Author's Note:

Well, I know this didn't come out as soon as it should have. Or any time close to that period really. Buuut I did write 1,356 words (not counting the A/N), and this is the climax/conclusion of the story, so don't worry, you didn't wait for nothing.

For the final time, none of this belongs to me except the plot~! Goshdarn spies just don't know how to follow directions!

One last HUGE thank you to everyone who followed/favorited/read/reviewed this story (reviews will be answered in the bottom A/N)! You guys mean the world to me, and you really motivate me to write! I truly hope you all enjoy this next and last chapter of...Doctor HoO?

The plan worked surprisingly well, considering the four's track records for plan failure. In under 10 minutes, almost the entire population of Camp Half-Blood had been stuffed into the T.A.R.D.I.S. The Doctor had somehow managed to not get killed by the Dalek so far and was keeping its rapt attention by dodging back and forth and running circles around it. He had even lured it closer to the beach so it was farther away from the escape route of the fleeing campers.

Of course, this was the point where everything had to go wrong.

Rose beckoned to the Doctor as Annabeth and Percy shepherded the last of the campers into the T.A.R.D.I.S., expecting him to run over with his lightning speed. He, however, didn't even notice her, preoccupied as he was with the Dalek. Rose waved her arms at him more and more frantically before just plain giving up and shouting, "DOCTOR!" to get his attention.

The Dalek spun around to face her, and Rose had to leap to the side to avoid being blasted to death. She stayed down, hoping the Dalek would become disinterested, but the persistent thing fired another shot a hair away from her face. Leaping to her feet, Rose narrowly missed a third and fourth laser and soon found herself running and dodging as the Doctor had been moments before. She could hear people shouting, but her heart was racing and her ears were ringing too loudly for her to discern what they were yelling about. All she knew was she had to run. She didn't even stop when an electric whine and a loud bang cut the near-constant barrage of lasers short. More shouts echoed in her ears, but she ignored them in favor of focusing on her mad dash toward the relative safety of the darkened woods ahead of her.

Only when something grabbed her arm did she finally turn to see what was happening behind her.

(Need to confess but don't want to go to church? Try a Confession Dial! They're torturous, but they will definitely make you feel free of your sins once you escape them after a couple billion years!)

Leo groaned in frustration. This Doctor's T.A.R.D.I.S. was even bumpier in flight, and he was honestly fed up of getting time-and-space-machine sick.

"You all right?" the other Doctor called from his spot next to the console. He wasn't even holding onto anything, the stupid-

"Fine," Leo grunted, gripping the railing (one of the few things that hadn't changed in this T.A.R.D.I.S., thankfully) for dear life.

Silence descended like a stifling cloud between the two. Finally, the other Doctor spoke up again, "So, how exactly do you know my younger self?"

"We met after he saved my life from the Dalek."

"Ah. And your friends?"

"He saved their lives, too."

"Interesting." The silence returned, even heavier than before.

"Why'd he bring you all along?" the other Doctor asked after what felt like an eternity had passed of shaking and nonsensical, panicky thoughts from Leo's ever-helpful brain.

"I dunno. Maybe he just wanted to protect us or something," Leo shrugged as much as one can shrug while being tossed back and forth during space-and-time travel.

"Idiot," the other Doctor grumbled. The T.A.R.D.I.S.' noise suddenly reached its crescendo and then ground out. She had landed.

"All right, we're here. Now, remember: I kill the Dalek, and then I leave with the gun, clear? I can't let my younger self get his hands on any sort of version of this gun; it would mess with the timeline too much," the other Doctor explained, glaring (more intensely than his usual glaring face) at Leo. Leo nodded as casually as he could without throwing up under that withering look.

"Good. Now, come on," the other Doctor huffed, striding out the door with his whisk-like gun slung over his shoulder. Leo didn't hesitate to follow him.

It only took a few moments. A few precious seconds for the tides to turn in their favor.


The other Doctor fired a steady shot at the angry Dalek, which seemed to be chasing Rose across the camp. It sparked and jittered for a few gut-wrenching seconds, shouting unintelligibly garbled words, before simply…puttering out. The Dalek that had caused countless lives to be ended was no more…just like that.

"Well, my work here is done. 'Scuse me," the other Doctor said as he slipped past Leo to get back into his T.A.R.D.I.S.

"Thank you," Leo replied as the Doctor was about to step inside. The grey-haired man turned and nodded once in what Leo assumed was acknowledgment before disappearing into the space-and-time machine, which disappeared soon after.

Turning back to the camp, Leo was relieved to see most of his friends seemed fine. Annabeth was leading Rose back from the edge of the forest while Percy released a flood of campers from the containment of the T.A.R.D.I.S. He even spotted Piper among the crowd, which was a huge relief for him. It seemed everything had turned out all right…somehow.

"Yo, Perce! How's it going?" Leo called, running over to Percy as he shut the blue doors.

"Leo! Bro, you freaked all of us out!" Percy laughed as he hugged Leo, "C'mon, let's go see how the Doc and Rose are."

The two of them headed down the grassy hill, trying to ignore the scorch marks, and met up with Annabeth, the Doctor, and Rose, all of whom seemed surprisingly fine.

"Leo, there you are! Thanks for that last minute save," the Doctor grinned upon spotting him.

"No prob," Leo snapped finger guns at the Doctor in a way he hoped looked cool (it didn't).

"Leo, you idiot!" a smack upside the head was definitely not on Leo's to-do list, but at least Annabeth hadn't judo-flipped him, "Why did you do that without telling anyone?!"

"Well, I didn't plan it out or anything. I just wanted to take a look around and then I found that guy," Leo shrugged, "Plus, I did just save the day, so I think I get some bonus points for that at least!"

"Fair enough," Annabeth grumbled, "And for the record, I'm glad you're okay."

"Of course I'm okay! They don't call me McShizzle for nothing," Leo winked.

"No one calls you that, Leo," Percy said.

"Weeeeell, as amazing as this whole reunion is, I've gotta scram. Got to go figure out this whole 'Missy' situation and all," the Doctor interjected, edging away from the group.

"Of course. Thank you for all your help," Annabeth responded, "You will always be welcome here at Camp Half-Blood."

"Yeah, feel free to pop by and say hi whenever you're in the neighborhood!" Percy smiled.

"Maybe don't go back to New Rome, though," Leo commented, "From what I heard, Reyna is not going to be pleased if you show up again."

"Oh gods!" Annabeth abruptly cried, "I totally forgot, we are going to have to get back to New Rome in like a day because college starts tomorrow, Seaweed Brain."

"Shiitake mushrooms," Percy cursed, "We'll just have to apologize and let them know about this whole…incident."

"Why bother? You guys can catch a ride with us, can't they, Doctor?" Rose offered.

"Of course!" the Doctor chirped, "New Rome, did you say? Easy-peasy."

Leo and Percy and Annabeth said their farewells and made promises for Christmas Break none of them would keep for various, monster-related issues. At one point, Piper joined them.

"Don't worry, Beauty Queen, I'll explain later," Leo told her when she asked them with a confused expression what exactly had gone down today.

Rose snorted, "You better actually hold up that promise. The Doctor says stuff like that to me all the time, but he never explains any of it."

"Hey!" the Doctor protested.

Finally, after many goodbyes, Percy and Annabeth disappeared into the T.A.R.D.I.S. with the Doctor and Rose.

Piper and Leo waved at the box as it vanished into the Time Vortex; well, Leo waved while Piper freaked out.

Both demigods could have sworn they heard a very faint "Allons-y!" echo from the spaceship as the last of whooshing sounds faded away.

Author's Note:

Wow. I honestly can't believe this is the end of this fanfiction. But don't worry, it's definitely not the end of my fanfiction writing! I already have another fanfiction up called "The Fandom Games" that I would love it if you checked out! Or don't, that's cool, too. ;) Either way, more is coming and hopefully at a relatively faster update pace!

Replies to reviews~!

To Don't Di3 (clever name!): No, she is not River. You can find out who she is by watching Season 9 or just by looking up spoilers if you're really desperate. ;)

To Solangelo Lover 292 (OHMYGOD, I LOVE YOUR NAME! Just call me Solangelo Lover 293 ;D): Awww, thank YOU so much for reading and enjoying my work! It really makes me so happy that people like it. :D

Welp, that's all, so thank you all so much again for everything, and this has been...Doctor HoO?
Love, SuperDuperFandomGirl