Extremely Important Note

As you've probably noticed, after or before reading this update that I have decided to remove "The Empty Child." I have many reasons for getting rid of it, the main ones being I am having a difficult time getting the grove of writing that particular adventure, I keep getting ridiculous amounts of writer's block, and I feel like I'm just writing this adventure too early for the timeline I envisioned for Elizabeth and Doc. I have also been super busy with school and work as of late, and completely obsessing over 13.

I will not abandon writing this episode arc with 9, Rose, and Jack- it will just have to be an episode to write later on, once I feel like it's the right time. I will write these episodes 9 because they're a part of my list of favorite adventures. But for my sanity, and for hopefully continuing this story in a way that makes me comfortable and confident with how it's going, "The Empty Child/ The Doctor Dances" will be put on hold.

That being said, as I have written before, I do not want to abandon Elizabeth because I have a story I want to write and I love Doctor Who with all my heart, so please don't think I have forgotten. I think about this story with guilt constantly.

I am also very, very excited to write future episodes with 13 because, not gonna lie, I am high key in love. X) No, but really, 13 is a wonderful Doctor and I feel like it's going to so much fun writing her and Elizabeth. Now, whether or not anymore of 13 will be in this book or not, is yet to be determined.

Please continue to have patience with me and my writing. All the reviews, the favorites, and the follows mean the world to me. I will write more.

P.S. Space Cowboy is a go. I repeat, Space Cowboy is a go. Space cowgirl is a no go. 13 will be called SUNSHINE! And any other cute and/or ridiculous nicknames I can think of. Any suggestions will be taken note of, appreciated, and probably used if deemed appropriate enough.

Much Love,
