Translated to English by MissQuestions-LaAmazingNabo.

This fanfic ends here. Thank you all for your favorites, follows and reviews, they have encouraged me a lot during the time I have been publishing this story. My third story is being translated in this moment, but it will be a while until I start uploading it.

I don't have a beta reader for this story, so if you find mistakes, please, contact me.


The Legend of Zelda series and its characters are property of Nintendo.

Bonus Chapter
The captain of the guard and the Desert King

It was a big day for the kingdom of Hyrule, everyone in Castle Town had gathered around the castle, eagerly. Several hours had passed since news of Her Majesty, the queen, had started labor, and everyone wanted to be the first to see the future heir to the throne.

Strong steps echoed in one of the castle's hallways. The king of Hyrule paced back and forth, nervous, not straying far from the door of the room in which his wife was at the moment, room from where painful shouts came continuously.

"You should calm down, Your Majesty," a voice said, approaching the king. "Your steps can be heard throughout the hall; I am certain that they do not help your wife's labor."

The king stopped at last and turned towards his friend.

"Líon, how many times have I told you not to be so formal when alone?" the king said, frowning. "We've been friends for years."

"It's been I while since I lost count, Gustav," Líon replied with a cheeky smile. "Any news?"

"No, they don't want to tell me anything."

King Gustav began to pace again. As Líon was about to stop him once more, a loud cry was heard. The door opened and a middle-aged woman came out.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty," the woman said with a grin. "Your wife has brought you a healthy and precious girl."

Líon watched as His Majesty hurried into the room. With a smile, he soon followed. He knew all too well the feeling that now overwhelmed his friend, he had passed through this situation a year prior, when the goddesses gifted him with an adorable boy.

He entered the room and saw the king holding the girl in his arms and the queen lying in bed, exhausted by the effort. They both seemed very happy of the little bundle they had received from the heavens. He approached the king and observed the baby. She had her fist clutched tightly and a mark could be clearly seen in the back of her right hand, the unmistakable mark of the Triforce.

"She has the mark," he told the king.

"Indeed, just as expected. The Triforce of Wisdom has been passed down my family for generations, the last had been my late mother, and now my little Zelda."

"Zelda?" Líon said, not surprised by the choice. "You plan on following with tradition?"

Gustav simply smiled.

He walked, making way through a crowd that was returning home. His Majesty, king Gustav, had already presented the small princess Zelda before his people and now they were all returning to the warmth of their homes. It wasn't long before Líon reached his, it was located in the northern part of Castle Town, near the castle.

When he went in and closed the door, he felt something lean on his leg, tugging his trousers.

"Papa," he heard.

He looked down and saw his year-old son holding on to him, smiling. The boy was blond and had blue eyes, like him. He smiled and leaned down to hold him up.

"Hello, Link," he said after giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Did you miss papa?"

"How was your day?" asked Elana, his wife, as she approached them.

Holding his son with one arm, he hugged Elana with the other and gave her a quick peck on her lips.

"Did you see the presentation?" he asked while he watched his wife prepare the table for dinner.

"No, we couldn't go," she said regretfully. "I couldn't find a way to have Link leave his gloves on. He's been rubbing the back of his left hand everywhere all afternoon, I think it itches him."

Líon took Link's hand and observed it. There wasn't anything wrong in its back, just the Triforce mark, as usual. He still remembered what he felt when he saw that mark on his newborn son: worry and fear. He knew that mark was dangerous, Gustav had told him many times of it. He also knew the legends about the Triforce, the wars and conflicts to get a hold of it. He knew that the world was plagued of dangerous people who longed for it, people who wouldn't hesitate to go after his child if they discovered him, kill him even. But Líon wasn't going to allow it, he would do anything to protect Link, he would give his life if necessary.

"It's been a while since the last time you brought Link," Gustav said as he saw him come in with his son in arms and next to Elana.

"I wanted him to meet the princess," Líon said with a smile. "Perhaps they become friends and everything."

The king smiled and approached them.

"Hello, Link," he said, taking one of his hands. "You've grown since last time. Will you come with Uncle Gustav?"

Gustav stretched his arms to hold him but Link turned his back on him and held on to his father's neck. Líon chuckled.

"I feel wounded," he said in a dramatic tone.

"Do not worry, Majesty, he does the same to me," Elana assured him. "When he is in his father's arms, he does not want to be with anyone else."

Gustav's chuckles were heard throughout the room. He stroked Link's hair and motioned them to follow him. He led them through the castle's halls until they reached a room. Inside, the queen had Zelda in her arms, who wouldn't stop crying, and was giving her little pats on her back.

"I don't know what is wrong with her," the queen said as she saw them come in. "She's been crying for a while and I don't know why. She does not want to eat, does not want to sleep, and she has just been changed. I do not know what else to do."

"May I hold her?" said Elana.

"Go ahead."

The queen handed Zelda over Elana's arms in hope that she could do something. But she kept crying. Líon came towards them with Link in still in arms. As they stood next to them, his son extended his arm, trying to touch the baby. Líon leaned so he could do it and watched in wonder how the girl stopped crying once Link's little hand touched hers. The children's eyes met and little Zelda smiled as she saw him. Link giggled.

"We're going to have to bring Link every time Zelda cries," the king said, laughing.

Líon was astonished by how easy it had been to leave Link. Normally it was a hassle to make him let go, but the boy was so keen on little Zelda that he practically didn't notice that his father was leaving.

He was with Gustav in his study at this moment. The king had told him that he wanted to talk to him about a subject in private, one of utmost importance.

"I've been thinking about something ever since Zelda was born," said Gustav. "I hope you find it well."

"What's it about?"

"I know Zelda is still a baby, but there will come a day in which she will have to take a very important decision regarding her future. Being a princess, it's important that she finds a suitable husband in a not so faraway future."

"What does that have to do with me, Gustav?" Líon asked, confused.

"More than you imagine, my friend," he replied with a small laugh. "I would like to engage her with your son."

Líon was taken aback by that proposition. He had left his family behind years ago to precisely avoid that kind of compromise and he didn't want to force his son to something like that, he wanted him to choose his future for himself when he had the right age.

"I know what you're thinking, Líon, but think of it this way. They are not going to be strangers, they're going to play, they'll grow up together; they'll be good friends and maybe even come to fall in love."

He kept silent, meditating over the king's words.

"Your son will be a good man, I know, he's going to be like you, good, generous, polite with everyone, that is the kind of man I want for my daughter. My gut tells me that they are going to get along well. This way I won't have to marry her to a complete stranger," Gustav paused. "Think about it."

He sighed and cracked a smile. He had also known the moment he saw Link interact with Zelda that they would be good friends, perhaps something more.

"All right," he relented. "But on one condition," he waited for Gustav to nod. "If, when the time comes, either of them disagrees, I want the engagement to be cancelled. I don't want them to be forced."

"I think that's reasonable," the king said with a smile.

He had been feeling unease pressing against his chest for months. He knew someone was watching them, and he didn't know why. Since Link's birth three years ago, him and Elana had been very careful to hide their son's mark, not even Gustav knew of it, but apparently, someone had found out.

There was a possibility that it was all his imagination, but he didn't want to run that risk, they had to get Link out of Castle Town quickly, even if it meant to leave his position as the castle guard's captain. Elana agreed with him and they both agreed to live to a quieter and isolated place, at Ordon village.

"And what about the engagement?" Gustav asked.

"It still stands, of course," Líon said with a reassuring smile. "When he reaches nine, we'll bring him back so that they can get to know each other well."

The king struggled to assimilate that decision, not only for Zelda's future, but also because he wouldn't be seeing his friend in a long time. Finally, he accepted.

Link crossed the town at full speed. A huge grin adorned his face and he was holding something in hands very tightly. He went inside his house quickly and approached his mother.

"Look, mama," he said opening his hands. "Mrs. Agnes gave them to me, she says it's a small preview of my birthday present."

He had a small bag, he opened it and showed her its contents.

"Oh, so much candy!" Elana exclaimed with a big smile. "I suppose you thanked her, right?"

"Yes," he replied, nodding energetically.

"That's the way I like it," she congratulated him, ruffling his hair. "Why don't you check to see if papa is coming? I still have to finish preparing everything for your birthday party."

With a smile, Link ran out of the house.

It was Link's ninth birthday and they made him a party that night to which the whole town would assist. It was his last birthday in Ordon, so everyone wanted to go.

He received lots of presents that night, but, without a doubt, the one he liked the most was his father's. When he opened the present, he could not believe it, it was a real sword, much shorter and of suitable size for him, but made of metal and not wooden like the others he had had until now.

"Soon you'll be a man, Link," his father said. "It's time you had your own sword. I've trained you since you were little, you have lots of talent, I know you will use it well."

"Thank you, papa."

Setting the sword aside, he lunged at his father and hugged him.

They had left their life in Ordon behind to return to Castle Town. Líon hoped that, with all this time that passed since they abandoned the capital, the danger over Link would have disappeared. They had left early that morning, at dawn. They moved slowly, for they traveled heavily, but they hoped to get out of Faron Woods soon. Link was riding in front of him, like every time they went on horse. He had not lost his attachment to his father through the years, he had even expressed more than once that he wanted to be like him, something that filled Líon with pride and satisfaction.

He stopped his horse, he began to notice something strange. It seemed like a dark and hostile presence. He didn't like this, what if they had been found?

"What's wrong?" he heard his wife ask.

Líon got off his horse, grabbed Link and took him with his mother, seating him in front of her.

"Stay with mama, Link."

"Líon…" Elana said worriedly.

Líon made a gesture to show her to be quiet. He heard the sound of a horse's hooves, someone was coming.

Soon they saw a shadow emerge from among the trees. It was a tall and robust man, redheaded, dressed in black armor and mounted on top of an enormous black horse. Líon didn't like this man, he oozed of wickedness.

"At last I find you," he said, staring at Link. "I've been looking for him for years. The spirits hadn't made this easy."

The man laughed. It was an arrogant laugh and full of malice.

"Who are you?" Líon said in a threatening tone.

"My name is Ganondorf," the man replied as he got off his horse.

"The gerudo king?"

Líon was stunned. What was this desert man doing there? He looked at Link worriedly. It was clear that he was looking for the Triforce. He had heard rumors about that man, they say that he was a cruel and ambitious man.

"I prefer to be called by my tittle as the Desert King," he said with a laugh.

His gaze full of fury, Líon drew his blade, he would not let anyone lay a finger on his son.

"Líon!" Elana exclaimed.

"Don't worry," he tried to calm her. "I'll deal with him."

"A useless effort, if I may say so," Ganondorf said with an arrogant smile.

The desert man also drew his sword and lunged against Líon, who had gone ahead, away from his family.

He had to recognize that this man was strong, too strong, in all his years as a member of the guard he had never gone against a man like this. In that moment, he regretted letting himself slack so much these last years, Ordon's peaceful lifestyle made that he wouldn't train with much frequency as before.

He couldn't win, he knew that, but wasn't going to let that man touch Link. Ganondorf was making him step back, he couldn't stop him.

"Run!" he yelled. "Get Link out of here, quickly."

Just before he felt his adversary's sword sink in his stomach, he saw Elana flee at full speed with Link, who called to him with tears in his eyes. Before his life faded completely, he looked at the sky and prayed a last prayer; he begged the goddesses to protect his son.

"Papa! Papa!" Link shouted.

He had seen how that man's sword had gone through his father. He wanted go to him, to help him, but his mother wouldn't let him. They rode at full speed, nonstop.

"Please, mama! Let me go with papa!" he begged.

"I'm sorry, Link, but I can't let you," she apologized with tears in her eyes. "I have to protect you."

Link gripped his mother's shirt tightly and buried his face in her chest, crying.

Suddenly, he heard a buzz and noticed that his mother was leaning towards a side. They both fell to the ground, she on top of him. Link looked over his mother's shoulder and saw that she had an arrow stuck on her back.

"Mama!" he yelled.

"Run, Link," Elana said weakly and with a fine thread of blood in the corner of her lips, as she tried to get up. "Run, don't let him capture you."



Link nodded and ran.

He ran and ran. He ran as fast as his legs allowed him to. He ran what seemed like an eternity through the woods, until he tripped and fell flat to the ground. Why was he running? Although he had seen how he killed his father, he wasn't afraid of him, he would face that man like his father had done. If he had to die, he would die with honor, like his father. But both his father and his mother wanted him to run, to live. Drying the tears that trickled down his cheeks, he got up and ran again.

He started to hear a loud noise, it seemed like the sound of the rapid waters of a river. He stepped out of the trees and suddenly stopped. Sure enough, there was a river before him, dozens of meters below his feet by the cliff.

"At last I find you, boy," he heard the man behind him.

He turned and saw him. It was like seeing a dark being, dressed in black, with hair as red as fire and his yellow eyes full of evil. It was the first time Link saw a man like him, with such a cruel and ruthless look.

"The game ends here, kid," Ganondorf said. "If you come with me without resistance, I promise not to hurt you."

Lie. Link was still a child, but he knew that man was lying. He had murdered his parents and now he wanted to kill him too. He glanced behind him, at the cliff. If he had to die, he wouldn't give that man that satisfaction.

Not wasting time, he stepped back and threw himself into the void. He knew he had little chance of survival but it was the only thing he could do to escape from that man.


A voice was calling him, an unknown voice.


He opened his eyes. He was still in the forest. He had been dragged downstream and was now at its shore.

"Come, Link…"

He heard that voice again. He stood up and followed it. He didn't know if it was a good idea, but before he realized, his body was already moving on its own. At least it wasn't that man's voice. He entered the trees and, after a while of walking, he arrived at a clearing. There was a fountain and a small spring and, over it, was a light being in shape of a monkey.

"My name is Faron," the light being said. "I am one of the spirits of light who dwell in Hyrule. By the order of the gods, I protect this forest."

He'd heard stories about the light spirits, it was said that one of them lived near Ordon, but he had never seen one.

"Was it you who called me?" Link asked.

"Indeed," the spirit replied. "I have been assigned with the mission of protecting you, I and the rest of the light spirits."


"I cannot yet tell you, you are too young to understand. But it is important that man does not capture you, Link."

"Why me?" Link asked. "Why does he want me? I'm just a kid."

"I cannot tell you details, but it has to do with the mark on your hand."

Link took off the glove that covered his left hand and observer the three triangle mark over its back. His parents never told him what that mark meant, they had only warned him to always keep it covered.

"I am to transform you, Link," the spirit continued. "I am going to make you adopt a different appearance, an appearance that will allow you to live in this forest and keep you hidden from that man."

Link's body began to change. He felt his entire body burn. His muscles and bone contracted and shifted. That was very painful. A painful cry escaped his lips and he fell to the ground. When the pain passed, he tried to stand up again, but he couldn't. He looked at himself and saw that his entire body was covered by dark grayish fur and a tail was moving side to side behind him. He saw his reflection in the water. His appearance had changed completely, except his eyes, now he was something similar to a dog.

"For here on you will live as a wolf," said Faron. "You will live like this in wait of the day in which it will not be necessary to keep you safe and you can reclaim what is yours."