life. Simply getting rid of you wouldn't be right. Also… I know what you mean. The emptiness of being trapped in darkness for so long. All alone. It hurts. It hurts enough to tear your heart to pieces."

Fool. You think some pretty words can make anything happen. We are one and the same. We can live separately. One of us can't be in control without the other being wiped out.

"Then let's both be in control." Luna suggested.


"If I got rid of you, I'd only be running from what I am." Luna said. "You're still a part of me. The part of me that took all of my hatred and negativity. So let's share this body I have and truly be one."

Silence passed as Luna and Jormungandr stared at each other, eye to eye. Finally, the snake let out a sigh.

To think I'd be unable to defeat such a tiny little fairy. Very well. If I can't force you to kneel, then I'll go along with your proposal.

Jormungandr slowly shrank until it was just slightly taller than Luna. It coiled itself around Luna, transforming into light. Luna felt its warmth covering her entire body. She briefly noticed a window appear before her.

New skill obtained.

Fenrir roared as she battled against the group of fairies. She was beginning to grow more and more annoyed by the pests keeping her from her goal.

"Enough!" Fenrir howled, kicking up a tornado around her that blew Yui and the others back. "I will not allow you to hinder me any longer!"

"Damn, she's tough." Tetsuya grunted, fatigue starting to take its toll on him and the others.

The wolf lunged at Yui, who brought her swords up to hold back Fenrir's sharp fangs. 'Damnit… It's all we can do to keep Fenrir busy.'

"Yui!" Strea shouted in worry.

"You're meddling ends here!" Fenrir growled. "Now DIE!"

As Yui felt herself beginning to lose ground, a sudden whip came out of nowhere, lashing across Fenrir's back. The wolf howled in pain as it backed off. "Who did that?!" Looking over towards the direction the whip had come from, the wolf widened its eyes to see the one assailant she had never expected.


"Luna?!" Yui exclaimed. "Are you alright?!"

Luna nodded her head. "Yes. I'm fine now."

"Impossible…" Fenrir growled. "Jormungandr was supposed to possess you! How could you have fought it off!" Not waiting for an answer, Fenrir shook its head. "It doesn't matter. There's no way you could resist it a second time." Fenrir howled as a black sphere of energy once again engulfed Luna, trapping her inside.

"Luna!" Yui gasped.

Fenrir smirked at its victory, but barely a few seconds passed by before the sphere Luna was in shattered into pieces. The wolf was stunned, unable to comprehend what was going on.

"This can't be happening…" Fenrir said. "She banished Jormungandr from herself completely?"

Luna shook her head. "You're wrong. I didn't get rid of Jormungandr."


"Jormungandr and I are now one and the same." Luna glared at the wolf. "And now it's time for some payback for hurting my friends!"

Out of nowhere, a sudden light engulfed Luna. When it died down, the young Imp was glowing with a violet aura. The aura also surrounded her sword, currently in her hand. With a swing of the blade, a long whip of energy came flying at Fenrir, hitting the wolf in the face.


"Amazing…" Yui gasped.

"Let's do this, Jormungandr." Luna muttered. She dashed at Fenrir with surprising speed. She swung her sword, slashing Fenrir, and leaving a long red gash along the wolf's body as she dashed past her. Fenrir kneeled slightly, clearly injured.

'Damnit. My mission's a failure at this rate.' Fenrir thought. 'I'll have to retreat for now.'

"Don't even think of trying to run." Rin said as she and Lilly walked up, sensing the enemy's plan to flee. "We have a lot to pay you back for."

"And you're going to take all of it in full." Lilly said, drawing her blade.

Fenrir tried to find a path to escape from but she was completely cornered. There was no means of escape for her.

Rin flapped her wings and sped at Fenrir. Her fist glowed with the light of a martial arts skill as she prepared to swing an uppercut. "This is for what you did to Luna!"

Fenrir felt the powerful force of Rin's fist hit her underbelly, making her fly up into the air. Lilly then took aim with her Elemental Pistol. "No one hurts our sister and gets away with it!"

Several shots of fire came and hit Fenrir midair, making her howl in pain. As the smoke was clearing while she fell, she saw Luna come at her from the corner of her eye.

"Jormungandr and I are not your puppets for destruction! Take this!"

Moving almost like a serpent, Luna slashed around Fenrir, bringing the wolf's HP down even further. Having no more strength left, her wolf appearance dissolved, turning back into the little girl from before. She hit the ground with a painful thud, no longer having the strength to even stand.

Yui and everyone soon had Fenrir surrounded, though it was clear the girl was no longer any threat to them. "It's over Fenrir. You've lost." Yui said.

Tears formed in Fenrir's eyes as they rolled down her cheeks. "Damnit… It's not fair… I was so close…"

"We should hand her over to those Aesir guys. They'll know what to do with her." Lilly suggested.

"On another topic…" Strea said as she turned to Luna. "What the hell was that just now?! You were so freaking awesome!"

All eyes fell on Luna, who rubbed the back of her head. "Well… I ended up meeting with Jormungandr inside my heart. I talked with him and well… we sort of fused."

"Fused?" Naoki asked. "Fused how?"

"It's kind of like we're the same person now." Luna explained. "When we fused, I got a notification saying I got a new skill called Demonic Serpent. It seems to allow me to transform the way you just saw briefly."

"So it's similar to Perfect Synchronization then…" Lilly realized. "That's really incredible."

After restraining Fenrir, the group brought her with them as they descended back to the realm of the Aesir. Once they arrived back at the throne room they had left from, they found several guards waiting for them. They all seemed relieved at the sight of Fenrir captured. As the group neared them, they quickly noticed a young girl with black hair that was chained up and in their custody.

"Who's this?" Yui asked.

"This is Hel, the third of the trio of destruction." the guard captain explained. "She fell down here beaten and injured. We believed it was your doing."

"Wait, this is that demon chick we fought?" Naoki asked. "But she looks so harmless now."

"The same can be said for Fenrir actually…" Sayaka realized.

The guard captain nodded his head. "These are not their real forms. However, at the same time, you could say they are."

Strea scratched her head. "That doesn't make a whole lot of sense."

"It is the same as with that girl there." he explained, pointing at Luna. "Long ago, Fenrir and Hel were both slain. However, they desperately managed to survive by sending their remaining essences into the bodies of the two young girls you see here. However, unlike your friend, they were both fully possessed over time."

"And now, they will be put to death for their crimes." another guard said.

Fenrir and Hel both held their heads low. This was it. Execution. Not that they had expected anything less. The guards began to take them away, but a sudden shout stopped them.


The call from Luna caused all heads to turn to her. "What is it?" the guard captain asked.

"Well…" Luna said. "If it's alright with you… I have an alternative to killing them."

Several eyes widened as they heard this. One of the guards yelled at Luna. "Foolish child! Don't trifle in matters of Aesir that aren't-" The guard was cut off as his captain signalled for him to be silent.

"What is this alternative you're suggesting?" the captain asked.

"Well… I was wondering… What if they helped rebuild Asgard. Fix all of the damage they did." Luna said.

The guard captain silently considered Luna's proposal. Fenrir called out to Luna. "What are you doing? Why are you trying to spare our lives after what we did to you?"

Luna looked the two girls in the eyes. "I was almost killed at one time too, all because Jormungandr was using me as a host. But here I am now. I was able to find new meaning to my life thanks to my Mama, Papa, my sisters, and all my friends. So I figured you could do the same. Try and find true meaning to your existence."

Fenrir and Hel looked at each other before turning their gazes back to Luna. "You're a strange one, girl." Fenrir said. "But… I guess that's not necessarily a bad thing."

"Luna, was it?" the guard captain said. "Considering you all helped us through this crisis, I suppose we can grant your request."

With that, the guards took Fenrir and Hel away to begin restoration of Asgard. A window appeared in front of Yui, signaling that they had cleared the quest.

"Hard to remember this was still a quest with everything that happened." Yui said, glancing through the items they had gotten. "The Cardinal system sure works in mysterious ways."

Luna felt both of her sisters place their hands on her shoulders. "Are you ok, Luna?" Lilly asked.

"Mhm." Luna nodded. "But I'm super tired after everything."

"Can't say I blame you." Rin smiled. "Anyhow, let's head home. How about it?"

Luna nodded her head eagerly as she went back to Alfheim with her sisters and friends. She looked up at the sky of Aesir. This adventure had been full of hardships for her. But at the same time, she didn't regret it. Because she was more at peace with herself than ever before now.

A/N: Hope you guys liked the arc. Like I said, there will be a bit of a hiatus for this story before it continues. But be on the lookout for the next Lost Story, which should be updated in the near future.