I opened my eyes, confused. When did I fall asleep? Why did my head hurt? I stared around as my vision swam, befuddled.

"What the...?"

I managed, with difficulty and pain, to sit up, and checked myself over. Everything came rushing back. Toothless and me had flown, only for his tail to malfunction and we had crashed into a tree. I looked around to find myself on the ground, and looked around.


"¡Aquí!" A response came. I blinked. It sounded like Toothless, but... I looked up and behind me to the source of the voice to see Toothless in the tree behind me, tangled in branches. He looked irritated. If this wasn't such a serious situation, I'd be laughing. I stood, only to immediately fall when agony zipped through my right leg. "¿Estás bien, hipo?" Toothless yelped, thrashing in the tree. I sat more carefully, looking at my leg. It was twisted.

"Well, great." I looked back up at the AI in the tree. "Toothless! I can't walk, I'll need you to get back to the village!"

Toothless snorted with frustration and tried all the harder to get himself untangled. He eventually managed to get himself free, landing ungracefully on the ground. "Ay..." He grunted, pulling himself up and moving over to me. He nosed me, looking concerned. "Tu pierna, está retorcida. Eso no puede ser bueno." I froze, staring at him.

"Toothless... you're not speaking English." He froze, looking equally bewildered.

"¿Qué? ¿No soy?" I sighed softly.

"Your processer must have been hit in the crash. Can you understand me?"

Toothless nodded. "Sí." I stopped.

"Wait, that's Spanish! I remember reading about it! You said yes!" Toothless rolled his eyes and muttered something. "I need every advantage I can get, bud. Now, help me up, we need to get back." Toothless lowered his neck and I managed to pull myself, with difficulty, onto his back. He then turned and began walking to the village. I stared back at the fin, strangely held back as if something, a cord, perhaps had snapped. Just another thing I'd have to fix, probably after my leg was treated. I sighed and drooped myself onto Toothless, relaxing as he walked.

"Hiccup, comment sera-ce difficile de me réparer? Tirez, j'ai oublié que vous ne pouvez pas comprendre ..." Toothless stated as we walked. Or was that a question? I was confused, it didn't sound like Spanish. It sounded like... French! I grinned, happy for once that learning French was paying off. Toothless had asked how hard it would have been to fix him. And he had cut himself off, remembering his language problem. I could hardly hold back my grin.

"It shouldn't be too hard, I just have to figure out if it's the language chip itself or the connector to your processor is damaged, and then replace the chip if it's damaged or fix the processor if it's the problem."

Toothless looked back at me, surprised, and then happy.

"Tu parle français? C'est génial! Tu ne m'as jamais dit ça!"

"I'm full of surprises, bud."

I had learned French, but not whatever Toothless was speaking now. Which didn't help my mood much. Richard had noticed my leg immediately. And now I was in the healer's hut, on his chiefly orders to rest and relax. Fish had offered to try to fix Toothless for me, but I didn't want anyone else's hands messing with my friend's brain. So, I sat on a soft bed, tea in hands, while Toothless asked something in this foreign language, testing if it would go back to normal. It was sort of amusing finding out what other things were programmed on his chip.

"Ég vildi að þetta myndi enda þegar ég er þreyttur á þessu!" He exclaimed. I sat there, turning some words around in my head, trying to analyse the language.

"Hmm. Sounds like... something...ah. Probably Icelandic. A language of the north, and quite a nice one, as well. I remember some of the history I studied on that. And dad used to tell me books were useless." I chuckled. Toothless regarded me with a flat stare. "Sorry bud. It's just... this sure has been a rotten day, you need maintenance, and I can't give you any. It's frustrating."

"Hafa fiskur það, þá! Að minnsta kosti gætum við talað rétt!" Toothless barked.

"Can't understand you, bud." I mumbled halfheartedly.

"Ah, sprengja það allt! Þú veist hvað ég er að reyna að segja þér! Bara ..." Toothless began motioning wildly, standing on his hind legs and holding his claws to his face like glasses. "Fiskur! Fiskur! Nerd drengur! Blast, hvað heitir hann!"

"Fish?" I asked, and Toothless nodded exaggeratedly. I sighed. "I'm more familiar with your circuitry, bud. I don't want someone else messing with you. I'm afraid I'll lose you."

Toothless sighed and turned to pouting in the corner. "Ich weiß, aber ich mag es nicht."

I sighed. Toothless had shifted language again. It sounded like German, based on the way he spoke it. I sighed. When would this end?

It was a long few days that it took for Hiccup's twisted ankle to be strong enough to stand on. I noticed my friend's growing frustration, along with Toothless' irritation at their lack of communication. The language seemed to shift at random, and the two were grounded and bored just before winter. As soon as Hiccup was strong enough to walk, he was in his forge-house again, working to solve the problem. I figured I'd go visit when my chiefing duties weren't as pressing. I found an opportunity after lunch and wandered toward the forge. As I came close, I heard a clatter of noise and picked up speed.

"...it Toothless! Just... just hold still, I know you want to go flying, just-" Another clatter. "Toothless!" I peeked in to see an antsy Toothless running around the shop, his head cover pried off and Hiccup limping after him, trying to get him to stop moving. "What is wrong with you, bud?"

"Det gör ont! Jag vill inte sitta, jag kan inte ta det längre! Fixa min svans först så att vi kan flyga! " Toothless barked.

"I can't understand you bud, now for the last time, would you just sit down!" Hiccup wheezed, then he slipped over an obstacle on the floor that Toothless must have knocked down. I zipped in and caught him before he could hurt his foot again.

"Gotcha." I said, holding him upright.

"Thanks, Richard. I don't understand what Toothless' problem is."

Toothless, who was sitting on the other side of the room, stuck his tongue out. Hiccup returned the gesture, then sighed and sat down on the counter, rubbing his left leg, just above the prosthetic.

"Phantom pain?" I asked, sitting beside him.

"Yeah, no kidding. This goofball's been making me run around, and on my metal leg, since I don't want to make my right one worse. My stump is killing me." Hiccup grumbled. I smiled gently and gave him an awkward side hug. I looked over at Toothless, who still looked agitated.

"Hey, buddy. What's the matter?" Toothless turned to me and grunted softly.

"Jag vill bara flyga." He grumbled. He then stopped for a moment and flapped his wings slightly. Hiccup suddenly seemed to understand.

"Oh, you want to fly first." Toothless nodded, widening his pupils and trying to look pleading. Hiccup sighed. "I just want to fix your language chip so we can communicate, bud. Can you hold still long enough?"

Toothless let out a whine and pawed at the side of his head in response. "Det gör ont." He mumbled. Hiccup stood and walked over, carefully avoiding the stuff on the floor.

"I'll do it as quick as possible, then we can sort out the worn fin cord, okay bud? Then we'll fly, I promise." Hiccup smiled and placed his hand over Toothless nose, which seemed to calm his friend. I was amazed again at how alive Toothless seemed. The AI nodded, and gently nuzzled Hiccup in response before sitting still as Hiccup gently unscrewed and disconnected the damaged language chip, then removing it from Toothless. He walked into the back room and came back a moment later with a new one, which he put back in place and screwed back in, then connected. Toothless was wincing the entire time, and I wondered if he felt pain akin to someone having brain surgery.

"There we go." Hiccup mumbled. "That wasn't so bad, now was it, big baby boo?"

Toothless shot Hiccup a flat stare and grumbled.

"A volte mi frustrano." Hiccup looked confused.

"That shouldn't happen, that's a new one. That's weird." Maybe if I-"

"Just kidding." Toothless smirked, smacking Hiccup playfully with his tail. "This one's different, I think I can actually switch languages on my own." Toothless mumbled as an afterthought, looking thoughtful. Then he smirked again, looking like he was about to have fun. "I'm going to learn a lot from this one." Hiccup stiffened with alarm.

"Toothless, no." The AI turned to me.

"Hey Richard! Do you know any French?" He grinned, looking cheeky. I felt a similar amount of alarm to Hiccup rather suddenly.

"Uh... no." I said softly. "I don't know any French."

Toothless' grin increased. "Ha. J'ai l'avantage maintenant, chouette chef!" Hiccup face-palmed so hard that I thought for a moment he had tried to hurt himself.


"D'accord, tout d'abord, monsieur, j'ai toujours pensé que vous aviez un goût très bizarre à la mode." Toothless exclaimed, staring right at me. Hiccup looked exasperated.

"Let's just fix your tail." Toothless nodded and sat down, grinning cheekily at me. I felt insulted somehow.

"What did he say about me?" I asked. Hiccup sighed as he got on his knees and pulled at the busted fin. He grabbed Toothless fin and pulled the flap right out of the tail, and I couldn't help but peek down at the incredible workmanship. There was some sort of locking mechanism inside the tail, which corresponded to the flap itself. Cords ran from the inside of the tail itself into the base of the fin, which from there spread into five long ribs of varying lengths, with black fireproof rubber spread along it and held in place. It was such an incredible design. As Hiccup poked at it, he sighed again.

"He said you have a weird fashion taste." My friend mumbled, pulling at the cord. I was taken aback.

"He said what?" I squawked, staring at Toothless. He continued his grinning. I sniffed and pretended to be insulted. I then peeked down at Hiccup's work. He had unhooked the fin from the tail's cord with nimble fingers, and set it on the table.

"Let's see..." He mumbled, moving across the room and grabbing a device I couldn't guess the purpose of. Hiccup pushed the end of the small screwdriver sized object into the fin's input and pressed the button. The fin jerked open for a moment with the electricity moving through it. Hiccup then held down the button, and the fin held open for a moment before moving back. "That's not right..." He continued his muttering and began to pull a red wire out of the tail. It looked damaged. "Bingo." My friend said to himself, then turned and disappeared into the back room. He returned with a new wire. He replaced the wire incredibly quickly, then used the shocking device again to activate the tail. It stayed open.

"Is that good?" I asked. Hiccup turned a beaming smile to me, then grabbed the fin to reattach it to Toothless. As soon as he had it back in place, Toothless began to get excited.

"Can I fly now?" He asked.

"Test it first." Hiccup instructed. "I don't want it failing mid-flight again." Toothless obeyed, twitching the tail-fins back and forth, up and down. He must have cycled through the different positions a couple times, because Hiccup looked satisfied. "That should do it. Prends le ciel, mon ami mécanique." He motioned to the door. When Toothless blinked at him, Hiccup broke out laughing. "Go fly." He wheezed in between laughing, motioning to the door with one hand. Toothless offered him a big goofy grin before turning and dashing out the door, unable to take being on the ground cooped up a moment longer. I heard a happy whoop from through the window as he took off into the sky. I turned to Hiccup as my friend began to clean up his mess.

"Do I really have weird fashion taste?" I motioned to my clothes.

Hiccup snorted and picked up a sheet of metal that Toothless had knocked over.

"Maybe." He joked. I sniffed.

"Really? Leather and a red tunic with dark blue pants is weird? Come on. Toothless doesn't understand fashion. He doesn't have to. He lives with you." Hiccup shot me a look.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked, pausing in his clean up. I put on my best innocent face.

"Says the guy who wears the weirdest outfit ever when he flies." I pointed out. Hiccup pretended to pout and looked over at his ridiculously expensive belt and leather heavy flight suit, which was hanging on a hook in the corner. "That thing is beyond fashion." I continued. Hiccup had that look on his face. The 'I'm about to explain all the benefits of this thing I made because you don't seem to understand my inventions' look. I decided to leave my friend to his mess.

"Richard, my flight suit is a very functional outfit-" He began.

"Gotta go!" I grinned and moved out the door. "Have fun with your mess!" The last thing I heard before I was out of earshot was "Thanks for nothing!"