Frustrated Hermione kicked the shelf. Stupid height. It wasn't even like she was that short and yet still the books in the restricted section went high above her head. Sadly due to it being the restricted area her magic didn't work here. Pulling herself up onto tiptoes Hermione reached up once more to the shelf.


Hermione felt someone step up behind her. Their body pressing against hers as their arms reached above hers picking the book off the shelf.

'Need a little help there Granger?'

Her mind recognised the voice. Draco Malfoy. Hermione should be worried or disgusted that his body was pressed against her but she wasn't. Malfoy's body was warm and muscular and Hermione had been dreaming about it for days. Maybe this was another dream but it felt so real.

'Is this a dream?'

Malfoy chuckled and she felt his breath hot against her neck. Hermione felt stupid for asking the question if this wasn't a dream Malfoy would tease her endlessly. But then if this wasn't a dream what was he doing touching her like this? Without her noticing Malfoy had put the book down and was now running his hands along her body.

'Do you want it to be?'

His voice pulled her in dark and masculine. A moan whispered from her lips as his fingers traced the sensitive spot on her neck. Draco smirked at the witch's reaction as his pants got tighter. Moving back a step he turned the witch round so her back was against the bookcase. Pressing his body back to Hermione's he ground his cock against her relishing the moan she made.

'You never answered my question princess. Do you want this to be a dream?'

Hermione could hardly think with Draco touching her.


Draco lunged forward then capturing her lips under his. Hermione melted into the kiss pushing back against him. Her hands moved across Draco's back as the kiss deepened. He pulled away kissing down her face and neck and her eyes drifted shut at the feeling. Smirking Draco bit the skin and sucked it gently and Hermione couldn't help the moan that escaped her. A shiver ran through her as she opened her eyes. Instead of seeing Draco all she saw was the bookcase opposite. Disappointment filled her before she noticed a small note on top of the book.

Until next time
