Hello, fellow readers! As you read the title, you question as to why? Basically, I made this to apologize. Why now? Well...

I realized that views don't matter if there are readers who want to enjoy a story be turned away by first impressions. Let me explain:

1. I made the first preview on a spur of the moment, as I usually do on new ideas. I learned to control this habit by focusing on one series at a time, by force if I have to, but it doesn't affect my love of writing. I want to continue this series to... well, prove myself that I can write compelling arcs with believable development.

2. Kingdom Hearts was one of the first games I played that sparked my love for crossovers. I remembered when I first played this, powering through until a certain boss told me I had to give back a heart to proceed. No joke, I tried so many times to defeat him that I came to the conclusion that he was the FINAL boss and figured I seen everything, skipping ahead to the sequel. Yes, I jumped to 2 instead of COM... I was so confused. Anyways, long story short, I learned the hard way to go in order.

3. As to why I chose Blazblue for this, I honestly thought it would be funny to take two confusing stories and make them one that makes sense... that's all I got. Don't get me wrong, I like story in fighting games as it makes me invested in the characters (Ex. Soul Calibur), but they could have made it less head-scratching. A friend of mine told me about some of the plot points in the games and I compared it to Kingdom Hearts, which led to this.

4. Once I made the preview, I went off for awhile. To sum it up, I was more of a daydreamer back then. I think of the ideas, write it down, and that's that. But, as I explain next chapter, my interest ignited once more and here we are.

Anyways, if you had read this chapter before and willingly kept going, I greatly appreciate your support. But, if you had read and went back, I understand. My writing then and my writing now is different, changed through time as this story reached into another. You'll notice some things I still did, such as shouting out moves, but they dwindled.

So, thanks for reading this and again, I apologize for my ignorance. Please, if you were turned away before, I would like for you to read the proper story before deciding.

For now, see ya later!