The room was light and airy, a large window letting the small breeze waft the gossamer curtains swirl. Below her Hermione felt the silky white sheets and the sheer light fabric covering her body as she laid draped across Draco's lap. They were both naked and Hermione smiled languidly. Tonight was their last night in Italy and she felt only a small sadness for leaving the lovely manor. It would be nice to return to Malfoy Manor.

'What are you thinking about love?'

The word love was dripping with sex coming out as a purr from his lips. Hermione twisted in his arms leaning in against his chest whispering the words against his neck.

'How I'll miss this place but also it will be nice to be back home.'

Draco's hand slipped across her cheek before trailing down her neck to her breast. His fingers deftly teasing the rosy peak.

'That wouldn't have anything to do with the play room would it? Do you miss being my little slut?'

The last question was said against her throat and Hermione moaned both at his calling her a slut and at the breath that slid across her. Draco chuckled at the small moan.

'You love it when I talk dirty to you don't you my little slut?'


Draco laughed at her and Hermione tried to be annoyed but she couldn't muster any anger refusing to ruin the peaceful moment.

'Is it wrong for me to be aroused by my man?'

Draco smiled looking down at her in the sheets, Hermione's face a picture of innocence and sex. Draco wasn't sure how she managed to pull off the two but it was something he had only ever seen in her.

'You're gorgeous you know that?'

Hermione chuckled as he complimented her. He was always so random with his compliments and it was always nice to hear him say it. Hermione moved again this time to press her lips against his revelling in the soft skin meeting hers. As she did her breasts pressed against his chest and she moaned as the slide of his skin against hers made the peaks hard. A soft moan fell from her lips as Draco deepened the kiss sliding his mouth along hers asking entrance. She let him in and gasped as his hand teased one hard bud.


She pulled back from the kiss to moan the name and he loved the sound of it falling from her lips. She was his. Pulling her head up so her eyes gazed into his he let the possessiveness flow into his voice.

'You are mine. You are always going to be mine. Do you understand?'

Hermione was slightly shocked at Draco's jealousy but she kind of liked it. The thought of him wanting her forever and for no-one else to touch her gave her hope they were in for the long haul. She let out a loud moan as his hand slid across her entrance before slipping a finger into her letting her moan again before stilling inside her. Hermione tried to buck her hips against his finger desperate for contact.


His voice was commanding as he ordered her to stop and look at him.

'I own this'

He wiggled the finger inside her making her cry out before stilling again. She groaned his name half annoyance half a plea for more.


'You will never have anyone but me. I promise I will ruin you for anyone else, make you want only me.'

'Is that your way of saying you love me Draco Malfoy?'

Her voice was teasing but she did want him to love her. She didn't know when this relationship had changed but Hermione was glad it had because she'd fallen for him. Even before the relationship started she knew there were feelings for him, all the arguments it had all led to this. He shifted his finger in her starting to thrust it in and out.

'Cum for me and I'll tell you.'

Hermione moaned before lying down allowing him better access to pleasure her. Draco slipped his finger out of her and smirked at her whimper. Hermione pushed her head up to see what Draco was doing but before she could question him his tongue was lapping at her heat. Dropping her head down she let out a moan as he continued to tease her down there.

'All this wetness for me princess. Gods, I've always know you would like it dirty in bed.'

Hermione kept moaning and as the sensation in her built up she knew it wouldn't be long till she crashed over the edge.

'Draco please…I'm so close…'

Draco lightly bit her inner thigh before whispering to her that he loved her with that Hermione felt herself reach the edge before…

Her eyes flashed open and Hermione groaned forgetting Draco was led next to her.

'Are you okay Hermione?'

The concern in his voice made her laugh maybe there was some kindness in him after all. After the last day dream Hermione wondered if there was more kindness hidden beneath the depths of Draco. She wanted there to be. These daydreams were causing her nothing but sexual frustration and based off the two she had already seen Hermione could tell that there was two sides of Malfoy and she was determined to make him hers.

'Yes. Did you deliberately stop the daydreams like that?'

His smirk at her words said he did before he even answered.

'Just as you're about to get immense pleasure. Why yes I did?'

His body moved closer to hers on the bed and Hermione couldn't help but want more. Leaning up her body was mere inches from his.


'Because I don't want to pleasure you in a dream I want to pleasure you in reality.'

'So why the day dreams?'

'I have to make sure we're compatible.'

Hermione understood then the day dreams were his way of telling her what he wanted in a relationship. He wanted someone who could be submissive and slightly kinky in the bedroom but deep down he also wanted the relationship to last. He wanted to be sweet and sour. Soft and rough. Taking a risk Hermione placed her lips to his. It was quick just a peck before Hermione pulled away again.

'I'm falling in love with the man in the daydreams.'

Draco sat stock still, shocked and unsure what to say. Hermione continued before he could take over her.

'But I don't know if you're the man in the dreams. I don't want to keep going Draco.'

Draco slipped his arms around her pulling her into his chest. He'd known that once she saw the real him in the day dreams that she would fall for him. Draco didn't know how long he'd loved her but watching her react to the daydreams seeing her moan his name had stirred something in him. Something possessive.

'I am that man Hermione. Just give me a chance to show it to you.'

'I'm not sure.'

Hermione pulled out of his arms confused from the evening's events. She sat on the edge of the bed deciding whether to leave or not when Draco made the decision for her. His arms reached out crushing her to his body as his lips met the sensitive spot on her neck causing her to moan.

'I am perfect for you Hermione and you know it. No-one else can ever pleasure you like I can. I will ruin you for anyone else because you are mine.'

Hermione's eyes were like saucers as she looked at the passion in Draco's eyes. She didn't fight against him as he lowered her onto the bed.

'Please don't make me go through another day dream.'

'I won't I promise. The only pleasure you will get is from me.'

With that his lips met hers pouring out all the emotion and using it to pleasure her. Draco knew Hermione would be sexually frustrated and she was probably already ready for him but Draco was determined to make her cum over and over again tonight. For now though her lips were intoxicating and Draco lost himself in them.