Hey, fellow readers! It is finally time for the curtain call! While this story was short, it's mainly to set up what's to come in the future.

Also, fun fact, if you add the chapters up including the outdated dream preview and the redone preview, you get a total of 13, which is one of this series' favorite numbers.

Another fun fact, someone actually made a tropes page of this story. You'll find it in the Kingdom Hearts fanworks page in the fanfiction folder if you want to check it out.

Now, let us escape to the light!

Epilogue: Nightmare Ends, Adventure Begins


The one who called out his friend's name is a young boy with spiky brown hair along with interesting attire that has big yellow shoes among other features. The boy looked on as a girl, now named Kairi, turned around with a sad face.


Right after she said that, the door behind her flung open as a dark wind howled throughout the cave, sending her off her feet. The boy, now named Sora, reached out to grab her, only for her to disappear. He was confused, but only for a moment as he sees three adults fly out of the door with a swarm of dark creatures pushing them, him getting caught up as well out of the cave.

The four landed on the sand outside, the storm becoming stronger as the island breaks apart. Sora looked around to see what remained as the others got up to their feet, the swarm from earlier surrounding the floating land with a giant humanoid creature standing across from them.

"Oh come on! Can't catch a break!" The one in the red coat shouted.

"Not this world too!" The other man shouted as he sees what has happened.

"...Why?" The woman muttered to herself from the chaos.

"Who are you guys?!" Sora called out, getting their attention. The woman was the first to react, gasping upon seeing him.

"Wait, you're-"

"Look out!" The red coated man warned, making sure the others move out of a flying fist's path. The four got behind cover nearby a tree.

"OK, introductions. I'm Ragna, he's Terra, she's Aqua." The coated man, now named Ragna, said as he points to who's who.

"N-Name's Sora." Sora returned after a moment, "Do you know what's happening?"

"These creatures are no doubt here to destroy this world like the ones I saw in the Realm of Darkness." Aqua answered with, sadness in her voice.

"Right now, we got to try stopping this one from the same fate!" Terra stated.

"First, we need to split to deal with these monsters." Ragna said before turning to Sora, "Can you fight?"

"Yeah, with this." To the surprise of the trio, he actually summoned a keyblade to his hand! "I got it recently, but it proved to be effective against these guys."

"Good to know. You and Terra got the big guy, me and Aqua will handle the swarm." Ragna ordered.

Once everyone got their weapons ready, the four got out of cover and ran separately to their opponents as the giant saw them and swung its fist at the group. Terra held his ground to block the attack, the fist connecting with his keyblade, but not budging him a bit. Sora took the opportunity to jump on the arm, running up to the head as the humanoid tries to knock him off with its other hand. Cutting it close, Sora dived off the side to avoid the hand and slashed the shoulder before falling to the ground.

Terra takes the time during that to charge at the legs, delivering a small slashing combo before using a powerful spiral finish. The humanoid felt this, but only stumbled back as it retaliated with a palm strike, Terra jumping back to dodge as the impact made the ground shake.

Ragna and Aqua felt that as the swarm circled around the ruined island, only coming in for a quick flight pass them just out of slashing range. It tried to fly straight towards them, only for Aqua to have a charged up Fire spell at the ready, firing it dead on with an explosion on contact. It did damage, but the swarm powered through, only dropping a few of its own on the ground, which Ragna easily took care of.

"We gotta bring it closer!" He called out.

Aqua nodded and quickly climbed the tree to the top, firing off a Thunder spell to get the swarm's attention. It darted towards her, Aqua jumping when it closed the gap to hop on the enemy. The creatures tried to jump her as she ran on it, slashing the stray ones as Ragna ran up the tree to join. She then switched places with him, Ragna plunging his sword right into the swarm and dragging it along as he ran down it, reaching the end with Aqua on standby. Grabbing his hand, she used the momentum of her Doubleflight and threw him at the swarm at the peak as it came back around.

Stabbing on the landing, the swarm flew up high towards the giant sphere as Aqua unleashed her Prism Rain, damaging the ends as Ragna smirked after realizing where the swarm was heading. He then performed a short leap sideways after removing his sword to perform one of his signatures, Nightmare Edge. The colored orbs of light had reached at half the length of the swarm before ending by the time Ragna zoomed past with his sword, ripping the pillar of creatures in half. By the time he reached the tail, the remains of the swarm were too close for the sphere's gravitational range as it sucked the creatures in.

Ragna landed on the ground as Aqua came up, "You were cutting it close there."

"No kidding, any closer and I would have joined them." Ragna agreed.

The two checked on Terra and Sora, only to see them hardly breaking a sweat as the humanoid channeled energy in its hollow hole.

"Now!" Terra shouted.

The two charged in, slashing at the knees to disrupt the attack. The energy became unstable as the creature roared in pain, energy firing everywhere as the four tried their best to dodge and block the blasts. It then slammed its hands into the ground, the sand going flying in the air to make the four cover their eyes. The humanoid pulled, ripping out some energy in the form of a sphere in its palm. It then channeled more energy from its own being, making the four confused.

"What's it trying to do?" Ragna asked.

"My guess, it might be its last resort." Terra answered.

"Which leaves it open!" Sora called out, charging in.

"Wait, Sora!" Aqua warned, running after him.

However, Sora failed to notice the humanoid starting to fade as the sphere glowed more intensely.

"It's a suicide attack! Get out of there!" Ragna yelled out.

Upon hearing that, Sora realized that and tried running back, only to hear an explosion behind him. In slow motion, the shockwave knocked him off his feet as he got surrounded by a barrier, the others also getting a barrier protecting them as the explosion totaled the island. The debris getting sucked in with the four getting carried away up to the giant sphere above.

Battle Theme: Vs. Darkside and Demon Swarm: Night of Fate (Great song!)


*clears throat* Sorry, got carried away there. Anyways, we hit the finale and here is where we ended at. Since we're here, I'll answer those questions.

I honestly felt like I ran out of interesting ideas without having to use more of the game's story.

I thought about how the heartless gets to a world from the Realm of Darkness, so my guess is that they open a portal near the edge that bridges the two sides, and that bridge is the Dark Margin.

Since the original took place during KH1, I changed it to the beginning... because yes.

Now, what am I gonna do with this? Well, that's for me to know and you guys to read! I'm transforming this into an official series, continuing with the next installment:

Key of Light!

So, I thank all of you for enjoying this story and hope you stick around for the sequel. Thanks for reading!