"Maui!" Moana screamed in a huff. "Why would you -! And you just! You could've!" The demigod chuckled and lifted her as he stood up. Setting the angry girl down, he picked up his hook. "You flew straight into me! Would it have killed you to go around! Like, I dunno, 'oh look a person! I might go around them instead of scaring them to death!'" She hit him with her fists, but Maui simply folded his arms and smirked. How typical of him, she thought.

"Well I can see you've missed me kid." He began to walk to the middle of the rocky landmass. Moana rolled her eyes and reluctantly followed. "So, what's up?" Moana blinked.

"What's up? Didn't they tell you?"

"Didn't who tell Maui what?" He turned to look at her. Moana frowned, she assumed her people had sent him to come and find her. Since there was no other reason for him to return to this place.

"I've been stranded here since yesterday morning. We - we got stuck in a bad storm, I was trying to help a kid and got knocked overboard." Maui was simply flexing his biceps. "Um, hello?"

"Yeah I'm listening, I'm listening. Sounds like a rough night." Moana raised an eyebrow sarcastically. Sure he's listening.

"Well what brought you here then, if you didn't know I was stranded?" Moana smirked, folding her arms. A gust of wind came past, blowing her hair into her face, and she pushed it behind her.

"Well, princess, my hook started randomly glowing last night, and somehow insisted on heading North. So I did, and now I'm here. It's still glowing, see?" Maui held his hook in front of her, and sure enough, it was glowing bright blue.

"Hmm…and you don't know why?" She asked him, and he merely shrugged. Then something clicked.

"My stone!" She began to unhook her necklace, maybe they were connected somehow since they were both glowing, and Maui's hook symbol was engraved on the stone. The sun was getting higher in the sky, so they walked down to sit in some shade on the beach.

"Your stone, of course!" Maui echoed sarcastically. Good to know he hasn't changed a smidge, Moana thought. Moana opened the locket her grandma had given her and the stone was most definitely glowing. Blue like the ocean on the engraved hook, the same as yesterday.

"Where'd you get that? Not another heart that we gotta restore is it?" Maui asked, and she laughed. Passing him the stone, Moana explained that it had just appeared in the necklace, and had started glowing when she rubbed it.

"And then I discovered that I could, well, manipulate the water." She explained. Maui was intrigued, his eyebrows furrowed and his lips pursed. Moana smiled gingerly.

"So this stone appeared to you, supposedly 'called' me and my hook when you rubbed it, and now you've got these powers. Moana, are you sure the Gods didn't pay you a visit?" She hadn't thought of that, it hadn't even crossed her mind. It's possible, it would explain where these new found powers came from. But...

"But why would they choose me? I'm not anything like you. The Gods chose you because they saw that you were strong and worthy, even as a child." She was neither strong nor worthy of a gift from the Gods. She wasn't Maui.

"But Moana you ARE worthy. You're brave, selfless, and determined. " Moana just looked at him. It was an oddly sincere thing for Maui to say, he was always so light-hearted and carefree. "And you did deliver 'Maui, shapeshifter, demigod of the wind and sea, hero to all'," He gestured above him with his hands, Moana smiled and rolled her eyes. "Across the ocean to restore the heart of Tefiti. If I was looking for someone to lend some powers to, I'd totally chose you." He said, and they laughed. There it was, she knew he couldn't keep it down for long.

Moana leaned her head on his shoulder, she'd missed him these past few weeks. Despite how he threw her off the boat countless times, tried to trap her in a cave, and made fun of her initially for wanting to restore the heart, the two had grown close and shared a strong bond. She enjoyed the silence between them, watching the waves crashing against the rocks, and the occasional bird fly by.

"So we gonna figure this out or what?" Maui said suddenly, and Moana looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"How?" She questioned.

"We'll go back to Tefiti. She'll be able to tell you, she's a goddess!" Moana looked down in thought. She would love to be back on the sea again, but what about her people? Wouldn't they be looking for her already? She should probably head back to find them... but wouldn't it be easier to get back to them when she understood what these new powers meant? Maybe then she could use them to find her people. And what about the stone? She had to know what it meant, and if there was some connection between it and Maui's hook.

"Alright I'm in. But we need a boat, and we don't have a boat." Maui simply smirked. Oh no, Moana thought. Maui stood up, lending her a hand. She looked at it with hesitation for a second, before grasping it. As soon as she grabbed his hand she felt a strange connection, a jolt of electricity that shook her body from head to toe. But she didn't have time to dwell on it because Maui had shape shifted into his eagle and had lifted her off the island and out towards the ocean!

"Ah!" Moana yelled. "Maui!" Her legs scrambled for something to stand on as he flew higher and higher. Moana held on tightly, but soon came to enjoy the feeling of the wind blowing her hair, and the sound of the strong wings above her. He dipped lower until Moana's feet dipped in the water, before soaring back up again. It would have been quite the sight, an eagle carrying a squirming girl across the sea. The eagle cried out and suddenly he shapeshifted again, this time into a shark. They dropped from the sky into the sea, and Moana grabbed onto his fin.

She held her breath as she watched the world of the sea pass underneath her. Beautiful colours and hundreds of fish passed them as Maui powered through the water. Moana spotted another shark heading their way. Her eyes widened and she tried to get Maui's attention, shaking his fin. But instead of getting out of the water he dived deeper. Is he trying to get us killed?! Moana was running out of breath and was temped to just let go of him, but then she would surely be shark lunch. Suddenly Maui headed straight for the surface again at full speed, shapeshifting back into his eagle the moment they were out of the water. As they flew back up into the sky, Moana was relieved to see that they were approaching an island, one that they would be able to craft a boat on. As they approached it, Maui lowered Moana gently onto the sand, before shifting back into himself. They both breathed heavily for a moment.

"Well that was fun," Maui smirked. She looked at him incredulously.

"Could I have a warning next time? I'd like to know if I'm about to be lifted into the sky," She joked. Together, they began to walk up to wear the trees started. The island seemed uninhabited, but it was best to check.

"You're welcome," Maui winked, and she elbowed him in his side. It didn't phase him. After a quick search around, they decided the island was indeed lonesome, and they began to collect wood and leaves to build a canoe.

"So, where've you been the last few weeks? Out exploring? Being a 'hero to all'? Moana asked, chuckling. She tied her hair up in a bun as they built.

"Yeah well, you know Maui is needed across many islands of the world," He joked. Moana felt a pang of sadness hit her, she really missed Maui. But of course, to Maui she was just one of his 'fans', no one special.

"What about you Moana? What's the Chief's daughter been up to?" He asked, tying bamboo sticks together. She handed him some seaweed.

"Nothing unusual. I got my people back on the water again after they debated it for weeks. You should see them Maui, they're natural wayfinders. Of course, not as good as you but they pick it up pretty quick." She joked, and Maui laughed. They continued to craft a boat out of whatever materials they could find. Moana attempted to make a sail the way she'd been taught to make clothes.

"It's a little shabby, but it'll last," Moana said as they cocked their heads, observing their finished product.

"Gather up what food you can find, and we'll meet back here in an hour to set off. By the time we're out on the water hopefully the stars will be out, and we can figure out which way to go." Maui said, and they agreed. Moana set off in the opposite direction to her demigod friend, and began searching the dense forest for any kind of fruits. Moana had been searching for fifteen minutes or so when she felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, and she froze. She held her breath, and behind her she heard something huffing, like a dog. She cautiously turned around and behind her was a giant wolf-like creature, it's teeth dripping with saliva, black fur bushed up. It inched closer, never taking it's eyes off of her. Moana panicked, and frantically searched her surroundings. Should she run? Try and fight if off? Neither idea seemed fantastic. Out of the corner of her eye on the left she saw a coconut tree, maybe she could climb it? Suddenly the giant wolf charged and she had no choice. She dropped the mangos and coconuts she'd scavenged and climbed as fast as she could. Apparently not fast enough. The wolf scratched the top of her thigh and bit into her calf as she held onto the trunk. Moana cried out and kicked the wolf. She continued to climb, blood now dripping from her leg.

As she reached the top of the tree the wolf was still trying to get to her, clawing and scratching at the bark. There's no way it could reach her now, it couldn't climb up. She sighed. Moana lifted her head up towards the trunk of the tree and hit her head on something. Ow, what the? She looked behind her. Coconuts! Smiling with determination, she pulled of three coconuts.

"Alright, prepare yourself wolfie!" She threw a coconut to the ground with force, and it would have knocked the wolf straight out if she'd actually hit it. "Alright, strike one." She threw another one, and it hit the wolf on the back, making it growl in fury. It began to climb with more effort, and it looked like it was actually getting closer. Moana's gritted her teeth and threw the last coconut. It hit the wolf straight on the top of the head, and it fell to the ground. After checking it wasn't going to get back up, Moana frantically climbed back down and picked up what fruit she'd gathered. It was going to have to be enough, they had to get going. Her leg was burning from the bite, and blood from the claw marks had been smeared all over her leg. I'll fix it when I get there, she thought. Taking off in a limped jog, she headed back to the beach where the boat and Maui would be waiting.