Elena and Damon are waiting to take their turn on the rink. They're holding hands as they watch the couple before them go through their routine. Elena is nervous, her knee is bouncing up and down, the blade of her skate making a clicking sound with each tap. Damon gently lays his other hand on top of it. She looks up at him, nodding her head slightly when she sees his smile. He leans over just enough to brush his lips across hers. Her palms are clammy and although he looks like he hasn't a care in the world, she's certain that Damon isn't immune to pressure of performing in front of the world. It's the culmination of their dreams.

It's still hard to believe that they're here and about to perform at the Olympics. She notices when he looks over his shoulder, his gaze meeting his mom's. She squeezes his hand, knowing how much Lily means to him. Elena is shaken from her reverie by applause for the pair leaving the ice. Liz stands up and whispers words of encouragement to them. Her daughter Caroline is in the stands next to Damon's mother.

Elena swallows thickly when their names are announced. Together she and Damon stand up, still holding hands, they walk out onto the ice. Figure skating is one of the more popular Olympic sports so the arena is full of people from all over the world. The lights are bright, the ice is smooth. When they reach the center of the rink, they wait for their music to start. And then the first notes of Pachelbel's Canon start to play, Elena and Damon start their program. It looks and feels so natural, it's like she was born to be on the ice. She and Damon move fluidly across the rink, hooking up for their first jump, a triple Salchow, triple toe loop. They land it perfectly to the applause of the crowd. There isn't even one jerky movement, Elena balances herself so easily.

She pushes herself harder and glides on her skates. Her left leg is slightly bent and her right is stretched out behind. Then she kicks her right leg up in front of her so the right knee goes up in the air. She rolls down the ice on the outside edge. She smiles widely at Damon, his moves a carbon copy her own. They jump high in the air. When she lands she looks like an angel, she spins around, keeping her right foot straight and body free. She turns in a counter-clockwise direction, holding her chest out, head back and left knee in the air.

And then they get into position for their final move, Elena starts working up speed but when she leaps a little too soon and her legs fly out from under her, she lands on her butt in front of everyone in the arena. The oohs and ahs and sad faces fill the arena, drowning out their music. Always the professional, Elena quickly stands up and they finish their routine with no other blemishes but the damage is done. As soon as they walk off the ice, her tears fall. Damon takes her in his arms, she buries her face against his chest.

Lurching upright in a cold sweat, Elena's chest is heaving as she struggles to catch her breath. Having felt her thrashing around, Damon rolls over and places his hand on her arm. "Everything alright?"

"Dream, bad dream," she gasps breathily.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Damon sits up, pulls her against his chest and drops a kiss to the crown of her head.

"We were doing our routine at the Olympics... I fell on my ass on our final jump. I humiliated us, Damon."

"Elena, it was a dream. And even if one of us does fall, we'll have done our best. We will walk off the ice with our heads held high."

Swallowing thickly, she nods,"You're right. I love you."

"I love you too," he whispers against the soft skin behind her ear. Fully awake and more than aroused, he starts blazing a trail of heat down her neck, his tongue slides slowly along the curve of her breast. She clutches at his shoulders when he eases her back against the bed. Elena focuses on his face as he crawls over her. Her heart bursts at all the love and desire she recognizes in his eyes, it matches her own. Damon brushes her hair from her face and presses his lips to her bare shoulder.

She closes her eyes as he begins a leisurely exploration of her upper body with his lips. When they were still brand new, she remembers how she would always tell him just to shut up and kiss her. When he uses his tongue on her body, though, it makes her feel boneless, he is that good. She realizes that it's always been this way between them, even as he swirls his tongue along the underside of her breast. He's sinfully good at knowing exactly how she wants to be touched.

She runs her fingers through his messy hair, holding him to her for dear life. When he starts to kiss his way down her stomach, lazy and unhurried, her hips surge toward him, as impatient as the rest of her. But Damon is busy, taking his time with her pajama shorts, tugging them down inch by agonizing inch. He watches her the entire time, his lips curved in a sly smile. He knows exactly what he's doing.

"I thought you were in a hurry," she pants, squirming against the mattress.

Even in the dark she can see him wink at her.

"You're just being a tease," she pouts. Shifting up against the pillow, she kicks her bottoms off herself, not caring where they fall and rises to her knees.

At the foot of the bed, Damon eyes her with amusement. "I'm being a tease?" he asks, feigning innocence with that eye thing he does.

"Yes, you are."

He cups her breast then, rubbing his thumb against her nipple so faintly that she can barely feel it.

"I would never," he adds with a quirk of his brow. His amused little expression falls instantly, and she can only laugh at the sober, serious look he shoots her. His touch becomes firmer, and she feels every nerve ding in her body. She slips her fingers beneath his boxer briefs. Her hand closes around him, he's hot and hard and silky against her fingers. As she works him, he throws his head back, eyes slipping shut as he groans.

"Oh, you're right," he moans. "This is so much better than teasing."

She laughs, moving her palm over him a few times before pulling her hand away. He tries to protest but she maneuvers him so he lies back against the pillows and she can finish pulling his boxers down and off of his legs. She glances down at his lap, where his erection juts up proudly. Elena raises a knowing eyebrow.

He laughs, but shakes his head, reaching out to cup her cheek. "You make me happy, happier than I ever imagined."

She smiles, flushing with joy herself. "Sweet talk will get you everywhere."

"There's really only one place I want to get right now."

He scans her body eagerly and she knows that neither of them can wait any longer. She crawls over him, straddling his thighs, and kisses him once more. He's hers and she can do this whenever she wants but she doesn't think she'll ever stop feeling the rightness of his mouth on hers. His lips skip down her cheek, over her jaw and throat until she's sighing breathlessly. He cups her shoulders then, holding her firmly, and presses kisses across her chest and down over her breasts. Her back arches, her head lolls back. It's as if she's freefalling through the air, nothing keeping her bound to earth, no gravity, nothing at all.

He eases her upright again, and she doesn't waste any time tasting the warm sweet skin of his neck and shoulders. There may be a bruise there in the morning, one the shape of her mouth, but that's all right. He is hers. Damon's hand finds its way between her thighs, stroking her tender skin, so close to where she wants him to be, and she loses all focus. Her hips move to his rhythm, slow and deep and she sees white heat and bright stars.

Elena wants him on top. She wants to feel his weight on her, feel him pressing her to the mattress so she can wrap herself around him. So she pulls him down over her, cradling him between her raised knees. It barely takes a heartbeat for him to slide inside her. She has to bite down on her lower lip to keep from crying out. He's so hot and full inside her. Damon doesn't fare as well , he lets out a quiet whimper. He starts moving slowly and deliberately. It feels amazing, so deep that she swears she can feel every inch of him burning inside her body.

"Damon," she urges breathlessly. "Faster. Please?"

She grabs at his hips to coax him forward and whatever shred of self-control he's been clinging to snaps and then he's driving in and out of her like his life depends on it. Elena moves with him, savoring every pull and thrust. She feels pleasure starting to rise and she forces herself to open her eyes so she can see him, to look at his lovely face. Somehow Damon manages to open his too, their gazes locking in wonder at what is burning hot between them. She braces herself, clutching his shoulders, and cries out in ecstasy.

Damon holds himself still through the whole thing, trying to wait her out, but she'll have none of it. She tightens her muscles around him and then he's practically sobbing against her shoulder and she hugs him to her as he rides out the final waves. Several moments pass before he rolls off of her and flings an arm over his face. Neither of them can seem to catch their breath, and when their eyes meet once again, they both slowly bring their mouths together in a precious kiss.

Damon and Elena walk hand in hand into their training rink, Liz is already there working with some of her younger pupils.

On the other side of the rink Mikael Mikaelson is watching his granddaughter. Elena looks up just as Hope completes a beautiful lay back spin. Rebekah is still the bane of her existence but she's been surprisingly quiet recently. When they reach the bottom step, they sit down to put on their skates so they can start working on their routine. Damon has his on first so he skates onto the ice. Elena watches for a few seconds, her belly is queasy and upset. She can't seem to shake off this gnawing feeling she has.

"You okay?" Liz takes the seat beside her, tilting her head just slightly. She knows Elena so well and can easily pick up on her moods. Coach Forbes has known her since she was still in diapers.

"I'm fine, Liz. Just a little tired."

"Okay... if you change your mind, you know I'm always here for you."

"I know," she adds, nodding. When she looks up, Damon is in his element, making wide loops, picking up speed and he jumps, landing it perfectly. He's such a natural on the ice, it's as if he was born with skates on. Elena has had to work her ass off to get where she is but doesn't have any regrets other than the fact that her parents won't be there to see her performing at the Olympics.

She finishes tying her skates and the glides on the ice herself. Although it feels like butterflies are square dancing in her belly, there is not one jerky movement as her skates move fluidly, balancing herself with ease. She holds her arms out at just blow shoulder level, her head forward and her knees bent slightly as she goes into her first jump.

Damon approaches her and takes her hand and they start moving as a team, gracefully across the ice. It's almost as if they're flying. Sometimes Damon feels so free when he's at a rink, all by himself. Sometimes he'll pull his mom out on the ice with him and just tease her, dancing around easily with her. She's very tentative on the ice but she will get on it occasionally for him.

Separately Damon and Elena each bend their left leg, stretching out their right arms. They kick their right legs up so their knees go into the air and then they spin, landing another perfect jump. Then they split, Elena glides backwards and jumps high in the air, looking like angel when she lands. Keeping on her left foot straight and her body free, she spins around in a counter clockwise direction, her chest out, her head and her right knee in the air. Her lay backs are so beautiful, Damon thinks, watching her before he skates towards her.

Damon stretches a little bit and then starts to move again. Using his arms, he starts to pick up speed, he goes into his jump but doesn't get enough of push off the ice, he lands on his ass, immediately grabbing at his leg when intense pain starts to shoot into his groin. Gingerly he gets up to try to shake it off. Glancing around, he sees the concerned look on both Liz and Elena's faces. Having been unable to shake the feeling of dread since her nightmare, Elena feels like she's going to puke. Her heart is pounding when she watches him get up, only to fall down before he even has both legs under him.

Not wanting to worry them, Damon grimaces and starts to move around to build up some speed. When he tries another jump, the pain is too much and he crashes a second time and then a third before Liz demands he gets off of the ice. Seeing him limp, she walks out there to help him while Elena skates over, fear and concern written all over face.


"I'll be fine, I just pulled a muscle."

"But Damon, you couldn't hold your jump."

"Elena, stop. I'm fine. Just keep practicing."


"Elena, relax. I'm going to take him to see Dr. Fell."

"Damon, please, I want to go with you."

He tries to hide his pain as he looks at her but she knows him inside and out by now. Beads of sweat form on his forehead and he feels bile begin to burn in his throat as his belly churns chaotically. His leg hurts but he takes a deep breath to try sublimate it.

Before he can say anything, Liz interrupts, "Elena, put your shoes on, you can come. You look a little green yourself."

She nods vigorously and then quickly skates to the edge of the rink to slip her Converse on. Once Liz has Damon to the bleachers, he sits down, his face screwing up when she helps him remove his skates. As soon as his shoes are on, he stands up, putting one arm around Elena's shoulders and the other arm around Liz. Together they get him outside and into their car.

"I'll be right behind you," Liz tells Elena then pushes the driver's door shut. Elena quickly shifts into gear and speeds out of the parking lot. Damon's eyes grow wide as saucers when he leans over far enough to see the speedometer.

"Elena, slow down before you get us both killed."

"I'm sorry." She brakes gently till she's hovering at the speed limit. Damon can see tears in her eyes which makes him feel about like the lowest form of life on earth.

"Fuck," he utters. Resting his head against the window, he's sick to his stomach that he may have cost them a shot at an Olympic medal. He closes his eyes hoping to keep himself from throwing up.

Elena is pacing back and forth in the exam room, occasionally clutching her belly. Damon is laying on the table with his forearm over his eyes. He raises it from time to time to look at her. he wouldn't need to, hell, he can hear the sound of her shoes going back and forth repeatedly.

"Can you please sit down, Elena. You're making me crazy."

"I'm making you crazy!? Do you have any idea how serious this is?"

"Do you think I don't? Contrary to popular belief, I'm not a blithering idiot."

"I never said that. But we've worked and sacrificed our whole life and now this," she blurts out, turning away from him to wipe her eyes.

"Thanks for making me feel like shit, Elena. You act like I intentionally did this."

"I said nothing of the sort."

"You didn't have to," he adds, covering his face again. Before Elena can respond, Dr. Fell and Liz walk in to the room. Damon raises his head to look at his coach and the doctor.

"You have a grade 2 groin pull, Damon. What I want you to do is apply ice for fifteen to twenty minutes every two hours for the first couple of days. You'll be on crutches for the next several days too which if it isn't obvious, no skating for at least the next seven to ten days. I'm going to get you a compression support that you'll have to wear for the first five days to reduce the swelling. If your pain is better, you can begin some flexibility exercises in a few days."

"Seriously?" Damon mumbles, flopping back on the table, shaking his head in frustration.

"Deadly," Meredith confirms. When you're laying on the couch or in bed, you need to elevate it on at least two pillows. I'm also going to prescribe some anti-inflammatory medication for you along with a muscle relaxant. Take as directed okay?"

"I don't like to take pills. I'm a recovering addict."

"These aren't narcotics, Damon, they're like Advil or Aleve, it's just prescription strength."

"You're sure? I have too much to lose, I can't go down that road again," he admits, his eyes glancing at Elena's for a moment.

"I'm sure. I'm going to get that compression support and then you'll be free to go. I want to see you again next week." She leaves the room, only to return in a few minutes with the support. After Damon slips it on, the nurse gets him a wheelchair along with a prescription for crutches and his medication.

"Damon, I will stop by tomorrow. You do exactly as Meredith said, am I being clear enough for you?" Liz asks, raising an eyebrow at him.

"I'll behave," he mumbles dejectedly. With Liz and Elena walking behind, the nurse pushes him out to the car in the wheelchair.

Rather than go to the store right away, Elena opts to take him home first. Lily is already there when Elena pulls into the driveway. She helps Elena get him into the house and on the couch with his leg elevated. After giving Damon a kiss, Elena leaves to pick up his crutches and medications.

She knows he's still upset with her but she just knew that something was going to happen. Shaking her head, she's upset with herself for making him feel bad, it wasn't her intention but with the Olympics nearing she's a bundle of nerves, swerving from enthusiastic and optimistic to pessimism and even dread.

It's just performance anxiety, she's sure that's all it is. She and Damon completed at world's early this year, winning the silver medal for the USA but it's the Olympic gold medal that everyone covets. That's been her goal since she put on her first pair of ice skates. He has to be ready for the games, he just has to. As soon as she finds a parking spot, she gets out of the car and runs inside the drug store to hand them the scripts.

The pharmacist tells her they're busy today and it'll be at least an hour. "Of course it will," she mumbles under her breath. It's already been a horrid day, why not add another to the long list of things that have gone wrong. Since there's nothing she can do about it, she walks outside and goes across the street to the coffee shop to hurry up and wait.

Elena pulls her hair up into a messy bun. Things have been tense between her and Damon, she hates it but he insists on going to the rink with her everyday, even though he's supposed to be resting. He sits on the bleacher with his leg up, encouraging her which she both loves and hates. After finishing her triple - double combination, she looks just in time to see Damon hobble onto the ice. Blowing out a frustrated puff of air, she skates over to him.

"Damon, please don't take any chances. If you fall again, you may permanently injure yourself. Please?"

He drops his chin to his chest so she won't see him roll his eyes. He's feeling frustrated, guilty and inadequate. In his heart, he knows that she's only trying to help but she's driving him insane with her hovering.

"Because if I fall again, you won't get your precious medal," he snaps, guilt immediately roiling in his belly.

"That's not all of it and you know it. Yes, I want that medal, we've trained our entire lives for this one moment. I don't want to miss it but I don't want you to hurt yourself anymore. Please sit back down."

Having heard and seen everything, Liz urges Damon back to the bleachers. She looks over her shoulder to see Elena practicing hard but she can also see her red eyes. As soon as Damon sits down, Liz sits down beside him.

"Talk to me, what's going on with you two? Are you having relationship problems?"

"She's blaming me for falling. It was just one of those freak things, Liz," he spits out, discreetly looking at his girlfriend who's working out harder than usual. Damon nods his head so Liz can see her too.

"Maybe you two need to take a time out?"

"I love her, Liz."

"I know you love her, she loves you but if you want whatever you two have to last, I think you should give each other a little space," she adds, her voice trailing off when she sees Elena land on her butt. Having seen enough, Liz shakes her head, blows her whistle to get Elena's attention and then skates out to her. "Alright, Elena. That's enough for today or you'll end up on crutches too."

"No, Liz. I have to train for both of us," she says and then starts to skate away before Liz catches up with her and leads her off of the ice. Lily is chatting with Damon by the time they get to the sidelines. Elena has tears in her eyes when she sits down. Damon feels that much worse when he sees them.

Having picked up on the tension between them too, Lily offers to take Damon home to take care of him.

Liz glances from Damon to Elena and finally to his mom. "Lily, I think that's a wonderful idea."

Damon nods reluctantly but he knows she needs space and right now, they're on edge around each other. When his mom stands up, he gets up to follow her out of the building.

"Elena, honey, this is for the best."

"So you're taking his side now. Things aren't all sunshine and unicorns, the first hint of trouble, he runs home to his mother?" Elena looks over her shoulder just as Damon looks back, their eyes meet and he can see that she's upset. She hates it that he's running out on her, on them. Damon hates leaving too but he needs to be able to rest and think. He won't be able to with her mood swings and her hovering.

"Elena, that's not true. You two are eating each other alive, you both can use some space."

"So you're giving him the okay to run away now?"

"Elena," Liz starts laying her hands on her shoulders. "Chill. I'm not on anyone's side, I'm Switzerland. You're miserable, he's miserable. I know you love each other but sometimes couples need a break too."

"Fine, Liz. I'm going home. I'll see you tomorrow."

Liz nods and watches her leave. Sighing heavily, she turns around just in time to see one of other pupils attempting a jump. Frustrated herself, she throws her arms in the air and then skates towards the girl.

A couple of days pass, Damon and Elena don't see each other. He's got an appointment with Meredith and is working out with a physical therapist to get himself back in top physical condition. He knows the medal is important to her, hell, it's important to him too. He wants to win for his father, he raises his eyes, hoping that somehow his old man is looking down on him. Perhaps his mother is too. Although it's better than nothing, he hates having to communicate with Elena only by phone and text, he misses her terribly, he just wishes he knew where they stand with each other.

When he gets the okay to put on his skates, he walks into the rink with his skates hanging around his neck. He pauses looking around till he sees her. God, he misses her. Before he puts his skates on, he gingerly walks down the stairs and onto the ice with his shoes, not stopping till he comes face to face with her. When she drops her eyes, he reaches over, raising her chin with two fingers so she has to look at him.

"We've got work to do, Elena."

"Can you? Work I mean?"

"Yep, come on, let's practice.

Elena looks at him rather suspiciously while he puts his skates on but takes his hand when he glides over to her. They start to skate around when Liz turns on some music for them. Taking both of her hands in his, he skates backwards pulling her along with a few stylish moves. Speeding up, he latches onto her waist, spinning her with finesse. Elena can't deny that he seems to be okay. He takes her hand, together they do their fancy foot routine then they begin to move skate faster and when he raises her up, it's into a press lift. Instinctively trusting him, she spreads her arms, the two of them forming a graceful picture on the ice.

"Damon put me down, it's too much."

"I told you that I was given permission to come back."

"Were you given permission to go all out? Shouldn't you take it slow?"

"What do you want from me, Elena? First you want this and then you want that. It's like you're bipolar. I can't seem to do anything right."

Feeling her emotions getting the best of her, Elena stares at him for a few minutes, her eyes glass over and then she skates off the ice and runs into the women's bathroom. As soon as she comes out, Liz calls them both over to have a word.

"Whatever is going on with you two needs to stop. This is exactly what I warned you two about, the need to keep your personal and professional lives separate. Otherwise there will be no chance to succeed. I'm many things but I'm not a fool. I know something is going on that has nothing to do with Damon's injury. Now what is it?"

"I'm nervous all the time. I'm worried about Damon. Is he really supposed to be going all out already?"

"I talked to Meredith myself, Elena."

Elena sighs. Damon steps back and starts doing some warm up routines. She watches him, her mouth parting indignantly when she sees Rebekah close in on him. She's even more upset when Damon starts laughing at whatever she said. With a roll of his eyes, he skates away from her. It's then that Rebekah skates lazily over to where Elena is standing.

"Boy troubles?" Rebekah taunts, popping her bubble gum.

"Damon and I are just fine," Elena spits, glowering at the vixen.

"Sure you are," she winks and then skates to the other side of the rink where her father is standing. Damon looks around just in time to see Elena stalking off the ice. She sits down on the bench and removes her skates. Dropping her face into her hands, she tries to breathe through the sick feeling in her stomach. Feeling a hand on her shoulder, she looks up.

"You okay?"

"I don't know, Damon. I don't feel good. My head hurts and my stomach is upset. I think I'm just going to go home and take a nap."

"Are you getting sick?" He puts his palm over her forehead to check her temperature, she's not hot but she does feel clammy.

"I don't think so. I'm leaving that way I won't interrupt you and Rebekah."

Before Damon can get a word in, she stuffs her skates in her gym bag and runs out, holding her stomach with one hand. Damon stands there with his mouth agape for about thirty seconds before he chases after her. He can't run with his leg but he goes as fast he can, reaching the parking lot just as she pulls onto the street.

"Son of a bitch!" He goes back inside to get his stuff and then he jumps in his own car to go after her. Rebekah means nothing to him, she was never more than an easy lay back when he was popping pills and walking around in a stupor most of the time. He reaches their place, parks the car and goes inside. He finds her in the bathroom, losing her lunch. He quickly pulls her hair away from her face with one hand while moistening a washcloth with the other to put on the back of her neck.

"Elena, come on, let's get you to bed." He helps her stand up, hands her a toothbrush and once she finishes, he pulls out a pair of pajamas and tucks her in. He drops a quick kiss to her forehead then pulls the door closed when he leaves the room. He makes himself a bed on the couch should she need something, fatigue soon lulls him to sleep.

Damon wakes up, stretching his limbs, he grimaces a bit cause his leg is still sore but it's a far side better than it was. After laying there for a few more minutes, he gets up. He looks at the clock and sees that it's nearly noon. He quickly grabs his phone to text Liz that Elena is sick so they're staying home today. He chuckles when she sends him the sick emoji back along with a note that they better be on time the next morning. After assuring her that they'll be there tomorrow, he peeks in on Elena. He smiles when he sees that she's still sound asleep. As quietly as he can steps over to the bedside and just looks at her. She's so beautiful both inside and out. He knows that he's the luckiest man in the world. Damon touches two fingers to his lips and then ever so wispily, he presses them against her cheek before leaving the room to make her some soup.

A little while later, he returns to her place after making a quick trip to the grocery store to get the ingredients he needs. Luckily his mom taught him how to cook, telling him more than once that it impresses the ladies. He's busy chopping carrots when two arms wrap around his waist, her head pressed between his shoulder blades. "Hey," she mumbles through her yawn. "What are you making?"

"I am making you some chicken noodle soup."

He turns around and brushes a kiss to the crown of her head. He smiles at her when she looks up at him.

"We have to get to practice."

"Relax, I told Liz that you were sick."

"Damon, we need to practice."

"We also need to talk." He pulls out a chair to tell her to sit down. Damon stirs the soup, then pulls a cup out of the cupboard and pours her some orange juice and slides it in front of her. He takes the seat across from her and reaches his arms across to squeeze her hands.

"I love you, Elena. I know we've been a little short and distant with each other but you need to know how much I love you. Whether we win a medal or not is immaterial to me. Having you in my life means more to me than any medal could. I know it's important to you, it's important to me too and yes, I want it but not as much as I want you. And lastly, you know Rebekah means nothing to me, right?"

"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry Damon. I really didn't mean to make you feel like I was blaming you for getting hurt. I've just been edgy lately with the games getting closer. You're right, our relationship is more important than any medal but you're also right in that I want it. We've been working our whole lives for this moment. Win or lose, I want to leave the ice with the satisfaction that we did our best."

"That's what I want too, Elena. I love you so much."

"I love you too, Damon," she starts to say, covering her mouth when she yawns again.

"Alright, let's get you back to bed."

Nodding, she yawns again, taking Damon's hand, she follows him to their room where he tucks her in with a kiss. He starts to leave, pausing at the doorway, he smiles at her, pulls the door closed and goes back to the kitchen to finish his soup.

Damon and Elena have been working their asses off. Tomorrow they'll all get on the plane to fly to the Olympic venue. They're both nervous and excited, practicing sun up to sun down almost everyday.

Hearing Liz's whistle, he offers her his hand, she stares at him for a moment before latching on. Their eyes meet just as the music starts and Damon leads her gracefully into a series of spins and lifts. Although he's trying to stay focused on what he's doing, sometimes he loves her so much that it's hard. He pulls her in close, their bodies touching as if they were part of a beautiful symphony not of words but of balletic type movements. As they near the end of the program, they build up speed, finish with a jump and then a death spiral that they perform flawlessly.

Liz starts clapping. "Great job." She glances down at her wrist watch. "Why don't you guys change, lunch is on me."

They're both panting and out of breath so they just nod and then skate off the ice, quickly slipping on their sweats and athletic shoes. The three of them walk across the street to the little café. They have the best food. The waitress seats them, fills their water glasses and hands them each a menu.

"I think I'm going to have a hot beef sandwich," Damon says aloud, his nose still perusing the menu.

"That does sound good, I'll have the same. What about you, Elena?"

"I'm going to have the chicken noodle soup. It just sounds good." She sets the menu down then picks up her water glass to have a drink.

"It's medicine. You started to feel better after I made you some."

"You know when I was pregnant with Caroline, chicken noodle soup was the only thing I could keep in my stomach."

Elena's eyes grow wide and she nearly spits out her water, instead she starts coughing, having sucked some of the liquid down the wrong pipe. Damon gently pats her back. When she can finally breathe, she excuses herself to use the bathroom. After washing her hands and face, she stares at herself in the mirror.

It can't be true, she's been on the pill the whole time. This could ruin everything.

Butterflies take fight in her belly and she feels nauseous all over again, barely reaching the toilet before she loses what's left of the breakfast that she ate hours ago. Her legs are a bit unsteady but she rinses her mouth out and then goes back out to join them, just as the waitress shows up to take their orders.

"You okay, babe?" Damon asks after the waitress walks off.

Although she's a bundle of nerves inside, she assures him that she's good. They eat their lunch and then go back to the rink to finish practicing. Liz lets them out early to get a goodnight's sleep since they have to catch their plane tomorrow morning. Holding her hand, Damon leads her to his car, opening the door for her. On the way home, they stop by Lily's house to say hello. He and Elena have to take the plane with the other athletes but she's coming along with Elena's aunt and uncle next week before the ice skating competition begins.

Stepping into the house, he tells Elena to sit down while he looks for his mom. He finds her in the kitchen baking some rhubarb bars. "Hi mom."

Turning around, Lily smiles and walks over to him. She pinches his cheeks and kisses his forehead just like she's always done. Sometimes Damon wishes that she would have found another man so she didn't have to be by herself. He worries about her now that he's living with Elena. He does call her everyday though and he stops over a couple times a week. She's been his mother since he was an infant, even though they're not related by blood, she's always, always been his mom. He loves her so much and he knows without her support, he never would have been able to beat his drug habit. She was there with him through the worst of it.

"Where's Elena?"

"She's in the living room. I think she's a little nervous about tomorrow cause she's been pretty quiet since lunch."

"It's early yet, why don't you run to the store and get some vanilla ice cream. It will be good with the bars. Can you stay for supper?"

"We're all packed, we just need to get to the airport on time."

Lily smiles and reaches into the cookie jar to give him some cash for the ice cream. He shakes it off, kisses her cheek and goes out through the back door. Lily takes off her apron and goes to see Elena. Lily is surprised to see her eyes puffy when she looks up. She hurries over and sits down beside her.

"What's the matter, sweetheart?"

"Oh Lily, I.. it's nothing, I'm just tired. All my life I've been training for the Olympics and we're almost there."

Damon's mom pulls Elena into her arms and rocks her gently. "Are you sure that's all it is?"

"I'm positive."

"Have you talked to Damon?"

"Uh, uh," she shakes her head no. "I don't want to worry him."

"He's not here, I sent him out to get some ice cream."

"That sounds good."

"Alright, sweetheart. Try not to worry about it. You have a lot on your plate the next couple of weeks."

"We do...,"

"We do what?" Damon asks, walking into the house with a brown paper bag.

"Have a lot going on. Now give me that ice cream and you can set the table."

"Yes, mam." He mock salutes his mom, gives Elena kiss and then follows Lily to the kitchen. He looks over his shoulder, winking at Elena before disappearing through the door.

Damon and Elena are sitting with Lily, Liz, and Jenna to watch team USA hockey. Damon is holding her hand, occasionally looking down at her and smiling. She doesn't miss how he rubs his leg from time to time. She feels her nerves beginning to erupt in her belly. "Does you leg hurt?"

"It aches a little. It's fine, Elena. We'll be fine."

"You sure you're okay?"

"I'm positive. He leans over, placing his lips against her ear. "Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm good, really good." She turns to face him, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. The crowd erupts in applause but they're oblivious to it as they stare at each other. The day after tomorrow is their long program, right now they're one tenth of a point behind the leaders. Damon would prefer to be in the lead but he's confident that they can still win the gold if they give it their best performance. When the hockey game is over, they say goodnight to their family and head back to their dorms. He kisses her fiercely on the lips then a quick drop to her nose.

Damon can't help but notice the uneasy look on Elena's face. "What's going on, babe?"

"We need to talk."

"Okay?" He takes her hand and walks her to the stairwell. It's empty and dim. They sit on the top step facing each other. "What is it, Elena?"

She drops her eyes to her lap. Damon reaches over and raises her chin with a gentle hand. When he sees hers are glistening, his heart starts to stampede against his chest. "Talk to me."

"I'm.. we're pregnant."

Damon's eyes widen to the size of saucers and his mouth drops open. He wordlessly opens and closes it a couple of times before he can finally form a sentence. "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. I took a test."

"Have you been to a doctor?"

"No, I just took the drugstore one."

"Oh, Elena," he whispers. Sliding over, he pulls her onto his lap. "I love you. We'll be fine but I think we should withdraw. I don't want to do anything that might jeopardize our child."

"Do you mean that?"

"Of course I do. Nothing is more important than you and our potential baby, assuming the test was correct."

"I love you, Damon, so much. We don't have to drop out, I'm not the first pregnant athlete to perform in the Olympics. No one has to know till afterwards."

"Are you sure, Elena?"

"I'm positive."

"God, I love you." Damon cradles her face with his palms and kisses her long hard and deep. When they pull apart, both of their chests are heaving. Just as Damon moves to drop his mouth to hers once more, they hear footsteps and giggling. He rolls his eyes and helps her to stand. After pulling the stairwell door open, he wraps his arm around her shoulders and walks her back to her room. He gives her one more kiss before backing out of her doorway and retreating into his own across the hall.

They're standing in the wings, waiting their turn as the couple from Japan skate through the last minute of their long program. Damon's hands are clammy and his belly is fluttering. He's nervous about their lifts and throws. When he feels her fingers linking with his, he smiles down at her. All he has to do is look into those deep brown pools to know everything will be alright.

They smile as the other couple leaves the ice. As soon as their scores are announced, Damon and Elena skate onto the ice and get into position. They make their first moves when their music, The main theme from "Free Willy" by Basil Poledouris begins to play.

With adrenaline burning through their veins like a wildfire, they gracefully stretch out their arms as they begin to pick up speed so they can complete their move, a spiral sequence with Elena gliding in a catch-foot position and Damon in arabesque. It has beautiful lines. Then they split and skate backwards, performing a quad twist. Damon launches Elena into the air, catching her when she comes down. They skate gracefully, their arm and leg movements in perfect synchronization with each other.

Continuing, Damon picks her up and throws Elena over his back in an acrobatic move, helping her down, a triple toe loop following immediately after. With precise synchronicity, they move into position and make a side by side triple salchow. The crowd is in awe, clapping wildly with each jump they land perfectly. A hand-to-hand-lift with an overhead rotational with release to one-hand hold and then he gracefully puts her down.

Elena smiles widely when they move together in a pairs spin, their backs as straight as they can be, their posture and lines beautiful. Their program is in the last minute but they still have a couple of big jumps to execute. Side by side they skate hard and build up speed and then they do side by side flips landing perfectly and immediately afterwards, they do a double axel, their program culminating in a gorgeously executed death spiral. As soon as the music stops, the audience erupts in wild applause, whistles and horns. Flowers are thrown onto the ice. Elena and Damon hug before they skate over to the sidelines to wait for their scores.

Damon's heart is chugging like a freight train. Liz sits down beside him and hands him a bottle of water. He takes a big swallow then gives it to Elena. Her hand is splayed over her tummy, she looks a little green. He leans over to kiss her neck, he feels her pulse beating like a humming bird beneath his lips. Although he wants so much more, he can't while they're in public so he gives her a wink and sits upright again. She shoots him a beaming smile.

When the numbers flash across the screen, Damon wraps Elena in his arms, squeezes her tight and brushes a kiss to the top of her head. They did it, they won the Olympic Gold Medal. It's the culmination of years of hard work and practice.

Turning around, Damon smiles and waves when he sees his mom. She's cheering wildly along with Jenna. After the program, they stand on the podium for the medal ceremony. Both have tears in their eyes when the medals are draped around their necks. Once the anthem is played, they step down and wave at the audience.

As they're about to leave the arena, they're pulled over by a reporter to ask them about their future plans. "Congratulations Damon and Elena. You were both brilliant out there this evening."

"Thank you, it was intense."

"Now that you've won Olympic gold, will you stay competitive or turn pro?"

Damon winks at Elena and squeezes her hand. "We haven't really thought much about it yet. The excitement is still so new. But I can tell you that our immediate plans are to be gold medal parents."

They don't answer anymore questions, instead, Damon gives her sweltering kiss then he takes her hand, they join their families and walk out of the arena to start the next chapter of their lives.

I never thought I'd add a chapter to this story. I had some requests so we decided to revisit this Damon and Elena.

Thank you Eva, again for helping me write this story. You're amazing and brilliant and I'm so lucky to have you as my partner.

Thank you all for everything. I hope you all enjoyed this. We'd love to hear your thoughts.

Chapter title: 'Five Rings' is meant to represent the Olympic symbol, the five interlocking rings.

I did update 'Eyes Without a Face' yesterday.

Bar something unforeseen, I plan to post the first chapter of "I'll Be Seeing You" later this week: On a train bound for Mystic Falls, Elena meets Damon, a soldier on leave for the holidays. The pair are attracted to each other and in the warm atmosphere of the Christmas season friendship blossoms into romance. But with each having secrets... will their pasts deny them a future, one that may or may not come?

Be safe and have a fantastic day. We'll see you in a couple of days.