There had been many blades in Jack's life before. Back when he was wielded by Frey, he had a reputation for getting around. Sumarbrander the Seducer was his nickname, and he made sure to live up to it. From classic broadswords to exotic katana's, he took them all for a spin. He even experimented with spears for a while. But despite his adventures, they never lasted long. Eventually Jack would need to move on from them. Frey's betrayal had been devastating. Countless times Jack had said goodbye and left behind a blade he cared about to journey with the God. Yet when the time came, Frey made the cowardly decision and gave up his best friend.
When Magnus finally pulled Jack from the ocean floor in Boston, it was the start of a new chapter in both of their lives. Initially Jack had been untrusting. It took many new experiences and dangerous adventures before he felt ready to open up again. And when he finally did, Magnus welcomed him with open arms. The two of them shared a strong connection. Jack helped Magnus defeat insurmountable foes and overcome dangerous obstacles. When push came to shove and Magnus had to make that fateful decision on the island of Fenris wolf, he stood true. It was there that Jack realized he could finally trust again.
Still, while he and Magnus were close, they were only friends. As wonderful as friendship was, Jack was yearning for something more. He had a burning desire deep within his pommel, and although it had taken some time, he was ready to get back into the game. The Skofnung sword had held his fancy, but he found there was no deeper connection. Her blade was beautifully polished and her guard was rather thin, but the end of the day though, beauty was all she had. After some time had passed, Jack was beginning to lose hope that he would ever find the blade for him.
That all changed when some friends came over. Jack had met his partner's cousin before, but this time she was bringing her boyfriend along. Apparently this Percy was some kind of legend where he came from. Personally, Jack wasn't overly enthusiastic. He didn't need another hero with a massive ego to join them. So when Percy did show up, it wasn't a big deal for him. Jack was lazily watching from his pendant form, keeping a half eye on the newcomer's movements. Magnus mentioned something about comparing weapons and, it wasn't long before Jack felt himself getting dragged into sword form. Percy was pulling out a pen as well. It was then that Jack saw something he would never forget.
Her metal was a gleaming bronze. Her blade was elegant, long and thin, with curves in just the right places. Her hilt was perfectly balanced, like he'd never seen before. There was a gorgeous trident emblazoned where the blade met the hilt. Everything about her screamed you can look but not touch, and right now he very much wanted to touch her. The conversation between the two sword masters was lost to him, but one word caught his attention; Anaklusmos. Riptide. An unstoppable force that could sweep you away into the depths without warning. Her name was just as perfect as everything else.
There are few times in life when you feel absolutely certain about something. This was one of those rare times. Jack was absolutely certain that he was going to have this sword, no matter what the cost.
It was painful to say goodbye, but Jack knew he needed to be subtle in his approach. Magnus always acted strange when he made a move on other weapons, and this was the one time he could not afford to mess up. So he endured seeing his beloved turn back into a smaller ballpoint pen, still deadly in the right hands. Jack spent the next few days waiting and listening, gleaning what Intel he could from the others. She would always return to Percy's pocket, meaning he had to ensure what time they had together would count. Hercules himself had previously wielded her, and although Jack didn't know who that was, he sounded like a really big deal based on the reactions of others. Either that or the star of a children's movie. Jack didn't really care which. After what felt like an eternity of waiting, there was an opportunity for the two weapons to be alone. The summer sword was ready to strike. Sumarbrander the Seducer would finally return.
"Hey there baby. Don't think I haven't noticed how you've been looking at me." It was true. While she'd been acting shy, Jack could tell there was something between them. He laid her gently across the couch. "The name's Sumarbrander, but my friends call me Jack. You, however, can feel free to call me the sword of your dreams." It was an old but classic line that Frey himself had invented.
Riptide fell against the soft cushions. The blade fell at an angle unleashed a burning sensation deep within, something he hadn't felt in a long time. She had been playing hard to get, but that just made her all the more tempting. "How about we explore some of the finer points of sword making? I'll be the blacksmith hammering away at your fine body, and you just lay there like your beautiful, sexy self." Riptide seemed to glow in response. Jack felt a twinge of concern coming from his partner.
"Oh, don't worry about that." Jack floated across the room and came back carrying a shield. "I always make sure to use protection." Riptide looked slightly relieved at that. She didn't say much, but that was part of her beauty. Jack had always had a soft spot for the mysterious type of blade, and Riptide was the epitome of that. The two of them began nuzzling close to each other. He did have one confession to make.
"Just so you know, it's been a while since I've done this." Jack was surprised at himself. He usually wasn't this open. "I may be a little bit out of practice." Riptide just stared at him in silence. "Okay you got me, I haven't been completely out of the game. On some lonely nights I've been using a whetstone." Jack could feel his hilt glowing crimson. Riptide just gave him a deadpan stare, as if smirking in silence.
It was time to prove why he was so famous back in the old days. "Don't worry darling, I'll just have to take extra care with you to get back in the swing of things." First of all, he had to get her warmed up. Floating downwards, Jack let the side of his guard press against the central ridge in the lower half of her blade. This was a nice trick he'd picked up in a college, during one of his first raids with Frey. Once he was in position, he began rotating himself around, pressing against her sensitive area in a circular motion. Gently but slowly, he sped up the process. Every once in a while he would suddenly turn counter-clockwise, and after a few repetitions reverse the process. It was a great way to get her warmed up for the main event.
After a while of this Jack could tell she was getting really hot. "You ready to make some sparks fly baby?" Riptide's response was to lay there, completely open. A surge of pride filled the summer sword as he realized his skills had left his partner completely speechless. "Alright, but let's switch up positions." Floating downwards, Jack slipped in underneath Riptide. She was now laying on top of him, and the flat sides of their blades were brushing against each other between the forte and the foible. Their hilts were right next to each other, and Jack could whisper into her grip as they moved.
"Time to make you feel like a real sword." Riptide was already glowing softly, giving Jack the encouragement he needed to get started. He moved the two of them back and forth, making sure the flats sides were always connected. He was sliding up and down, speeding up as the two of them got into it. This was an old fashioned position, but it was a classic for a reason. Jack could feel the heat rising between them as sparks or romance began to fly. Riptide was leaning into him, pressing all the right buttons in all the right ways. As the friction began to rise, Jack could feel something big coming. He redoubled his efforts, making sure his partner felt just as good. As an afterthought, Jack realized that Magnus would be very confused after he finished. Still, that was a problem that could be dealt with later. For now, he just wanted to enjoy the moment.
It had been many decades since Jack had felt this free. Years of rusting under the sea were painful, with the memories of Frey's betrayal. For the first time since his revival, Jack truly felt like the righteous and mighty sword of summer. First he had found friends in Magnus and the others, and then he had found his purpose in fighting Loki and postponing Ragnorok. Now, he had the final thing he needed to feel complete. A lover.
"Alright babe, I love that you're getting into this, but let's finish with something real freaky that you'll remember for ages." This was something Jack had never actually done, but always wanted to try. As with before, Riptide lay still while he shifted positions. Now they were laying inversely, so that each of their hilts was next to the others blade. Slowly he moved forward, enough that the rain guards were next to the end of the fuller on each. "You ready to get crazy?"
Without waiting for a response, Jack dove in. He could feel her guard rubbing against the flat of his blade, and was doing the same for her. While last time he'd moved in a circular motion, this time he tried an erratic zigzag movement. The response was immediate, as Riptide began shaking like never before. Jack thrust his blade down towards her. The two of them were moving in perfect harmony, each giving and receiving in equal. Jack cried out in bliss. This was the sort of beautiful transcendence he'd heard of, but never managed to reach. This was the absolute perfect night, and nothing would ever change that.
Magnus and Percy stood there, watching the bizarre scene unfold before them. The couch was torn to shreds. Pillow stuffing was flying out in all directions. The sounds of clashing metal could be heard throughout the room, and unfortunately into the hallway. Jack, oblivious to his new company, continued his performance with Riptide.
"We should probably stop this," Percy commented.
"Yes we should."
Neither of them moved.
When Alex stepped in to check on them, nothing had changed. She took a moment to observe the situation, and turned to Magnus with a smirk. "Really Magnus. I leave you alone for a few minutes, and this is what I catch you doing." She shook her head in mock anger. "And here I thought we had something special." She walked back out of the room, neither Percy nor Magnus showing any sign of recognition.
"We should probably stop whatever she's planning."
"Yes we should."
In the hall, Annabeth had an anxious expression on her face. Finally, the door opened, and Alex walked out with a malicious grin. "Hang on girl, I'll be right back." Confused, Annabeth decided to trust her new friend. Sure enough, Alex returned with a bucket of popcorn. This only added to the confusion.
"Alright, that's enough." Annabeth usually enjoyed puzzles, but this had gone too far. "First we hear clashing sounds and weird cries from the bedroom, then Percy and Magnus don't come back out, and now you've got snack food. What in the name of Tartarus is going on in there?"
"Your boyfriend is in there crossing swords with Magnus."
"WAIT WHA-oh, I see what you mean." Annabeth laughed at that. "They're just sparring."
"No, I mean they're crossing swords romantically. I'm going to watch."
"Wanna join me?"