"Silvally, no!"

I rushed over to my fainted Pokémon's side. This was it. I had lost. Moon's Pokémon went back to her and received her praise. We were in the Champion's Chamber at the peak of Mount Lanakila and I had just lost to the Champion of Alola, Moon, who is also my girlfriend. As the bitterness went through my body, I remembered how I had gotten to this point.

Several days ago

I had finally finished my training and thought I was ready to battle my girlfriend for the Champion's Title. I had expanded my team to include Lucario, Porygon Z, Weavile in addition to the Globat I had evolved into a Crobat and, of course, Silvally. We had spent several months training to beat Moon, even as Moon and I dated. It was a bit odd, training during the mornings beat someone I went on a date with in the evening. But I suppose that's the life of two strong Pokémon Trainers who are dating each other. I'm sure Moon knew I was training hard to beat her and probably was training herself as well to face me with her full power.

With my training completed, I went and officially made my challenge to the Pokémon League. As Moon is the Champion, I had to issue my challenge to her directly. I suppose even Champions can't get out of some office work. After some thought she finally made a declaration.

"Until our fight is over, I think we should suspend our relationship. After the battle is over, whoever wins, we can resume it again."

My heart shook a little at hearing those words. I loved Moon dearly. Seeing her, a newcomer to Alola, face the island challenge and take on Guzma really left an impression of me. I credit her strength with giving me the courage to finally turn my life around and quit Team Skull as their enforcer. With that courage and her help, I was able to take on both Guzma and my mother, even if I lost to Guzma in our first match. Moon was special. To hear that she would distance herself from me during my Elite Four battles… was very disheartening.

I looked at her face though. I don't think this is easy for her either. I don't think she wants to influence me one way or another until we do face off officially. So I agreed.

"Alright, but on one condition."

"What's that?" She asked.

"We go on a date after the Championship battle. Winner chooses the place, loser pays."

She smiled in a genuine manner.

"You have yourself a deal. I suppose I had better start planning the date then."

"Don't be too disappointed when those plans have to be abandoned, okay."

We both laughed after we had traded the banter, then she left. I wouldn't see her again until I battled her.

A few days ago

There's a rumor that has gone around that you can't leave Mount Lanakila until you've beaten the Pokémon League. That rumor is only partly true. It is very bad form to make the Elite Four members wait by going away, but there is a chance to rest between the battles. That is mostly for practical purposes. The Elite Four are busy with their roles as Kahunas or Captains, so they can't all be there necessarily at the same time and day to battle. It's not like they live in the League twenty-four hours, seven days per week. Moon calls them when a challenger arrives and they come as soon as they can. The order they are fought depends partially on who arrives when. If they're all free for a bit, the challenger can choose the order of battle, but often, it's whoever can make it on a particular day. There are accommodations for the challengers at the League itself and I stayed there to rest between days.

The first member I fought was Olivia; the next day, Kahili was in Alola, so I fought her; third, was the only Captain in the league, Acerola (Nanu is lazy and had her do it in his place, but I think she really enjoys it); finally, I fought Hau's old man, Hala. I suppose it was poetic justice that I fought him last after I had said Hau was too scared to fight his granddad. I can see why he was afraid now. When Hala lets loose, he's very strong. I think he goes easy during the Grand Trial, but not here. I just barely beat him, but I learned a lot from that battle, including his eye color, but that's a secret.

One hour before the present

Once I had defeated the Elite Four, Moon was next. I rested the night before I battled her, but I don't know that I really slept much.

It's traditional to give a short, pre-battle speech, so when I walked up the stairs I made my declaration. This is what I said.

"What does a Pokémon Trainer really need to be successful? I guess everyone might have their own answer. But for me… I want the strongest rival for myself. That's you, Moon."

It might have been a little cheesy and romantic, but still… I wanted Moon back. Part of why I liked her was because she brought out the best in me, I guess in a way, she's my rival… but she's also my girlfriend or she would be again after this fight. So the only rival and girlfriend I want in my life is Moon.

Moon didn't reply. I think she wanted to reply, but it is also tradition for the Champion to be silent after a challenger's declaration. I think a trainer named Red started that tradition.

Back to the present

I had lost. I gave it my all and I'd still lost. It was a bitter feeling, but looking at Moon and her joy at winning, the moment became bittersweet. I may have lost, but my once again girlfriend had won. I couldn't help but share her joy in defending her title, even as I mourned my Pokémons' defeat. It was a very strange feeling.

Moon finished her small celebration with her Pokémon and walked over with a hand outstretched and a smile proffered.

"That was a very good battle Gladion. I could see how hard you trainer to get yourself to this level. You even pushed me to use my final Pokémon."

She wasn't consoling me. That was true. She'd told me about some of her other challengers' battles. Only Professor Kukui had pushed her to use all five of her Pokémon in this 5-on-5 Champion Battle format and that was before she was the champion. I guess I really did well then.

I stood up and took her hand in the traditional post-battle handshake.

"Thank you Champion Moon, both for your words and the battle."

I looked into her eyes and I think she was proud of me for coming this far since we had first met, back on Route 5.

"So, where am I taking you for this date, my Champion girlfriend?"

"Hm, my challenger boyfriend, I do think you are treating me to the traditional Kanto restaurant in Malie City, then taking me to the Malie Garden to look at the stars."

"It sounds like a good plan, Moon. Shall I meet you there at 5:00pm after we've had a chance to heal our Pokémon and recover from the battle?"

"That sounds like a good plan. I've already made a reservation for that time."

Moon was smiling. That cheeky little…. That's my girlfriend I suppose and I love her.