A/N: Hello fans of I Will Not Bow and Blazing Revolution. You all thought the story was over? Wrong! Ok, actually I did plan for it to be over but a lot of readers were requesting me to make a fic for the kids of my OCs. So by popular demand, here it is.

But before all that happens, I have a small arc planned out for you all before shifting the story to Rin, Lilly, and all the other kids. I hope you will all enjoy it. And for those of you that might not, don't worry it won't be too long.

Also, for any of you that haven't read I Will Not Bow or Blazing Revolution, I would highly suggest going back to read those before this. The story will make little sense unless you do.

Without further adieu, here it is folks. The first chapter of Blazing Generations.

(I do not own Sword Art Online. All rights go to their respectful owners.)

It's been two and a half years since Dan and Alicia have gotten married. Rin has just recently turned one year old, and Alicia is currently pregnant with their second child. The happy couple live in their own home in Tokyo. Alicia is working on her first novel, which is still in the works. Other than Rin, Naoki has also been born as well as Kirito and Asuna's first biological child Strea, and Tetsuya the son of Sinon and Riku. Spring is upon them, meaning Clair and Emi will be home for a week from college for spring break.

Life for the happy couple is calm and peaceful right now. Well, at least as calm and peaceful as it can get with a one year old baby and a pregnant wife. But things never seem to stay that way forever. Something is about to happen that will threaten to shake and disrupt the peaceful life they have fought so hard to build. And it all involves a person from Dan's past.

Alicia slowly opened her eyes as she looked out the window. The curtains were closed, but the shining sunlight was appearing through the cracks. She reached over to the other side of the bed to feel her significant other, only to find that he wasn't there.

Alicia wondered where he was, but the fact that she didn't hear anything coming from Rin's room told her all she needed to know. She lazily got out of bed, taking care with her bumpy pregnant belly. She walked downstairs into the living room and saw a sight that brought a smile to her face.

Rin was fast asleep in a crib. Dan was at his daughter's side, fast asleep on the couch. Alicia smiled as she walked up to the crib and picked her daughter up. Rin was about to let out a wailing sound at having her sleep disturbed, but Alicia's soothing hum quickly calmed her down.

"There, there, Rin. Why don't we let daddy rest, shall we?" Alicia said as she walked over into the kitchen with her daughter. "You had him up all last night I bet."

Rin cooed in her mother's loving embrace. Alicia warmed up a bottle for her daughter and sat down at the kitchen table, feeding her.

Alicia could feel a kick come from inside her. She flinched slightly, but soon managed to smile afterwards. "Sounds like your little sibling wants to say good morning to their sister, Rin." She said as she continued to feed her. "I know you're gonna be a great older sister. They'll bug you from time to time, but you'll learn to love them anyway." She giggled as she thought about how she and her sister Emi were when they were kids. "Speaking of siblings, you're gonna get to see your two aunts today. Doesn't that sound exciting?"

"Well I know they're excited to see her again, at least." Alicia looked up and saw Dan walk into the kitchen. "Clair texted me last night, telling me she got back home last night. And apparently she has a bit of a surprise for us."

"Morning sleepyhead." Alicia greeted with a smile. "My parents said Emi's supposed to be arriving back around noon. Let's go visit Clair and your mother first so she has time to unpack."

"Sounds good." Dan nodded as he took a seat. He smiled at his baby daughter. "Hey Rin. How's daddy's favorite little girl?"

Alicia handed her over to him. "Finish feeding her for me. I'll go make breakfast."

"I can make breakfast if you want." Dan offered. "You should sit down and relax."

Alicia rolled her eyes, but still smiled at him. "Dan, I may be pregnant but I'm not helpless. I can make breakfast." She gave him a peck on the cheek as she walked into the kitchen.

Dan sat back in the chair and continued to feed Rin while Alicia cooked up a plate of eggs for the two of them. She soon returned to the table, placing Dan's plate in front of him. "Here you go."

Once Dan was finished feeding Rin, the couple ate their breakfast together. Their baby girl rested in a crib near the table. The little girl was now one year old, and they'd soon have another one to deal with. Alicia's due day was coming around the corner. Once that happened, Dan would be officially taking a break from work to help out around the house. But with him only working at his job at RECT's Industrial department for just shy of two years now, his vacation days were still fairly limited in number. But using all of them, he'd still have a good month or two to stay with Alicia and their soon to be two children until everything got back to normal.

"By the way, have you heard how are Shino and Shirou doing with Tetsuya?" Dan asked. "I know you and the girls have been bugging Shino all the time ever since you heard she was pregnant."

Alicia pouted at him. "Don't make it sound like that. As mothers, we're all just curious. That's all."

"Mmhm. Sure thing sweetie." Dan said while rolling his eyes. "It's totally not you and the other girls just being nosy."

Alicia pouted at him. "Someone sounds like they don't want dinner tonight."

Dan felt a cold sweat go down his back. "N-No, of course not! I'm sorry."

Alicia giggled at her husband's face and gave him a quick kiss. "Good boy."

Dan and Alicia spent the rest of the morning doing chores around the house. It was Dan's day off so he was able to help around the house today, as well as lessen the burden for Alicia. The neighbors around the area came to check up on Alicia often whenever Dan was at work. Alicia hated being treated like she couldn't take care of herself, but she knew her husband was just worrying about her.

Around noon or so, Dan and Alicia got into the car to go to Dan's mother's house. It was spring break and Clair and Emi would both be home for the week. It had been a few months since either of them had caught up with their siblings, so it was a good opportunity. Besides that, both Emi and Clair had practically been begging them to see Rin.

Finally the couple arrived at their destination. Ren got out of the car and helped get Rin out of her seat in the back of the car. Alicia held the baby girl as they walked up to the front door. After Dan knocked on the door, it only took a few moments before Juna came to the door and answered it. Her face brightened as she saw her son and daughter-in-law.

"Oh Dan, it's so nice to see my baby boy."

Dan blushed a little as he rubbed the back of his head. Alicia giggled at her husband's embarrassed face.

Juna turned her attention to Alicia and Rin. "And Alicia, it's so nice to see you again. And of course my little granddaughter." She wiggled her finger near the baby girl. "Who's a cutie pie? That's right, you are."

Dan and Alicia walked into the house. "Nice to see you too mom. So is Clair home?"

He couldn't tell why, but a devilish grin came to Juna's face. "Yes, she most certainly is. And she even brought a friend from college home for the week."

"A friend? Is she her roommate or something?"

Juna giggled. "You'll see soon enough."

Soon the sound of footsteps were heard coming downstairs. Dan looked over and saw his sister Clair come down from the second floor. She smiled as she saw her brother. "Hey bro. Long time no see." She walked over and looked down at Rin in Alicia's arms. "And hello to you, my adorable little niece."

"What so I just get a hello and my daughter gets all the attention?" Dan questioned.

"You aren't one and a half feet tall and have the cutest little face ever." Clair said. She looked back at her brother with a teasing grin. "Although if we put you in diapers…"

Dan frowned as his sister laughed at him. "You're making me forget the reason I decided to come visit."

The comment only made Clair laugh more. Soon, the group heard the presence of someone else upstairs. "Hey Clair, where do you want me to put my dufflebag?"

Dan and Alicia could only assume that the voice belonged to Clair's friend from college. But to their surprise, the voice sounded male instead of female. Dan looked at his sister with narrow eyes. "Does this happen to be the surprise you mentioned?"

Clair blushed slightly as her mother giggled at her. The brunette girl called back upstairs. "Just throw it down anywhere for now. There's someone I want you to meet."

Soon the person upstairs could be heard making their way down. Dan and Alicia watched as a boy with tan hair and red eyes that seemed to be around Clair's age. Dan and Alicia looked at each other, knowing this could only mean one thing.

"I'm sure you remember Jun from the Sleeping Knights guild in ALO. This is him. Junichi Rikudo" Clair explained. "And we're kinda sorta… dating." Clair looked back at her boyfriend. "And this is my brother Dan and his wife Alicia. You might remember them as Ren and Alice."

Dan had never really seen Jun act nervous before in the few encounters he had with him back in ALO. But for this encounter, Jun was as stiff as a leaf. He bowed his head in front of Dan. "I-It's very nice to see you again, Ren. I mean Dan!"

Clair rolled her eyes and sighed. "I thought I told you, there's no need to be nervous. He's my brother, not some kind of demon."

"Now, now little sister." Dan said. "Your boyfriend is right to be wary of me. After all, I can't just let anybody date my precious little sister."

"Dan! Come on, don't do this!" Clair argued.

Dan feigned innocence. "What kind of brother would I be if I didn't inspect your boyfriend to make sure he's worthy of you?"

Clair pouted at her brother. "This is payback for all the times I made fun of you and Alicia, isn't it?"

"Yep." Dan replied, not missing a beat. He walked up to Jun and looked him in the eye. "Now then mister Junichi, exactly how long have you and my sister been dating?"

"A-About a year officially." Jun replied, his entire body shaking. "We met up a lot in ALO, but couldn't meet up a lot in the real world since we live far away from each other. But we ended up going to the same college, so we started dating more in the real world."

"So if we're counting the time in ALO, then more than a year." Dan said. "Alright then, next question."

"Y-Yes?" Jun gulped.

Dan couldn't keep up the tough face any longer and began laughing. "Relax man, I'm just joking. I'm fine with you dating my sister." He pointed behind him towards his mother. "I'd watch out for her though. She's going to make your life hell now."

Jun nodded his head. "Yes. Thank you."

"One more thing." Dan said, placing a hand on his shoulder. On the outside it seemed friendly, but Jun could tell there was a hidden layer of ice in the touch. "If my sister comes crying to me in tears, there is no place in this world you can hide, got it?"

Jun feverishly nodded his head. "U-Understood."

Dan grinned and patted him on the back. "Good. Now that that's cleared out of the way, how about we catch up, sis?"

Clair pouted and glared at her brother. "You are the worst sometimes."

The group all went into the kitchen and sat down at the table. Juna held Rin in her arms as the four younger ones chatted together.

"So I'm curious, when exactly did you two become an item?" Alicia asked with a grin. "I'm surprised Asuna never found out about this."

Clair blushed slightly as she thought back. "Well, we first started hanging out a lot about in ALO a year after Yuuki died. Jun's treatments were working and the cancer in his body was going away. You guys were all at college around that time, so I guess that's why you never found out. Then when I told Jun about what college I was attending, I found out he was going to the same one."

Jun nodded his head. "Once college started, we began dating in the real world. That was at the start of the semester, around a year and a half ago."

"And has he been treating you well? I hope you two haven't been doing anything-"

"DAN!" Clair complained, her cheeks going completely red, causing her brother to laugh. "Ugh, this is exactly why I didn't tell you until now. And don't act like you and Alicia didn't do anything inappropriate back in high school or college either."

"So Clair, I'm curious." Alicia asked, leaning in. "Has Emi told you whether she's dating anyone right now?"

Clair shook her head. "Not that I'm aware of. There have been a few talks about guys she's had her eye on here and there, but nothing to suggest she's dating one of them. She's doing wonders on the gymnastics team for her school though."

"I see…"

"Enough about me, what about you?" Clair asked. "How's life living with my brother and a baby?"

Alicia giggled while Dan frowned slightly. "It's fine. Dan's been doing well at his job and I'm almost done with my first novel." she explained. "I've been interviewing Kazuto and hearing about some of the crazy adventures he had back in SAO. You wouldn't believe some of the stuff he did back in the day."

"I can't wait to read it." Clair said. "And I can think of a few people who'd love to see some of the stuff in there. Namely Rika."

"It's been awhile since we last had everyone together, come to think of it." Dan said. "I think the last time was at Rika and Yuya's wedding."

"Man, that was a blast." Clair remembered. "I remember all of the roasting everyone did on her at the afterparty."

"She got a lot of us back afterwards though." Alicia said, laughing as she recalled the events. "I think my favorite was what she said about Hyde."

"Hyde… That's Helios, right? The tanky axe-user from your guild?" Jun asked.

Dan nodded his head. "That's him. He and Lilina actually recently had a baby boy."

"Really? That's nice to hear."

"Yeah. Jun's great with little kids." Clair said with a nod.

Dan narrowed his eyes as he looked at Clair. "You sure seem to call your boyfriend by his avatar name more than his real name."

Jun let out a small chuckle. "Well actually, Jun was my nickname back as a kid. I just ended up using it when I made my avatar for my Seed account."

"So you're calling each other by nicknames, are you?" Alicia realized. "What's his nickname for you Clair?"

The couple both blushed at the question, making Alicia know she was onto something juicy. Clair feverishly shook her head and waved her arms in front of her. "N-Nothing special! Just your average everyday nicknames!"

Despite Alicia and Dan's attempts, neither of them were able to get Clair or Jun to go any further than that. The chat amongst the group continued for some time. Clair and Jun talked about how the spring semester at college was going for both of them. Dan and Alicia talked about their life as a married couple, combined with dealing with a one year old baby and another one quickly on the way. Before long, it was time for Alicia and Dan to get going to go visit Emi at Alicia's parents' house.

The couple waved goodbye to Dan's mother and sister, as well as Jun, as they drove away from the house and over to Alicia's parents.

"Jun and Clair, huh? I never realized what a great couple they'd make." Alicia said.

"We should probably make sure not to tell Asuna, though." Dan pointed out.

"Hey, she's not the full-time matchmaker like she was in high school." Alicia reminded him. "She's calmed down a bit from that."

"Fair enough." Dan said as he drove. It took them about a full hour before they had finally arrived at their destination.

As the family of three exited from the car, Emi came out of the house. She had a much slimmer figure than her sister did back in college, a trait that helped her out often in gymnastics in college.

"Hey sis!" Emi said with a cheerful tone to her voice as she ran up to them. "It's been so long since I've seen you!"

"Emi!" Alicia smiled. "How've you been?"

Emi came up and gave her sister a light hug. As the two sisters separated, Emi went over to greet her brother-in-law. "I hope you've been treating my big sister well."

Dan smiled at the college girl. "Nice to see you too, Emi."

Emi looked down at Rin and oogled at the baby girl. Soon Alicia's parents came out from the house, happy to see their daughter and her husband, as well as their granddaughter. The group all went inside to chat and catch up.

For awhile now, Emi had been getting a lot more athletic ever since she had decided to try out gymnastics. Her slim figure helped her in gymnastics, and although she didn't like to admit it, so did her lack of development in her chest. The years she spent playing VR games had made maneuvering her body midair quite easy for her. She was a natural at it.

Most of the talking dealt with Emi telling Dan and Alicia what college life was like for her so far. Dan talked about what it was like working for RECT, while Alicia explained how her novel was coming along.

In the middle of the chat, Dan heard his phone ring. He pulled it out and saw the one calling him was Clair. "Excuse me." he said as he walked into the other room. Dan brought the phone to his ear. "Hey sis. What's up?"

"Dan, you have to come right away! Mom's unconscious!"

Dan's eyes widened as he heard this. "She what?! Slow down Clair, tell me what happened."

"M-Mom, she heard the doorbell ring. She went to answer it, a-and this guy was at the door. Mom saw him and she… she…"

Dan could hear his sister panicking on the other end. "Clair, stay calm. I'm on my way right now." Clair began to say something on the other end, but he hung up before he realized it. Dan walked back into the room where Alicia and her family were. Based on the looks they were giving him as he walked in, he could only assume that they had heard his end of the conversation.

"Something's going on at my place." Dan quickly explained. "I'll be back in a bit."

"I'm coming too." Alicia said.

Dan shook his head. "No Alicia, you stay here with Rin."


"I'll be fine. I'll call you the second I get there and figure out what's going on." Dan assured her.

Alicia reluctantly nodded her head. "Alright. Be careful."

Dan nodded his head and walked out of the house, quickly getting into his car and driving off. Some stranger at the door. He dreaded what it could only mean. There were plenty of people he could think of from his past that hated him enough that they would go after his family. The thoughts of those people hurting his mother and sister terrified him. He sped up his driving, desperate to get there.

'Please. Just let them be safe.'

As soon as Dan arrived back at the home, he quickly got out of the car and ran towards the door. When he entered the house, Clair was right there to greet him.

"Clair, what happened?! Is mom alright?!" Dan asked frantically.

Clair nodded her head, though something seemed to be gnawing at her mind. "Yeah. She's ok now. She came to about ten minutes ago."

"And the guy that attacked her? What happened to him?"

Clair shook her head at him. "Dan, he didn't attack her. Mom… well she fainted out of shock when she saw him."

"Him? Him who?" Dan asked.

Clair didn't really know how to say it, but she leaned in and whispered it in her brother's ear. When he heard who it was, Dan's eyes widened in shock. He sped past Clair and into the kitchen where three people were sitting at the table. The first two were his mother and Jun. The third one he knew the identity of based on what Clair had said, but it still took him a moment to comprehend who it really was.

The man seemed to be in his fifties. He had messy black hair and blue eyes. His scruffy face told Dan that he had been living a mediocre life up until now. But in all honesty, Dan wasn't sure if the person staring at him right now even deserved a life as good as mediocre. Clair could feel the disdain coming from her brother as she walked into the kitchen.

The man sitting at the table and looking at him was Satoru Hiryo. Dan and Clair's father.

"Hello son." Satoru said with a forlorn expression, understanding his son's shock right now. "It's been awhile."

Dan stood still, frozen in place like a tree. He couldn't believe it was actually him. But there was no mistaking it. He obviously looked older than he did in all of the pictures Dan had seen of him, it being a good twenty years or so since the last time Dan had actually seen him in the flesh, but there was no mistaking it.

Satoru got up from his chair and walked up to his son. "Dan… I know it's been a long time but-"

Dan didn't give the man a chance to finish, cutting him off with a clothesline punch to the face.

A/N: Yep. So I'm guessing most of you can tell what this arc will be focused on. I was originally going to put this arc as a story in Blazing Revolution: Lost Stories, but the current story in there, Papa Helios probably won't be ending anytime soon. So since this deals with stuff post-Blazing Revolution, I figured I'd put it in here. Please be sure to leave a review of your thoughts.

The next chapter will be up in a couple of days most likely. See you all then.