
Disclaimer: I own as much as Jon Snow knows

Sometimes, they look back.

Back to a time before everything fell apart, before mothers were lost, the meaning of home became warped, and the innocence that comes with childhood was snatched away; one having to step into the role of matriarch, the other desperately trying to rectify what went wrong.

The times they spent as enemies are not the fondest memories, when elements clashed, and there was betrayal, and pain, yet with these memories come the promise of never again.

Arguably, some the fondest times to look back on are the ones where the newfound friendship began to gain momentum. Times spent either messing around with the others in between preparing for the end of the war that had haunted their lives, or just together, providing understandings and comforts. Then the Agni Kai, where sacrifices were made, healings were performed, a throne was gained, and a deep friendship began to teeter on the edge of something more.

Then the times that came after the war, where the peace making processes began; by no means easy, but their experiences had given them the strength necessary to cope with it, until slowly but surely, the restoration of balance between the nations that the Avatar had promised returned. Friendship blossomed into romance, resulting in a union of fire and water, a concept previously unheard of for the past hundred years.

The blank canvas of the future was spread before them, before all of them; one they could make better than the past.

Sometimes they look back.

Most times they look forward.

And Zutara Month comes to an end *sobs*

Huge thanks go to officialzutaramonth over on tumblr *loud applause*

And thanks to all of you guys too *sends hugs*