Mixels - the fun-loving, wacky creatures on a planet called the "Mixelverse". Everyday holds a new adventure for the Mixels. They all live in tribes of three and hold a different element, like fire, ice, rock, and more. Whenever they're in trouble, they use these special blocks called "Cubits" to mix into more complex Mixels. But what causes the trouble for the Mixels?

Nixels. Nixels are the dark, uncreative, uncool enemies of the Mixels. They are lead by Major Nixel, and their king, King Nixel. They're annoying, vicious, crazy, and destructive creatures. They live to "nix" up the fun of Mixels and to destroy everything.

But, there is one Nixel who doesn't like to cause any kind of trouble. He's harmless, shy, quiet, and sweet. This sounds like the complete OPPOSITE of Nixels, doesn't it? Who is this Nixel?

His name is Bai.