It's All in the Wrists

Chapter One: Three Days

It was his wrists. Those perfect dainty wrists that by no means should be able to hold up the weight forced on them. Prompto found himself always staring at those wrists. It was bone structure meant for a king he supposed. He wondered if they were that way? Royalty that is… Meant to be beautiful and ruthless. The all powerful gods sitting on a throne. Noctis wasn't like that though, not in his eyes.

He saw the bratty king who wouldn't eat his vegetables. He saw the messy King who couldn't pick up after himself, and who enjoyed video games and comics much more than ruling a Kingdom. However, he did have to rule. Ruling had been forced upon him, and Prompto had to hold him while he cried for the death of his father and his people. He had to listen to him cry himself to sleep, and then wake up the next day and be ready to present himself as royalty again. ...There were less comics now. There were less laughs now. Prompto knew it wasn't going to be long until things came to a head. They were almost in Altissia. ...Almost to the place where Noctis would finally be reunited with his bride-to-be.

The thought physically hurt him. He had been eating less, as if that would stop the inevitable. As if that would change what had always been destined to happen. Noctis promised he didn't love her. Prompto laughed. Well...he had that one time. The time they had gotten wasted after a hunt in Lestallum and gone to sit on top of the power factory. That had been the only time they had come close to discussing this thing between them...this attraction. For Prompto it was those wrists, and well, everything else about his King. He had no idea what had possessed Noctis to say that to him. He hadn't asked for it. Sure, he had wanted his prince since they were young. He had practically stalked him growing up until he had finally found the nerve to talk to him. That was him though. A nobody. ...A foreigner...not even human. Noctis didn't know that though. He couldn't tell him the shame of his own fallible wrist, that which marked him what he truly was. How could he ever compare himself to Noct? How could he think he could ever be anything to him other than his friend?

"Hey.." Prompto was interrupted from his thoughts, turning from the mountains on the horizons and over to Noctis. The dark hair prince was staring at him thoughtfully, and he knew he must have been lost in his day dream for far too long. "You alright?" He sounded so concerned. All of the things that must be going through his mind right now, and he was concerned?

"Oh yeah!" Prompto covered with, waving his hand enthusiastically. "Just got distracted thinking about what I'm going to shoot next." He thought about it. "With a camera...not a gun."

"Can't it be both?" Noctis asked, grinning at him. He shifted closer, their knees barely touching and Prompto jerked back in reaction. His heart sped, feeling it hammering against his chest as he stared into those perfect blue eyes and found he couldn't think. "So…" Noct covered with, shifting his leg back away easily. "What are you planning on making your next project?"

You. Always you. "I don't know…" Prompto rubbed the back of his head nervously. "What do you want to see pictures of, Noct. I'm always picking."

Noctis put his fingers to his chin in thought, as if it were a subject of serious contemplation. "You."

Prompto felt heat rise to his face, and covered it with a nervous laugh. "Me?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "Is this because you're sick of always being the focus of my photos?"

"Like I would ever get sick of staring at my beautiful face." He teased. "I just want to stare at yours for awhile."

"My face?" Prompto asked. "Like selfies?" Noctis mulled it over.

"Well I believe I said your beautiful face, so the selfies will do." Prompto thought he might actually die of embarrassment right there before Noctis laughed at his very obvious joke. "I'm sure you'll think of something clever little photographer." Prompto's chest was doing that thing again...perhaps something like a heart attack. "I could take them."

"Huh?" The blond asked, getting his balance back. "You're the fisher, remember? I'm the photographer."

"Yeah?" Noct asked him, grabbing for the camera in Prompto's lap. "Well I will probably be just as crappy at taking photos as I am at fishing."

"But you're good at…" Prompto tried, but Noctis was already shifting back close to him...too close. He pulled Prompto back against his chest, one arm draped across the front of his, gripping his shoulder. He could feel that warm mouth at his neck, raising the hairs up as he fought the blood traveling to a rather inappropriate spot.

"Take a picture with me." Noctis said, as if this were just completely normal. Prompto glanced towards the rear view mirror, noticing Gladio's smirking face staring back at him. He forced himself to relax as he smiled for the selfie.

Noctis turned his face into the picture, burying it in Prompto's neck, and just as it flashed he whispered yet again those treacherous words. "I don't love her." Prompto didn't even want to know the blush that was captured in that photo. His blue eyes met Noct's as they stared at each other. "I think I'll like my new collection." The King told him to break the silence. "I'm keeping your camera for a few days."

"Stop being so goddamn bossy back there!" Gladio barked. "You don't see us taking all of your fancy toys."

"Only because you couldn't handle my toys." Noctis shot back with.

"Oh believe me brat, I wouldn't want to. That's apparently what Prompto's for anyways, isn't it?" He asked, turning to the back seat and ignoring Ignis's groan of indignation as he did. "Stop messing with the kid and go pick up one of your normal floozies at the next stop if you're horny."

"Mind your own goddamn business." Noctis growled right back, and his hand reached out, gripping Prompto's leg almost possessively.

"Would you two stop bickering?" Ignis asked, slowing the Regalia. "We need to stop for gas, and I believe everyone could do with a little break from each other." He said, speaking to them as if they were bickering school children.

Prompto was out of the car the second it stopped, walking quickly towards the shop and away from that utter embarrassment. "Prompt!" He heard behind him and walked faster. "Prompto!" He heard the King yell, running to catch up. "Hey…" His arm was grabbed and he was spun around.

"If you say you don't love her again I might just hit you." Prompto said as Noctis cupped his face. "What does that even mean? What are you doing Noct!?" He pushed him back. "You've been so weird since Lestallum! So you got drunk and realized you didn't want to marry your is that my problem!?"

"You know why," Noctis said, teeth clenched and fire behind those blue eyes.

"Do I? Could have fooled me, man," He assured him. "What the hell!? Hitting on me in front of Ignis and Gladio? Why are you hitting on me even!? Like Gladio said, are your floozies and one night stands not enough for you anymore?"

"I don't have…" Noctis started.

"Don't lie to me!" Prompto yelled at him. "We've been friends for ages. I know you...and I've seen you with them."

Noctis inhaled shakily, and that blue fire in his eyes darken. "Did you?" He asked, stepping closer again. "Did you take pictures?"

Prompto sneered at the very assumption. "As if I would betray your trust like if I would want to."

"Do you want to?" Noctis questioned easily.

"I just said I didn't…"

"Take pictures of me naked," Noctis finished with. "I'd let you...assuming you return the favor."

"You're getting married," Prompto stressed to him. "You are betrothed, and the two of you will be very happy," Prompto assured him. "You'll have beautiful royal babies with perfect wrists, and the world will be as it should when you reunite the Kingdoms. That's your destiny."

"You could be my present," Noctis tried, and Prompto scowled at him.

"I don't want to be your present, Noct." He wanted to be his everything.

"I don't love her," Noctis said, the fierceness replaced by sadness as he held out his hand, willing Prompto to take it. He kept saying he didn't love her, as if he was supposed to assume that meant he loved him instead.

"You're royalty, Noct," He whispered. "When has that ever mattered?"

"You kissed me on that roof." He had...he had kissed him. He had thrown away all of the sanity he had ever had in his life and when Noctis had spoken that confession to him he had kissed him messily. He had done it expecting to be pushed away, and for the most part hoping he would be. Noctis wasn't exactly a priest when he got drunk, and that was the last thing he wanted to be known as was one of the king's conquests. He didn't push away though. No, the kiss had been of legends...of gods...of nightmares. It had exploded through his body and soul and awaken something within him he had never felt for another person.

Noctis had moaned needily and pushed him back, crawling on top of him as the kiss deepened. He realized then what was going to happen. Noctis was going to fuck his brains out on top of Lestallum, and he would be helpless to stop it. He didn't want to...not with the way Noctis was kissing him, as if Prompto had finally given him the one thing he had been longing for. They had been interrupted by an emergency in the plant, and Prompto had had to go fight daemons with a raging hard hadn't been his finest moment.

"We were drunk." He tried to defend with, and he heard Noctis scoff.

"We weren't that drunk." He remembered his King's hand down his pants...rough and demanding, even with those delicate wrists.

"You're getting married," He argued with yet again. "Then what? Gladiolus is yours and the Queen's bodyguard...Ignis is your advisor...what am I, King Noctis?" He asked, getting closer and groaning at the way Noctis grabbed his jutting hips, squeezing hard enough to leave marks.

"You're my lover...You can't kiss me like that Prompt...Not after how long I've been waiting." He knitted his eyes, and Prompto grunted as he was shoved against the wall and away from prying eyes. "Do you have any idea how long I've been waiting for any sign...any hint that I could try. You say I fuck floozies...well they are all blond with ridiculous chocobo butt hair in my mind."

"My hair doesn't look like a chocobo…"

"I've wanted you since highschool, Prompto! You showed up looking like could I not!?" His thumbs had pushed up his shirt, pressing into the dip of his hips. "But you never looked at me the way I looked at you...and then this trip came...and the pictures...and sleeping next to you in the tent." This part he said against his neck. "Do you have any idea what you do to me? Everytime I look at you." Prompto tried weakly to push him away, but the hand gripping his wrist prevented him. The only thing preventing Noctis from knowing his dirty little secret was a leather bracelet said king had gotten him for his birthday. "I'll do it right, okay? I'll woo you...I'll date you...I'll wait a hundred dates to touch you if that's what you want."

Prompto's blond eyelashes were fluttering at those words, at feeling Noct's desire pressed against him, at feeling the strength in those wrists. "We don't have hundred days for dates Noct...We hardly have ten."

"We have hundreds of days...because even if I have to marry her, I don't love her Prompt...we'll go on a hundred dates." He assured him, and Prompto's mind seared white with pleasure as the king's too chapped lips pressed to his own chastely, kissing him again and again, but never deepening it.

"In-between your honeymoon?" Noctis laughed sadly, and let his head fall to Prompto's chest. The blond reached up to pet those dark unruly spikes.

"Maybe she'll agree to a threesome," Noctis murmured back. Prompto laughed at that, and smacked his head, pushing him back.

"Pervert…" He admonished, but Noctis was giving him that same look again that he had on the roof.

"Gods I am for you." He grabbed Prompto's hand to show him how much, as if he didn't already know, as if he weren't there with him. "Say we can try...please…"

"Can I have a chance to decide when my hand isn't on your dick?" He questioned, making Noctis give a light hearted laugh and kiss him again.

"No, no unfair advantages for you." He teased him, pressing against that palm, and Prompto laughed, shoving him away by his face.

"You're pathetic." He assured the King, grinning from ear to ear, realizing that he had just fallen into a very big trap, but just not caring.

Noctis nodded his agreement. "Oh yeah babe...pathetic and very very desperate." Noctis grinned wider as Prompto rolled his eyes.

"I alllllwayyyyysss wondered how you managed to seduce people so know...besides being a king and ridiculously attractive."

"You think I'm ridiculously…"

"But this...this is good...I don't know who wouldn't fall for this." He pointed to the entire package. "This desperate and wanting act."

"You don't think enough of yourself if you think me wanting you is an act." Noctis said testily, and Prompto knew that tone. It was the tone the king used whenever Prompto would admonish himself for his looks, and turn down a meal for his weight. Noctis crossed his arms, staring at him annoyed. Prompto had to say it was quite a sight to see a haughty king with a boner pouting at him. "What do you want then Prompto...How do I prove myself?"

He couldn't very well say, don't marry LunaFreya, so he went with his next best option. "Don't sleep with anymore people."

"Done." Noctis said. "If I have you, I don't need them, do I?" He asked.

"You just said you wouldn't try to touch me for 100 days." Prompto reminded him, actually grinning at the frown that was produced on his king's face.

"I am royalty, not a saint. Nothing? No touching? No sex? You don't want to have sex with me?" He asked with a hiss.

"Oh I very much want to have sex with you," Prompto assured him, noticing the way the king's eyes lit up and he smiled. He rolled his eyes at him, fighting a blush. "But that isn't proving yourself to me."

"Why do I have to prove myself to you?" Noctis asked. "Have I wronged you in some way? You're the one that was hiding your feelings."

"Who said I had feelings?" Prompto asked, causing Noctis to actually let out a growl.

"I don't have to prove myself to you, Prompto...I've done nothing but prove myself to you...I'm here begging at your feet for table scraps. I will take 'anything' you have to give me, but I will not act like I have done something wrong. I would have taken you anytime you gave the know that. You've spent countless hours studying me and my face, don't tell me you never noticed me looking?"

How was he ever supposed to notice him looking when he was looking right back? "It will never work."

"It will," Noctis said with unwavering confidence. "When I touch you I don't touch anyone else. Those are the rules...and that includes Luna." Noctis said, putting up his hand as Prompto went to argue. "I'll consummate the marriage. We have know that...and I won't touch you anywhere close to during...but after's political...and I get to do anything I want to you."

Prompto was pretty sure he was beat red by this point as Noctis spoke crazy nonsense at him. "Anything?"

"Anything." The king whispered, and that same blue fire was back in his eyes. "I've had a lot of time to imagine...a lot of back seat fantasies."

"Is that why you always have boners in the back seat? That's going to become hard to explain to Ignis." Prompto asked to try to wrap his mind around what he was hearing.

Noctis laughed. "Something like that." He told him, and reached forward then, yanking Prompto to him. "Compromise?" He asked.

"Weren't we already?" Prompto shot back with, becoming distracted by the lips now brushing his neck.

"I can't wait a hundred...but ten. I will take you on ten perfect dates, and then you will let me have you," He assured him, no sense of compromise in that royal tone. "And have you…" He punctuated as he bit his pulse. "And have you…" He pulled back, that face dark with lust, and Prompto knew he should say no. He knew for the sake of everything he should turn around and walk away, but he didn't.

"How about three dates?" Prompto countered with to please his king, and it caused Noctis to give him that same bright eyed smile.

"I love that compromise," He assured him, and kissed him once more before pulling away. "Our first date is tonight...I get to use your camera, right? To photograph you?"

"Your first date is photographing me?" Prompto asked, raising an eyebrow. "You must not go on a lot of dates, Prince."

Noctis crossed his arms again. "I'm not a Prince any more." He reminded him. "But you can call me that if you want...I like the way it sounds. You calling me King makes this just a little too kinky for my liking."

Prompto rose an eyebrow. "I was pretty sure you were insinuating early you liked it kinky."

"Oh...I do...just a different type of kinky." He said, pulling up the camera and snapping a shot of Prompto's shocked face. "What should we tell Ignis and Gladio?" Noctis asked, taking another picture at the groan of foreboding Prompto had at the thought of that conversation.

"Well Noct...I'm pretty sure you took care of that in the car when you were all over me. What do you want to tell them?" He frowned as Noctis wiggled his finger, causing him to snap another photo of the reaction.

"Compromise, remember? If it were up to me I would fuck your brains out in front of them. Can you imagine the look on Gladio's face?" He asked, and then frowned. "Ignis definitely would not approve of messing up the Regalia. He would, however, probably be happy that I stopped whining to him about you."

Prompto blinked at that. "You whined to Ignis about me?"

Noctis gave him a look like he was oblivious, which apparently he was. "Oh yeah...alllllll the time. Gladio had to hear it too. I actually asked him how you have sex with a guy, which was just a whole new level of awkward when he told me he didn't know, and why would I assume he did."

Prompto laughed, having to cover his mouth to stop the giggles. "Oh man...I thought that too. He just seems a little too butch to be straight, am I right?"

"Oh totally." Noctis agreed, yanking on Prompto to get him close to him again. He kissed those golden spikes. "Alright chocobo butt...let's go get some food, alright? They'll be worried if we're gone too long." Even though he said that, he continued to hold him, nose pressed into his hair.

Prompto leaned back into those strong arms, completely convinced he was asleep in the backseat of the Regalia and was going to wake up again at any moment. Because this couldn't actually happen in real life. This was one of his numerous fantasies. He was probably moaning in his sleep right now and the guys would wake him up and be laughing.

"Do I have to wake up soon?" He asked, sighing as Noctis kissed him sweetly on the cheek, lips lingering as his hand knitted through his blond hair.

"I hope not...that means I have to go through this entire conversation again when you wake up." Prompto shut his eyes, turning his face to Noctis so that their foreheads touched.

"You're very sweet for a King," He murmured him, kissing him softly.

"And you're very beautiful for a commoner," Noctis said right back, arms around him in a backwards embrace. He rubbed at his flat stomach, causing Prompto's breath to hitch. "I can hear it rumbling...Come on, let me buy you dinner."

Prompto laughed. "Yeah? With what money. You spent the last of your Gil on that new sword."

Noctis laughed, not stressed out. "No matter. We'll make Ignis buy both of us dinner."

The blond rolled his eyes, biting his lip at the way Noctis was looking at him. "So basically the same as every other day?"

"Pretty much," Noctis agreed. "But I get to rub your leg all sexy like under the it's classier."

Prompto snorted. "Oh, so classy." He rolled his eyes, but couldn't stop grinning as Noctis grabbed his hand, pulling him towards the diner as sitting across from Ignis and Gladio.

"Took you long enough," Gladio said, eyeing their linked hands, and Prompto was almost positive he didn't mean them getting into the diner.

Prompto grabbed the menu to cover his burning face, noticing the way Noct's arm wrapped around his hip. "People can see you know," He said under his breath.

"Oh?" Noctis asked obstinately. "Did you want to make out so we make sure they don't get any wrong ideas about us being platonic?"

Gladio snorted. "What a ladies man," He mocked, and Prompto grabbed a roll to throw at his head.

"Who you calling a lady, you behemoth?" Prompto mocked right back.

"The one being manhandled at this diner," Gladio assured him with a grin. "Ignis, aren't they just the cutest."

"Adorable," Ignis agreed. "You will, however, come up with a suitable plan on what we are to tell Lunafreya once we reach Altissa?"

"Ignis," Noctis said, leaning in and taking a bite of the roll thrown at Gladio's head. "We have ten worry too much. Besides, I only need three days to come up with a plan."


Holy crap I started a new story. I haven't started a new story in ages and ages. My FFXV addiction has clearly taken on new levels. I just got to the final fight and had to put the brakes on that and go complete the million side quests, but it made me really sad so I needed to write something happy. Or at least it starts happy...because we all know that game isn't happy. Please let me know what you think! I hope I didn't do the characters too OOC...I just love snarky Noct. Plot will ensue! I promise! ...Maybe Thanks for reading!