September 25, 1811

A lone lady stood in front of the window as servants moved around her. " Charles, why are you not telling Mrs. Abbot to place me across from Lousia? I can not tolerate Marina for another moment. Why must she stay with us?" Caroline's screeching failed to disturb the lady gazing out the window.

At four and twenty, Caroline Bingley's dowry afforded her the luxury of a respectable home should she become her own mistress at five twenty. Marine already enjoyed the freedom of five and twenty and chose to spend her time with her first cousins instead of a lady maid. Much like Caroline, Marina dared to skirt the line of propriety and impropriety. Marina occasionally stated a blunt thought, although her good breeding spared her the wrath of society majority of the time. Compared to Marina, Caroline's manner and dowry paled in comparison.

The weak backboned man that Charles was, he exited the drawing room. Caroline followed him in full fury. Marina Rowley turned away from the window and smiled at Louisa Hurst, the eldest of her first cousins. " This has changed nothing, Louisa. Why does she think I will somehow damage her brother's chances of a good marriage? Just because I won't be any different-"

" It is nothing personal, Marina. Mr. Darcy continues to elude her, and he does tend to converse more with you than her," Louisa returned the smile and continued to embroider the whole knit quilt destined for her bed. " Although he does not intend to offer to you, he does believe you a better mentor for Georgiana. And that infuriates Caroline even more,"

The ladies chuckling roused Mr. Hurst from his feigned nap. " Your sister will never reside in our home, My Love, regardless of her wealth," He nodded to Marina and sat upright. " Miss Marina, how do you find Hertfordshire?"

The brunette sighed. " Quiet. It worries me. The quiet neighborhoods are the ones that dig the most. London merely has the advantage of the marriage mart, a constantly evolving creature. It sings and woos to all, regardless of their fortunes and circumstances," She seated herself next to her sketch of the fireplace and empty wingback chair. Nearly finished, she contemplated signing the sketch and starting the next sketch.

The Hursts mulled over the true description of London. Even with the stench and crime, London seemed to collect its souls effortlessly. " And the Bennets? They are the principle family of Meryton?" Cyprian Hurst questioned closely. He looked after Charles Bingley like a big brother, amazed that the young man did not exceed his income of 5,000 pounds per annum.

The Bennets were the rumored beauties of Hertfordshire. Jane Bennet, the eldest, and Elizabeth Bennet, the second eldest, were the most respected of the five sisters. Longbourn would go to Simon Bennet, Mr. Bennet's only son and only child from his first marriage. Inheriting only 1,000 pounds each upon their mother's death, the Bennet girls expected a bleak future.

Charles Bingley could change their futures.

" Yes. Miss Jane, the beauty; Miss Elizabeth, the wit; Miss Catherine, the spirit; Miss Mary, the devout; and lastly Miss Lydia, the wild one," Marina spouted from memory. She signed the sketch and placed it with her other sketches. " Am I correct in stating that Charles knows about Jane Bennet?"

Mr. Hurst nodded.

Louisa stopped embroidering , first to accept the fact her brother would obsess over another 'angel'. She loathed the formed relationships that needed to be dropped out of propriety just because Charles changed his mind. Then she shook her head. Caroline stormed back in at that moment and Mr. Hurst hastily sought out Charles. He found the man in the study reviewing a letter with sincere focus. Lousia shook her head and sighed.

Caroline's grumbling could be heard until Mr. Hurst closed the door. " Thank you. For whatever reason, Caroline wants Marina to return to Derbyshire and I would oblige her. Except we both know Georgiana is too sensitive for Marina's character and sharp remarks, and Marina does sincerely wish to marry one day," He dropped the letter on the desk. " Do you suppose Caroline will let us have peace soon?"

Mr. Hurst shook his head. " Louisa expects she will be in high dudgeon for days and Marina will visit Meryton with Mrs. Chambers. It will not alleviate the tension at lunch and dinner," Charles learned to appreciate his sister's husband in more ways than one. The man stated what he could not at times.

" How soon will Marina go into Meryton?"

" Tomorrow. I know the look," Cyprian predicted. His second cousin Kenneth, a bow street runner, studied the Rowley's habits and taught Cyprian how to be more observant. Marina Rowley was anything but what a lady ought to be – meek, docile, obedient, and dependent. No Marina Rowley liked freedom and disliked taking guidance from anyone but her brother. She never showed fear. " Charles, your first cousin will do right. She needs to know that the right is balanced out by her own acts of relief,"

" Such as buying a bonnet or book? I wonder what Silas would say," Charles ran his hand through his dusty colored curls trimmed short. The brothers by marriage nodded toward the door. " You can tell Louisa that we are invited to a supper at Lucas Lodge, home of the Lucas family. The Bennets will be invited."

Repressing a groan, Cyprian bowed. " She will be pleased to know Caroline will have something else to harp about. And Miss Jane Bennet, will she be the next Angel?" Derision tainted his otherwise cooperative nature.

Not missing the derision, Charles shook his head. " The last Angel has run my heart over with a hackney carriage. I only accepted for Caroline and Marina," For once he was glad that Darcy stayed in Derbyshire. He couldn't handle Caroline's fussing over the man any more than Darcy could.

Cyprian walked away to set off a different storm.

October 3, 1811

Louisa encouraged Caroline to leave Netherfield to escape the teasing of Marina. Marina only teased Caroline when everyone left the room, and Caroline in return made little whispered comments, feeding the feud that developed between the ladies. Lousia loathed Marina and her wealth and her reputation in society. Lousia hated how Mr. Darcy preferred Marina's company to hers. Even Charles teased her about her excessive interest in Mr. Darcy.

The visit to Longbourn was supposed to relieve her exhausted spirit. Instead it elevated her frustration and stress. Longbourn showed extreme neglect. The windows were more modern, but the furniture didn't match the drapery and the walls. Everything showed wear, except the clothing that Mrs. Bennet and her daughters wore. For a family that boasted of only 1,000 pounds each per dowry, the girls displayed poor manners.

The youngest demanded a ball, while the eldest barely said a word. Elizabeth made conversation about Hertfordshire, the latest fashions, and London. Caroline wished she didn't choose this route of escape after listening to Emma Bennet over enthusiastically agree with everything, unless Mrs. Hurst or Miss Bingley did not agree with it. Louisa thoroughly enjoyed the visit, particularly Catherine's love of drawing and Mary's enthusiasm for all music. On their return to Netherfield, Caroline let out a deep sigh and relaxed into the seat.

" Remind me why we called upon them?" She demanded of her older sister.

Adjusting her gloves, Louisa wished the weather more cooperative and society favored heavier dresses. " We called upon them because they are our neighbors,"

" We never called upon our neighbors in London," The blasphemy of the claim did not dawn on Caroline, although it was very clear to Louisa that for someone who attended finishing school, Caroline acted very inappropriately.

" That's because while we were in London we were always being called upon. Charles should've married by now, Louisa. If he did, we'd be more respectable, but his dalliance with ladies' hearts is too much,"

Caroline did have a point, Louisa begrudging agreed there.

" Charles is in charge of his own heart, Caroline. If you stopped pursuing Mr. Darcy, you might gain some suitors of your own," Louisa refused to play into Caroline's whining, just like Marina refused to. The difference between Marina and Louisa was that Marina liked to tease – Louisa just preferred that Caroline be quiet and did not complain about things she could change. As of right now, Caroline could attract a fortune hunter and be properly married.

October 16, 1811

Marina called upon the Lucas two days before the visit to Lucas Lodge to properly endear herself onto Lady Lucas. Caroline questioned Marina afterwards about the visit, the cousins on speaking terms with each other. Caroline's occasional night terrors ceased to wake Marina, allowing for their too similar characters to peacefully co-exist in the same house. Through their new 'bond' that would only last till the next argument arose, the ladies sorted through Marina's wardrobe to dress accordingly for the fashion backward and fashion stalled countryside.

Blue, while extremely pretty on Marina, was ill favored by the Ton. She favored blue, so they compromised. Caroline favored the blossom gown and Marina chose slate colored evening gloves. The odd color combination suited Marina's reddish brown hair and hazel eyes perfectly. Caroline's choice in color withstood debate. Puce, Caroline's favorite, horribly matched Caroline's pale skin and dark hair. The purplish pink, nonetheless, graced Lucas Lodge, Caroline's haughty manners equally offensive.

Sitting out dancing the entire evening, Marina nursed her tender ankle she sprained two weeks prior. Lady Lucas offered her condolences, which Marina brushed off with good humor. " I do not dance that often for the very reason that my ankles are not the strongest," She admitted quietly to her hostess. " I always had weak ankles since I was a child. It makes finding a husband far less easy, although this supper is hardly demanding I dance for exhibition,"

" I would not suggest it," Lady Lucas protested in the false belief she offended.

" I know, but I wanted to put your mind at ease, Lady Lucas. I am determined to enjoy this evening, even if I do not have the pleasure of dancing. Truth be told, dancing is simply a distraction. The real aim of dancing to hold private conversations with one's partner and to display one's superior physical health. I am adequately able to bear children and I can hold conversations without the need to dance to prove it," She sounded more cheerful the longer she talked, and the more she talked, the more she convinced the hostess to not worry.

Simon Bennet, Loftus Bennet's only son out of six children, listened to the private conversation guiltlessly. Rumors swirled around the wealthy and lovely Miss Rowley, and he just overheard what surely would make her unlikely to accept any dancing invitation. " Lady Lucas, Sir William Lucas sought your good opinion on Miss Maria's dance with Mr. Goulding," He bowed to Marina, Marina hastily moving to curtsy.

She winced as the weight pinched sore muscles. Lady Lucas helped her stand and curtsy. " Mr. Bennet, this is Miss Marina Rowley. Miss Rowley, this is Mr. Simon Bennet," The introduction lead into Lady Lucas helping Marina to sit back down before searching for her husband.

" Miss Rowley, forgive me. I did not mean to cause you pain," He seated himself next to her and watched Charlotte Lucas and Mr. Goulding dance a lively reel. " I have heard many good things of you,"

" I'm sure you did," She found herself watching Charles distant himself from the pretty ladies emotionally while dancing with every lady would who accept his hand. It was the quickest way to move from a broken heart. " I heard that Caroline Bingley and Louisa Hurst visited Longbourn before attending tonight. Was it them who gossiped so freely of me?" She teased.

Simon nodded to his sisters, all dancing at the moment. " I can not tell a lie, although I will choose to remain silent of who spoke of you," He wanted to see her hop and skip down the line with a merry smile transforming her passive contentment.

She kept glancing at him, unable to take her eyes off him. The strong jaw line and brown eyes spoke of strength, and the thickness of his dark brown hair added to his charm. " I understand that you are a man well-sought after. 2,000 per annum," Her eyes happily fixated Jane and Elizabeth Bennet in close conversation.

" 50,000 is quite the inducement for any suitor," Simon countered equally awkward.

Silence overcame them, comfortably drawing them into a sheltered cocoon until Emma Bennet's shrill and hoarse whisper snapped Marina out of her quiet space.

" Why should Jane not be the center of Mr. Bingley's attention? She is the most beautiful lady in Hertfordshire and is deserving of his fortune. 5,000 per annum,"

Simon watched Marina watch his mother from beneath her eyelashes. He wanted to close his mother's mouth and still her tongue but watching Marina's neutral visage twist subtly with polite disgust intrigued him.

" Mama!" Elizabeth scolded in an equally hoarse whisper.

Marina sipped her punch and half turned away from the mother-daughter pair.

" Well, Lizzy, if anyone is to make your fortune, it is Jane. Lydia is only 15,"

" Do not suggest it, Mama. It would be too much, and she would only embarrass us further," Miss Elizabeth declared, a glance toward the dancing couples. Both Simon and Marina discovered Jane with Charlotte and Maria Lucas on the opposite side of the grand room.

Simon barely touched her gloved arm. " Are they bothering you?"

" I have seen mothers who'd sell their daughters just to be thousands of pounds wealthier. I find little faith in the intentions, only the method. Your sister is right. Miss Lydia would already be shunned by all of London," She offered a brief, tense smile. Loud laughter, not the soft laughter emitting from Elizabeth after she abandoned her mother, radiated from Lydia Bennet as she and Kitty sat down for a short interlude.

He listened to the non-judgment in grateful surprise. " London society must find you intriguing, Miss Rowley. I can not place how it is that you intrigue me, but I am willing to learn it," The flecks of gold and green illuminated alternatively in the well lit room distracting him long enough to realize his stepmother's attentions now focused on him. His gradual distraction pulled Marina's attention to the source and her embarrassment.

Mrs. Bennet must already be fantasizing about the rise of her daughters in society by association to Marina. " Mr. Bennet, I do not know what London thinks of me. I had several seasons and no real suitor that earned my trust. My brother is much like you, and he has shielded me, but I believe that was more of a disservice than aide," To this Simon Bennet just nodded along.

" You care," Marina insisted before he could say a word. " Miss Jane danced all night and yet no one has shown her favor. Miss Elizabeth is very popular yet unattached. Your mother shows Miss Elizabeth less preference than the others. You promote her to counter your mother's efforts. You even encourage Miss Mary to exhibit. You keep this family respectable, Mr. Bennet, not your father,"

Simon blinked, accounting for each fact she pointed out. For every time Elizabeth danced, his stepmother loudly declared Jane superior to her, even Catherine and Lydia, the younger and more embarrassing sisters. No serious attachments presented themselves to Jane, even with the many equal matches in Hertfordshire for the Bennet girls. No one, not even his father, encouraged Mary to exhibit and present herself to others as a potential wife.

He hated that someone so unfamiliar with Hertfordshire could so easily see the faults in his family. " I had no idea how unsettling my family behaves," Her hand clutched the punch cup tighter. " Excuse me while I prevent further embarrassment," He didn't wait for an answer. A quick conversation with his mother that ended with Miss Elizabeth meeting Marina's gaze put Marina on her figurative heels. Suddenly Mrs. Bennet ceased screeching and Lydia sat the rest of the evening.

October 17, 1811

Resentment stewed in the Bennet household. Closed in the study together, Simon and Loftus debated how to reign Lydia in, eventually deciding that she needed removed from Emma Bennet nee Gardiner's influence. " You can be her guardian, Simon. You are her brother, and she does respond more respectfully to you," His father announced, waiting for him to respond, even if only non-verbally.

Simon clutched his hands behind his back and studied the various books in his father's small library. " You know that Mrs. Bennet will not allow you to simply remove Lydia from her clutches," His conversation with Miss Rowley kept rearing its ugly head like a ruined lady.

His father, almost identical in appearance, leaned forward. The look in his eye warned away any second thoughts Simon had about it. If Marina Rowley, a wealthy socialite of London could be bothered to attend a supper with a healing ankle, then his own sister could manage to somehow behave herself. " I will take the astute observations of Miss Rowley, Simon, since you place so much faith in her. She has really captured your notice," Simon looked away, unwilling to be drawn in to his father's witty insults.

He took a deep breath, only to be confronted by his stepmother. Stepping aside, he made to exit. " Simon, did you happen to converse with Mr. Bingley last night? What a universally charming young man," He massaged his brow and willed himself to tolerate the illiberal minded woman. " You should emulate him, and you might even convince Miss Rowley to marry you," He heard his father chuckling at his expense.

The idea of Marina Rowley becoming Marina Bennet stirred up thoughts of domestic felicity that he could not dismiss. Elizabeth did say that the lady's eyes followed him throughout the evening after he left her side, and she spoke well of everyone, although the occasional odd remark made people think she needed stronger male guidance. Elizabeth and Jane agreed she was just likely accustomed to never being told no. Lydia pouted about why someone should have so much wealth when she did not, while Mary said that she wished him the best of luck in the pursuit. At the time he pretended to not know her intention, but with his stepmother practically offering her congratulations, he saw why Mary hid in her world of rigid piety. It made her the least likely target for her mother's meddling.

Perhaps he should take Mary into his care instead of Lydia. Mary actually appreciated his attention and efforts.

" Simon?" He blinked, forgetting where he stood. He moved back another step to fully allow his stepmother to enter the study. " Should I invite the Miss Rowley to tea?"

" No," He cleared his throat. " Miss Rowley will not be bothered. We will not embarrass ourselves in front of her more than we already have. Lydia will be in my care. When is Mr. Collins arriving?"

" November. His patroness requires him in Hunsford until then," Loftus answered, confusing his wife. " Close the door on your way out and inform Lydia that her actions are now subject to your approval or dismissal. If she disobeys, then we will most certainly hear about it," His stepmother's confusion increased. Simon didn't linger near to witness what happened next.