Before you congratulate me on an amazing AU, it isn't my idea. I saw an amazing fanart of a robotic Toothless and a short intro to this AU on a blog I follow, KingOfTheWilderWest. I don't know who's it is, but this is my take on it. Thank you for inspiring me and this is my way of giving you credit.

This is the underground. It's deep, it's dark, it's dangerous. When the lights turn out, you can almost hear the darkness pressing in. We have underground farming, fishing, and almost no one can ever remember seeing a sunset, never mind the sun. The real problems are the AI. The monsters that attack us if they find a way down here. We defend against them, as this is the only place we are safe. If you count fearing for your life daily safe. Everyone says the surface is a terrible place, and any who try to get to it don't return.

That's where I come in.

I'm here to tell you the story of the end of the war. How I changed this world. How I made a friend.

My name is Hiccup. Great name, I know. I'm not happy about it, but it's an old tradition to name runts Hiccup. Stupid tradition, if you ask me. I'm a sarcastic kid with a side of sass. Extra sass. You ask me a question, you'll get a sassy answer. Unless I'm in a good mood. Which I rarely am. And the reason for that is? Everything. Trust me, you'll get why.

It all started a month after my fifteenth birthday. As usual, I had trudged to the blacksmith shop for some extra metal, which I can pick up without questions asked. I grabbed a large pile and walked back home, dashing up the stairs to my room. Stormfly, one of my personal AI, needed work. Her wing had fallen off, she needed a replacement. I was an inventor, a builder, you could say. I took scrap parts from other AI that the guard had killed and made them into my own friendly robots. Stormfly was my favorite, a dragon looking one of my own design. She could even fly. She didn't have much personality, but I wouldn't have traded her for anything.

Hold on, let me explain something.

AI stands for Artificial Intelligents. They are robots that can think. Our ancestors created them hundreds of years ago. They went berserk one day and all but wiped out the human race. We live in one of many underground colonies, ours is named Berk. Once again with the names, right? Anyway. Usually, I wouldn't try to create machines out of fear of them turning against me. But I was desperate for friends. I'm not the most popular kid in the underground. In fact, probably the opposite. So, I created my own AI. Storm. Then, I created Stormfly from her. She's the only friend I have.

Now, with that in mind, let me continue.

I had finished fixing her wing, doing it quickly due to my familiarity with machines. If anyone found out, I'd be banished, I know that. But what else am I supposed to do? I don't want to die alone.

I turned Stormfly off and went downstairs the moment I heard my father's voice. He came in, barely sparing me a glance before going into his room. He's not a huge man, but he's bigger than me. Everyone calls him Stoick. I know he used to have another name. He's the leader of our colony. And my only related family. Although, you can hardly tell. He barely talks to me, and when he does, it's usually disappointed words, or something along the lines of 'Why couldn't I have a big beefy son that can kill AI?' Any other words he says regarding me are usually complaints to another person behind my back.

That's my life.

So, getting a sudden brain wave of how to get his approval once and for all, I take Stormfly, a knife, and leave the house. I head for outside the colony limits, where I might just find AI. Hopefully just one, only somewhat bigger than me and easy to kill. Best idea I ever had.

So, with Stormfly perched on me, I move through the caves, slightly nervous. I hear a slight whirr, the sound of hydraulics. All I'm thinking is 'That wasn't Stormfly.' I look up, and a winged AI is above me. It stares down at me through cold eyes. Stormfly lets out a simulated growl. She doesn't like this thing anymore than I do. It drops down in front of me, simply staring at me. It pulls back a clawed hand and swipes at me. I yelp, backing up. Stormfly leaps forward, metal meeting metal with a nice clanky 'How do you do.' They both fall over and Stormfly attacks it, snapping a couple of metal bars. I move in with my knife and cut its main cord, the one connecting its motor to its artificial brain. It goes limp immediately, leaking fluid and fuel all over me. I back up, panting. Stormfly shuts off automatically, leaving me alone. After a moment, I pick up Stormfly and run home.

It could have killed me had Stormfly had been a moment slower, I realize that now.

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