Chapter. 1

The sound of steel echoed through the night of the city of mercy, in the church two Gods Eaters clashed their blades. A Gods Eater fired at the other who barely dodged each laser beam. "Stop this!" The moving Gods Eater each his target and swung both of his god arcs from the left.

The other lowered his gun god arc and raised his second arc, deploying it's shield to block. "I can't stop now, I have to save what I have left."

"And what about my family? You're just going to let them die so you can have your world back?!"

"You have no family, they weren't meant to exist!" One of the Gods Eaters shoved the other one away and slammed both of his god arcs one the ground to make his opponent back away. "What you have is a lie. I have to make it right, I have to fix the mess I made." The other Gods Eater blocked both of the blades with his shield and pointed his second arc at his enemy's chest.

The first fighter spun to evade the laser shot and struke the second eater in the head with his elbow. Both Gods Eaters backed away, one changed his arc to gun mode as they both pointed their weapons to each other then opened fire.


It was late evening as the sun was almost gone from the sky, on the roof of the den Lance and Alisa were setting up an outdoors table and chairs set. "You got that Aly?"

"I got it, how's the grill?"

"Set to go love."

The doors opened as Sakuya and Lindow came up to join them. "You got it sent up already?" Asked the soon to be father.

"Good to go, you got the food?"

"Right here." Sakuya held up a large container.

"Sakuya you shouldn't be carrying things like this!" Alisa quickly took the container away.

"Alisa I'm not someone who needs everything do for them."

"But you are four months pregnant, you need to be more carefully with yourself." Alisa then spun to Lindow. "And you let her do things like this?"

Lindow looked away as he rubbed the back of his head. "Like I can stop her."

Lance grinned as he shook his head. "You're so whipped."

"Get back to work Lan." Alisa snapped at her boyfriend.

Lance grinned wider as he started the grill. "You got the meat there Aly?" Alisa put the container down and opened it to find it full of smaller containers of food. The Russian tossed the meat to Lance and put the rest on one of the tables.

Lance cooked the food as Lindow set the tables then sat down with the other two. Lance brought the food to the table and gave everyone a share before taking a seat next to Alisa. "So how are you and you're little one doing Sakuya?"

"I'm fine, thanks. How are you and Alisa going."

"We're going steady, why?"

"Are you two..." Sakuya pointed to her ring.

"No, not yet well..." Lance and Alisa looked to each other the hung their heads as they turned away. "I mean, we talked about it but then it turned into a talk about kids and..." Lance held his right arm. "I'm not sure if I can. I'm more aragami then human... And I wasn't fully human to begin with." Alisa placed her hand on Lance's back.

"Hey chin you two." Lindow spoke up to lighten the now heavy mood. "You never know until you try, and still you have each other, right?"

"Yeah. I guess you're right."

"Cheer up, boss." Lindow held up his own right arm. "I'm not all human either."

"Why did we have to be with the freaks?" Pointed Sakuya, Lindow and Lance glared at Sakuya who laughed. "Joking, joking."

Alisa saw the sun finally disappear over the horizon the turned to see the moon already in the sky. "Hey, isn't the moon a little bigger then normal?"

Everyone looked up to the sky to see the moon, Lance took the chance to change the subject. "It's called the perigee, when the moon is at it's closest to the earth, it should be getting closer over the next few days."

After a moment Alisa broke the silence. "I hope Shio is doing well."

"Hey now." Lance rubbed Alisa's back. "We'll see her again someday, just you wait."

"That's right." Lindow agreed. "Whether we go to the moon or Shio comes down to us, we'll see her again." Lindow again looked down at his right arm. "Still need to thank her for saving my life." Lance let out a small cough. "The first time I needed to be saved."

The door opened again as Paylor came up to the roof. "Hello everyone! Sorry for interrupting."

"Hey!" Lance waved for the director to join them. "What beings you up here?"

"I have some news for you Lance."

"Good or bad?"

Paylor pushed up his glasses. "That's really up to you. I just received a massage from Fenir HQ, have you heard of the hunter unit?" The Gods Eaters looked to each other then back to Paylor as they didn't know. "I'm not surprised, the hunter unit is a group of Gods Eaters that travel the world to fight very powerful Aragami that other branches are having trouble dealing with."

"And yet we've never seen them when we could have used them."

"That's because we never needed them, because of this young man." Paylor placed his hand on Lance's shoulder. "After defending the far east from nova and Damian they want you to join them Lance."

"Really now?"

Paylor gives a nod and smiled. "It's a very big honor to be apart of the hunter unit, but it means you'll have to give up your position as the first unit leader and be away from home sometimes."

Lance looked away as he thought it over then looked back to Paylor. "I'm guessing I have some time to think about it?"

"Of course, it is a big life changing decision." Paylor removed his hand and stepped back. "Well, that's all I came to say. I'll leave you all to your double date then." PAylor gave a slight bow and walked away.

When the director was gone then old types spoke up. "This is big Lance! Congrats"

"Your skills are really getting noticed now."

Lance put up his hands. "Hey come on, I haven't agreed to it yet."

"But you will agree." Pointed Alisa.

"I don't know."

"You said 'yet' that means it will happen."

"It's a phrase Aly. It's not something I can just jump into."

"That's something you don't have a problem doing."

"I don't just jump into thing, more like I get pushed into them."

"You do get pushed to be a hero a lot."

"You're not helping Lindow!"

The older man laughed. "I think you should do what you think is right for you. Stay or join, it's up to you."

Lance shrugged as he leaned back. "Sure, throw all the weight on me. As you always do."

"Okay, thanks!"

"That wasn't an invitation!" Everyone laughed at Lance's expense, the dual wielder sighed then smiled as he shook his head.


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Please review, it keeps us writers going. It's great to be back everyone. Till next time CG out. PEACE!