Full name: Lilian Jamie Coulson
Nickname: Lily, Princess (Her Dad started to call her Princess, but it stuck)
Age: 23
Family: Philip Coulson.
Special ability: Can control other's feeling. But she can't create a new one. She's only able to strengthen or fade them.

Few facts worth to know:

Phil is not her real father, he adopted her at the very beginning.

On her 14th birthday her power awakened, and turned her party to a complete disaster.

Fury found out her ability and wanted her to join S.H.I.E.L.D. Phil resisted, but finally gave in. She started her training.

Her trainer was mainly Natasha, but worked out a lot with Clint too.

After a year training she started to took missions with the others. She was not a field agent then, just operated from the background, manipulating the targets feelings.

She was only 16 when she first had to kill someone. It was not the part of the plan, but otherwise Clint would end up dead. It really broke her.

Later, that night she and Clint had a huge fight about it which transformed into something different. He kissed her, and she kissed him back. They spent the night together and realized they are not only good together in the field. It was also a fun way to kill stress, but it wasn't more than physical.

They stopped their late-night dates when Clint met Laura. It's been about 4 years now.

A/N: I do not own any character beside Lily.