OMG, again I'm so sorry! I've been taking forever to update. Life has just gotten so hectic lately. I've had the idea for the chapter for way longer than I'd like to admit, it just took me a while to put it to paper (or computer, rather lol). This chapter has only been proofread once. You've been warned lol I'll proofread again later I just wanted to upload this as soon as possible.

NSFW Warning btw lol Enjoy!

Korra used her firm build to press Asami tight against the wall. Meanwhile her hands drifted along the body in front of her, alternating between her curves at her sides, her waist, her back, and her hips, never resting. Her lips stayed in place at the pale neck, sucking and nibbling, creating a dark pink hickey on the sensitive skin.

Asami couldn't control the tingles raging through her skin like fire. She was rapidly getting caught up in the feeling of it all. Korra's hands and fingers were setting off her body like a bomb and she bit her lip in an attempt to stifle incoming moans. Asami lifted her hands and pressed her palms flat against Korra's upper chest.

"Wait— Wait, Korra, we can't do this here, someone might see."

Korra lifted her head and stared into Asami's eyes, her blue eyes flashing with mischief.

"Okay, let's go to the bed then."

No sooner were the words out of her mouth then everything around them began spinning and blurring together. Suddenly Asami found herself in front of a bed in either her or Korra's room, she really couldn't tell the difference in that moment.

"How—" Asami started.

She was interrupted by being lightly pushed back onto the bed.

"Shhh… It's okay, don't worry about it," Korra responded in a husky voice. She began pushing up her shirt and kissing the toned stomach that lay beneath. She spoke against the skin, trailing the kisses lower, "Just let me take care of you."

As the kisses continued even lower, Asami felt her pants being pulled down to accommodate questing lips. Shocks flew throughout her body and her hips were bucking uncontrollably.

"Oh, fuck. Korrrrraaaahh-"

Asami rapidly flung herself up in bed, wide eyed and looking around herself. It took a moment for her to become aware that she was in her own room, by herself, with no Korra to be seen. She closed her eyes in realization and her palm came up to her face to cover it in embarrassment. Unsurprisingly, her cheeks were warm under her hand. She removed her palm and chanced a glance under the covers. Asami was glad to see her sheets weren't soaked or anything. Her underwear, however, were another story.

She let her body plop back down onto her bed and she let out an exasperated sigh. She was ridiculous, having dreams like this about Korra. Asami supposed she couldn't be too hard on herself. After all, there was a bunch of teasing going on, and throughout all of it, she hadn't even gotten release once. Asami reached down below the covers and pulled her ruined underwear down her legs and pulled them off one leg at a time. She then flung them across the room to the laundry basket.

A sigh of content left her lips, this time because her underwear had been uncomfortably wet against her sensitive skin. Though, her thighs were still slick, and between them was beyond slick. Her hand brushes against the soft skin of her mound before she realizes what's happening and she lets out a breath in relief. The skin there is silky smooth because she can't stand the feeling of her own coarse hair down there, so she usually gets it waxed before it can grow out.

Asami lost herself in just stroking the baby soft skin before her mind conjured an image of the vivid dream and her fingers became more purposeful. Her other hand swiftly pushed up her sleeping shirt to reveal her bare chest. She was never very fond of sleeping with a bra on. Her hand then found itself entertained by groping the milky globe with a firm touch. Her hips bucked up on their own accord with her fingertips brushed just gently against the hidden sensitive nub. Her teeth drew down firmly on her lip to prevent any noises from escaping. Fuck, it had been too long. She was so lost in the feeling that she didn't notice the subtle noises indicating that Korra was standing right outside the door.

The Avatar stood outside the door, stiff as a board, clutching incident reports in her hand. She had been about to knock, but something had stopped her. There were some muffled sounds coming from the other side of the door. Korra couldn't quite make out what they were, but they were definitely Asami's noises. Soft, very feminine. The sounds almost sounded like whimpers? Her eyes widened. She inspected the door suspiciously; it was cracked ever so slightly. Asami couldn't be… Could she?

The noises grew in volume and started sounding frantic. Fear-struck blue eyes widened even further. Maybe she's having a nightmare. That's gotta be it. The papers were rapidly becoming crumpled as she pressed them to her quick-paced heart with both hands. Korra continued to stare intently at the door. She had to figure out what was the cause of those noises. After reassuring herself that nothing inappropriate could be going on because the door was partway cracked, she decided to check out what the sound was.

Korra pushed open the door gently with her shoulder, just enough so she could slip through. She shimmied her body through without touching the door, trying to not to knock the door more open. When she finally made it past the door, she looked up at the view in front of her. And nearly passed out.

She had been completely wrong. So completely and utterly wrong. Apparently, Asami could be doing inappropriate things with the door cracked. She laid there in all her glory with her legs splayed under the covers, her hand working furiously between them. It was obvious what she was doing by the motions even though her hand was buried. However, that wasn't what had the Avatar slack-jawed, it was the sight of Asami's bare exposed chest. Her tank was pushed up and the other hand that wasn't working diligently under the covers was massaging one of her breasts.

But my God, her breasts. Korra was amazed, could feel her mouth watering; they were perfect. Although they were heaving, she could tell how perky and round they were. Korra licked her lips subconsciously. The beautiful pale orbs were topped off with pink peaks that were wrinkled and hardened with arousal. A no longer muffled whimper drew Korra's attention to her face, which was scrunched up as she chased her climax. Her bottom lip was tucked into her mouth, unsuccessfully attempting to trap any noises. Korra was caught in a stupor by the erotic image in front of her.

Suddenly, that bottom lip was tugged free and a soft gasp came out in the shape of a name, "Korra."

That snapped the Avatar out of her trance. No, this was wrong. What was she doing watching her?She covered a hand over her eyes to prevent them from prying. However, the picture in front of her was too magnetizing and she opened a gap in her fingers to peek through with one eye. No, bad Korra, she reprimanded herself. This was definitely an invasion of privacy. After uncovering her eyes, Korra started backing up hurriedly get out of the room. Unfortunately, she isn't always so coordinated and her back instead slammed the door completely closed and knocked the papers out of her hands.

Asami's eyes snapped open and her hands stopped moving instantaneously. She was granted with an image of the Avatar with her back against the door, red faced and wide eyed, with pieces of papers fluttering to the ground. She quickly grabbed the covers and pulled them up to her chin as she sat up. A flush was rapidly spreading from her face to all over her body.

"Korra!" she shrieked.

Blue eyes darted nervously around the room and she scratched at the back of her neck.

"I, uh— you see… Well I can explain! I h-heard noises… I thought maybe, you were like having a nightmare or something? Or m-maybe someone broke in or something like that?" Korra managed to stutter out.

Asami didn't respond. She just narrowed her eyes disbelievingly. Boy, did she look pissed.

"Okay, okay! Well, m-maybe it didn't sound quite like that, but I didn't know you would be— I mean… I never meant to see you like that!"

The other girl just kept her eyes narrowed and clenched the covers tighter.

"Okay, well, I'll just, um…" She finished her sentence with a point of her finger to the ground indicating at the mess she made on the floor. Korra then quickly got down on all fours, eyes glued to the floor, and started gathering the papers. "I actually came here to, uh, show you these reports… I kind of felt bad for always ditching Mako's meetings about this stuff. I was kind of hoping you would go through them with me…"

Asami cleared her throat from above her on the bed before speaking, "Why did you need me?"

Korra tried not to shiver at the fact that Asami had not succeeded in completely clearing the husky timbre from her voice. She darted her eyes up at the taller girl, with hope sparkling in them, before putting her gaze back on the floor in submission.

"I… I don't know, you're just… better at these kind of things, figuring out stuff like this," Korra admitted quietly. After she was finished gathering all the papers from the floor, she rose to her feet. She gathered all the courage from inside of her and made eye contact with Asami. The Avatar was surprised to see she no longer looked angry, just embarrassed. Guilt hit her like a sucker punch to the stomach. "Look, Asami, I'm really sorry… I didn't expect to see you… um… not dressed…"

Asami regarded Korra with interest. She wanted to be mad at her, she really did. But just watching her, shifting her weight from foot to foot, looking like a beaten puppy, how could she really be angry? However, Asami wasn't going to let her get off that easily. She had to tease her just a little.

"So, you're saying you're sorry you saw me half-naked?" She quirked an eyebrow while waiting for a response.

Korra's eyes snapped wide and she stiffened.

"N-no! Of course not. I mean, yes, I'm sorry I didn't mean to invade your privacy, but you're very— I mean your chest is— um, it definitely wasn't a bad sight to see?" Korra stuttered, her face becoming redder with each word.

Asami chuckled as her heart picked up a few beats per second. It was nice to know at least Korra found her attractive. After regaining her composure, she nodded at the door behind her with her chin, still clutching the covers to her body.

"Go on and let me get dressed, we can talk about the reports later today. I promised Bolin I'd give him a little break on his shift today," she said with mirth evident in her voice. "He said he couldn't handle 12 whole hours with the Prince."

Korra laughed lightly at that.

"I don't blame him." she muttered.

Asami gave a wink and said, "Me neither."

Korra tried to ignore the way her heart sped from the innocent wink.

"Are you going to save me when it's time for my shift?" Korra asked, with a bit of a flirtatious tone to her voice.

"Maybe, if you ever let me get dressed to save Bolin first." Asami retorted, green eyes sparkling with amusement.

Korra perked up and started reaching for the door handle immediately.

"Oh yeah," she said with a nervous laugh. "Sorry. I'll be… you know, around if you need me."

Asami just giggled.

"Bye Korra, I'll see you later tonight."

"Yeah, I'll see you then."

As soon as the door closed, Asami pulled down her tank top and then hopped out of bed to get dressed. As she put on her clothes, she tried carefully to avoid bumping her overly sensitive lower parts. Damn, she thought as she tugged on some jeans, am I ever going to get some relief?

After she was finished getting dressed, Asami hurried to the courtyard where she knew Bolin would be with Prince Wu. And sure enough, shortly after arriving, she spotted them. Prince Wu was slowly walking about the garden, seemingly admiring the flowers, whilst Bolin sat on a concrete bench, head cradled in his hand and elbow perched on his knee, looking bored out of his mind.

"Bolin!" Asami called out.

He instantly perked up, then jumped off the bench to run over and give her a bone crushing hug.

"Asami!" Bolin yelled excitedly. He then whispered near her ear, "Please tell me you're here to give me a break."

She nodded in response then sucked in a deep breath after he let her go.

"Go. Be free or whatever." Asami said with a chuckle.

Bolin was grinning from ear to ear.

"Yep, I'm going to go find Opal!" he said excitedly, already starting to walk away.

"Remember, you only have an hour!"

"That's…" Bolin held out his hand, pointing at each finger as he counted them. He then replied jokingly, "45 minutes more than I need!" He took off running before he even got to see the disgusted face Asami made in response.

Now alone with Prince Wu, Asami made to sit down on the bench. Almost instantly, Wu was beside her sitting down as well. He stared at her and she gave a forced smile in response.

"So…" he started.

"So." she replied, not sure what to say. Silence hung over them for quite a few minutes before he spoke again.

"I've been wondering… Well, I heard you were raised with a lot of money like me." he continued, with a sudden serious tone to his voice.

"Yeah," she replied in a questioning tone. "I mean, nowhere near as much as you, but I guess, yeah."

Prince Wu stared down at his feet and started kicking nearby rocks.

"Didn't you, ya know, get lonely?"

Asami was taken aback by the question and quirked an eyebrow at the young prince, however he didn't meet her eyes. She faced forward again before responding.

"Yeah, sometimes. More so after my mom's death. My dad… didn't seem to want much to do with me after that…" she replied solemnly.

"Yeah, my parents are," Wu paused to take a deep breath. "Pretty non-existent… in case you haven't noticed." He paused again, leaning back on his hands and staring up at the sky. "You would think hearing that their son was in danger that they'd come running or something. Instead, they replied with a letter that they were attending to business. A freaking letter."

Asami was shocked by his sudden confession, but tried not to show it. She placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Hey Wu, I'm sorry… I had no idea." She actually felt bad for him now; she had thought of him as a spoiled brat most of the time.

"Yeah, no one ever does." he replied gloomily.

There was a pregnant pause between the two of them as they stared up at the scattered passing clouds.

Finally, Wu asked with a bit of forced liveliness to his tone, "So, when did you and Korra start dating?"

Asami nearly choked on her own spit at the statement. That caught her off guard completely.

"W-what?" she asked, still struggling to catch her breath. "We're not— we haven't—" She couldn't even finish her sentence properly because someone thought her and Korra were dating? She cleared her throat and attempted to begin again, "W-what made you think that?"

"Oh? You're not?" Prince Wu raised a skeptical eyebrow. "I just thought, with the way you guys act around each other and look at each other and stuff… Are you sure?"

Asami let out a bark of laughter.

"Yeah, pretty damn sure."

Prince Wu grinned, seeming back to his usual self already.

"Does that mean you're single then?" He wiggled his eyebrows for effect.

Asami gave him a smile and patted his shoulder gently.

"Sorry, I may be single, but I'm still kind of unavailable," she said, admitting it to herself for the first time. Prince Wu gave a playful frown in response. She bumped him lightly with her shoulder, trying to get him to smile again. "Sorry Wu."

"It's okay," he replied, giving her one of the first genuine smiles she's ever seen from him. He continued teasingly, "Beautiful rich girls with amazing bodies aren't really my type anyways."

Asami threw her head back in a laugh before giving him a chastising nudge in the side with her elbow. Before she could get a chance to respond, Bolin appeared running towards them from the distance. When he finally approached them, he stopped, resting his hands on his knees and panting.

"Am… I… late?" he asked between gasping breaths.

Asami went to open her mouth to reply, but Prince Wu stood up and spoke instead.

"Yeah, by five minutes! Where were you?" He sounded surprisingly irritated.

Bolin straightened up and it was then that Asami noticed that his hair was completely ruffled, his snaps to his top were unevenly lined up, and his shirt was partly tucked into his pants. She rolled her eyes. Of course that's why he was late.

"I, uh…" Bolin began, sheepishly scratching at the side of his face.

Prince Wu quickly interrupted him by putting up a hand.

"Nevermind! I don't want to know…" Wu shook his head in disbelief. "I had to practically fight off Asami while you were gone so don't keep calling on her for 'breaks' either."

The girl in question was about to get offended when the prince turned back to her and gave her a wink. It wasn't a flirtatious one, but one that hinted at an inside joke. Instead, she just gave a small snort of a laugh and went to stand up.

"Well, Bolin I'll just leave you to the rest of your watch. Have fun." She smiled and waved goodbye to them.

Korra was on the verge of banging her head against the wooden desk in her room. None of the reports seemed to reveal anything extra that Mako hadn't already figured out. And she had been studying these for seven hours now! She had even gone, grabbed lunch, then ran back to continue going over the reports. She wished Asami wasn't busy so she could help her go over these. Not that she'd be any help. With the other girl around, she had trouble concentrating.

Speaking of which, the image of that beautiful pale face concentrating on pulling an orgasm from her fingertips appeared. Those gorgeous breasts heaving up and down with her pants and light moans, the sheen on her skin from how hard her body was working. The bite of her lip, the barely visible motion of her fingers, the—

Okay, okay, back to concentrating. Korra let her head fall against the desk with a dull thump. This wasn't working. Maybe some more food would help? It was almost time for dinner by now, but maybe if she headed to the kitchen, one of the workers would allow her to sneak a little snack. She abruptly pushed her chair out from the desk and stood. It was decided then. Food, then back to work, for real this time. No more distractions.

Of course, after pushing past the double doors to the humongous kitchen, there was only one person there. Not one of the staff. Just Asami. Slicing up vegetables as if she had worked in the royal kitchen her whole life.

"Asami?" Korra called out tentatively, not wanting to startle her.

The taller girl gave a little jump anyways and stilled her motions to look over at the Avatar.

"Hi Korra." She quickly turned back to face the carrot she had been slicing and slowly started up again.

"What are you doing in here?" She moved a little nearer, trying to get close enough to the food to snag a few things from the chopping board. "Where's the kitchen crew?"

"There's only one staff working lately for food prep and she's-" Asami paused to smack a carrot from Korra's hand that she attempted to steal. She gave Korra a glare before continuing to chop things. "I told her she could have a break, that I wanted to help."

"Why would you want to do that?" Korra said, sounding suspiciously like she had food in her mouth. The other girl quickly shot a look at her, to see if she had taken food. The Avatar's jaw quickly stopped its chewing motions the second she felt eyes on her. Asami just narrowed her eyes. Feeling satisfied that she wasn't chewing, she turned back to her task at hand.

"Because… I don't know. Ever since I was little, I would always help out in the kitchen. Even when we had paid chefs. I just can't stand seeing someone doing all the work for me when I have fully capable hands." She then immediately said without even looking in her direction, "Korra, put it down."

Korra grumbled, but dropped the piece of celery back to the cutting board. Then after Asami resumed cutting, she stepped close behind her, so that she was pressing her chest against her back. One of her hands slipped around to rest on the other girl's hips, the other one brushed Asami's hair to the hang over the opposite shoulder. She kissed the newly exposed skin of her neck with the lightest touches of her lips.

"I know all about your fully capable hands," she mumbled against the skin. She reveled in the way that Asami gave a shiver against her and froze in her motions.

"Korra-" Asami started, warning in her tone.

The light kisses traveled up to her ear and were scattered about the surface of it. The knife made a clatter as it was abruptly dropped onto the counter. Goosebumps arose on the pale skin and another shudder went through the taller girl's body.

"What?" Korra whispered into her ear, breath triggering another series of goosebumps across Asami's skin. "A girl's gotta eat and if you're not going to let me snack on the food then…" She paused to grab the soft earlobe between her teeth gently, before letting it go. She whispered with a low voice into the sensitive ear, "I guess I'll have a taste of the most delicious looking thing in here." The trembling pale hands slammed down on the counter in front of her and a soft gasp left red lips in response to those words.

Asami felt her body practically trembling. Damn that girl for playing with her weak spot like that. Her body leaned back against the strong and stable figure behind her without her permission. Warm hands slipped under her shirt where it met with her jeans and then caressed the jut of her hipbones there with tender fingers whilst her thumbs massaged the meat at the back of her hips. Asami bit her lip and tried her hardest not to push back into the body behind her.

Those hands started trailing patterns slowly up her stomach and in turn, her eyelids fluttered at the gentle sensation of it. Her common sense was struggling to push through the fog of arousal. Finally, it won out and shoved itself to the forefront of her mind.

"Korra-" Kisses started being trailed down her neck, and she fought to keep her wits about her. She turned around in Korra's firm grasp. She stared sternly into unwavering blue eyes. "K-Korra, we can't… the chefs will be here any moment." Despite her words, the Avatar's dilated eyes showed no remorse.

Instantly, soft pink lips were crashed against Asami's own and she wasn't sure who let out a moan at the contact, but it was quite possible it was her. Asami's traitorous lips started moving of their own accord, and a swift tongue was immediately pressed against her bottom lip. She opened her mouth in response and this time it was definitely her who moaned when their tongues made contact. Shocks spread through her body at the warm and wet appendage. Hands flew up of their own accord into the Avatar's short hair and buried themselves there.

Insistent hands grabbed at the back of her upper thighs, pressing up into them, and she understood their intentions. Asami lifted one lean leg and wrapped it around Korra's waist, her reluctance forgotten. The Avatar had no hesitation when she lifted the taller girl's other leg and prompted it to wrap around her as well. Asami quickly locked her ankles behind Korra's lower back and grabbed a handful of hair in one hand, while the other hand steadied itself on a broad shoulder. She wasted no time in using that grip in her short hair to press their mouths more forcefully against each other, tongues dancing as if it was often practiced.

Korra held onto her thighs with a strong grip. Asami was actually really light, not that that was much of a surprise. She then removed one hand from supporting the other girl's thigh and sidestepped. Her hand reached out, searching for a spot on the counter clear of any obstructions. Eventually, she found a clean spot and quickly set the girl upon it. Asami, however, refused to unwrap her legs and clung tighter to her body, arousal apparent in the sudden needy motion of her hips.

The Avatar pulled back from the desperate kiss when the need for air was getting to be too much. She wasn't willing to detach her lips completely from the soft skin, so she pushed the other girl's tank up, and started trailing kisses along the smooth skin of her stomach. Asami seemed to like that because she gave a little gasp and pushed at Korra's head with the grip she had on her hair. Asami's hips rolled against her chest and a shock ran through Korra's body, peaks hardening immediately, attempting to get some sort of contact.

Korra felt bad all of a sudden, realizing that Asami was probably urgently needing release. After all, she had interrupted her this morning. She wanted to make her feel better as soon as possible, so she quickly went to the button of the jeans in front of her as her lips starting gently nipping at the skin just above the waistline. A soft gasp and a frantic bucking of hips told her what she needed to know, and she quickly pulled the zipper down.

Not wanting to be away from those delicious red lips for too long, the Avatar shot a burst of air from her feet and made it so she was floating about a half a foot from the ground to make up for the height difference. Green eyes looked surprised, but quickly recovered and Asami wasted no time in recapturing her lips. Korra slipped her hand flat against the toned lower stomach of the other girl and slid it down, straight into her underwear, needing to help her reach her end as soon as possible. She groaned into the wet heat of the mouth against hers when she felt the smooth skin of Asami's mons, not expecting it to be completely bare. The lips against hers thinned into a smile at the reaction.

Korra pressed on further, letting her fingers feel the slickness that laid lower down. She gave a full moan as her lips forgot to move when she felt just how wet Asami was. Concentration temporarily broken, she started falling down a few inches, almost forgetting to keep airbending herself at this height. Her fingers slid up and down the hot wetness and in response, a delicious and not so quiet moan erupted from Asami's throat. Her hips were twitching uncontrollably at this point, and Korra just wanted to help her out of her desperate state of arousal.

Out of nowhere, there was a clatter in the distance. It almost sounded as if it was in the kitchen. Two things happened immediately, Korra yanked her hand from Asami's jeans and then promptly fell to the ground. She wasn't able to land on her feet after her bending broke, so she wound up on her butt. With wide eyes, Asami quickly buttoned her pants, pulled down her shirt, and then hopped off the counter. She held out a hand for Korra to take, and the Avatar accepted it, using it to pull herself up.

"What was that?" Korra asked after standing, blue eyes darting around the room.

Asami was busy trying to fix her hair and sighed, exasperated, "I don't know. But it was a good thing that it happened." She then scolded, some of her sexual frustration leaking into tone, "What were you thinking?"

Korra was taken back, shocked into silence for a second then spoke up, "I— What was I thinking? You didn't seem to mind so much just a few minutes ago!" She huffed, crossing her arms. Asami just rolled her eyes and walked forward. She grabbed Korra's arm, forcing it to uncross, and walked, pulling her out of the kitchen.

"C'mon. Let's leave before the staff comes back." Asami explained.

They walked into the dining area and promptly sat at the table, waiting for everyone to arrive for dinner. Asami was avoiding looking at Korra, irritated that once again she was teased with no resolution. However, movement caught her eye and she looked over at the Avatar, her jaw dropped. Korra was busy contently sucking on her fingers, the very ones that had been in her underwear not too long ago. She was so into licking the flavor from her fingers, she hadn't even noticed Asami watching her. Despite this, Asami felt the sparks of desire starting again low in her stomach. She quickly tried to distract her mind with other things so that she wouldn't get riled up.

As if on cue, Mako came strolling downstairs, Bolin and Prince Wu trailing closely behind.

"Hey guys!" Bolin called out.

"Hey Bolin!" Korra called back. Asami just waved at him and gave a smile.

"Korra," Mako started when he got closer to the table. "Later after dinner, I need to talk to-"

He didn't get a chance to finish his sentence because a blood-curdling scream echoed through the mansion, emanating from the kitchen. Everyone paused, staring at each other openmouthed, before jumping into action. Korra and Asami shot up and they all ran over to the kitchen. When they got there, they saw three of chefs standing there, hands covering their mouths, frozen in shock.

"What's going on?" Mako demanded.

The lead of the staff didn't say anything, she just raised her hand and pointed into the kitchen. All of team Avatar and Prince Wu rushed into the kitchen. They were also dumbfounded by the scene in front of them.

All of the cabinets were open, and pots, pans, utensils, and all sorts of other kitchenware was scattered out amongst the kitchen. It was a disaster. To top it off, on the far wall one of the symbols was drawn there. Or rather burnt into there.

Bolin spoke up, "Oh! There's one of those symbols." He quickly pulled out his notebook, and ruffled through it till he got to a certain page. "That symbol represents…" He trailed off, twisting his notebook this way and that, trying to make sense of his notes.

"Lust." Mako finished for him, snapping out of his trance.

Korra gulped, and her eyes went wide as she went to look at Asami. She also wore the same expression, her green eyes showing disbelief in the situation. Korra felt the same way. Did someone know what they did? How did this happen? What does it all mean?

Bolin's voice cut through the awkward silence, "So, does this mean dinner's cancelled or…?"

Please review if you're still with me! Thanks for being so patient! Your reviews give me the motivation to continue!