Here's a quick epilogue!

"You know, Sev? I think it would be a good idea to show Minerva that we are a couple now."

"What makes you think that's a good idea, brat?" Severus hummed, carding his fingers through Harry's hair and smirking when the younger leaned into his touch.

"Wellll, since we convinced Warbeck," Snape still growled whenever he heard that name. "and Quinton to not tell Minerva what they saw, why don't we put on a little play?" Snape narrowed his eyes.

"Why do I have a feeling that I am not going to like this plan." At the sheepish look, Severus nearly growled. "What is it?"

"Why don't we get her to think I agreed to go out with Warbeck?" That's when Snape growled and pressed into his lover.

"Absolutely not, Harry." He hissed into his ear, causing the younger to shiver.

"No? But think of what Warbeck did. It was Minerva who told him to do it. Imagine if she thought she had caused this."

"You are officially a Slytherin in my eyes, Harry." At the compliment, he knew Severus had agreed to do his idea.




It was easy to get Warbeck and Quinton to agree, now it was time to but the plan into action.




Minerva just about dropped her teacup when she watched Severus walk into the common room, no Harry Potter attached to his side. As he took his seat, Minerva cast him a nervous glance.

"Severus, where is Harry?" She questioned, gulping at the empty stair.

"Why don't you ask Warbeck, Minerva?" He hissed, hands clinching into fist as Harry entered the room, Warbeck far too close to Harry.

"What do you-" She paused and dropped her teacup, eyes wide at the scene. "But.." Her jaw dropped when Warbeck pressed a kiss to Harry's cheek. From the corner of her eye, she saw Snape visibly tense up. "When..when did they get together!"She gasped.

"Last night after Warbeck kissed him." Again, Minerva gasped and excused herself.

Harry moved to his usual seat beside Severus, who still seemed on edge.

"I don't recall planning kiss." He whispered, narrowing his eyes.

"I'll make it up to you later." Harry promised. "Did she buy it?"

"I've never seen her so shocked before."

"I guess that means we'll have to come out to her later."

"After I snog you senseless, brat."

Harry certainly wasn't going to complain.




Mineva was really having a bad day. Everywhere she looked Warbeck and Harry were smiling and holding their hands. Then there was an obviously jealous Severus who could do nothing as the new couple laughed together.



Lunch was even worse. Warbeck sat beside Harry, talking to him more. Now Severus and Quinton were left alone, glaring at the laughing couple.

Oh Merlin, what had she done?




At dinner, Minerva was sadly eating her food as she watched Severus and Harry come in, holding hands. She glanced back down to her food, but then back up in a flash.

Severus and Harry were holding hands.

But hadn't Warbeck and Harry just been...

She glared at the two as they sat down.

"Very funny, you two. You fooled me." At the smirks she got, Minerva rolled her eyes but smiled.

At least they were finally together.