Well it's been a long timeXD Very sorry if anyone is reading this. Please review with any thoughts you have! The more reviews the more likely the next update will be soon. Anyway I hope you enjoy. This is directly after civil war.

Chapter 3: don't turn out the lights

Wanda brushed her hair, gently laying it on her shoulder. She stroked the smooth brown hair with a sigh, flash backs of the expected pain hitting her with every movement. She knew she wasn't in the jacket for days, it was just hours and had been a few hours ago now and get she couldn't shake it. She knew she needed sleep and sighed softly. She also needed to calm down. She gently licked up the guitar in the corner of the room that had been taken from her old room, she began to strum and sing softly, playing a melody that her mother had taught her when she was alive. The soft melody surrounded the room as she played and after about 10 minutes Wanda felt calm enough to try to sleep. She got up and walked over to the door to turn off the light, like so many times she had done before but now she hesitated.

"Don't be afraid." She whispered to herself, switching off the light but instantly she knew it was a bad move. The darkness seemed constricting, confining, choking. Wanda panicked, hitting the walk to desperately find the switch but it was no use, her hand had slipped and she could find it in the dark, panicked state. Wanda slowly sunk to the floor, holding her knees and shaking. The door creeped open and she looked over, knowing she couldn't fight in this state. Then the light switched on.

Clint was by her side in seconds, careful not to provoke the same reaction as earlier, not to cause her any more pain. Wanda was still breathing heavily, only slightly calmer now the light was on. She didn't move though, almost caught in her fear, her eyes closed, screwed tightly shut, barely noticeable as her face was facing her legs, as if hiding from something.

"Wanda, you can open your eyes, it's over, your safe." Clint said slowly with an undeniable sense of urgency at the same time, maybe even a hint of fear in his voice. She looked up after a few more minutes and tried to blink the tears from her eyes. She hated feeling weak. Her body ached from the day, the pain, both emotional and physical, the fighting. She sighed softly, leaning into Clint slightly.

"Sorry.. I..." She muttered softly, fear seeping into her voice, her lips still shaking slightly. Clint replied with a nod, gently soothing her. He sighed and hugged her closer. Wanda slowly began to calm down but he body still shock slightly.

"Okay..that's better" Clint replied with a smile, still slightly worried. He sighed and moved so he was in front of her. "Look at me?" He asked as Wanda put her head up. He nodded. "Remember, after all, you can just switch on the light with a click of your fingers" Wanda knew this but..she was scared. Her time in the prison, she could almost still feel the shocks when she walked, the constraints around her body as she moved. She didn't know if she every would get over it..let alone use her curse again. That's what it was after all. What got her here, what caused all those deaths that weighted down her shoulders.

"I..I can't" she admitted softly, looking back down, ashamed, embarrassed. She didn't know what she felt. Alone. Clint nodded. He felt angry for her, for all that these people had done. He promised in his head they would pay, like they would pay if it was his own daughter Lila, that's what Wanda was after all. Another of his strays is what Laura would say, after lucky and Nat.

"Okay" he said softly, taking a watch off his wrist. "I got this soon after I came." He replied, not explaining why...it was almost a joke. He had walked into the wrong room, been found sitting high in the throne room one to many times. They had given him this watch as a map but he kept it. He had barely been here a day and he heard they planned to give everyone else one tomorrow anyway. "It controls all the lights, happens to be a light itself and can dim them...it also has a map, everyone else is getting there's tomorrow, take it for tonight:" he replied handing it to her.

Wanda nodded and smiled slightly "thank you." She replied, looking over at him.

"Oh and you'll be back to your normal self soon enough." Clint replied, getting up. Wanda followed suit and sat onto her bed again. "Good night." He said, walking over and kissing her gently on the forehead "I'm just two doors over if you need me." He replied before walking out of the room.

Wanda looked at it, her watch was easy enough to figure out. She slowly turned down the lights step by step until they were dim enough to sleep under. She laid down gently on the pillow, deep in thought before drifting off the sleep.