AN: So here's a story I've been working on, it's complete on my ao3 account, I just decided to publish the story on this one as well. I love when one character is jealous or protective of another, and what better way to have a jealous character than Severus Snape? (Yes this is Snarry)

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, yatta yatta

Summary: Harry Potter, the DADA professor seems to attract the attention of two new professors at Hogwarts. Severus Snape is trying his best to keep his usually stoic self under control. But when it comes to Potter, that's always been a difficult task, even before these blasted feelings began to surface. And for some reason, Minerva know's more than she should.

"What a lovely evening. Wouldn't you say, Severus?" At the chirpy and cheeky tone of the brat sitting next to him, Severus Snape glared at the new defense against the dark arts instructor.

"You would find an evening such as this to be enjoyable, Potter."

Harry pouted. "Last names, Severus? Surely we've moved past that title?" The potions master didn't reply, too busy discreetly observing the other new member of the Hogwarts staff. Following the gaze, Harry blinked in recollection.

"That's Gregory Warbeck, he's a model for Wizard Monthly, and..." Harry blushed, not wishing to reveal the other, more dirty, magazine. Snape of course, rose an elegant eyebrow and looked at the the younger with a hint of amusement.

"I know." Severus cut in courtly, lips twitching the slightest when the other Professor froze, staring at him with a dumbstruck look plastered across his face. Severus took pleasure in watching another blush slowly cover the usually pale cheeks, making him resemble Draco Malfoy when he was having one of his spouts of anger.


Snape rolled his eyes, criticizing the Professor's poor observational skills. "Don't look so shocked, Potter." Harry just blinked and stared at the man with an odd look in his eyes, one that had the potions Master's mouth going dry and a slight tightness in his lower regions.

"Harry Potter? What an honor it is to meet you." Gregory Warbeck, the new charms Professor came to greet the savior of the wizarding world, looking at him intently. Harry tore his gaze from Snape and came face to face with one of the Wizarding worlds hottest wizards.

"Er yeah. That's me." He smiled awkwardly, trying hard to not role his eyes at Severus' amused snort in the background. "And you must be Gregory Warbeck."

The man seemed pleased that Harry Potter knew who he was. "So you've heard of me. Do you have a favorite photo?" He smirked, leaning just a tad bit closer, causing Harry to lean back.

"Not really..." the Professor shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck. "But they are all nice." He said indifferently, watching with unease as the new Professor smiled darkly.

"I'm glad you enjoy them, Harry." Warbeck winked, hand sliding to rub at Harry's thigh. Panic flashed in the emerald eyes, and it didn't go unnoticed by Snape.

"I was hoping someone such as yourself, Mister Warbeck, could at least maintain the slightest bit of self control. One would think you're another sex-craved, Harry Potter fan" Severus spoke up in a icy tone, one that froze the charms Professor in his tracks.

"Apologies, Professors." There was an embarrassed flush as the man removed his hand, not before winking at Harry, and turned to strike up a conversation with another Professor.

"Thanks." Harry sighed, not noticing the dark sneer that was aimed at Warbeck, then a lighter one directed at the younger professor.

"I thought you would have enjoyed the attention, Potter."

"He's not my type, and he reminds me of Lockhart." Harry grimaced, a look of disgust crossing his features. Snape was looking at him with an amused gleam in the onyx eyes, and the corner of his lips were twitched into what seemed to be a smirk.

"Then what is your type, Potter?" The younger looked up to meet the dark gaze, he was about to reply when the doors to the great hall suddenly swung open, followed by a group of first years.

Severus Snape had settled into his leather chair, firewhiskey in hand when there was a sudden knock on his door. It was far too late to be a student, so he placed the glass down and stalked to the door. As soon as he opened it, he sighed.

"Potter. What brings you here at this hour?" He ignored the fact that the professor looked awful, and just studied the savior of the wizard world.

"Can I come in, Severus?" Debating if he should let the brat in, the potions master gave in and stepped aside, allowing the younger room to walk in.

Harry sat down, running a hand through his hair. "I don't see how you've managed to teach this long, Professor." Snape rose an eyebrow at that. Sitting back down, Severus watched as his guest sighed.

"Did some first years nearly blow up the room again, Potter?"

"Hardly. It's the blasted fifth years and up. Although, the first and second years are a pain in the arse too." Snape blinked, watching as Harry rubbed his temple. "Merlin, it's not just the students either. Some of the bloody staff won't let up either."

"Oh. Do tell, mister Potter. What have they done now?" Snape seemed genuinely intrigued, despite the sarcastic tone.

"What haven't they done?" Sighing, Harry shook his head. "I can handle a few flirtatious and horny students, but when it comes to Warbeck and Quinton.." Harry ran a hand down his face.

"The dilemma of being the chosen one." Snape said dryly, taking a sip of his firewhisky to drown the fire in his gut.

"I know. That's all they see. That's all anyone see's." Harry replied bitterly, waving his hand and making a glass of scotch appear. He took a hearty gulp, washing away the bitter taste of being the chosen one, even if it was only for a little while.

"When did you learn wandless magic?" Snape inquired, looking somewhat surprised, even though he did it well. Harry just shrugged.

"I got bored easily when I was younger, so I would practice making things appear." He took a smaller sip, looking at the drink wistfully. "Thank you."

Snape looked at him. "For what?"

"For letting me be myself. I don't have to be Harry Potter, the-boy-who-lived when I'm with you." Snape was speechless, there was still so much he didn't know about the man on his couch.

"Who said you have to be him anymore? You fulfilled the prophecy, Potter." Harry laughed bitterly at that, his emerald eyes looking into the drink in his hands.

"You know as well as I do, Severus. That fact doesn't change anything. Once you become a 'hero', you're required to remain one. And when you try to escape, the world turns on you like a pack of hungry wolves. There are few people who care about Harry Potter, the rest just see the fame and wealth."

"How very Gryffindor of them." Harry let out a true laugh, looking into his former Professor's eyes.

"And very Slytherin of them." Severus smirked, not bothering to deny it. "But I have to agree with you. Wanting the fame and lime light is very Gryffindor of them."

"Not even trying to deny it, are we?" There was a hint of smugness and triumph in the potions masters voice, and Harry had to role his eyes.

"You're not going to let this go, are you?" Harry groaned.

"And ignore the blackmail material?" Smirking when Harry laughed again, he discovered the brat had a nice laugh, considering he would hardly laugh or smile much anymore.

"Now that is highly slytherin of you." The young man grinned, feeling more relaxed than he had all week. They sat together, a comfortable silence settled between them. It was when Harry looked up about fifteen minutes later that he sighed and stifled a yawn. "I better go, otherwise I'd be tempted to stay here all night." Severus swallowed at that, forcing down the inappropriate thoughts that came with the innocent statement. He watched as the young man got up from the couch, slightly disappointed that the other was leaving. Potter was actually decent company.

"Goodnight, Severus." The younger smiled, heading towards the door.

"Goodnight, Harry." Harry paused at the door, smiling faintly.

"You should say my name more often." With that, the man left, leaving behind a smirking potions professor.




In the following morning, the headmistress watched with mirth as two dark haired professors walked in the great hall, one glaring at everyone and the other trying to hold back a yawn. Knowing the tendencies of the potions professor, Minerva cast a quick charm and hid a smile as Snape eyed the cup thankfully as he sat down. To her pleasure, Harry also eyed the cup with appreciation.

"Good morning, Severus, Harry." She looked too chirpy for both wizards, who quickly mumbled a reply and went to grab their cup of coffee. Bringing the drink to their lips, both wizards seemed to automatically relax and become more aware of the blabbering students and gossiping teachers. Now that they were fully awake, they realized how many of the staff members were looking at the two of them. Some, like Mcgonagall, were giving them knowing looks, while others seemed fascinated or intrigued.

And then there was Warbeck and Quinton, who were just staring at Harry.

"Merlin, it's too early for this." Harry took another sip, breathing a sigh of pleasure. As he drank his coffee in peace, he didn't see the chilling death glare Severus sent to the two professor's. He did catch something though, from the corner of his eye Harry could see Snape angrily grip the side of his robes in a effort to resist from doing something.

"Something wrong, Severus?" He asked, looking at the older man worriedly.

"I'll need more coffee." The man lied smoothly, even though it was partially true. Harry gave a hum in agreement.

"I couldn't agree more." It was quite for a few moments before Harry spoke up again, gaining Severus' attention. "Do you have any plans for today?"

"Pomfrey needs more drought of peace, I'll be brewing a new batch for her." The man was just glad it was Saturday, which meant no first years. Even though it was a dread to say, many of the Slytherin first years were whiny like the Gryffindors. "And what will you be doing, Potter?"

"Hermione sent me the latest spell book, I'm trying to decide which ones will be legal to teach." Snape looked at the other with a hint of pride and slight approval.

"How Slytherin of you, Potter." Taking the compliment, Harry took a bite of his eggs and continued to listen to Severus. "I could help, I believe we're both aware of the advantage I have over you. I've had years of experience. " Harry paused mid-chew, and glared at the other half heartily.

"You'd be surprised, Sev, I know my fair share of dark arts." The defense teacher grinned darkly, observing the potions master. Snape rolled his eyes, debating if he should hex the brat for such an annoying nick name. Instead, the older sighed out,

"You'll never stop being a brat, will you?" At the rhetorical question, Harry's grin brightened as he cast the man an innocent look. One thing that was certain, the man would always be cheeky and impudent,but it was a good thing. A Harry Potter that wasn't a cheeky brat didn't sound right.

"Probably not, but I'll take you up on that offer, as long as I'm allowed to help you with your potions."

"And let you destroy my personal laboratory? Don't think I've forgotten your horribly failed attempts, yours and Longbottoms." Snape nearly shuddered at the horrible memory, Voldemort had been scary, but the thought of those two partnering up and trying to brew a potion...that was what nightmares were made from.

"One, I wasn't as bad as Nevile. And second, there's no Slytherin's to botch-up my potion." There was a pause, Severus hummed in consideration, knowing the words held some truth.

"I could use another person..." Snape seemed disinclined, but gave in knowing brewing a whole batch by himself would take longer. "Very well." He sighed, lips curved at the young mans ecstatic expression.

Unknown to both of them, the headmistress was eyeing the two with a look of approval. In a way, her eyes were twinkling like a former, more meddling professor. What a shame that the old man couldn't watch the two tease and bicker with each other, acting like an old married couple most of the time. On that cheery note, she stood and left the great hall. Heading towards her office, the witch smiled to herself as she thought of Dumbledore's portrait reacting to the news of Severus and Harry. Once she was gone, there was a few moments of peace and both wizards seemed to be enjoying their breakfast in silence.

However, the good mood of both the professors was abruptly ruined when Warbeck made his way to the pair, obnoxious grin in place.

"A good morning, isn't it gentlemen?" At the court nods he got, the man continued. "I'm sorry for my actions earlier this week. As an apology, would you care to have supper with me, professor? My chambers are quite comfortable." Harry blushed, not knowing how to respond. He may have been used to people asking him to go on a date, but Warbeck was so upfront and forthright with it.

"No thank you, Professor Warbeck. I have plans tonight." Harry smiled kindly, wishing the other wizard would just get the hint already.

"What a shame. Some other night, then? There is a lovely French restaurant, la boule de cristal. Perhaps I can take you there next week, if you'd like, I can reserve the whole place for just the two of us." There was a low, barely audible growl beside Harry and the man almost froze for a second, wondering if Severus Snape had just growled. Ignoring his previous question, Harry gave the Professor a forced smile, not knowing how much longer he could keep up the charade.

"As generous as that sounds, Gregory, I'll have to pass."

"Are you sure? la boule de cristal is a fabulous place to dine. Just imagine how brilliant we'd look together under those stunning crystals. Although...the crystals there could hardly outshine your beautiful emerald eyes." Warbeck whispered, causing Harry to blush madly. On the side, Snape was seething with rage, hand itching to grab his wand and hex the damned model into oblivion.

"Listen, I'm sure Professor Warbeck." Harry was acting as friendly as he could, annoyed that the man wouldn't back off. "I'm not interested." He said bluntly, ignoring the disappointment that flashed through the models usually cheery face. Warbeck forced away the disappointment and fixed his attire.

"If you decide to change your mind, you know where to find me." He purred, easily walking past and leaving the two wizards alone again. Watching as the man walked away, Harry gripped the cup tightly, his mask fading away.

"Now he is really starting to remind me of Lockhart." Harry groused, all courteousness gone as he glared at his empty coffee cup, no longer hungry either. Severus was being quite, his fingers still resting the urge to grab his wand and cast a stinging hex towards Warbeck. "It's not even midday, and I already need a drink." Severus shot him an amused glance, his previous anger dissipating in a matter of seconds.

"Perhaps some brewing will help us both."



It turned out, Severus was right. Just the scent alone was enough to calm Harry down (he would deny that the scent was purely Severus Snape), and the soothing motions of stirring.

"You're staring again, Potter." Snape muttered, glancing to the blushing man who looked down to avoid the piercing gaze. Noticing the others potion was more of a cyan than turquoise blue, Severus walked behind him to further investigate. Experienced eyes quickly caught the mistake, and he shook his head in slight awe.

"After all those years you still can't stir." Severus smirked, the insult lacking the usual venom. "Watch." He breathed whilst moving closer to the other, his chest nearly brushing against the shorter mans back. Harry blushed as warm hands glided to his, stopping to rest against them. "You're hardly using your wrist." The sneaky slytherin leaned closer, lips inches away from Potter's flushing ear.

"It's a wonder you even passed my potions class, Potter." Resisting the urge to shiver, Harry opened his mouth to make a combat instead.

"It's not my fault. I either had a slytherin to sabotage my potion, or I had a certain professor distracting me."

"Distract you? I did no such thing. Maybe if you would have paid attention during my class, then you would have got the information and passed with an adequate grade." Harry cast the other a fake glare, trying not to laugh at the clearly teasing words.

"We should do this more often." Harry spoke, in tune with Snape's motions. "I could help you brew potions for the school, and Warbeck won't bother me." He could fill Snape tense up, the hands gripping his.

"Warbeck is one of the most insufferable professor's I've had the misfortune of meeting." Severus spoke, voice dripping with bitterness that could match Nagini's venom. "How many times have you turned him down, Potter?" Caught off guard at the question, the younger professor shrugged his shoulders.

"Honestly, I don't even know at this point. Too many." Severus didn't seem to like that answer and he narrowed his eyes lightly. "At least Quinton has cut back a tad bit, he's not as...forthright like Warbeck." Harry added, biting his lips when the potion master's thumb lightly grazed his knuckles.

"Have you mentioned anything to Minerva? She could have a chat with them." There was snark dripping from him, and the younger chuckled lightly.

"I think she already knows. Nothing gets past her, Sev." Rolling his eyes at the nickname, the older cleared his throat lightly.

"If you wish for me to deal with them.."

"No it's fine!" Harry cut him off, biting his lips. "I think you'd scare them more than Minerva would, Snape. I know what type of hexes your capable of." Snape's lips curved lightly into a small smirk, onyx eyes looking down at the emerald ones.

"No doubt that book miss Granger sent will have some of them." Harry grinned lightly, catching the tone that was being used.

"Are you insinuating I would have made a better Slytherin?" Severus kept a neutral face, trying to hide the teasing in his tone by covering it with sarcasm.

"Even though you're incredibly reckless, I admit you act more like a snake then a lion." He huffed like the words pained him to say. Harry on the other hand was grinning to himself, finding the words to be a compliment. "You just lacked the attention span of most slytherin's." Severus chuckled when the younger sent him a half glare.

"You're never going to let me live those days down, are you?" He groaned lightly.

"Not on your life, Potter." Snape smirked, conjuring up some flask to bottle up the potions. "If only you were this successful during your years."

"So does that mean I can help again?" Severus looked down at the green eyes and sighed.

"If you must." He said, lips still curved into a light smirk. "Could you stand being with the old dungeon bat for an entire Saturday?" Harry grinned at the question, snorting hard.

"Only if you could handle an imprudent brat all day."

Hope you liked the story. R&R please