Hello everybody! So I got a request on tumblr (pansexualtrash) asking for a ZenxJumin fic, but there was no specific prompt- I've had the idea in my head to write this fic for a while, so I figured it was perfect timing to fill it out for this prompt! Two birds one stone ~~ Here's the first chapter of this fic :3 There's going to be 3 chapters total, and the fic is basically a little smut fic . but y'know. Oh well. I've accepted my title as the MysMe Sin Queen. (Self-titled lmao fight me)

I do not own Mystic Messenger!

Zen brought the bottle to his lips, tears streaming down his cheeks as he fought to keep his hands from shaking. It felt as though the world was crashing around him, with no chance of survival, his only solace being brought to him through the liquor in his hands.

He had come home to find his girlfriend of two years sleeping with another man- he tried to make sense of it all, to understand why this happened, why she did it, but the only explanation he could get out of her was she couldn't handle him being away so often for rehearsal and performances, getting constant attention from men and women alike.

She admitted she had been planning on breaking up with him for some time, she just didn't know how to do it.

Zen ran his hands through his hair, tugging at the white strands, choking through his sobs. Why did things have to end up this way? He loved that girl. He wanted to marry her. Why wasn't it enough?

He fumbled for his phone in his pocket, in desperate need of someone, anyone. Unable to see through his tears, he scrolled through the contacts list, pressing the call button, holding the phone to his ear, his cries echoing through his sparse apartment.


"H-Hello? Someone.. I just.. Please… I don't want to be alone right now.. Can you come get me?" He let out a choked sob, pressing a hand to his eyes, shaking his head in his pain, "Please…!"


"Please come get me…" Zen whimpered softly- his chest felt like his heart had been shattered, the remnants of a glass orb being compiled into nothing more than mere dust, blowing away with the wind.

"Okay.. Okay. I'll send a car there now."

Zen didn't respond, simply ending the call and getting to his feet, stumbling towards the couch where he had thrown his jacket. He pulled it on, making his way to stand outside the apartment, wiping his tears from his face.

Soon enough a car pulled up, the driver getting out and holding the door for him, saying nothing as they watched Zen with concerned eyes. Zen didn't speak as he got in, too belligerent to care about who was picking him up, or where he was going. He stared silently out the window as lights and buildings whizzed by, all a mess of colour through his watery gaze.

"Excuse me," The driver turned slowly, the car having come to a stop, "We have arrived, sir."

Zen nodded, reaching to fumble for the door handle, before it was pulled open, a pair of arms reaching out to help him out of the car. Zen tripped as he got out, grabbing onto the suit jacket of the person helping him.

Jumin sighed, helping Zen stand up straight, assisting him into the penthouse, and up the elevator. Soon they were inside, and he allowed him to sit on the couch, stepping back to readjust the cuffs on his jacket, his onyx eyes trailing along Zen's form, brows brought together in a look of confusion and worry.

"Zen, what is going on?"

Zen shook his head, hiccuping through his tears, leaning his forehead onto his hands.

"My gir-girlfriend… My girlfriend…!"

Jumin stared at him, blinking slowly.


"She… She cheated on me, Jumin."

Jumin nodded slowly, shifting his weight.

"I see."

"I just feel so stupid," Zen gasped, bringing his fist down upon his knee in frustration, "I just want to drink and forget everything.. I don't want to think anymore…"

Jumin didn't move for a moment, contemplating what to do in this peculiar situation. Soon he turned, moving to the kitchen shortly before returning, a bottle of wine in hand. He handed it to Zen without a word, watching as Zen corked it, bringing the bottle straight to his lips and drinking from it.

Zen wiped his lips on his sleeve, holding the bottle out to Jumin, who simply raised a brow at him. Zen nodded his head towards the bottle, looking up at him.

"You too."


"Yeah, Mister… Mister trust-fund-whatever-the-fuck. Drink with me."

Jumin sighed slowly, taking the bottle from his hand, staring at it as though it were a foreign object for a couple seconds before bringing it to his lips, drinking slowly from it.

The bottle was empty now, tilted over on the table before the couch, Zen's jacket thrown haphazardly across the back. Jumin had taken off his suit jacket, the top few buttons of his white button-up shirt undone.

"I don't know why I wasn't good enough, Jumin. I don't get it."

Jumin stared at him, a slight flush to his cheeks as he gazed at the other man.

"You are… Good enough. It was her own discretions, they have no reflection on you. You're-" He froze, catching himself mid-sentence, clearing his throat before he continued, "You deserve good things."

"Clearly not! Clearly not to her." Zen pressed on, not having noticed Jumin's verbal slip.

"She doesn't deserve you."

"Who does then? I thought… I thought I would marry her and she just threw me away like it was nothing… It just feels like nobody will ever look at me like she did."

Jumin looked him over, his brows curled together on his forehead.

"…That's not true."

"How do you know, Jumin?"

"I," He sighed softly, his gaze falling to the floor, "I just know."

Zen laughed, leaning back on his hands.

"You don't know anything! You've never even been in love- why am I even talking to you about this?"

Jumin's hand clenched into a fist suddenly, his soft expression from before completely gone, replaced by a look of animosity.

"You really think I don't know anything."

"Yeah, I do."

"Well," He spoke in a low tone, his eyes glowering dangerously, "You'll be surprised to know you're wrong."

"I know I'm not," Zen leaned forwards, a frustrated look coming upon his features, "You've never dated anyone!"

"That does not mean I haven't experienced being in love."

"Oh, really?" Zen scoffed, rolling his eyes mockingly, "Then who, pray tell, was the great future chairman in love wi-"

He didn't get a chance to finish his sentence as he was grabbed by the collar roughly, dragged towards Jumin, their lips crashing together in an angry kiss. Jumin ran his tongue along Zen's lower lip, his rage swelling through the connection of their lips. Zen's eyes were wide as he pulled away, his gaze dark, lined just beneath hard-set brows.

"Does that answer your question?" Jumin practically growled as he stood, glaring down at him, "You're a narcissist, you'd think you'd be able to guess yourself."

He began to walk away, clearly off-put by the whole situation. Zen was frozen for a moment, his emotions blurring together in his head, even more of a wreck because of the liquor. He moved without thinking, grabbing Jumin's arm, stopping him from going any farther.

"Jumin," He looked down at the floor, his face heating up as he continued, "Can you… Do that again?"

Jumin stared down at him, his anger replaced by genuine confusion.

"… You want me to?"

Zen nodded slowly, his grip on Jumin's arm loosening.

"I think.. I liked it…"

He gasped as Jumin pulled him up suddenly, looking deep into his eyes, his expression unreadable.

"Are you sure?"

Zen nodded, swallowing the lump in his throat as he felt his discretions begin to melt away, burned down by his piercing gaze.

"I'm sure."

Jumin grabbed his arms, spinning him around, a shocked gasp leaving his lips as he was slammed against the wall. Jumin leaned in close, holding Zen's wrists on either side of his head, his eyes trailing along his parted lips.

"You asked for it."

Zen moaned softly as Jumin connected their lips again, his grip firm on his arms. Jumin ran his tongue along his lip, a silent plea for entrance, one which Zen granted, parting his mouth open slightly. He shivered as his mouth was explored hungrily, their tongues swirling together in a messy, drunken dance.

Jumin released his arms, trailing his hands down his chest and waist before grabbing his hips, holding them in place as he stepped forwards, pressing their bodies together. Zen whimpered softly as he felt Jumin's arousal pressing against his own now-growing erection, the pressure of their bodies causing pulses to course through him.

"Zen... You're beautiful." Jumin kissed down along his jaw as he spoke, mouthing softly below his ear, kissing and licking along his neck, grinding his hips forwards as curious hands trailed under the hem of Zen's sweater. Zen gasped as Jumin's cold fingers made their way up his stomach, thumbs circling around his nipples. He wrapped his arms around Jumin's neck, sliding them into his hair, pulling softly at it, his head leaning back in pleasure.

"Hyun," Jumin kissed back to his lips, his voice a husky whisper, gazing into his eyes as he rolled his hips forwards, "Hyun…"

"J-Jumin, ah…"

Jumin froze, his eyes flashing as Zen moaned wantonly in his ear. He lifted Zen by the hips, forcibly wrapping the silver-haired man's legs around his waist, making quick strides as he made his way towards the bed. He brought him down onto it unceremoniously, pulling at the hem of his sweater, lifting it up and off.

Zen lifted his hands, shakily pulling at the buttons of the shirt, and Jumin growled, ripping the buttons off of the strings as he tore the shirt off, throwing it to the side. Zen blushed, watching as the buttons rolled across the floor.

"Someone's moving fast…"

Jumin brought his lips down to Zen's neck once more, suckling softly just below his ear.

"I've loved you for a long time, Hyun. I don't think I can wait any longer."

Zen moaned at his words, his chest heaving as Jumin attacked his neck running his hand back down his stomach, flattening over the bulge in his jeans. He bucked his hips into the contact, blushing as he felt Jumin's lips curve into a smile against his skin.

"Does that feel good?"

"Sh-Shut up."

Jumin kissed him quickly, biting softly at his lower lip, humming in approval as Zen whimpered at the action.

"I'll make you feel even better, Hyun," He unbuttoned his jeans, sliding them down his slender legs, trailing kisses along his smooth skin, never tearing his gaze from Zen's own, "I'll show you what you deserve."

Zen's breathing came in quick gasps, his mind hazy in his drunken and aroused state. Jumin pulled his own pants off, tossing them to the side, smiling as Zen stared at his boxers, the bulge evident beneath them. Jumin ran his hands up along his thighs, slipping his fingers just beneath the band, capturing Zen's lips once more as he pulled them down.

He leaned back, his gaze trailing appreciatively over Zen's naked form, a smile curling onto his lips.

"God, you truly are beautiful."

"Stop saying that…" Zen blushed brightly, covering his face with his hands, at which Jumin quickly removed them, giving his lips a tender kiss, warmth lingering there as he pulled away.

"I'm only speaking the truth," He smiled, pressing on Zen's shoulders, laying him back down onto the mattress, his eyes staring lovingly at him, "Now just relax."

Zen blushed as Jumin reached over to the bedside drawer, pulling out a bottle of lube, the thought quickly flashing through his head wondering how many times he's needed to use that exact bottle. He watched as he poured it onto his fingers, massaging it in gently in an attempt to warm the liquid. He crouched over Zen once more, bringing his fingers down between his legs, smiling softly down at him.


He pressed a finger to his entrance, a sharp gasp ripping through Zen's body at the cold sensation. He pushed the tip inside, his heart swelling as Zen's eyes fluttered closed, his body visibly shivering. He thrusted it in slowly, trying to adjust it to the foreign penetration, his eyes never leaving Zen's face, mesmerized by his expressions.

He added another, this time a clear expression of discomfort on Zen's face, his brows curled together, his lip caught between his teeth. He gripped the sheets in his fists, whimpering under his breath.

"You need to relax, Hyun." Jumin spoke in a low, comforting voice, moving his fingers slowly inside of him.

"It- It hurts-!"

"I know," Jumin kissed along his face tenderly, trying to distract from the pain, "Just try to relax yourself, and trust me.. Okay?"

Zen nodded, a lone tear trailing its way down his cheek, wrapping his arms around Jumin's neck.


Jumin continued his slow pace, watching as the discomfort left Zen's face, soon replaced by a look of pleasure. He added a third finger, his body reeling as Zen moaned.

"Oh- Oh, that feels good…"

Jumin smiled against his shoulder, trying to restrain himself.

"I'm glad, Hyun," He kissed his collarbone softly, goosebumps rising where his breath trailed along his skin, "I'm glad…"

He began to thrust faster, Zen's head thrown back in ecstasy, now rolling his hips in time with Jumin's hand, meeting his movements in perfect rhythm.

"Ah, fuck- Jumin- Jumin no more, just- please-"

Jumin moaned under his breath, not needing any further explanation. He retracted his hand, sliding his boxers down his own hips, throwing them aside. He ran his lube-covered hand over his cock before positioning it at Zen's entrance, lacing their hands together with his clean hand, staring into his eyes as he pressed inside lightly.

Zen tensed up a bit, letting out a low breath, trying to relax his body to allow him access. Jumin continued to thrust slowly, watching Zen's face as he did so.

"Does that… Does that feel okay?"

Zen nodded, the pain quickly being replaced by pleasure, by warmth.

"Ah- Ah, yes, it feels better…"

Jumin smiled, stroking his hair tenderly.


Zen whimpered, staring up into Jumin's eyes, his cheeks flushed pink, his lips parted sweetly as he moaned.

"Jumin, more- faster."

His hips reacted instantly, picking up their pace- Zen threw his head back in pleasure, crying out as Jumin licked and sucked at his nipples at the same time, the sensations causing a whirlwind of ecstasy within him.

He dragged his nails down Jumin's back, whimpering into his shoulder, his legs wrapping around his waist, pulling him in harder, deeper.

Zen whimpered, pushing back on Jumin's shoulders, shaking his head in frustration.

"No, god- I need more- It's not enough..!"

Jumin's shoulder quivered as he stared down at the silver haired man, his eyes dark and half-lidded with lust.

"What do you need, Hyun..?"

Zen sat up, pushing hard at his shoulders, forcing him to fall back into a sitting position. He watched in confusion as Zen crawled over him, straddling himself on his lap, unable to control he moan from deep within his throat as he watched Zen lower himself down onto his cock.

Zen placed his hands on Jumin's chest, pushing his back down onto the bed, slowly beginning to lift himself up and down on top of his length, an aroused whine leaving his lips as he did so. Jumin's hands found their way to his hips, gripping them firmly, aiding them in their rise and fall.

He bit his lip as he looked up at Zen, who was unable to control the moans he was producing, too enraptured by pleasure to hold back. He removed one of his hands from his hips, stroking Zen's cock instead, licking his lips in satisfaction as his name echoed through the room, trailing harmoniously from Zen's mouth.

"Hy-Hyun," His voice wavered as he spoke, steely eyes meeting red, passion surging between them, "Are you close?"

"Oh god, yes- yes, ah..!"

Jumin moaned, smiling through his pleasure, his eyes shining up at Zen.

"Come for me, Hyun."

Zen cried out, his body immediately reacting to Jumin's words, his cum spilling out onto his chest and hand, whimpering as he felt Jumin cum deep inside of him. He fell forwards, collapsing onto Jumin's body, his breathing haggard. He nuzzled his face into his neck, sighing in content as Jumin laced his fingers into his hair.

"How was that?"

Zen smiled softly, blushing a bit at the question.

"Pretty good for a trust fund jerk."

Jumin laughed softly, running his hands down his back.

"I suppose," He sighed softly, tilting Zen's chin up, bringing their gazes to meet, "You do know though, that I am actually in love with you, correct?"

Zen blushed, looking away for a second before meeting his eyes once more, nodding softly.

"I know."

Jumin searched his face, hoping, wishing for something- he pulled back, accepting the silence for what it was. Zen stopped him, framing his face in his hands, looking down at him with a firm gaze.

"I may not be in love with you- but I … I know I like you," He blushed deeper, looking away again, his hands shaking slightly on Jumin's cheeks, "I… I would have stopped you if I didn't like you…"

Jumin felt his heart swell, his lips curling up in to a serene smile. He wrapped his arms around Zen's body, pulling him into a hug, sighing happily into his hair.

"Thank you, Hyun. Thank you…"

That's it for Chapter 1! Let's see what happens in Chapter 2 ~~~

I hope everyone has had a lovely Christmas/Holiday so far! :D Stay warm and drink lots of Hot Chocolate ~
