Hey guys! So this is my first time in the BTR fandom...I'm not even sure if this is a very active fandom anymore, but I'm still a total kid and love the show, and I'd had this idea for a while, so I figured I'd try it!

NOTE: For all of my super awesome, devoted readers of my other stories- None of my stories (i.e., Downton Abbey, Jurassic World, Newsies, The Walking Dead, Alvin and the Chipmunks, etc.) have been discontinued. My schedule has been absolutely CRAZY this year, and I haven't had much inspiration to write. But rest assured, no I have not fallen off the edge of the earth, and yes I will continue writing all of them. Just give me some time and hopefully the juice fountain will start flowing again.

But on a more positive-ish note...A NEW STORY! BECAUSE ALL SMART PEOPLE START NEW STORIES WHEN THEY HAVE 5+ UNFINISHED ONES...this was supposed to be a simple Logan sickfic, but it went a little crazy...anyway, I hope you guys like it!


Kendall Knight was about 90% positive that whoever had created chemistry had to be on drugs.

Because why in the heck did he care how long it would take to remove one molecule at a time from a spoon filled with distilled water?! (1)

Kendall leaned his face into his palm, staring hopelessly at his notebook. Most of the other students in his class were scribbling away, and Kendall couldn't help but feel like an idiot. But, in his defense, this stuff wasn't easy. At least, not for someone like him, who wasn't scientifically gifted.

The teacher blabbed on endlessly about everything and nothing, and Kendall was fighting sleep when the bell rang shrilly, cutting the middle-aged woman off mid-sentence.

She sighed, setting down her marker and turning to face the class. "Alright everyone. I want pages 28 and 29 of that packet done for tomorrow. And don't forget about your lab report as well. I want it in my stack tray as soon as you step foot in the door." Hearing the class groan, she rolled her eyes. "If you didn't want to do the work, you shouldn't have taken the class!"

Kendall scoffed. Honours chemistry was required. How did his genius teacher think they were supposed to get around that? If the freakin' guidance counselor would've let me drop it like I'd wanted to, I wouldn't have to worry about doing the work, he thought, grabbing his school bag and merging into the line of students pressing to get out the door.

Logan Mitchell set his Pre-Calc book neatly in his locker and closed the door, jumping when Kendall's face appeared from behind the door.

"Why do you do that?!" Logan said, trying to calm his racing heart.

"Where were you at lunch today?" Kendall demanded, brushing Logan's fright aside.

Logan hesitated. "I was in the library." He began to head in the direction of the buses, Kendall keeping up stride with him.

"Why? Dude, Carlos is on vaycay. You left me with just James. We ran out of stuff to talk about after like, thirty seconds. And I did not want to discuss the differences between Pantene and Aussie."

"I had work to do."

"For what?"


Kendall scoffed. "Dude, it's Friday. No one does work on a Friday."

"I do."

Kendall rolled his eyes, then paused. "Wait, what's the English homework?"

"That essay. For On the Beach."

Kendall's eyes widened. "Oh, crap, is that due Tuesday?!"

Logan nodded, but felt instantly guilty for lying. The essay wasn't due Tuesday. It wasn't due for another week and a half. And he hadn't been in the library, either. But Kendall didn't need to know that.

"Aw, darn it," his blond friend whined. "There goes my weekend."

When Logan respond, Kendall grew concerned. "You good?"

Logan's gaze remained slightly downcast towards the floor as they walked, and he gave no indication that he'd heard Kendall speak.


Logan's head snapped up. "What?"

"Are you good? You're out of it."

Logan nodded. "I'm fine. I was just thinking."

"About what?"


Logan hurried ahead of him. Kendall knew better than to press. After all, Logan had only been living with the Knights for about two months now. And after the brutal custody battle between Mrs. Knight and Mr. Mitchell, and what Logan had gone through prior to that, Kendall couldn't blame him for being a little standoffish.

Logan never went into detail about his childhood, and Kendall and the other guys never asked him. What Kendall did know was that Logan's mother had left them when he was just a child, and Mr. Mitchell had not taken kindly to it. Logan never said it, but Kendall knew he'd been beaten before. Minnesota was so quiet; it was almost impossible that Logan had received the multiple bruises he showed up with from the walk to school.

Kendall trekked after him, reaching the bus after a few minutes. The two boys rode home in silence, and when they arrived at Kendall's house, Logan headed straight for his room. Kendall dropped his bag in the foyer and made for the kitchen.

"Hey mom," he said upon entering.

Mrs. Knight looked up from the kitchen counter, where she was sorting through a pile of papers, pens, and other miscellaneous objects. "Hi, honey," she said, preoccupied. "How was school?"


Mrs. Knight chuckled. "Boring's good. Where's Logan?"


Kendall's mother finally located her car keys in the mess and made for the front door, grabbing her purse along the way. "I have to run over to the store real quick, and then pick up Katie, okay? What would you boys like me to grab for dinner?"

Kendall shrugged. "Pizza's fine with me." He turned in the direction of the stairs and leaned against the railing. "Hey, Logan!" He practically screamed. No answer. Kendall rolled his eyes and turned back to his mother. "He's probably fine with pizza."

Again, she chuckled. "Alright. I'll only be about an hour, okay?"

Kendall nodded. "Bye," he called, seeing her out and locking the front door behind her. He took the stairs lazily, dragging his feet.


Again, no response.

Kendall reached the top of the stairs, and a quick glance in their shared bedroom told him that Logan hadn't even entered the room yet. Confused, Kendall called out again.


A sliver of light coming from under the bathroom door caught Kendall's attention. He knocked. Before he could call out, something clattered in the bathroom. That wasn't right.

"Logan? You okay?"

No answer.

Kendall hesitated, then tried the door handle. Locked.

"Logan?" He banged on the door. "Hey, Logan, you alright?"

The door was suddenly yanked open, and Logan appeared, slightly flustered. "What?"

"You weren't answering," Kendall said.

"Kendall, I was peeing."

"Then what was that noise?"

"...What noise?"

"That clatter. What was it?"

"...The comb was on the counter...I bumped into it and knocked it off. Chill, Kendall."

Kendall raised his arms defensively as Logan brushed past him in the direction of their shared bedroom. "Hey, I was just checking! Geez, what's up your butt?"

"Uh, nothing, thank you."

Kendall chuckled, brushing the incident off. "Mom went out, but she's bringing dinner back. You good with pizza?"

Logan shrugged. "I don't care."

Suddenly the front door flew open, and Mrs. Knight came rushing in. She tossed her purse on the bench by the door, slammed it shut, and began hurrying up the stairs.

"Mom?" Kendall asked, coming to the top of the stairs. He moved aside so she could get by as she hurried into her bedroom. "What's wrong?"

Mrs. Knight was opening her closet and pulling out her suitcase. She set it on the bed and unzipped it. "Your aunt just called." She sounded as though she were near tears. She grabbed two pairs of pants from the dresser. "Apparently, your grandmother was rushed to the hospital this morning."

Kendall felt his heart sink. His mother's family lived in Cincinnati, and though Kendall didn't get to see her much, his grandmother was always kind to him. "Is she gonna be okay?"

Mrs. Knight shook her head. "Rose didn't tell me anything. Just that they want me home as soon as I can." She grabbed a few shirts from the closet and tossed them into the bag. Then she turned to face Kendall. "I already called Mrs. Geisinger. That's who Katie's staying with. She says she can keep her with them for the next few days." She looked pointedly at her son with an expression of worry that he wasn't used to seeing. "Can I trust you boys to stay here by yourselves?"

Kendall nodded. "Yeah."

"Because I can just take you over to Mrs. Diamond. She wouldn't mind taking care of you."

"Mom, you can leave us here. We'll be fine." He glanced back at Logan, who at this point had come into the hallway. "Right Logan?"

Logan nodded.

Mrs. Knight closed the suitcase. "Alright...just- No parties. No groups of people over. Stay inside. Don't go wandering around town by yourselves. And get to school on time."

"Will you be back soon?" Kendall asked.

"I don't know," his mother answered. "I hope, but I don't know. It all depends on how your grandmother is." She grabbed the bag off the bed and carried it into the hallway, setting it down by the steps. She hurried into Katie's room and grabbing the girl's pink backpack from the bed, began stuffing clothes into it. Mid-movement she stopped.

"Alright...you mind everything that I said, you hear me? No answering the door. Answer the phone only if you know who it is. Mrs. Diamond's number is on the fridge, and if there's any emergency at all, you don't hesitate to call 911, you understand?"

Kendall had to resist the urge to chuckle. "Mom, I'm fifteen. I know what to do if something goes wrong."


"Which it won't."

Mrs. Knight closed Katie's backpack and exhaled shakily. "This is so against my better judgement." She exited the room with the bag and grabbed her suitcase. "Alright...I'm running this over to Katie, and then I'm headed to the airport. Just...please don't burn the house down."

"Mom, we'll be fine," Kendall insisted.

"I'm leaving you in charge...so please don't make me regret it." She kissed his cheek and hurried to Logan, doing the same but lingering long enough to whisper, "Make sure he doesn't screw up."

The fourteen-year-old chuckled.

Mrs. Knight hurried down the stairs. Grabbing her purse from the bench, she opened the door. "I love you two. Please be safe."

Kendall gave her a typical teenager look that said, enough already.

Mrs. Knight closed the door behind her, and Kendall and Logan remained at the top of the staircase in silence for a few moments, before Logan headed off into their room.

Kendall remained at the steps. What was his mom's issue anyway? I mean, he and Logan were like, almost at adulthood...sort of. It was a few days on their own.

They would be fine.

(1) A legitimate chemistry problem I had during my Honours Chem class last year...don't even get me started.

Okay, well I hope you guys liked that chapter! Hopefully the next one will be up soon! Please review and tell me what you thought!
