Humanity was a fickle thing. If one looked at their history, you could point out one significant similarity that each generation shared, from the beginning of time to the present day that was clear and apparent.

There was war.

There was violence.

There was Conflict and Strife.

Humanity fought with one another and could be considered selfish beings. They cared and prided themselves, creating sin and atrocities throughout the annals of history and the earth for as long as they have existed.

One could say they were a worthless cause. They gave nothing to offer than any other beast. They were like hungry wolves, traveling in packs and killing others to survive and thrive. Other times they were like curious cats, throwing themselves at whatever piqued their interest without any concern as to what they were throwing themselves into.

They were like the bacteria of earth, establishing dominance wherever they saw fit to rule and inhabit. And within a few thousand years, they had completely covered Gaia with their footsteps and marked themselves over the sands of the earth to the white clouds in the sky. Yet no matter how much they advanced, humanity still retained its roots within the sins of their predecessors.

They created kingdoms and tore them down.

They created nations and tore them down.

They created symbols of peace and worship but even then they were torn down.

Many of us who watch from the shadows and away from their eyes lost hope in humanity. Those who used to be worshiped by humans and governed them had once thought that they held promise, but have since... resend that claim. Humanity was a failure. Nothing good could come out of them. They were like ouroboros, eating themselves to become stronger and ambitious.

But some of us... saw them differently.

They held promise. They had hope. They were different than the other beasts created by Gaia. They had a will to survive unlike any other, and while they certainly create and wage war...

They have also demonstrated the capacity to love and care for others, more so than any other. In times of need, they will come together to survive and persevere. And while they may often break away, they will always come back to each other.

For there cannot be hate without love. Those who do not know what it means to feel pain cannot know about peace. And those who do not know what it means to care for each other and work together are doomed to fail.

They adapt and change, creating those who rise up above others to perform feats of worthiness and heroics that to this day, have not gone unforgotten. They have been around for a millennium, slowly but surely creating a calmness that has not been seen in humanity since the dawn of time when their population could be held in the palm of your hands.

Even then, they continue to struggle. They have built their empires, established civilization, and have started to collaborate to move beyond Gaia itself and see the vast ocean of stars above them. They work to establish ties with others and increase peace and working relationships with them. Slowly but surely, they begin to build upon each other.

I am proud of them. A long time ago, I fought for that same dream. I fought for a dream where peace and love may exist. I fought for a dream that everyone could live in harmony, without the need for senseless conflict. Even after my era and time became a legend amongst those of today, I still hoped and dreamed that a day like that would come.

But I knew that conflict would always happen, no matter what the era. Humans would always fight with each other over trivial things like money or oil, religious beliefs and status, goods and territory... the list goes on.

Still, I am proud of them. I always knew they had what it takes to coexist in a way that was closer to peace than any other era. The seeds planted throughout human history had done well. They needed a beacon of hope to look at... to remind them that they could become so much more than what they were now.

In a world like this, I wouldn't mind living in it once again. Perhaps I could see them from a personal view and watch them interact with each other, learning how society has truly changed since millennia ago.

Unfortunately my plans were put on hold when something happened that froze me and those who were still watching Gaia from after. For in the blink of an eye, Gaia had suddenly turned red, every inch of her ancient body covered in flames as they snuffed out the life of everything on the surface.

I was angry. Scratch that, I was beyond furious. Life is simply gone. There was nothing left on the planet of Gaia except for the screams of the earth mother, wailing in pain as the flames ate at her and destroyed all life.

I turned my fists and anger at the others, asking who would ever think of doing something like this. Of course, even I could tell that they had nothing to do with it. This was... something else. Something sinister.

So I decided that enough was enough after watching and waiting for several months. I was tired of waiting. I was going back to Gaia. I was going to figure out what the hell was going on. Of course, the few who were with me tried to persuade me to sit back and continue watching what happens, but unfortunately they knew better that I couldn't be dissuaded. I had already made up my mind to go back and return to earth.

Gaia wouldn't be happy with that fact, of course, but I always was able to convince her to let me visit her. Usually the puppy eyes and a promise to grow more healthy trees inside China worked wonders on her. Plus, she was currently on fire. She had better things to worry about other than me crawling around.

Using my sensing capabilities, I scoured the Earth for any sign of life and paused when I found myself staring at another anomaly. I'm surprised I hadn't noticed it before. it's a small passageway, barely recognizable unless you were looking extremely hard for it. You could say I was just lucky. It was a rip in space time that lead somewhere else... Like a reality marble.

Whatever it was, I was going to show up. Perhaps it had something to do with what had just happened?

So I stood up and paid her a visit, resuming my human form once more for the first time in over a thousand years. Willing myself to the body of Gaia and crashing through the hidden space, I found myself standing atop a large sheet of ice. One that was cut off from the rest of the world and where no one seemed they would notice my landing.

I sighed as I felt the coolness touch my skin. Really, it felt wonderful. Thousands of years in a body made of pure energy wasn't as exciting as one would think. In a body of flesh you could touch, feel, and taste everything.

I opened my eyes and took in my surroundings for a moment before smiling softly.

"Yes... This really is a beautiful world. A place like this... shouldn't be destroyed."

My name is Naruto Uzumaki, The Spiral That Watches Over Humanity.

In the darkness of one of the rooms in a facility high in the mountains, a man giggled to himself as he lounged about in the room like a child. While it had already turned night quite some time ago and everyone was already sleeping, the man stayed awake and indulged himself in one of his hobbies.

Otaku Anime Watching!

Yes! Nothing was better at passing the time than watching anime. They teach you all sorts of life lessons like 'Never Give Up' and 'Humans are terrible people at heart'.

Well, okay, maybe the last one was a bit off but you could argue that it is a valid point. Plus, this technology would go to waste if it wasn't going to be used for anything other than work.

He suddenly blinked when a small icon appeared at the edge of the screen. Frowning for a moment, he tapped on the icon and the screen shifted to a scene outside through a view in one of the security cameras that were stationed around the premise of the facility they were in. As he watched through the camera, he suddenly noticed that energy patterns were... starting to rise.

His eyes widened. Nothing in Chaldea was on right now to warrant such a rise in power! Was it an anomaly? Did something actually managed to find out the hidden space to Chaldea? The area that was supposed to be humanities most closely guarded secret?

He bit his lips. This must be a mistake. Nothing could have possibly foun-

His mouth hit the floor as the energy suddenly spiked and the flash of lightning streaked across the sky. The Camera zoomed in closer, revealing a shape shooting out the sky silently without a sound. It was mostly un-recognizeable, but there was no doubt about it. It was in the form of a human.

He quickly stood up and went over to a small monitor at the end of his room, pressing on a button and speaking into the radio.

"Gudao... Gabriella... I need to see you two immediately. Also, bring Mashu with you. This is of the utmost of importance. I repeat, this is of the utmost importance. Meet me in the control room now."

He didn't bother waiting for a response. He was entirely sure that they heard it. The two of them were light sleepers and could wake up at the sound of a pin dropping. Of course, this meant he was going to have to deal with them whining and moaning about how many hours of sleep they get and that they need to be in top condition because of bla bla bla.

Honestly, he could always threaten them with more paperwork, but that's hardly necessary. He was here to keep them alive, not to kill them with overwork.

Although he wouldn't mind if he could sneak a few papers into their pile...

The three he had called for this meeting were just like how he expected, absolutely cranky and drowsy. They stood in front of him, wiping the bags underneath their eyes and yawning into their mouths in an attempt to keep themselves awake for whatever it was they were needed for.

"What do you need, Roman?" Gudao muttered, the male master obviously wanting to get this over with. "If this just turns out to be another waste of time like last meeting, I'm going to call Da Vinci and wake her up. You know how she's like, right?"

"Yeah. Last time I heard, she threatened to motivate your working habits with a controlled shock if she found you slacking off on your work. We wouldn't want that, would we?" Gabriella threatened before another thought occurred to her. "And don't call me Gabriella! You know how much I hate that name. Just call me Gabby or something!"

"Gudao-chan, Gabby-chang... I'm sure the doctor has a good reason for calling us here in the middle of the knight..." Mashu, their residential demi-servant, said although even she looked quite annoyed with what the doctor just pulled.

"E-ehehe..." The Doctor laughed awkwardly, making sure to tread carefully from here on out. "Mashu is right. I have an incredibly good reason for you to be here! And trust me, all three of you will want to see this."

"If this is another one of your stupid anim-"

The male master was promptly cut off as a tablet was shoved in front of his face, showing the recording that Roman had watched earlier in his room. The three of them huddled around the video watching curiously until the flash of flashed across the screen, causing their expressions to morph into one of shock and surprise.

"What the hell..." Gabby muttered in awe as she pulled her eyes away from the monitor. "How long ago did this happen?"

"Fifteen minutes ago." Roman said as he tapped on his wristwatch. "There was no sound of an impact or anything else out of the ordinary. Whatever that thing was isn't natural at all."

"Do you think it's the-"

"No. This isn't him." Roman cut him off quickly. "And what did I tell you about saying that name? Names are powerful, don't throw them around so carelessly."


"Anyway, it does't seem to be anything that wants to attack us. Our base isn't exactly hard to miss on the largest mountain out here. Whatever it is though, I want you three to go and check. You go too, Mashu."

"Wait, why only the three of us? What about the other servants?" Mashu asked curiously.

"The three of you are quite pacifying to look at. If it was any other servant, they obviously wouldn't get a good response from whatever is out there. A shield is a weapon of peace, not war. They'll look at it as a peace treaty of some sort."

"Good point, Doctor. For once, you actually used your head for something! Let's go you two! I want to go back to bed." Gudao said as he ran off, the two other members of Chaldea running after him, leaving the stunned doctor alone with a bewildered look on his face.

"For once? What's that supposed to mean?!"

Kids these days, no appreciation for their elders.

"Perhaps I should have packed some suitable clothing..." Naruto muttered thoughtfully to himself as he walked through this snowy land. "The body made of flesh certainly is quite fragile."

Of course, he liked it like that. It reminded him of when he used to be alive, giving his all for everything he did. Though he had to admit, this body posed some risks but he found them to be quite minor.

If you count 'disappearing for a while if your body dies' minor.

He didn't really care honestly. He'll eventually reform, albeit it will be a painful recreation. Still, he couldn't complain about his awesome health care that super jiji gave him. As a god, he got super cool benefits like that health insurance and free soda! Truly worth it in his own opinion.

"I wonder what this place was for..." Naruto thought to himself as he walked through the mountains. "A hidden dimension isn't something anyone would just leave around..."

He suddenly paused as his sensory abilities went into overload. "What is this? It's human... but not quite. Three signatures, approaching from my front. One of them is..."

His eyes widened. He knew that familiar aura. It was the same one those people had throughout history. Those like him who rose up and defended humanity against those who-

He stopped in his tracks as the signatures reached him. Looking up, he found himself staring directly at three shapes who were quickly approaching him. They were in some kind of formation, two in the back and one in the front. The two in the back didn't seem out of the ordinary though he recognized them as mages of some sort. The girl in the front however...

"The doctor was right! There is another human!" The girl in the front exclaimed with what appeared to be an expression of happiness.

He inwardly smiled in amusement. "I'm not exactly human, missy..."

"Mashu, please calm down! We don't know if he's dangerous!" One of the people behind her exclaimed, though judging by the body the speaker was most likely a male.

At that, the shield bearer seemed to straighten up. "O-oh... right." She coughed and collected herself before drawing a massive shield and placing it in front of her for a standard defensive stance. "State your intent for being here! Are you one of the last living magi on earth?!"

Magus. laughable. He could always say yes, but he never really wanted to consider himself one. He could always reveal his true identity, but he didn't find that idea enjoyable. If he did, they would obviously ask too many questions and probably ask him to fix whatever the hell was going on outside. He could only operate on a small amount of authority right now. There were rules you know!

So he decided to go with the most rational route. The one where he would be able to observe and judge the true extent of humanity. Whatever it was this place is, it seems the last remnants of humanity had gathered here and were trying to figure out the destruction of humanity outside.


"Hm..." He muttered out loud, causing the three of them to tense in surprise, not expecting for him to talk. "Yes... I am most certainly human. As for mage... you wouldn't exactly call me that." He smiled. "You may call me Kuzumai. Kuzu for short if you're lazy, I don't mind."

"Um... alright?" The three of them exchanged a glance at each other before the one on the left, most definitely a female, decided to speak up. "If you're not exactly a mage, then what are you?"

"Mmm... I'm a sage. One who understands nature and travels across the world." Naruto admitted proudly, having truthfully been a sage when he was alive. "I do have connections to the supernatural sides of the world if you are wondering."

"Wow! So like a hippie?" Mashu asked with curious excitement, causing the people behind her to sweatdrop while Naruto just simply smiled.

"In a sense, yes. Perhaps I can tell you some stories later." He said with a kind tone, earning a squeal of excitement from the girl. "But that's if I don't perish out here from the cold. Would you three be so kind as to lead me to your shelter? It is terribly cold out here."

The duo behind Mashu exchanged glances with each other, their voices descending into whispers too low for any normal human to hear. Luckily for him, he wasn't a normal human.

"Are you sure we can trust him? This is too suspicious. A wandering man outside of our base? In this weather and with those clothes, I'm surprised he hasn't died yet."

"He must be using a spell of some sort. Something is obviously keeping him warm and the numbers don't lie. The device the doc gave us is only showing meager quality circuits and above average prana capacity. No way anyone could hide that."

Naruto inwardly smiled. Magi and their magic circuits, that's all they ever look for. The secrets of wielding chakra and harnessing its power has been lost since his time. Of course, some people learned how to tap into its power through meditation and spiritual exercise, but they could only scratch the surface. Most of the mage associations didn't bother to research into it further, dismissing it as a theory not worthy of their attention.

Well, that's their own fault.

The two of them continued to talk to each other for several more seconds before it seemed like the female won the verbal argument they were having. Turning towards him, the girl gave him a smile and stuck her hand out.

"Sorry about that. Everything has been a bit of a mess lately. I'm Gabby, and that dude over there is my partner Gudao. The shield wielder is our friend Mashu, and we'd like to invite you to come with us to our base up there."

Naruto shrugged and clasped her hand firmly. "Well, that's awfully nice of you. It is quite cold out here. A pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Gabby, Mashu, Gudao."

"Likewise, Kuzumai-san." Mashu replied with a smile.

"The place is a little bit far though." Gudao noted, pointing towards the top of the largest mountain which held the facility known as Chaldea. "You okay with walking that far?"

"Walking is of no problem to me. Let us depart quickly. This storm must be an inconvenience for you all." Naruto requested.

"Alright then. Please follow us and stick close, Kuzumai-san. We don't want you to fall off the mountain and hurt yourself." Mashu said as she moved behind him, ready to catch him if he fell. He found that sweet. He wanted to tell her that it wasn't really necessary, her eager look on her face immediately shot down whatever protest he may have.

Truly, women always were his weakness.

"So an observational facility for the past and future? I was not aware that anyone had created such a thing." Naruto spoke with unrestrained surprise on his face. Seriously, how did he not notice something like this being built?

As of now, he found himself sitting in front of the supervisor of this place after he followed the two masters up the mountain. He had a feeling that they were quite thankful that they had made it, since he may have tripped once or twice on purpose for the sake of watching them panic for his own amusement.

Ahaha... he still was a prankster at heart.

"Yeah, this place is an observational facility created several years ago away from the prying eyes of others. I'm surprised you even managed to find this place." Roman admitted with a slight tone of disbelief. However, it didn't seem like he dwelled on that for too long as he regained a bright smile. "Well, at least you're lucky you managed to find us. The outside isn't doing too well right now."

"You got that right." Naruto chuckled as he sipped the warm tea that had been provided for him, savoring the taste. "And I'm glad someone is at least out there trying to fix this, though I wish no one had to."

"Yeah. I didn't expect something like this to show up so early in my career..." Roman chuckled sheepishly. "I was only the head medic after all before I was promoted due to circumstances. I'm still getting used to running this entire place."

"Yeah, I'm sure." Naruto chuckled alongside him. "Also, not to be rude or anything, but what about me? I'm not exactly sure I have anywhere else to go at this point."

Roman waved his hand. "Don't worry about it. Chaldea is also a facility designed to also be a safe bunker. Survivors are meant to be in here and preserved for the future. I'm sure I can find a spare room for you somewhere, but that'll have to wait until morning. I don't want to wake anyone up at this hour."

"That is fine. I can sleep on the furniture." Naruto said, not at all offended. He's slept in some... questionable places before.

"No, no, no! Not acceptable! You must be given the same privilege as everyone else! Thus, I have come up with an alternate solution!" Roman declared proudly, puffing out his chest. "I will allow you to sleep with me in my room! I'm sure that I have a spare futon in the closet I haven't used since... well..."

"You're lonely?" Naruto offered.

"Yes! I'm-" The doctor paused for a minute, giving the man a pout as his brain registered what he had just said. "Hey! I'm not lonely!"

"Sure, doc. Whatever you say." Naruto chuckled in amusement as the man gave him a glare, though it still didn't advance anywhere past the pouty stage though he doubted the doctor knew that.

Certainly, this was something worth protecting. He'd help them from the shadows, under their very noses. He will continue to watch their growth and guide them when they needed it.

These were the last hopes of humanity.

On his pride as a hero, one of the beacons of light, he will save them like he did thousands of years ago.

And that's it! Thanks for reading this first story of mine!

As you can see, this will take place during the time where a few of the singularities had taken place. I'm still deciding on which singularity they should be on right now, though I'm jumping more towards America and Camelot then starting from there. If you have any particular one you'd like to suggest, please leave it in the review section.

Now then, there will be some things I need to establish concerning the status of Naruto in this universe. To keep this interesting, I have decided to keep the Shinobi era as a time that is close to Gilgamesh and Babylon. However, some parts will be before Gilgamesh's time as well. For example, the time of the first Hokage and beyond that will be after Gilgamesh. The era of the Sage of Six paths, his brother, and Kaguya will be before Gilgamesh to establish them as the gods of the shinobi era and closer to those of the primordial gods.

Next, there will be a few Naruto characters in the story in the upcoming future. However, I am still choosing which ones I'm thinking about summoning. Possibly a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 6 if I'm truly up to the task of including that many characters and juggling the numerous Fate characters.

Now then, Naruto's place in the story will be that like a distant father who observes his children from afar while also secretly helping them. Due to his nature as a former human being unlike the other gods, he's one of the few special ones who love humanity and stays close to them no matter how corrupted they get. Think of him like a guardian angel who protects people from afar. He'll still be involved and actively working together with them, but they will most likely not even know that it's him.

This is also the reason why he's concealing his powers and limiting himself. Not only is he abiding by the rules of Gaia, he also knows that Humanity must also learn to solve their own problems without having a powerful being do everything for them. That's why he will only step in when it's absolutely necessary. Fate/Grand Order's story also revolves around that theory, believing that Humanity can persevere through anything as long as their will to survive exists.

If you think about it, Fate Grand Order has quite the compelling story that makes you think about life from different perspectives. That's one of the reasons why I love this entire story. As a Christian, I can get behind the idea that humanity must learn to do things on their own without having God take care of them all the time. (Also, please don't start a negative religious rant in the review section plz. It's just my own opinion.)

Anyways, please leave a favorite and a review telling me on suggestions you'd like to see next! For the next few chapters, it'll be mostly Naruto getting himself acquainted with those in Chaldea. Pretty much world building if you prefer.

With that said, take care! I'll post the next chapter soon! Maybe tomorrow if I work hard enough ;)