I always thought that Strike the Blood had a lot of unused potential since Kojou would mostly sit around doing nothing so I played with the idea and thought of what would happen if Kojou was actually a competent guy and so I simply decided to take it to the next level.

In this story Kojou will be the true 4th Primogenitor and he has always been.

Also this is my first fanfic ever so PLEASE give me feedback on what I can do better etc…

I do not own Strike the Blood.



Most intelligent life thinks of immortality as the final stage in evolution, the last hurdle that they have to overcome, a gift that will wash away all problems.

However, for one person this so called "gift" is nothing more than a curse. Forced to walk the earth for eternity, seeing everything around him destroyed and trampled down just so it can be rebuilt and destroyed again and again.

Seeing your loved ones turn to ash, your kids slowly wither and die, seeing your grandkids and their grandkids make their way through life, seeing your family grow just so they can eventually forget who you were.

And most of all, the incredible boredom that this man feels, having done anything and everything one could think of, he has lived the life of a king, a hero, the villain, even living the life of a normal farmer or merchant just so he could cure himself of his boredom for a few centuries.

Irish Pub 1995

"Hey, did ya hear? Some idiot is building a manmade island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean."

"Ye, I heard about it, apparently its supposed to be inhabited by demons and humans so they can live together in peace."

Sitting at the corner of the pub was a man in his twenties with silver bluish hair and aquamarine blue eyes. "A manmade island where demons and humans are supposed to live together, like that's ever going to work out, I can recall a thousand attempts and none ever worked out, even those that did only lasted a few years before chaos took over" the man thought. "But still, to create an island in the middle of nowhere you gotta have a lot of funds, I wonder who was insane enough to back that idea up"

Itogami Island 2020 (a few months before the start of canon)

"So that old geeser actually managed to pull it off" Akatsuki Kojou, also known as the 4th Primogenitor said as he walked out of the airport of Itogami Island and observed the people on the streets, or more precisely the wrists of the demons where a silver armband could be found. An accessory that every demon was forced to wear as a safety precaution.

When he heard that the project was actually successful he decided to visit Itogami island himself to see for himself if the rumors where true. And by the looks of it they were correct, there were demons and all kinds of creatures walking side by side with humans. A few years after the Island was completed a lot of species that were at the brink of extinction moved over here since on Itogami Island they are under the protection of the Japanese Government as long as they register themselves as demons and wear those silver armbands.

"Now the question is what to do here? I could try to go school once again, its been a few centuries since I last visited one, things are bound to have changed" With that thought in mind the 4th Primogenitor made his way through the streets to where he could see a school in the distance, and by the size of it and the age of the students it looked like a high school.

"Perfect, now I only have to get enrolled" he thought "Though I should probably change my appearance to make me look like a teenager" With that thought in mind he applied a bit of illusion magic and voila, the previous 20yearish looking man now was a little bit smaller with less manly facial features but with the same general appearance.

As he was walking towards the main school building he noticed a small girl that stuck out due to her comparably lower height than the rest of the students with black hair and a black dress walking out of the building, getting a closer look at her face he stopped walking and stared at the girl for a few seconds "WHAT THE HELL! Why is the Witch of the Void at a god damn high school?" as he was continuing to watch her he noticed a student approaching the girl and talking to her, he didn't pay much attention to the conversation but when he heard the way the student addressed here he was once again stunned "Seriously! She is a teacher at this school? One of the strongest witches in existence is a teacher at a fucking high school."

The reason that he recognized her in the first place was that he had met her before, or to be more precise observed her beat up a group of mercenaries that had thought it would be a good idea to cross him so he was here to beat them up himself, though he decided to just watch from the shadows since it looked rather comical watching a group of 20+ armed mercenaries being beat up by what looked like a 14 year old girl.

Breaking out of his stupor he decided to ignore it for now and continued on his path to the directors office but stopped as he noticed a problem, he was planning to hypnotize the director to let him attend but with the Witch of the Void around he would have to be more careful, so instead he decided to take the long route and use some of his contracts to acquire forged documents so he could get enrolled at this school.

If he were to be found using hypnosis on the director he would have to deal with some rather annoying questions he would like to avoid, they might even figure out who he is since he had some rather annoying run ins with some authorities around the world in the last couple of centuries and while he made sure to conceal his identity you can never be sure.

After getting everything he needed he decided to search for an apartment to rent and prepare for when he would start at Saikai Academy tomorrow.

Next Day Saika Academy Entrance

After meeting the director and getting enrolled he was walking towards his class when he noticed a rather beautiful girl walking next to him, she had long blond hair that is curled towards the end and striking red eyes but that wasn't what got his attention, the part that caught his eyes was the "connection" she seemed to have with the Island itself. After observing her for a couple of minutes he noticed that the connection, while still with the Island in general was focused on some specific part of it though he still couldn't exactly tell what it was just that there was some sort of connection. Deciding to keep it in mind for later he went ahead to his classroom.

Stopping in front of his soon to be classroom he patiently waited for the teacher to introduce him. To his surprise and annoyance his homeroom teacher was the aforementioned Witch of the Void.
He shortly thought if they knew who he was but quickly brushed that off since that shouldn't be possible, at least yet. "Alright class, I know it is just the start of the year but we have a transfer student, please come I and introduce yourself" At those words Kojou walked in and wrote his name on the board and turned around to inspect his fellow students, apparently the girl that he saw on his way to class was here. Other than that, the only other noticeably student was a tall boy with teal eyes and swept back brown hair, he also had a pair of headphones around his neck.

Refocusing his attention to the rest of the class he spoke "Hello, my name Akatsuki Kojou and I have recently moved to Itogami Island from Europe, I hope we can all get along well in the coming year. "

After his introduction was finished the teacher pointed him to his seat which happened to be next to the window and resumed classes.

As Kojou was paying attention to classes he noticed that something was off about his homeroom teacher, paying further attention to it he noticed that his "teacher" was not really the Witch of the Void but rather an illusion created by her to control from afar, which raised the question where she really was and why would she create an illusion for the sole purpose of teaching at a school since unlike a clone that you could give orders you had to actively control this type of illusion, it was akin to sending your mind to a different place and being able to interact with your surroundings like you were actually there.

Resuming to pay attention to class he noticed that he knew most of it expect a few minor details.
As class ended he was approached by a small group of students and quickly got bombarded by standard questions like where he lived, what his hobbies where and what he did before he came here. This continued until class resumed.

At the end of the day as everyone was packing up the leave he noticed the blonde girl, now identified as Aiba Asagi play with a holographic image that looked like chess and from the looks of it she was playing very smart and soundly destroying whoever her opponent was, whether it be man or machine.

Seeing as she just checkmated her enemy he decided to go over to her seat to talk to her and maybe invite her to a game of chess.

This is where I'm gonna cut it for now.
Please tell me what you think.

I'm planning on sticking with cannon plotline with this but I'm gonna make small to big changes since no one knows who Kojou is.

Till next time