DISCLAIMER: Fortunately Shuumatsu no Izetta doesn't belong to me. So all rights are reserved to Ajia-do Animation Works.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: So a few changes are coming with the new year. One of them is a story about how I've 'read the tea leaves' as it were on what happened after the end of the story. Specifically how things have panned out for Izetta and Finé

I've also graduated to using a template for my fanfiction stories. Actually it was given to me probably a year ago and I just figured out how to utilize it a few weeks ago. Doesn't say much for me and I apologize to my Sempais for being such a moron.


(Eylstadt: Fall 1950: 10 Years Later)

The light gusts of fall had begun to become stronger in the recent weeks. The colors of the scenery stood into contrast with the snow that would soon come. Though there was one place that seem to hold the same charm year round.


I'm excited to be writing this. The long months of work have finally payed off. Though I think Lotte may be growing tired of trying to teach me...

Many changes had come since the end of the war. And after years of rebuilding though tumultuous trends had seen Eylstadt though it's first decade of peace hence. Many celebrations had been planned during the duration of the year. One was to be held in Landsbruck on new year's eve. Such as it was, the Archduchess found herself far more busy then she might've liked.

the doctor came to visit a few days ago. He says that my motor skills are progressing much better then expected. To be honest, I'm relieved. If I had to try to put one more test together I might scream. Still my writing has been getting much better as you can probably tell...

Nevertheless Izetta was still content. Izetta never counted the days or weeks. She never spent her days wondering when Finé might come again. Instead Izetta passed the days on an endless quest of self-improvement. In the ten years since that day she dedicated herself to becoming strong and well again.

The last letter you sent has been sitting on my desk open. Actually I have a confession to make. I've been using it as a writing exercise. I wonder how you make your I's so frilly. I've been trying to do it like that for weeks and I can't get it.

Izetta paused for a moment and with a soft smile began to write again.

...I also have another confession: Finé, I've been working on something very special. It's like a long awaited present. But you'll have to wait until Christmas. I promise, it'll be worth the wait.

So, before I get anymore nervous and mess this one up too. I'm going to stop writing. Finé, I look forward to spending the holidays together with you again.


Izetta finished the letter and gently slid the pen into her pocket. She then tucked the letter into an envelope and placed it on her lap before she deftly backed her wheelchair out from behind the desk and then began to wheel herself out of the room.

"Lady Izetta?"

Lotte's voice echoed though the cottage as she walked into the house loaded with groceries. The sound of barks announced the presence of the corgis that Finé left in her care. The small dogs darted into the room and began to run around a nearby stuffed chair.

The sound of Izetta's wheelchair rolling down the hall alerted Lotte to her presence. Lotte then closed the door behind her and walked into the kitchen. One dog followed Lotte and the other went skittered off down the hall. The sound of happy barks echoed though the living room as Izetta entered the room. She rolled herself up to the counter and placed the envelope next to the groceries.

"Did you finish it Lady Izetta." Lotte asked as she dipped under the counter for a moment and came up just quick enough to catch Izetta's nod.

"When we go into town tomorrow I think we can make a quick stop at the post office. The last time a letter came it caused quite the stir. Despite the Archduchesses attempt to keep it hushed." Lotte responded.

Izetta blushed at the memory as she remembered how much of a fuss the courier caused. She then noticed the freshly baked pie sitting just at her eye level. Tempting fate, Izetta reached onto the counter and grasped it. Shortly after she received a tap to the back of the hand from a wooden spoon that Lotte had somehow procured in the meanwhile.

"No, we have pie after dinner. You know that Lady Izetta." Lotte scolded as she took the pie and placed it on the stove.

"Speaking of I think you'll like it. It seems that Lady Finé had some Cornish hens delivered to the butcher. I also picked up some potatoes and onions. Seeing as you've been working so hard with the doctor lately which I might have let slip." Lotte teased as she pulled out a small roaster.

The inevitable response began as Izetta's face turned red. She quickly retrieved the pen from her pocket and a notepad from a larger pocket on the other side of her wheelchair.

[Lotte, You didn't tell did you?] Izetta quickly scribbled on the pad and then showed it to Lotte.

"Of course I didn't. I meant about the other work you've been doing with the doctor. Which reminds me, we have to take you to his office tomorrow so that you can be fitted." Lotte responded.

[I asked the doctor not to say anything too. I want it to be a surprise.] Izetta quickly jotted.

"You needn't worry Lady Izetta. Nobody will ruin the surprise. Lady Fine's had a rough year with all the traveling she's had to do. She needs something wonderful for Christmas." Lotte said with a smile.

[I don't want to be any trouble. It's just Finé's been working so hard since then. I want to give her something back.] Izetta had written the last sentence slightly slower.

After Lotte read the message Izetta slid the notepad back into it's pocket and tucked the pen away.

"I don't think that Lady Fine would ever see you as anything less then what you've always been. We've all come so far. I think that Lady Fine is very thankful to still have you around." Lotte paused as she dipped out of sight and pulled out a cutting board.

"Your presence has become an open secret among all of us. If it hadn't been for you, many people who had nothing to do with the war would not be here. I think that it's a secret that everyone is willing to keep." Lotte stated as she caught Izetta's glance long enough to see her lips move.

[Thank you]. Izetta mouthed to Lotte before turning around and rolling herself over to a nearby window. And as dusk took to the sky Izetta couldn't help but wonder what Finé was doing in that moment.