Final chapter.

The sun began to rise over the land illuminating all it touched. Watching this light swallow the world the Gods Eater from the future and the first unit stood atop the roof of their den. The future Gods Eaters bodies were starting to shimmer as the light drew closer.

"It's time." Ren stated plainly. "We're finally going home."

"So it's time?" Asked Lindow.

"Yes. The virus is gone. The nova is dead. The future is saved. The Saga said we would return soon after, just enough time to say our good byes."

Sakuya fell to her knees as she hugged Ren, crying as she held him. "I'll miss you Ren, please be safe."

Ren smiled as he hugged Sakuya back. "I'm not going away forever from your life mom. You know I'll be coming into this world in a few months."

"But it's not you, the you right here."

"I know, but it will be. A better me, a Ren who will grow up in a safer world with a father and friends."

Sakuya let go of Ren and stood up. "I'm so proud of you. Please, never forget us!"

"I won't mom. We fixed the future, I'll see you soon. You and dad."

Lindow placed his hand on Ren's head. "We won't forget about you. The man our son will become."

"Thank you dad." Ren held out his hand to his father.

Lindow took Ren's hand and shook it. "Never lose hope, no matter how hard it gets. Remember that and you'll do fine. Just don't over to it, okay?"

Ren snickered. "Understood dad. I'll leave that to the miracle workers." Ren glanced over to the Firestar family. "But i'll do what I can to help them, no matter what it takes." Ren held out his arms as his parents we pulled into a family hug. "Goodbye mom and dad. please take good care of me, I'll see you soon dad." Ren released his parents and stepped back as he disappeared into the rising sunlight.

"He's gone."

Lindow held Sakuya close. "Not forever it's just a see you later."

"You're right." Sakuya rubbed her eyes to clear the tears as she rested her hand on her stomach. Lindow watched as the others said their good bye to their future children then lead Sakuya to the door leading back inside.

"Time to head home everyone!" Vale waved his hands as the lights flew off of them.

Leo held out his hand as the lights were flowing off of him as well. "Our mission is done. Time to see what world we created."

"Are you going away?" Torri asked her older self.

The older Torri kneeled down to her younger counter part. "Yes, but don't cry Torri. i'll always be with you." Torri pointed to the younger singularity's head and heart. "In here and in here."

The smaller Torri jumped at her older self and held on. "I don't want you to go!"

"I know but I have too. This world is up to you to take care of."

Lance patted Torri's shoulder. "Come on little one. You don't want your big sis's good bye to be full of tears, do you?" Torri let go and held on too Lance. The duel wielder picked up Torri and looked to the older singularity. "You be good, okay? Make the future something we can be proud of."

"I think that's your job father."

Alisa hugged Torri. "I promise you, we'll love our Torri just as much as you. We'll make you a wonderful home, a home for our daughter."

Torii hugged Alisa back. "Thank you, mother."

Lance turned to Vale and Leo. "You two... I'm proud to be your, uh, future dad?"

"Thanks dad!" Vale throw his arm over Lance's shoulders. "Don't worry! Leo and I will continue your legacy."

"Hey know!" Lance stepped back from Vale. "I'm not about to let you little brat take my title as king of aragami killing!"

"Of course not dad." Leo laughed. "Not today, but one you will slow down and we'll be there to past you."

Lance grinned. "You go ahead and try. This time I'm not teaching you how to beat me. you'll have to win on your own skill."

"Like a real hero!" Cheered Vale.

Alisa chuckled at the males. "Just don't exactly fallow in your father's footsteps."

"Why's that?"

"I died." Lance stated dryly.

Vale grinned as he folded his arms. "Then that's how I'll surpass you dad. By not dying!"

"Not dying is the only way to live." Commented Torri. As the sun rose her body was turning transparent. "Mother, father. Be kind to each other and be kind to your daughter. i'll see you at home Leo, Vale." Torri closed her eyes and raised her head as she faded away from the sunlight.

Leo noticed his own body was disappearing as well. "Our turn brother. Goodbye mom and dad. don't risk your lives on something stupid, we still need to be born." Leo gave a thumbs up and faded away.

"Can't wait to how much has changed!" Vale grinned to his parents. "Oh! On my tenth birthday don't go to the beach. Trust me." Vale jumped off the rooftop and disappeared as he fell.

Lance wiped some tears out of his eyes as he smiled. "Come on. Let's get inside." Lance picked up Torri with one arm and draped his other over Alisa's shoulders as they walked inside.

Raven and Soma watched the sun rise with their daughter Nifa until she as well started to fade away. "Though our time was short, I'll treasure every moment we shared. Thank you mommy, daddy."

Raven threw her arms around Nifa. "You promise to be good, okay? We'll never forget you Nifa."

Soma placed his hand on top of Nifa's head. "Thanks for your help. We couldn't have done it without you." Nifa swung her arm to wrap around Soma and pulled him closer. Soma raised his hands and slowly rapped them around Raven and Nifa.

"You to be good to each other. I love you both." Nifa held her parents tightly Then let go as she backed away. "Good by mommy, daddy. I'll see you when I get home." Nifa turned to the rising sun and faded away into several bits of light that vanished into the sky.

"That's it. Their gone." Raven leaned on Soma as she started to cry. "I miss her."

Soma reached into his pocket and pulled out a white rose hairpin, clipping it onto Raven's hair. Raven heard the click and raised her hand to feel the hairpin. "What's..." Raven took it off to see the hairpin.

"I... I made that." Soma turned away, waiting for Raven to make fun of him.

"It's so beautiful, thank you Soma!" Raven jumped in front of Soma and held out the hairpin. "Could you put it back on, please?"

Looked at Raven for a moment when the image of Shio flashed in his mind. He remember when Shio did when he saw her and looked down at his hand. Soma took the hairpin and put it in Raven's hair.

Raven patted the hairpin and hugged Soma. "I love it! Thank you!"

The two held each other for a minute before Soma spoke up. "You're leaving aren't you?"

"Yes... I must speak to Lance, then I'll have to return HQ." Raven pushed herself away from Soma and looked straight at him. "But I will return I promise. I like you soma, I really find you interesting and I want to see were this goes."

"You know where this goes."

Raven let out a small laugh. "Still..." Soma started humming, Raven closed her eyes as she silently listened to the swell tune. "What is that?"

"It's a song a learned. It's called 'till we meet again'."

"It's very sweet. Thank you for sharing it with me." The two stared into each others eyes. Soma leaned closer and Raven moved closer to connect her lips his. Soma placed his hands on Raven hips as she threw her arms around his neck.


A few hours later Kota opened the main door and stepped into the main lobby. Kota walked to the stairs when he heard the lift open with Lance and Alisa walking out. "Hey guys!" Kota waved as he dashed towards them.

"Hey Kota. how you holding up?"

"I'm okay, seeing you all with your families made me want to go see my own."

"Well you might want to see them again when you look at this." Lance handed Kota a paper.

"What's this? This is the official resignation of Lance Firestar!?" Kota looks up to Lance in shock.

"Keep reading."

Kota looked down at the paper again. "The position of first unit leader is here by transferred to, to... to..."

"To you Kota."

Kota dropped the paper as his body was shacking. "I'm the leader? So does that mean-"

"Yup. I'm leaving with Raven in two days to the Gods Eater HQ in Europe to join the hunter unit."

"Well alright! This is big knows, for the both of us! Don't worry, I'll lead everyone and keep them safe!"

"About that..." Alisa trailed off. "I'm resigning from the first unit as well. There's a satellite settlement being build and they need Gods Eaters to help. I want to help make another home form humanity to be safe."

"Oh, well I'll still have Soma and Sakuya to help, right?"

The couple glanced to each other before Lance spoke up. "Soma's leaving the unit to pursue science to find a way to deal with aragami safely. Sakuya is leave because of her baby."

Kota counted on his figures. "Wait so, I'm all that's left?!" Kota's body drooped. "So what you said was true."

"I didn't mean it to hurt you." Lance patted Kota on his shoulder. "But hey, look at it this way. You get to create your own unit from the ground up. From Gods Eaters you get to hand pick."

Kota thought for a second and smiled. "Yeah. Yeah that's right! You know what? I'll build an awesome team! One that's way better then the one you lead!"

Lance smirked and held out his hand. "I look forward to seeing that happen."

Kota shook Lance's hand and picked up the paper. "I need to tell mom and sis about this!" Kota ran out the main gate at top speed.

Alisa let out a sigh after Kota left. "You think he'll be okay with this new responsibility?"

"We'll see. Trial by fire and all that. Besides, he'll have a lot of help for if he falls."

"This is really happening, isn't it? The first unit is breaking apart."

"It just means everyone is moving on to better things. Not to say the unit was bad but sometimes we have to spread our wings, you know? Explore to learn and bring it back to better you'res and the lives around us."

Alisa smiled lightly. "Easy to say, for someone with wings."

Lance placed his arm over Alisa's shoulders. "Anyone can fly. you learned blood art, so why not blood rage. In fact." Lance took Alisa's hand and rushed to the lift, setting it to the roof.

"Where are we going?" The doors opened and Lance picked Alisa and carried her out the lift, bridal style. "What are you doing?!"

"Something I've wanted to do for a while now. Let's make our remaining time here the best to remember!" Lance triggered his blood rage and hovered over the roof. "You ready for a flight?"

Alisa quickly threw her arms around Lance's neck. "You drop me I'll strangle you." Lance kissed Alisa then took off into the morning sun.





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I'd like to thank everyone for supporting this story.


Bijuu vs jinchuuriki

Bloodwitch Raven

Commander of Blood's Oath

Energy Dragon Slayer




Saint of vice koncor

True Overlord Laharl



And everyone that's enjoyed this story.

You've all been great support. Thank you for making this worth doing. Have a wonderful day and until next story I'll see you in the cosmos.