Here's an AU I thought I'd write in celebration of the New Year! It's a continuation of a Lalu fic I haven't posted on here (yet) so I hope you all enjoy. Thank you all for reading!

Metallic balloons hid the ceiling of the guildhall, floating in wait of the clock to strike midnight. Fairy Tail always goes above and beyond for their parties and this New Year's Eve party was no different. Confetti glitter covered every surface, banners hung above every doorway, and party hats littered every table top. There wasn't a location in the guildhall where a flute of champagne wasn't within arms reach. Laxus nursed his beer. He wouldn't be caught dead drinking champagne, even on New Year's Eve.

He sat off in a corner with the Thunder God Tribe. The three of them were chatting excitedly. That bunch loves a good party. Freed had even played a part in planning the night's party. They had dragged Laxus to the party, convincing him with free food and drinks. Laxus promised them he'd stay for an hour tops. He had never been a fan of parties like this. They were unnecessary and messy. He'd much rather be at home or on a mission but the Thunder God Tribe weren't going to let that happen.

"Laxus, you look thrilled to be here. Lighten up!" Evergreen said, slapping him on the back.

"My hour is almost up." He replied.

"The party is just starting, you can't leave yet." Bixlow said, putting a gold, glittering party hat on Laxus that matched his own.

The Thunder God tribe erupted in laughter as Laxus glared at them with his hat. He reached up to pull the hat off and Evergreen smacked his hand down.

"Don't you dare! If you're really going to leave soon, you have to keep the hat on until you do!" She begged him.

Laxus crossed his arms in defeat. "Fine," he sighed.

Evergreen clapped in joy. Freed pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of Laxus, running off before Laxus could protest. This, he thought, is why I hate parties. He glanced at his watch. Only a few minutes until he was free to leave. The second hand seemed to tick slower as he watched it make its way around.

Laxus stood up to leave despite the complaints of the Thunder God tribe. He'd managed to last a full hour and he had no reason to stay. New Year's Eve was an average day to him. Laxus wanted nothing more than to go home and put on some music and enjoy the solitude. Just as he was about to head towards the doors, they swung open, drawing his attention.

In walked Levy and Lucy. Laxus froze in place. Lucy was stunning in a blue cocktail dress. Her hair was pulled up in an intricate updo, revealing her slender neck. She looked beautiful, putting the stars and moon to shame. Laxus stood there in awe, watching Lucy as she walked over to Natsu and Gray at the bar. Laxus, changing his mind about leaving, sat back down and grabbed the closest flute of champagne.

He hadn't spoken to Lucy since that morning after the night neither of them remember. Breakfast had been quiet, to say the least. Neither of them had the liquid courage from the night before to fuel a conversation. He had many things he wanted to say to her but every time he tried, his mind would go blank. Laxus had never met a woman like Lucy who could make him tongue tied every time she was around.

Laxus threw his head back and downed the glass of champagne in one swallow. He grabbed another and repeated the process. Lucy being in the same room as him made him nervous. He watched as she laughed at something Natsu said and grabbed for another flute of champagne. Evergreen followed Laxus' gaze and shook her head.

"Go talk to her!" She encouraged him. "I mean, you've seen each other naked already. What's the big deal?"

Laxus glared at Evergreen. What did she know? She had no love life to speak over. She's the same girl who turns into stone anytime Elfman is around. She's the last person Laxus wanted to take relationship advice from.

He found himself watching Lucy throughout the night, even when he tried to distract himself, his eyes would wander back to where she was. Midnight was closing in and the only thing Laxus had accomplished was out drinking the Thunder God Tribe put together.

"Laxus. You are not allowed to drink another drink until you go talk to her. You are Laxus Dreyar. The lightning dragon slayer. You can defeat any foe, even your fear of talking to Lucy." Freed attempted his best pep talk.

Laxus was running out of time. He sighed and looked to where Lucy was standing across the room. Her eyes met his and Laxus felt a shock run through is body. Everyone else in the room faded to the background. Lucy smiled at him, her cheeks tinged pink. He stood up and walked through the crowd without breaking their gaze. An idea struck him and he quickened his pace. The Thunder God tribe cheered him on from behind.

"Lucy," he breathed as he approached her. "Come with me." He grabbed her hand and pulled her along without further explanation.

Lucy didn't protest and followed along closely. Laxus led her up the stairs and through a dark room. He stopped at a ladder and glanced at his watch.

"We've got to hurry." He said and started to climb up the ladder.

Lucy followed him up the ladder without hesitation. Curiosity pushed her up the ladder. Laxus opened up the latch and climbed onto the roof, pulling Lucy up when she reached the top. He pulled off his cloak and draped it around her shoulders, protecting her from the wind chill. He offered her a spot to sit and sat down next to her.

"What…?" Lucy started.

"Just wait." Laxus promised, looking towards the sky.

Lucy followed suit and watched the sky. It was her first New Years in Magnolia and she didn't know what to expect. They could hear the guild begin to countdown from inside. 10… 9…. 8… Laxus put his arm around Lucy, pulling her close. 7… 6… 5… Lucy held her breath in anticipation. 4… 3… 2… 1…

Fireworks exploded in the sky above them. Lucy's eyes widened in wonder, sparkling in the lights. While Lucy was staring at the sky, Laxus was busy staring at the beautiful sight besides him. Laxus leaned in closer to Lucy.

"Happy New Year, Lucy." Laxus whispered before he kissed her.

Laxus welcomed her warmth as it seemed to pour into him. Lucy was surprised at first but relaxed into the kiss, weaving her fingers into his hair on the back of his head. Time slowed as the fireworks brightened the sky around them. Lucy's lips tasted of champagne and strawberries, a true slice of heaven.

"H-happy New Year." Lucy managed through her daze once they broke off the kiss.

"There is no other way I'd want to start the new year." Laxus said and pulled Lucy to his chest. She cuddled up under his arm and they watched the fireworks from the best seats in the house.

"Do you have any new year resolutions?" Lucy asked him.

Laxus thought for a moment. "I do. This year I'd like to take you out on a date."