A/n: So so so very sorry I haven't updated for a very long time. I'm not sure when I'll update next but I promise that the next chapter is already being written. I apologise again for the long wait. I really have no excuse except for the fact that I have been really busy with school. Yup, if you don't know yet that I'm still in school, well then now you know. I hate physics...and trigonometry...and school. Give me more or less a month or two and I swear the next chapter will be up. Aside from that I made a Divergent fic. Yay. You must br thinking, "Oh, so she has time to make another fic but can't f-ing even update this one," well I did warn you in my profile that I sometimes jump from fandom to fandom. I have been pretty much obsessed with Divergent these past few months so...yeah. Please forgive me? And I am not grovelling. I repeat I am NOT. Oh, and if you are also a Divergent fan, check my story out, I will be posting it in a few minutes. Thanks.