Disclaimer: I do not own any of the recognized character or depictions in this piece. This is just my lovely brain experimenting. Happy Reading!

Thanks for the reviews!

A/N: Smut!


Chapter Seven

Long Time Coming

The cobblestone walkway leading to the pub glistened as the mist added a sheen that left much to admired. The witch walked briskly into the crowded establishment, greeting her friends in the corner booth.

"Evening, all!" she beamed.

Harry and Ginny were cuddled into the farthest corner, surrounded by Fred, George, and Angelina. "Mione, I was growing worried we were being stood up," quipped Ginny.

Hermione smiled and winked at her friend. "Not to worry, Gin. I was simply held up with a pestering inconvenience."

Harry eyed curiously, before realization hit him. "So it's true?!"

Hermione laughed heartily, "Whatever do you mean?" She smirked, before catching the waitress's attention.

"Yes, what can I do for you tonight?" the waitress asked. Requests for fish and chips, fire whisky shots, and butterbeers for the whole lot were sounded off. She nodded and left the table be.

Angelina found her opening and shot. "So birds, eh?"

Hermione scoffed. "Who me? Never. So...someone...might have possibly sent an enchanted basket with seemingly harmless flowers and card to Kevin's office. The basket might have contained birds that appeared once a client, or rather any person for that matter, walked through the door. Who's to say that person knew they would dart and chase said person until they leave the premises. Who's to say, really? My office was fantastically booming, however."

Fred was rolling in the corner, "Told ya lot! She was going to bounce back bloody fantastic!" He beamed at her and winked.

George caught her eye, "So, birds once more? I seem to remember you setting a flock on Ronniekins. Course, back them he was being a right foul git."

"Serves the prat right! He paid off someone and got his sentence reduced citing he was stricken with passion and lost his head. He swore to see a therapist and got to keep his job by having strict restrictions placed on his wand and whereabouts," Ginny added.

The waitress returned with their ordered. The friends lifted their shots and clinked before downing the burning amber liquid. Hermione was immersed in conversation with Ginny and Angelina and did not notice Kevin enter the pub.

"Mione, slide over my lap," Fred growled darkly. Hermione made to object, but was quieted immediately.

"Hermione, your vile bitch!" he roared, his face marked with beak puncture wounds and his suit worn with smears of what could be assumed as defecation.

Fred gently, yet firmly slid the petite witch into his former position in the booth. He stood once he was certain the bloke before him was blocked.

"Move your arse, Weasley!" the irate man snarled.

"You must be a special kind of thick to approach her with Harry present. Not to mention, all these gingers in present company," Fred coolly smirked.

Kevin's brow furrowed and his temple reminded Harry of his Uncle's during a fit of anger. Before anyone could move to stop him, the wizard elbowed Fred in the abdomen in an attempt to move him aside. Fred coughed, then laughed. His hand moved swiftly the vest of the assailant, clenching it and pushing forward. The once well-kempt hair was tossled and his eyes flashed darkly. The pub was silent, the bartender and patrons shocked by the incident before them.

"That cunt deserves what's coming to her!" he snarled, spitting in Fred's face.

Fred smirked, "I'll give you one more chance to leave with your bullocks intact. Hermione Granger-Weasley will not have one hair or emotion harmed from you the likes of you or your acquaintances. You will leave this pub, go home, return to your normal routine before she graced you with her presence and thought, her existence with be devoid of you from this day forward. Understood?"

Kevin snorted and shoved Fred off him. He turned a few steps, Fred signaled the bartender the show was over. While his concentration was broken, the departing coward snatched a mug from the bar and chucked it at Fred's head. Being the retired beater he was, he blocked the blow from his head, but his forearm was not so lucky. The glass shards were allowing blood to flow.

The crew left the pub, leaving their tab on the table. Ginny drug everyone to hers and Harry's flat as it was the closest. "The prat! Anger management...pfft."

Hermione was the mother hen, ordering him to sit, wrapping the wound loosely with her handkerchief. Ginny was fussing with gathering potions and wraps. George was too busy laughing at the cowardice of the action.

"How does a bloke admit defeat, pretend to leave, and make a cheap shot and run like a Pettigrew from Sirius," he roared, rolling from laughter. Angelina admonishing him the entire time.

The ginger flinched once the cleaning draught was poured over the cuts. Hermione very carefully used her wand to extract the glass shards from his wounds. Fred appreciating every moment she was so close, he watched her skillful eyes trained on his care. His eyes found her touch her fingers brushing against his like fire.

"She's his...she always will be," he admonished himself.

Hermione furrowed her brow, "Gin, do you have any more of this?"

"That the last of it. Could there be any at your flat?" she inquired. She received a nod in response, "I'll go fetch it. Be back in flash!"

George sat up and bid everyone a night. "Fred, don't go defending any more damsels, yeah. You're down an arm, brother of mine."

Fred shot him an ugly gesture, making Hermione laugh. Harry retreated into the kitchen, possibly for a snack since their food was barely touched at the pub. Hermione jumped a the chance of the semi-privacy.

"Thank you for before and tonight," she whispered, staring at his face. His features gently morphing into the famous Weasley twin smile.

"Not at all, Love," he dismissed, winking at her. Hermione bit her lip, the sighed heavily. She shot him a look he could not read, her eyes struggling with something. "Mione?"

Her eyes were trained on him, the curious look in her eyes worrying him. She stood from her spot without warning, pacing to the loveseat before her. Upon reaching it, she shook her head. In frustration, she turned on heal and quickly found her way back to him. Stopping mere centimeters from his face, she found his eyes for a small moment before timidly pressing her lips to his. Her lips were like honey to him and her soft touch set his ablaze. The tender kiss was brought to an end with a whispered thank you.

As if on cue, Harry returned from the kitchen with a plate of sandwiches. Hermione smiled quickly and took her place beside the coffee table. Harry and Hermione chatted happily, while Fred fidgeted with his seat. His mind racing, trying to make sense of her move. Ginny returned and finished cleaning the wound and wrapped it with clean gauze and cloth. Fred still reeling about the kiss.

Hermione left at midnight, the kids at the Burrow for the night. Fred left right after, catching her before she apparated.

"Hermione, you got a minute?"

She scrunched her nose, "Fred, I'm sorry. I shouldn't've…" She was cut off by a gentle finger to her lips.

"Why?" he asked simply.

"Why what?" she replied.

Fred took a step closer, "Why are you apologizing? Nothing you have done is wrong."

Hermione took his hand, "Hold tight."

With a pull at their navel, they disappeared into the night and reappeared at her doorstep. The door was unlocked and Fred was led inside. Hermione placed her coat and bag in their proper place and paced to the small kitchen, fetching wine and stemmed glasses.

Fred watched the witch float across the flat, making himself comfortable on the couch. He admired her large curls and noted she seemed nervous, her movements seemed to calm her.

"Mione, come sit down," he urged.

She sighed, sitting down beside him. The glasses full of red wine, the bottle placed to the side. "My luck of the draw, eh?"

"Seems to be looking up, though," Fred flirted.

Hermione downed her glass, then flipped off the couch. With a wave of her wand, the stereo began playing music. She kicked her heels off and pulled the pin out of her hair. Fred watched her pour herself a second glass, watched her down it, and then admired as she began to twirl around the living room.

"Dance with me?" she requested.

The ginger happily took her hand and began to twirl and dip the brunette, making her laugh and bury her head into his shoulder. Fred held her close, relishing in the feel of her so close to him once more.

"Thank you, Freddie," she sighed.

Fred smirked, then dipped her once more. As she returned to her feet, he cradled her head, affectionately outlining her jawline with his thumb. "Mione, not necessary."

Her eyes steeled themselves on his, anxiety prevalent. He dipped his head towards hers, grazing his lips across hers. Timidly the two met, gauging each other's reaction, as their lips molded to the other's. Hermione sighed, Fred slid his tongue across her bottom lip, and she quickly nipped his upper lip. Fred gently took her chin in his fingertips, darting his tongue in between her lips. Hermione moaned as his other hand found the small of her back, massaging in small circles. His lips slipped to her neck and turned her away from him. He held her waist and began to nip at the exposed flesh. Her chest began to rise more rapidly, her breathing quickened. With caution to the wind, Fred unbuttoned her top.

She broke the snog momentarily to lead him to the couch. He sat obediently as she straddled him. He closed the gap, continuing the affections. He gently pushed her shirt completely off and she relieved herself of her bra. Their kisses became more urgent and heated, as the two stripped themselves and each other. Completely starkers except for knickers, the two began to grind into each other.

Fred stood holding her in place, her legs wrapped around his waist. He dropped her legs, allowing her feet to gracefully meet the floor. "Mione?"

"The last shag I had was sub par, but he was supposed to be respectable. I'm not his anymore. You don't have to worry that I will regret this. Freddie...no worries."

With that, Freddie ripped her knickers and allowed the shredded fabric hit the floor. His own boxers jerked down. Hiking her leg up onto his hip, his fingers delving into her slick folds. He kept her busy with lustful kisses and nips. Her soft mews into his mouth excited him more and he began to pump his fingers into her slick cove with urgency. Once he was satisfied that she was ready, lined himself up. He slid into her quickly and braced her against the wall. Her fingers wound into his ginger locks, moans lost in between kisses. His lips eventually found her breasts and began to nip and bite the plump mounds.

His mind raced, "Fuck, I am actually fucking Hermione! Merlin, she feels so good. Mione, my love, please don't regret this in the morning."

Hermione was lost in the lust of it all. She never thought this man wanted her...she was the widow of his brother, her children were his niece and nephew, and she was already a Weasley.

The thrusts of her partner were bringing her such sweet bliss, she rolled her head back to enjoy the ride. As Fred came closer, his thrusts quickened and became erratic. He finished with a harsh kiss to her lips after he gently directed her face to his from her bliss. The two were breathing hard, sweat pouring down their bodies.

"Mia," he breathed.

She smirked at his delirious high, and led him to her bedroom down the hall. The clothes quickly following behind them with a quick charm.

A/N: Review, please.