(This is an odd one. But don't worry. I hope it entertains you.)
Team RWBY was preparing for the team round, of the VYTAL Tournament.
Ruby asked her team, "Alright! We ready, girls?" She had been preparing for this, for a long time. She hoped her team was ready for the circumstances.
Weiss said, "I am ready, to represent Beacon! Let's win this tournament, and prove ourselves as Huntresses!" She was ready. She had to keep positive. She couldn't let her secret get out. She couldn't. She loved her teammates. She didn't want to harm them.
Blake said, "I'm ready. The sooner we win, the sooner we can graduate." She was ready to win the tournament. But do it slowly. This tournament, helped her hide her secrets. She hoped that this tournament went slowly. But not TOO slowly.
Yang said, "Ready when you are, Sis!" She pounded her gauntlets together. She was ready to win. For her school and her team. But she couldn't stop thinking, about the cash prize.
Ruby laughed, "Alright! Let's go!" She loved her team. But as she prepared for the tournament, she couldn't help but look on everything that had happened, the past school year. Everything that happened, but could be undone. Was it all... Just a joke?
She shrugged the thought off. She said to herself, " No! Don't think like that. Have to win this!" She couldn't keep thinking negatively. There were some positive things in the world.
As they were ready for battle something happened.
In the stands, Cinder watched, her smirk practically wiped off of her face. She knew her mistress' plan, but this was not part of it. Emerald and Mercury were in shock. Something going on, that Cinder didn't know about? This could be huge.
In the control room, Oobleck and Port saw what happened. Oobleck told the guard, "What's going on? Does anyone know what that thing is?"
The guard replied, "No, Sir. No one does. Whatever it is, it's messing with all transmissions from Vacuo to Patch." He looked to the screen, "No one can tell what that is. In any one of the Four Kingdoms."
It was at this moment, everyone was in shock and fear. Team RWBY, could only stand in surprise, as they saw the event.
A gigantic white portal appeared. Out of it, stepped four individuals. All female, dressed in the weirdest get-up you can find.
One was tall, blonde, and had a generously gifted body. She was dressed in a top hat, and what would be a tuxedo (if women wore tuxedos). On her hands were golden gauntlets. In front of her right eye, was a monocle. In her one hand, was an umbrella.
Next to her was a cat Faunus. Her cat ears showing, goggles in front of her eyes, black hair that stretched past her neck, and a very revealing outfit. Wrapped around her waist was a whip.
Then, was a woman dressed in an... Odd fashion choice to say the least. The right half, a Snow-white dress that looked like a respective business suit. The left half, was a black suit, that looked like a gangster's outfit. White hair, that she had cut short with her sword. There was a mask, that looked like the other half of her face, over her left side. Over her right eye, was a scar. The mask covered her entire left half, of her face. She had a sword in her hand, and a gun on her belt. She had on one black heel, and one white heel.
Finally, the strangest looking one of these women. She was dressed in a purple suit, with matching pants, and black combat boots. On the back of her suit, was a red hood. She had purple leather gloves, and a scythe in her hands. In her pockets, were just a bunch of knives. She had scars on her face, and make-up. More make-up, than any woman would usually wear. Made her look like a clown. Her make-up and scars looked like a permanent smile. Her messy hair, somewhat brown with red highlights... But mostly dyed... Green.
The strangest woman looked at the oddly fashioned woman. She said to her, "Go ahead, take the mask off." She whispered in her ear, "Cause a little chaos."
The shorter woman gave in. She sighed, and took off her mask. Shocking the world, once more. The left side of her face... A combination of first, second, and third degree burns.
The woman with the top hat looked behind her. She yelled into the portal, with a Cockney accent, "Oi! You just gonna stand there, or are you louts going to come through the damn portal?!"
They soon got their answer. A masculine voice replied, "This takes time!"
Teams RWBY and JNPR assembled. They looked at their opponents.
The green haired woman looked at Weiss, "Hello, Beautiful." She combed her hair with one of her knives.
The Cockney women yelled, "Oi! Joker! We aren't here, to socialize with the past!" She looked up at Cinder, smirking, "We're 'ere to secure the future."
Ruby asked, "Future?"
The 'Joker' looked at the silver eyed girl, showing that she had the same silver eyes. She said, "You have a lot to go through, in the next few days." She then looked at Phyrra, "Including BOTH of your secrets, being reveled." Joker whispered to Phyrra, "Don't trust Ozpin."
Team RWBY then looked at the four women, who came out of the portal. They realized something.
Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang... Had become Joker, Two-Face, Catwoman, and the Penguin.
(A/N: This is the only story I have, where Yang is the Penguin. Don't worry. More chapters coming soon.)