The Saiyan race, though bearing a striking anatomical resemblance to humans, had its fair-share of distinctly non-human features. One example of this would be their tailbones, which extended far past the measly few vertebrae of humans to form a long, dextrous tail. These tails allowed the saiyans to transform into their Oozaru form, also known as the Great Ape, which multiplied their power five times over. However, this tail was also a weakness, as simply pulling on it would cause any saiyan short of Super incapacitating pain. Saiyans looking to rid themselves of this weakness would be sorely disappointed, as their tails would grow back without fail, no matter how they'd lost it.

Along with this were many other striking differences, such as their sizable fangs and chimp-like feet. Full-blooded saiyans sported entire bodies covered in the same sort of fur as their tails, with the difference being that this fur didn't grow in until puberty. Most Saiyans could pass as especially hairy humans.

Gohan Son, the first known human-saiyan hybrid, looked exactly how one would imagine. Tail, monkey-feet, fangs, and all. All he was missing was the luxurious fur coat.

Gohan had never thought much about his appearance or how strange it was. After all, he wasn't exactly surrounded by normal-looking people. It wasn't until his first day of high school that he learned he himself didn't exactly look 'normal.'

"Gohan, you can't go to school looking like that!" His mother eyed him with heavy disapproval.

"What? I can't?" Gohan looked down at his outfit. White button-up and black vest, and orange khakis to match his Orange Star High badge. I don't see anything out of the ordinary...

"Not if you want to seem normal you can't! Look, your tail is showing!" She pointed for emphasis. "And those fangs…."

"Are these not normal?"

"Of course not! Tuck your tail into your pants young man! And here," she reached into a nearby cabinet and grabbed a surgical mask, handing it to her son, "wear this. It covers half of your handsome face, but it'll have to do."

"Yes, ma'am." Gohan was greatly confused as to why he had to hide these seemingly random parts of his body, but he wasn't about to argue with his mother. She had some sort of strange obsession with normalcy that he'd never fully grasp. First she'd told him to hide his power, now this. How was he supposed to make friends if he was doing nothing but hiding?

Gohan was headed to school on Nimbus. He had his tail wrapped around his waist underneath his pants and the mask his mother had given him secured around the bottom half of his face. He sighed and felt his breath warm the area around his mouth, trapped by the mask. Hiding his tail was one thing, but his teeth? It seemed kind of ridiculous to him. So what if he had fangs, a sixth of the population were animal people!

He looked down to see a billboard welcoming visitors to the prestigious Satan City. He chuckled at the sight. A huge picture of none other than one Mr. Hercule Satan. Wow, they named the whole city after him! Oh, I can't wait to tell everyone about this! Despite Mr. Satan having taken credit for defeating Cell, Gohan couldn't help but like the guy. He was just so…..goofy. He couldn't be mad at him, especially not for something as silly as fame. Gohan was a complete nobody in the eyes of the public and he liked it like that.

The sound of gunshots and the subsequent civilian screams snapped Gohan out of his musings. He whipped his head to face the source and found a bank. Robbers. Great. Do these crooks ever learn? He was about ready to just jump down there and take them out when he realized he was supposed to be blending in and being 'normal.' Thinking quickly, he transformed into a Super Saiyan, taking the mask off his face beforehand and shoving it in his bag so as not to accidentally shred it. Despite his lack of fur in his base form, his super Saiyan Form was covered with it. He hoped he wouldn't be too recognizable in this form.

Gohan jumped off Nimbus and let himself freefall in front of the two criminals guarding the bank, his golden tail slipping out of his pants and swishing around, not content in staying still with all the energy coursing through it. He glanced at his watch as one of them was giving some sort of 'you better get outta here before you get hurt' speech and nearly yelped as he realized the time. 7:53. He had 7 minutes to get to school and he had no idea where it was. He didn't have time for this. He knocked the crooks out cold with soft, strategic chops to their necks. He sighed for the second time that morning and sped into the bank itself.

He quickly scanned the room and found three guys. One emptying the vault, one standing around looking boss-like, and one aiming some sort of semi-automatic rifle at the hostages. Hostages. Great. Can't these jerks stoop to stealing without endangering civilians?

The boss-looking guy noticed Gohan standing there and jumped a bit before composing himself and letting a cocky smirk spread across his gaunt masked face. He pointed some semi-automatic weapon at Gohan. "I don't know how you managed to get in here, but you won't be making it out in anything but a body bag!" He fired away, laughing all the while.

Gohan caught all the bullets and, once the boss-guy had emptied the clip, opened his hand to let them drop to the floor. The shaken shooter passed out right then and there. His presumed subordinates turned themselves in to the police the moment they realized what had happened. A few of the hostages let out cries of relief, and Gohan gave them a bright, reassuring smile. Just then, he heard a frantic engine trying to speed away. Crap.

Gohan turned on his heel and sped out the bank just as quick as he'd entered it. His eyes caught the getaway car flooring it down the busy street and cursed the crooks for the danger they were putting all the other drivers in. He lifted his hand and let out a small shout, sending a small wave of ki at the car, flipping it. He winced at the damage it caused and ran to the wreckage to make sure nobody was hurt.

The two criminals crawled out of the vehicle, shaken but unharmed. Gohan stayed to watch the police cuff them before glancing at his watch, this time being unable to suppress his yelp. He mumbled something about his mom killing him and walked into an alley, reverted back to his base form and putting his surgical mask back on. He stepped out of the alley and began walking down the street before being stopped.


Gohan yelped again as a rather intimidating voice all but screamed at him. He looked up to see a girl who looked to be about his age with raven pigtails and striking blue eyes. Oh, and an extremely annoyed expression. Like, extremely annoyed.

"Who did this? This hardly looks like police work!" She gestured towards the flipped car and apprehended criminals.

He wasn't quite sure why, but something about this girl's glare and tone had him panicking. He couldn't form proper thoughts as he felt her eyes boring into his very soul. He nearly choked on his own spit before stuttering out, "oh, uh, I-I wasn't looking…?" He ran past her before she could really process what he'd said. He couldn't be late, especially not on his first day!

What's that guy's deal? Wasn't looking? Videl was skeptical to say the least, but she had more important mysteries to solve. She turned to a random onlooker and asked him what had happened.

"Videl, you should've seen it! It was a…...a golden fighter!"

"Golden fighter?"

"Yes, a golden fighter! He was glowing, and he flipped a car just by shouting at it!" The old man was practically squealing. Other gawkers who'd heard the exchange decided to add their own two-cents.

"And he had big ol' fangs!"

"He was all furry and stuff!"

"I swear he had a tail!"

"He was like a golden monkey man!"

Videl had half a mind to dismiss these comments, but the sheer amount of identical accounts she'd heard over the course of the next few minutes disturbed her. She shook her head and sent her right fist into her left hand. "I'll get to the bottom of this."