Alexander Hamilton was what you call extraordinary.

Since his mother's death 7 years ago, he'd been pretty much self-sufficient. Until the hurricane, that is. When everything he'd ever known destroyed, Alex began to write.

He liked to think the people of Nevis had given him money for his passage to America out of awe for his writing, although many had donated in an attempt to make him America's problem. Very few people appreciated Alex's six-hour speeches and rambling essays.

After making it to New York, Alex had won a scholarship to Columbia. He loved it, despite not clicking with his roommates.

Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and Aaron Burr had been friends since elementary school. From what Alex could tell, Thomas had spent the last two years of high school studying in France, whilst James and Aaron had been at an elite boarding school. They all looked down on the 'poor, penniless immigrant who probably got the scholarship out of pity'.

He loved his politics classes. He was loud and lively in debates and had even managed to make a friend – Angelica Schuyler, the self-proclaimed face of feminism and Hillary Clinton's biggest supporter. Alex wasn't very good at making friends, so he needed somebody like Angelica, who had introduced herself by walking into class singing her name. She was the eldest child of a rich, aristocratic family and had promised to introduce Alex to her sisters.

His pre-law classes, however, were something else.

They were interesting and engaging, with a great teacher. Angelica didn't take pre-law, so he mostly looked at the curly-haired guy on his left. As neither was as bold as Angelica, they hadn't been introduced. On his right was Aaron, whose motto for classes and life was "talk less, smile more". Pre-law was a great class, but something was wrong.

For the first time in his life, Alexander Hamilton couldn't focus on the work in front of him. He couldn't write the ten pages he would normally would and he couldn't get lost in the textbooks.

He had no idea what was wrong with him.

A/N Hi guys, I know this is labeled Lams but trust me, it's coming soon (or, you know, as soon as somebody takes the time to tell Alex what a crush is). So, please review and I'll get Chapter 2 (with Laf, Laurens and Mulligan in) out ASAP!

Thank you for reading!

Kitty :)