The Dragon and The Fire Sprite

Disclaimer: yeah, I own nothing, just my plot.

A/N: I'm not too sure how this story will come out, so all you readers out there, just stick with me. Usually I write more humorous stuff, but I was felt that I needed a change of pace, so I decided to write this. Note; this story does contain cutting; that is what it basically revolves around. So, if you can't handle a little blood, I advise you not to read this. And if you do read this and don't like it I warned you, so if you are going to flame me or criticize me, at least to it constructively, please. Well I guess you'll want to be getting on to the story now. Hope you enjoy!


            Virginia Weasley had been ignored all her life; in some aspects it was a good thing, she lived her life the way she wanted to, no one told her what to do. But in other aspects, being alone was one of the most horrible feelings. And that's how Ginny felt all the time; empty, like there was a hole in her soul that had never been filled. Over the years the loneliness can eat away at you, tearing you apart, Ginny knew this feeling all to well. She would be starting her 6th year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry at the beginning of the next month, and she had never had any real friends. Sure there were her dorm mates who called themselves her friends, but she could never really count on them. Mainly they just used her, she did their homework for them while they went on their dates…after all, she was the smart one and by doing their homework, they could "learn off of her notes".

So basically Ginny was a loner, she had no one, at all, her brothers didn't even care, well maybe Charlie cared, he always was her favorite, but Charlie was long gone, in Romania, with his dragons. Then Fred and George weren't that bad either, they had always tried to cheer her up when she felt bad…even though they might not have used the greatest methods. Ron was more like a typical brother though, he didn't want her hanging around him that much, especially when he was with Harry and Hermione. She supposed that Hermione was the closest thing she had to a real friend, they didn't talk to much, but Ginny knew that if she wanted to talk, Hermione would be there. And damn that Harry, so she had a crush on him for a couple of years, but it was over now! But noooo, Harry didn't seem to get this, he still thought she was madly in love with him, and his big head wouldn't ever get past that. How she hated him sometimes…

So as Ginny sat there in her room, writing in her journal, the rain falling outside her window, she sort of sank into a depression that would just progress as the year went on…


September rolled around and School was fast approaching; on the day the Weasleys left, it was a smaller crowd then usual; sure Hermione and Harry were there, but now there were only two Weasleys, Fred and George's final year was last year, and now it was only Ron and Ginny. So Mr. and Mrs. Weasley drove the kids to the station and walked with them onto Platform 9 and ¾. After saying their farewells, Ginny boarded the train, and searched for an empty compartment; not knowing that the year ahead of her would be her worst and her best year ever at Hogwarts.      

Ginny found a compartment towards the end of the train that was empty and sat down on one of the long seats. She leaned against the window and before she knew it, the rocking of the train had put her to sleep. She was in the middle of an odd dream with dancing fairies when a cold, icy voice woke her rudely.

"What have we here?" sneered Draco Malfoy, "If it isn't the Weasley baby."

Glaring at him in hatred Ginny marveled at how someone so fowl and loathsome could be blessed with such good looks… 'whoa, snap out of it Gin, this is Malfoy we're talking about here' she thought to herself.

"Shut up Malfoy, I don't believe you were invited, so why don't you run off to your fan club, of those drooling Slytherin dogs you always have hanging over you," retorted Ginny, matching the sneer on his face with her own.

"Touchy, touchy, we are going to have to do something about that temper Weasel, besides I don't see your name on this car, so it's just as much mine as it is yours."

"You know, Draco," she spat out with disgust, "being the biggest prick in the school, one would think that you would have better insults, but it seems that you stopped "maturing" after first year, and that you're still stuck in your 12 year old mind."

"You'll pay for your tounge, Weasel," replied Draco, drawing his wand.

But Ginny was to fast for him, she had carefully hidden her own wand in her overly large sleeve and quickly yelled, "Expellarmis. Draco's wand flew from his hand and the sneer on his faced was replaced by surprise. 'So, this Weasel is not like the rest of them, why she's got a temper to rival mine and she's pretty quick with the wand. Finally, he thought, 'a challenge.'

"Well look who's got the upper hand now, Draco" said Ginny holding a wand in each hand. Why don't I put this somewhere for you to find it, I love searching games, don't you Drakkie Boy?" the sarcasm was practically dripping from her voice. Ginny muttered a spell in her head and his wand disappeared.

All of the sudden, Malfoy lunged at her, but was halted by her Petrificus Totalus spell, his hands only inches from her face.

"Tsk, Tsk, Draco, haven't you gotten yourself into enough trouble for one day? Remember, only one of us has a wand here, and she's not the one in the full body bind. Better go find your wand, I expect we'll be arriving at the school soon."

She muttered the counter-curse and he fell to the floor, his face flushed red. 'How could I have been beaten by a girl, a Weasley none the less?!' he thought, disgusted with himself. He got up, the sneer on his face even more present than before.

"I will seek revenge you little Weasel, and be warned, a Malfoy as your enemy is as bad as having Death as your next door neighbor. No one will hear about this, do you hear me? Or you will rue the day you were born."

'Death as your next door neighbor??? What kind of lame threat is that Malfoy? Draco questioned himself as he stormed out of the compartment. Maybe the little Weasel was right, maybe my insults are slipping…well we'll have to fix that. There is no way a Weasley will beat me at insults.'

'Yeah, as though I already don't', Ginny said to herself, replying to the last remark Malfoy had said before he stormed off, not realizing that Ginny had turned his hair a violent shade of hot pink before he had gone.

When did my life become so depressed? No friends, the only thing I have to "talk" to is my journal, and this one can't even talk back, she thought. Ginny remembered back to her first year, when she had Tom Riddles diary… he talked to me…but then again he was just using me too, like everyone else in my life. Thanks to that whole episode, I have no friends. People see me in the hallways and stay away from me, they think I'm some kind of freak sideshow…BEWARE! RARE DANGEROUS REDHEAD HAS BEEN KNOWN TO ATTEMPT MURDER! STAY AWAY! DO NOT FEED THE FREAK. Yeah, like I did it on purpose, people don't care, they get sucked into what the media says and it distort the truth so much that they refuse to listen to the real story. Damn that Riddle, he's made my life Hell...

As the train pulled into the station Ginny gathered her things and walked up to find her brother and his friends. As she walked through the other compartments she heard laughter and whispers about Draco's new hairdo. Well, she thought, at least I'm not totally defenseless like everyone seems to believe. She got off the train and walked to the carriages. This is going to be one long year, she thought as she sat down by Hermione- one very long year.

That night at The Sorting feast, Ginny picked at her food, she wasn't very hungry, besides, she had the odd sensation that someone was watching her… She looked around at the Great Hall searching for the eyes that were staring at her with a cold, icy contempt. As she rounded on Slytherin, she saw who it was. Malfoy was glaring at her with a look of utter hatred on his face, sending small shivers of fear down her spine. But Ginny didn't let her slight fear show through, she glared just as evilly right back at him. It seemed he had found is wand, though, because his hair was it's normal platinum blonde shade.

Looking back on the incident in the train car, Ginny thought that it might not have been the greatest idea to have messed with Malfoy…after all, he wouldn't let her get away with what she did, Malfoys always get revenge. No, she thought angrily, all the years I have looked down on myself and taken things as they were thrown at me! It's time I show that I do have a backbone, and I can stick up for myself. No more letting Malfoy take the upper hand. Malfoy make be taking revenge for my actions earlier today, but I'm taking revenge for the past 5 years of my life!

And with that Ginny got up from the table and left the Great Hall for the privacy of her dorm; after all, she was a prefect so she had her own room. As she sat down on her bed after getting on her PJs, she thought of how Malfoy had looked at her earlier…sure, his glare was practically overflowing with contempt, but there was something else, past that. Was it curiosity? Oh well, she shrugged as she pulled the covers over herself, it's just Malfoy, I already showed him that I wasn't going to take his crap anymore- what damage could he do?

If only she knew…


            At the beginning of the week Ginny had felt that she had started off with the upper hand, but as the week progressed she felt that she had been dealt to many bad cards to deal with; first of all, she had two of her classes with Draco Malfoy:  Double Potions on Tuesday, and double Transfiguration on Thursday (she had been moved up in these classes a year because of her outstanding grades). It wasn't her luck either, that Snape was feeling extra malevolent that day and decided to pair her with her bestest best friend, Malfoy. She also had other accelerated private classes and found that she got almost twice as much work as the rest of her peers. Then on Wednesday she ran into Malfoy in the hallway…no, literally. The fact that he practically ran into her path didn't exactly help the situation much…and it resulted in her falling down the stairs on top of Harry Potter. To her dismay and everybody else's amusement he caught her rather heroically and carried her practically kicking and screaming all the way to the infirmary just in case "she had broken something". 

By the end of the week, Ginny was feeling quite depressed, then when she was on her way back to the common room to drop off her bag before dinner when she had an encounter with Malfoy. He passed her on the way down to the dungeons and when he walked by she heard him mutter something…not a second later she heard her overflowing bag ripping and felt it lightening quite rapidly. As she looked down to her papers scattered all over the floor Malfoy said with his trademark sneer dancing all over his face-

"Oops! My fault Virginia here let me help you with those…" and with that he kicked her papers off of the balcony and down into the unimaginable depths of Hogwarts. Luckily, Ginny wasn't taking accelerated classes for nothing…

"Reversellus Actionius!" she shouted pointing at Malfoy. Suddenly it was as though she was watching a movie being rewound and all of her papers came flying back up the stairs and into her now magically indestructible book bag. And with that she stormed off to the Common Room with Malfoy looking after her in awe and ever growing anger. Damn Weasley beat me again! Well at least only a few first years saw…and after I knock some obedience into them, they won't remember a thing…

            Ginny stormed up to her room and threw her bag down onto the bed and tried to recompose herself, finding that hard because she was close to tears. She had been so stressed out and the last thing that she needed was to have Malfoy after her. Man did she hate him! But she couldn't let him know that, so she took a deep breath and headed down to the Great Hall for dinner, trying to look as normal as possible. At least there is a trip to Hogsmead this weekend, she thought, maybe that'll cheer me up…