The next several months that followed violently upset Hertfordshire. Lydia moved to Pemberley with Elizabeth. Within months she pleaded to return home, and Simon sent Catherine to stay with her as well. Mrs. Emma Bennet turned into the neighborhood pariah, eventually Mr. Goulding regained his respect, and his son moved to Scarborough to start over. Marina labored several days before birthing a healthy baby boy. Among her first visitors was Jane Catherine returned briefly to meet Bartlett Bennet before returning to Derbyshire.

Charlotte married Gideon Wilder and the couple moved out of Hertfordshire. For awhile all seemed to settle. Mr. Collins returned to Longbourn, humbled and reminded of his place complements of his patroness, Lady Catherine de Bourg. Marina tried to be supportive of him, but eventually his fussing over propriety put her on her last nerves. " Mr. Collins, I assure you that whatever has upset you, it will pass,"

Bartlett scrunched his face up. Marina shouldered the baby and kissed the top of his head. " William cleared his throat. " Miss Lydia is a respectable young lady, Miss Catherine is soon to be married, and Miss Mary is the most well spoken of lady in Hertfordshire. Her Ladyship was wrong," Her hand cupped Bartlett's head as she listened to his astonishment.

" I am happy to learn you have grown to realize this,"

" I wish to marry Miss Bennet,"

" No," Marina stopped ihm. " Simon doesn't respect you. I don't respect you, and I would never subject Mary to her,"

William opened his mouth to speak. Marina held out Bartlett to the man. " Look at him, Mr. Collins. The moment Simon saw him, he cried. Then he said he loved me and that it didn't matter – my past, my odd quirks, my need for independence. He loved me before Bartlett and he loves me now, but do you know what would have happened if I let Her Ladyship's condescending behavior dissuade me from healing all those years ago? My son would've never been bor. I wouldn't be married to an honorable man. So no, you won't marry Mary and you will not ever have my support in that matter,"

He made to touch the baby boy and Marina snatched back her son. Words failed him as he turned his eye to Mary standing in the doorway with Simon. Simon patted Mary's shoulder. ' I told you that she would explain it," He whispered to Mary.

" I am sorry,"

" Do not apologize for the evil woman, Mr. Collins. Do not ever apologize for her," Marina exited the room before she lost control of her emotions.

Simon cleared his throat. " Set your eyes elsewhere," Mary followed Marina, expressing her gratitude in endless praise and expressed relief.

The future is always unclear, but for Mr. Collins it cleared after he offered to a lady of little consequence, Miss Long. She accepted after significant encouragement from her father and mother. Mary, a year later, met a handsome shopkeeper in London who courted her and then offered to her after earning not only Simon's respect but also Mr. Boording and Mr. Darcy. Mr. Wilder finally married Catherine after two years of being engaged, the couple moving close to London to be closer to Mary.

Lydia stayed at Pemberley until she met the third son of an earl. The young man entered law and as a barrister he finally offered to the lady. Lady Catherine's wrath increased after her efforts to destroy the Bennets failed. Mr. Collins eventually ceased to give attention to her fits finally seeing the harm she put others through.

Simon and Marina welcomed two more children into the world before tragegy would strike. Mr. Boording died in a carriage accident. In everyone's shock, Mr. Boording willed his estate to Jane. Jane welcomed Catherine into the home when Mr. Wilder was sent to battle. Mrs. Emma Bennet died a bitter, angry woman who felt as if her entire world was lost. No one mourned the loss as deeply as they Loftus Bennet.