Hey everyone, welcome to The Lost Prophecy: Ravenpaw's Secret. This is an AU in which Ravenpaw is the main character in the original series. The only point of divergence from canon is that Rusty never joined ThunderClan. Differences between this and the original will build up slowly over time, as I've tried to make this as canon compliant as possible. I plan to make this into a full six part series.

5/5/17- Book 1 is now complete! Book 2 will be out this June.

Disclaimer: I don't own Warriors, Erin Hunter does

A tall stone loomed over a clearing nestled deep in the woods. In the boulder's shadow, a dark gray cat sat with her eyes narrowed, staring out at the forest. A small tortoiseshell she-cat sat quietly beside her. Above them stars glittered in the clear, cloudless night sky.

The two cats were murmuring softly to each other, careful to keep their voices low to avoid waking their Clanmates. The older gray she-cat was speaking now. "I'm sending a patrol to check Sunningrocks at dawn. With how RiverClan has been lately . . ." The she-cat paused, deep in thought. "We need warriors Spottedleaf," the gray cat meowed quietly. She watched the tortoiseshell, who was still sitting silently. "Do you think I'm making the right decision, allowing a kittypet to join ThunderClan?"

The tortoiseshell gazed at the older gray cat, not meeting her eyes. "I cannot say, Bluestar," Spottedleaf replied honestly. "I do not know."

Bluestar glanced sharply at Spottedleaf. "What do you mean? Was he not the fire?"

Spottedleaf stood still for a moment, seeming uncertain of what to say. "I do not wish to lie to you, Bluestar, but there is no way to be sure. I truly believe that he was meant to be the fire."

The gray cat sighed. "I think I'll send Whitestorm with Lionheart to meet the kittypet tomorrow," Bluestar meowed, returning to a business like tone.

But the tortoiseshell she-cat continued to look straight ahead. "He will not come," Spottedleaf mewed, her voice filled with sadness.

"What?" Bluestar looked up abruptly.

"He will not come," the tortoiseshell medicine cat repeated.

Regarding her carefully, Bluestar took a step closer to Spottedleaf. "How do you know this? Have you received a sign from StarClan?"

Spottedleaf's amber eyes were serious. "I wouldn't call it a sign exactly. I can feel it somehow, that the sparks of the fire did not ignite . . . The fire will not save us.

"Then what will become of us?" Bluestar's voice was a hoarse whisper. "Fire alone can save our Clan. Without the fire . . ." Bluestar flicked her tail anxiously. "Is ThunderClan doomed?"

Spottedleaf immediately shook her head. "No. We can still survive."

"But how?"

Spottedleaf was quiet for a moment. "Perhaps a new fire will rise," she mewed softly.

Bluestar paused, a look of concentration clouding her blue eyes. "We don't know for sure that he won't join us," she reasoned, sounding as though she was trying to convince herself as much as Spottedleaf. "The kittypet could very well still decide to meet Lionheart and Whitestorm in the woods."

"Of course you can still send a patrol to meet this cat," Spottedleaf meowed. After a moment she added: "But he will not come."

Her last statement was filled with certainty.

Bluestar nodded in acknowledgement. "Thank you, Spottedleaf." The tortoiseshell medicine cat dipped her head respectfully to her leader, and then padded away, her light pawsteps making no sound as she crossed the clearing.

Bluestar turned her head toward the horizon. The dim glow of dawn was appearing; she would need to send the patrol to Sunningrocks soon. Although outwardly calm, on the inside her head was spinning. How could the prophecy she had heard about for so long, first as an apprentice and then many moons later, suddenly no longer exist? Could ThunderClan survive without the fire?



Leader- Bluestar- blue-gray she-cat

Deputy- Redtail- small tortoiseshell tom with a distinctive ginger tail; Apprentice- Dustpaw

Medicine Cat- Spottedleaf- tortoiseshell she-cat


Lionheart- golden tabby tom; Apprentice- Graypaw

Tigerclaw- big dark brown tabby tom; Apprentice- Ravenpaw

Whitestorm- big white tom; Apprentice- Sandpaw

Willowpelt- very pale gray she-cat with unusual blue eyes

Mousefur- small dusky brown she-cat

Runningwind- swift tabby tom

Darkstripe- sleek black and gray tabby tom

Longtail- pale tabby tom with dark black stripes


Dustpaw- dark brown tabby tom

Ravenpaw- small, skinny black tom with a tiny white dash on his chest, and white tipped tail

Sandpaw- pale ginger she-cat

Graypaw- long-haired gray tom


Speckletail- pale tabby she-cat

Goldenflower- pale ginger she-cat

Frostfur- white she-cat with blue eyes

Brindleface- pale gray tabby she-cat


Smallear- gray tom with very small ears

Halftail- big dark brown tabby tom with part of his tail missing

One-Eye- pale gray she-cat

Dappletail- tortoiseshell she-cat

Patchpelt- small black and white tom

Rosetail- ginger she-cat


Leader- Brokenstar- long-haired dark brown tabby tom

Deputy- Blackfoot- large white tom with black paws

Medicine Cat- Runningnose- small gray and white tom


Nightpelt- old black tom

Stumpytail- brown tabby tom; Apprentice- Brownpaw

Boulder- silver tabby tom; Apprentice- Wetpaw

Clawface- battle scarred brown tom; Apprentice- Littlepaw


Dawncloud- small tabby she-cat

Brightflower- black and white she-cat


Ashfur- thin gray tom


Leader- Tallstar- black and white tom with a very long tail


Leader- Crookedstar- huge light colored tabby with a twisted jaw

Deputy- Oakheart- reddish brown tom

Medicine Cat- Mudfur- long haired light brown tom


Blackclaw- smoky black tom; Apprentice- Heavypaw

Stonefur- gray tom with battle scarred ears; Apprentice- Shadepaw

Mistyfoot- blue gray she-cat

Loudbelly- dark brown tom

Whiteclaw- dark tabby tom with white paws


Graypool- thin gray she-cat with patchy fur and a scarred muzzle

Cats Outside Clans

Yellowfang- old dark gray she-cat with a broad, flattened face

Barley- black and white tom