"Alright guys as a reminder if your parents have any questions in regards to your end term grades I'll be here when they come in for reports. I want you guys to take advantage of the math site that's on the board over your summer break. I can't stress enough how crucial this will be for your future."

Rick braced himself against his brown oak desk. Thirty minutes were left on the school's analog clock. He stared at the young faces that occupied his class, all seemingly anxious for the bell to ring. He sighed shaking his head knowing out of a class of twenty five only a few will bother to check the link he wrote on the white board. Which is probably why eighty percent of this class failed the finals. He groaned knowing he'll be subjected to the loud voices of parents that won't point the blame on their kids not studying.

He loved his job though it didn't same so. Despite the small clutter of students who tend to be a pain in the ass there was always other students that did their homework, paid attention and actually listened to what he had to say. Those were the same kids that passed. Shaking his head, he retreated to his black leather chair. The class was quite, too quite. His looked up to meet dozens of eyes staring him down.

"What?" He asked aloud waiting for someone to respond. A hand shot up, he rolled his eyes at the grinning teenager. "Yes Ms. Stanly?" He asked suddenly feeling exhausted. Remember that small group of kids that paid attention? Most of them consisted of his little 'harem of admirers' as Sasha would put it. Sadly Ms. Stanly was one of them.

She poked her chest out and sat up straighter. "Me and a few other students were thinking that maybe we should take class pictures for the summer break. I mean since we're not doing anything this period." She smiled as a few girls giggled behind her.

"Why do you need photos if I'll be seeing you all this fall?" He asked curiously. She shrugged innocently before replying. "Just for the memories and our year book next year." Ms. Stanly was smart, she did her homework, paid attention in class and even scored and 80 in her exam. But she wasn't that smart. He knew about the goddamn blog. Pictures of him he never knew he had surfaced on that blog of hers. He pretended to think about her request as he glanced at the faces of the young men who just wanted to leave.

He stood up rolling his chair back. "Alright." A small screech sounded from the group of girls huddled in their corner. "Class dismissed." He smiled as the majority of his students applauded his choice with the exception of a few pouters. "Try not to bother other classes." He shouted after them. He sat back down with a groan his hand coming to rub the back of his neck. He closed his eyes just as a knock sounded at the door before it was pushed open.

Cracking one eye open, he smirked as took in his intruder. "Aren't you a long way from the English department?" He mumbled smiling as her chair scratched the tiled floors stopping before his desk. She scoffed. "Don't make me regret walking into depression Mr. Grimes." He let loose a deep chuckle. "This atmosphere feels a lot like death."

"Well it says a lot when English and math go handed in hand Ms. Stubbs." He smiled opening his eye to see how much he offended her. She cocked her eyebrow at him at him, a smirk tugging her full lips.

"Getting better with comebacks Rick. You only have me to thank." He stared at his dark skinned coworker and not so recently best friend. They both met during an introductory staff meeting, after hours and days of passing each other without uttering more than five words in the halls he took the initiative to venture to the English department. Which was on the other side of the building. He bought coffee and an invitation to little conversations. They spoke about their students and the school which soon ventured into their personal lives. Before Rick knew it she was calling him over at the crack of dawn to kill spiders. Like the great saying goes, 'the rest was history'.

"My math department is not a grave site Michonne." He told her clasping his hands together in his lap.

"That's why I passed your sulking harem in the hall earlier." She crossed her arms over her chest, her mustard blouse crumpling passed her elbows as her sleeves slid up from the movement. He bit his lip.

"They wanted to take pictures. Said it was for the year book." He told her. She shook her head no doubt coming to the same conclusion he made earlier.

"If they wanted crotched shots they should've just snapped it. It's not that big anyway." He watched her shrug nonchalant. He scowled. She loved to toy with him. His eyes snapped to the closed door silently hoping no one came in. He stared at her amused face before pushing his chair from the desk. The wheels headed in her direction. She still held onto that smug look even as he stopped in front of her.

"And you know this how?" He asked genuinely curious. This was problem Rick had. Despite her sly taunts and disruption of his sleep. He likes Michonne, a bit too much. He liked her attitude, the way she handled herself, her smile, her face. He really liked her. But he was going to prove himself after she scratched his ego, even if it meant crossing unspoken boundaries.

She straightened, her face laced with suspicion. "Does it matter how I know?"

"I think it does." He rolled his chair closer. She didn't budge from her spot. "You know, I'm beginning to suspect you've seen some thangs Michonne." He said as his knees collided with hers, his skin felt heated despite the layers of clothes separating their bare skin. This was yet another problem he had. Rick would be an ass if he told himself he wasn't attracted to her. Not only physically, he'd be fine if it was only physical. But god damn it this woman was a math equation with infinite answers. He was never bored.

She turned her head, crossing her legs. The bottom of her black heels grazed his thigh. "And what if I did Rick? That would just solidify my opinion of little grimes there." She gesture between his legs.

"Michonne you do realize you're telling me I have a small cock?" He asked crossing his arms mimicking her demeanor.

"You're still in a school zone Rick. Mind your tongue." She scolded him though her face smiling. He frowned, He wouldn't say that unless he was sure no one was near the class-

"I was looking all over for you Michonne, I knew I should've came here first." Sasha strolled in the room pulling a chair up beside them. "We have a staff meeting and Negan has a sur-" She paused suddenly realizing how close they were. "I'm not stopping anything that should be happening am I?" He heard her ask.

"Ughh not this again." This was the other problem Rick had. He could never get a good read on her. One minute she seemed to be entertaining the idea of a little 'Richonne' as the students would call them. The next they were best friends. "Why do I feel like you fuel the student's gossip page with nonexistent on campus romances." She asked Sasha.

Rick leaned back, watching the two friends interact. Sasha huffed. "Girl you know I do not have time for that, we all have our drama on that site." Sasha frowned. "Like I was saying we have a staff meeting to get to. So get up." Sasha got up grabbing their arms urging them to follow her. Rick sighed deciding not to fight.

They slid quietly into the dim lit room. There was talks of Negan throwing a bash in honor of everyone's hard work. Atlanta High was once again at the peak of private high schools nationwide. They dominated by a landslide in both sports and academic, having up to eighty percent of their graduates being accepted into ivy league schools they were also the high school equivalent to one. It was to be expected, the parents of the students didn't spend loads of money for nothing. At the end of the staff lounge Negan stood waiting for everyone to get settled in.

Trying to navigate his way around the room, he felt someone bump into him. "Oh, my bad Rick didn't see you there. These lights are pretty dim." He turned around looking at his friend, Glenn. He nodded in agreement. Since he started teaching here, it seemed that over the years the staff lounge got upgraded more than necessary. It all started with new couches then it went onto coffee and water machines which later evolved into a 65' flat screen being mounted on the wall. Negan probably had dimmers installed in the lounge. Rick didn't mind the amount of money Negan spent on the school and the staff, as long as his paychecks stayed well above triple digits he didn't mind one bit.

"I swear before the end of next semester it's going to be a movie theatre in here. I need to buy a flashlight soon." Glenn stated as they felt their way onto a plush vacant leather couch that was near the entrance.

Sasha scoffed in front of him. "Try by the end of the summer." They chuckled. Rick fell back against the four seater, sighing when his back was gifted with comfort. He really needed to replace his desk chair. A plush round bottom landed halfway on his thigh. A slow smile formed on his lips, his hands shot up grasping onto the slim waist preventing her from shifting to the seat. A felt a sharp sting on his hand as Michonne tried to wriggle out of his grasp.

"You know this is just adding fuel to the rumor that you guys are dating." Glenn mentioned noticing their position. "I mean not that there's anything wrong with that."

"She simply made an honest mistake Glenn." He let her go, feeling daggers being shot on the side of his face. More of the staff entered the room, most nearly tripping over themselves grumbling in anger. As soon as things began to settle down Negan coughed grabbing everyone's attention. He smiled, his dimples prominent as he looked over the crowd.

"Well well well. We've had yet another successful semester! Boy am I thankful for everyone last one of your sacrifices. Come September we're going to see a lot of new face. Rich faces." He said grinning. "Which means I want every last one of you on your god damn A plus plus plus game. No shitting around, no bullshitting around and most definitely no fucking around, especially not on this campus." A few mumbles arose within the staff body. Sasha shook her head with an eye roll. "The hypocritical bastard just had the culinary teacher coming out his office looking mighty flush." Michonne chuckled.

"The no fraternization policy isn't going to affect us." She muttered.

"That's true, Maggie doesn't work here anymore and you and Rick", she paused glancing at them before continuing. "You have whatever it is you have."

"Calm the fuck down people." Negan's eyebrows rose as the murmurs diminished. "I know I've made a few exceptions, between day and night classes we got to let off a little steam. I understand that, I really do. Which is why I'm giving you guys plane vouchers. In fact I just might give you another one. For those who have partners of course. Have a nice summer vacation. Live a little! Think of this as a gift to a group of fan-fucking-tastic employees." He said -grinning. Everyone seemed to be applauding his little monologue. Knowing Negan Rick was sure most knew there was always a catch.

"But, here's the deal." There it is, Rick thought to himself. "Like I said before, since you've all been fucking amazing teacher's. I'm throwing in a little bonus, these tickets come with a lavish hotel with suites and all the other lavish shit. You go in that office, tell little big Judy where you want to go and if it's on the list you are golden." He said motioning to his office assistant. "But of course if you just want the fucking ticket without the lavish shit you'd have to pay for your own shit after that.

Glenn huffed beside Rick. "I knew we couldn't go 'anywhere'. Oh and are we still ignoring the fact that he curses every other ten seconds."

"We pay no mind to him. I don't know about you all but my ass is taking two of those tickets. Daryl and I could really use a trip." Sasha said, her eyes fluttered close as she imagined relaxing with her husband under the sun. "I'm going to Hawaii."

"Assuming that's available. But I wouldn't mind going there either. Those suites can be a brothel house, knowing Negan I'm surprised these tickets aren't bullshit." Michonne said.

"We should all go there. I mean, it would be fun. With Maggie and Daryl, maybe rent a cabin and have some fun. As much fun as teachers have on vacation."

Glenn squinted at Sasha seemingly in deep thought. "You know Maggie always wanted to do a group thing. Im good with it if she agree's just email me the specifics."

Clapping her hands together Sasha grinned. She turned an excited gaze to Rick's face, waiting for his response. "What?" Shrugging his shoulders Rick crossed his arms.

"Are you down for this? I mean unless you got other places to be. Places to be like between Jessie's thi-

"I'm going." Sasha played dirty. Not so long ago, during Atlanta high's Christmas staff party Rick may have kissed the music teacher after sneaking away from said music teacher to the parking lot. Sasha just so happened to witness this regretful moment ever since she used it to her advantage. Glenn looked at him confused. "Jessie Anderson? The music teacher?"

"What other Jessie Anderson do you think Rick knows?"

"Yeah, but why would he be there. I mean its Jessie, doesn't seem like Rick's type." Rick sported a stiff smile, watching Sasha and Glenn's lips kept fluttering open with no signs of stopping. It was only a moment until Michonne politely joins the conversation, having as much knowledge as Glenn.

"Does Rick even know Rick's type? That didn't stop Mr. Grime here from sliding his tongue down her throat." Sasha turned back carefully examining her nails. Glenn's mouth feel open. Michonne's laughter filled the dimly lit room, she slapped Sasha's arm playfully.

"Good one Sasha, but as Rick's best friend am sure I'd remember if he shared that little detail with me." She smiled then turned to look at said best friends face. Rick's gaze focused on anything other than Michonne's. "Rick, look at me." After what seemed to be 3 minutes, he turned to face her.

"You son of a bitch!"

*** i'm not sure how often i'll upload chapters on this, ill try my best though. and about remember that text? ill update it after the new year. With my laptop broken, i'm updating these fics with the grace of god. ill fix any errors in this chapter at a later date. open to any request you'd like to see in this fic - anondasavagebeast